

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





Try These ‘Love Hacks’ to Fix Your Marriage

The New York Times

After studying thousands of couples, the psychologist Eli Finkel has an explanation for the decline in people’s satisfaction with their marriages over the past four decades: It’s a matter of emotional supply and demand.

Many people are looking to their partners to replace the companionship and emotional support once provided by extended families and local institutions like churches, bowling leagues, bridge groups, fraternal lodges and garden clubs. Meanwhile, though, many couples are so busy with their jobs and parenting that they’re actually spending less time together by themselves.

What to do? Unless you’re willing to reduce your demands, the only solution is to increase the supply. You can devote a lot more effort to satisfying your partner, and Dr. Finkel tells you how to do that in his new book, “The All-or-Nothing Marriage.”

But if that sounds like too much work, he also offers a few shortcuts that he calls “love hacks.” If your schedule doesn’t allow a weekly date night, if you don’t want to take long walks on the beach or go on joint self-actualization vacations, you can use some quick fixes that have been tested successfully in Dr. Finkel’s relationships laboratory at Northwestern and elsewhere.

A love hack, as Dr. Finkel defines it, is a proven technique that takes little time or effort and doesn’t even require cooperation from your partner. “It’s a quick-and-dirty option that can take just a few minutes a month,” he says. “It’s not going to give you a great marriage, but it can certainly improve things. After all, simply allowing the relationship to slip off the priority list will probably yield stagnation, or worse.”

He offers a variety of love hacks because he doesn’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions for relationships. He suggests picking whichever hack appeals and starting right away.

Touch Your Partner

Holding hands can win you points even when you don’t mean it, as demonstrated in an experiment with couples who watched a video together. Some people were instructed not to touch their partners during the video, while others were told to touch in a “warm, comfortable and positive way.”

Afterward, the people who had been touched reported being more confident of being loved by their partner — and this effect occurred even when the people knew that their partners’ actions were being directed by the researchers. Their rational selves knew that the hand-holding wasn’t a spontaneous gesture of affection, but it made them feel better anyway.

Don’t Jump to Bad Conclusions

If your partner does something wrong, like not returning a phone call, don’t over-interpret it. Researchers have found that one of the biggest differences between happy and unhappy couples is their “attributional style” in explaining a partner’s offense.

The unhappy couples tend to automatically attribute something like an unreturned phone call to a permanent inner flaw in the partner (“He’s too selfish to care about me”) rather than a temporary external situation, like an unusually busy day at work. When something goes wrong, before drawing any conclusions about your partner, take a few seconds to consider an alternative explanation that puts the blame elsewhere.

Picture a Fight From the Outside

In an experiment with 120 married couples in Chicago, Dr. Finkel periodically asked questions about their marriages over the course of two years. During the first year, their satisfaction with their marriages declined, which unfortunately is typical.

At the start of the second year, some of the couples were instructed to try something new when they found themselves in an argument: “Think about this disagreement with your partner from the perspective of a neutral third party who wants the best for all involved; a person who see things from a neutral point of view. How might this person think about the disagreement? How might he or she find the good that could come from it?”

Again, that little exercise made a big difference. Over the next year, marital satisfaction remained stable in those couples, whereas it continued to decline in the control group that hadn’t been instructed to take the third-party perspective.

Make a Gratitude List

Once a week, write down a few things your partner has done to “invest in the relationship,” as the participants in one experiment were instructed to do. Other participants were instructed to list things they had done themselves to invest in the relationship. The ones who patted themselves on the back subsequently felt a little more committed to the relationship, but the ones who wrote about their partners’ contributions felt significantly more committed — and also, not surprisingly, a lot more grateful toward their partners.

Accept a Compliment

One of the most common factors in failed marriages is the “rejection sensitivity” of one partner. People with low self-esteem have a hard time believing their partner really loves them, so they often preemptively discount their partner’s affection in order to avoid being hurt by the expected rejection. Eventually, even when they start off with a loving partner, their worst fear comes true because their defensive behavior ends up driving the other person away.

In testing ways to counteract this anxiety, researchers asked insecure people to recall a specific compliment from their partner. Giving a detailed account of the situation and the compliment didn’t have any effect, apparently because these insecure people could dismiss it as a lucky aberration: “For once I did something right.”

But there was a notable effect when people were asked to think about the compliment abstractly: “Explain why your partner admired you. Describe what it meant to you and its significance for your relationship.” That quick exercise helped them see why their partner could really care for them.

Celebrate Small Victories

When your partner tells you about something that went right in his or her day, get excited about it. Ask questions so your partner can tell you more about the event and relive it. Put some enthusiasm into your voice and your reactions. Researchers call this a “capitalization attempt.”

When researchers studied couples who were trained to use these techniques in their evening discussions, it turned out that each partner took more pleasure from their own victories, and both partners ended up feeling closer to each other. By sharing the joy, everyone came out ahead — and in true love-hack fashion, it didn’t take much time at all.

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Try These ‘Love Hacks’ to Fix Your Marriage


The New York Times

After studying thousands of couples, the psychologist Eli Finkel has an explanation for the decline in people's satisfaction with their marriages over the past four decades: It's a matter of emotional supply and demand.

经过对数千对夫妇的研究,心理学家伊莱·芬克尔(Eli Finkel)解释了为什么过去四十年来人们对婚姻的满意度在下降:这是一个情感供应和需求问题


本文的高频词,hack作名词,此处有“好的方案;好的建议”的含义,英文解释为“a good solution or piece of advice”如:a kitchen hack 可以理解为厨房窍门,厨房妙招,举个🌰:

Here are 10 life hacks that will change your life for the better.


Many people are looking to their partners to replace the companionship and emotional support once provided by extended families and local institutions like churches, bowling leagues, bridge groups, fraternal lodges and garden clubs. Meanwhile, though, many couples are so busy with their jobs and parenting that they're actually spending less time together by themselves.

许多人对婚姻的期待是,曾经由大家族和教会、保龄球联赛bowling leagues、桥牌小组、兄弟会和园艺俱乐部等本地机构提供的联谊与情感支持,现在可以由他们的伴侣取代。然而,与此同时,许多夫妇要忙于工作和育儿,在一起的时间反而变少了。


熟词僻义,表示“桥牌”,英文解释为“a card game for two pairs of players who have to predict how many cards they will win. They score points if they succeed in winning that number of cards and lose points if they fail.”


1)表示“(指志趣相投者)兄弟般的,亲如手足的”,英文解释为“connected with the relationship that exists between people or groups that share the same ideas or interests”如:a fraternal organization/society 兄弟会组织;共济会。

2)表示“兄弟间的”,英文解释为“connected with the relationship that exists between brothers”。


作名词,表示“(共济会等会社的)地方分会,集会处”,英文解释为“the members of a branch of a society such as the Freemasons; the building where they meet”。

What to do? Unless you're willing to reduce your demands, the only solution is to increase the supply. You can devote a lot more effort to satisfying your partner, and Dr. Finkel tells you how to do that in his new book, “The All-or-Nothing Marriage.”

怎么办?唯一的对策是增加供应,除非你愿意削减需求。你可以加倍努力去满足你的伴侣,对此芬克尔在他的新书《非成即败的婚姻》(The All-or-Nothing Marriage)中介绍了具体做法。


表示“(只可能出现两种极端局面)全赢或全输的”,英文解释为“used to describe two extreme situations which are the only possible ones”如:an all-or-nothing decision 孤注一掷的决定。

But if that sounds like too much work, he also offers a few shortcuts that he calls “love hacks.” If your schedule doesn't allow a weekly date night, if you don't want to take long walks on the beach or go on joint self-actualization vacations, you can use some quick fixes that have been tested successfully in Dr. Finkel's relationships laboratory at Northwestern and elsewhere.



表示“(做事情的)快捷办法,捷径”,英文解释为“a quicker way of doing something”举个🌰:

There aren't really any short cuts to learning English.




表示“自我实现(利用自身技能取得尽可能大的成就)”,英文解释为“the fact of using your skills and abilities and achieving as much as you can possibly achieve”。

A love hack, as Dr. Finkel defines it, is a proven technique that takes little time or effort and doesn't even require cooperation from your partner. “It's a quick-and-dirty option that can take just a few minutes a month,” he says. “It's not going to give you a great marriage, but it can certainly improve things. After all, simply allowing the relationship to slip off the priority list will probably yield stagnation, or worse.”



表示“临时应急的;粗制滥造的;迅速而又随性的”,英文解释为“Done or constructed in a hasty, approximate, temporarily adequate manner, but not exact, fully formed, or reliable for a long period of time”。


表示“出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等);提供”,英文解释为“to produce or provide sth, for example a profit, result or crop”举个🌰:

Higher-rate deposit accounts yield good returns.


He offers a variety of love hacks because he doesn’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions for relationships. He suggests picking whichever hack appeals and starting right away.



表示“通用的;一体适用的;标准的不为个体量身定做的”,英文解释为“esigned to be suitable for a wide range of situations or needs”如:a one-size-fits-all approach to education 一刀切的教育方法。

📍今年政府工作报告就提到:要力戒形式主义、官僚主义,切忌在工作中搞“一刀切”, We must guard against pointless formalities and bureaucratism and one-size-fits-all approaches in our work,

Touch Your Partner


Holding hands can win you points even when you don't mean it, as demonstrated in an experiment with couples who watched a video together. Some people were instructed not to touch their partners during the video, while others were told to touch in a “warm, comfortable and positive way.”


Afterward, the people who had been touched reported being more confident of being loved by their partner — and this effect occurred even when the people knew that their partners' actions were being directed by the researchers. Their rational selves knew that the hand-holding wasn't a spontaneous gesture of affection, but it made them feel better anyway.



表示“自发的;非筹划安排的;非勉强的”,英文解释为“happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced”举个🌰:

His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.


Don't Jump to Bad Conclusions


If your partner does something wrong, like not returning a phone call, don't over-interpret it. Researchers have found that one of the biggest differences between happy and unhappy couples is their “attributional style” in explaining a partner's offense.


The unhappy couples tend to automatically attribute something like an unreturned phone call to a permanent inner flaw in the partner (“He's too selfish to care about me”) rather than a temporary external situation, like an unusually busy day at work. When something goes wrong, before drawing any conclusions about your partner, take a few seconds to consider an alternative explanation that puts the blame elsewhere.



表示“把…归因于;认为…是由于”,英文解释为“to say or believe that sth is the result of a particular thing”举个🌰:

She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.


Picture a Fight From the Outside


In an experiment with 120 married couples in Chicago, Dr. Finkel periodically asked questions about their marriages over the course of two years. During the first year, their satisfaction with their marriages declined, which unfortunately is typical.


At the start of the second year, some of the couples were instructed to try something new when they found themselves in an argument: “Think about this disagreement with your partner from the perspective of a neutral third party who wants the best for all involved; a person who see things from a neutral point of view. How might this person think about the disagreement? How might he or she find the good that could come from it?”



1)表示“中立的”,英文解释为“If a person or country adopts a neutral position or remains neutral, they do not support anyone in a disagreement, war, or contest.”举个🌰:

Let's meet on neutral territory.


2)表示“不动声色的”,英文解释为“If someone speaks in a neutral voice or if the expression on their face is neutral, they do not show what they are thinking or feeling.”举个🌰:

She put her magazine down and said in a neutral voice, "You're very late, darling."


Again, that little exercise made a big difference. Over the next year, marital satisfaction remained stable in those couples, whereas it continued to decline in the control group that hadn't been instructed to take the third-party perspective.


Make a Gratitude List


Once a week, write down a few things your partner has done to “invest in the relationship,” as the participants in one experiment were instructed to do. Other participants were instructed to list things they had done themselves to invest in the relationship. The ones who patted themselves on the back subsequently felt a little more committed to the relationship, but the ones who wrote about their partners' contributions felt significantly more committed — and also, not surprisingly, a lot more grateful toward their partners.


pat sb/yourself on the back

表示“表扬,称赞(某人╱自己)”,英文解释为“to praise sb or yourself for doing sth well”,也可以说give sb. a pat on the back. 举个🌰:

The players deserve a pat on the back.


Accept a Compliment


One of the most common factors in failed marriages is the “rejection sensitivity” of one partner. People with low self-esteem have a hard time believing their partner really loves them, so they often preemptively discount their partner's affection in order to avoid being hurt by the expected rejection. Eventually, even when they start off with a loving partner, their worst fear comes true because their defensive behavior ends up driving the other person away.



可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“赞美;称赞;钦佩”,英文解释为“to tell sb that you like or admire sth they have done, their appearance, etc.”举个🌰:

She complimented him on his excellent German.



形容词性preemptive /ˌpriːˈemptɪv/,表示“先发制人的”,英文解释为“A preemptive attack or strike is intended to weaken or damage an enemy or opponent, for example, by destroying their weapons before they can do any harm.”


表示“认为…不重要;对…不全信;低估”,英文解释为“to think or say that sth is not important or not true”举个🌰:

However, traders tended to discount the rumour.


In testing ways to counteract this anxiety, researchers asked insecure people to recall a specific compliment from their partner. Giving a detailed account of the situation and the compliment didn't have any effect, apparently because these insecure people could dismiss it as a lucky aberration: “For once I did something right.”



表示“抵消;对抗;减少”,英文解释为“to reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect”举个🌰:

Drinking a lot of water counteracts the dehydrating effects of hot weather.


📺美剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)中的台词提到:Although, we'll prescribe an anti-emetic and try to counteract that. 不过我们会开些止吐剂 帮助缓解症状。


1)替换了上文的discount,表示“对…不予理会,摒弃,(从头脑中)去除”,英文解释为“to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering举个🌰:

I think he'd dismissed me as an idiot within five minutes of meeting me.


2)表示“解雇;免职;开除”,英文解释为“to officially remove sb from their job举个🌰:

She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post.



aberration /ˌæbəˈreɪʃən/ 表示“脱离常规;反常现象;异常行为”,英文解释为“a fact, an action or a way of behaving that is not usual, and that may be unacceptable”。

But there was a notable effect when people were asked to think about the compliment abstractly: “Explain why your partner admired you. Describe what it meant to you and its significance for your relationship.” That quick exercise helped them see why their partner could really care for them.


Celebrate Small Victories


When your partner tells you about something that went right in his or her day, get excited about it. Ask questions so your partner can tell you more about the event and relive it. Put some enthusiasm into your voice and your reactions. Researchers call this a “capitalization attempt.”



表示“(尤指在想象中)再次体验,重温;回味”,英文解释为“to experience sth again, especially in your imagination”举个🌰:

He relives the horror of the crash every night in his dreams.


When researchers studied couples who were trained to use these techniques in their evening discussions, it turned out that each partner took more pleasure from their own victories, and both partners ended up feeling closer to each other. By sharing the joy, everyone came out ahead — and in true love-hack fashion, it didn't take much time at all.









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