

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,澳大利亚宣布,禁止本国公民从印度回国,否则面临罚款和监禁,此举引发澳大利亚国内争议。对此,澳大利亚总理斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)回应称,此举符合澳大利亚的“最佳利益”。


Australian government accused of racism over threats to imprison travelers from India for five years


The Australian government has been accused of racism after threatening five-year prison sentences for citizens who breach a temporary ban on travel between India and Australia.

From Monday, May 3, people who have been to India in the past 14 days will be banned from entering Australia due to the concerns over India's growing coronavirus epidemic, which saw almost 400,000 cases in a single day on Sunday.

In a statement Saturday, Health Minister Greg Hunt said anyone who ignored the new restrictions would face five years' imprisonment, a fine of $66,600 or both. The ban expires on May 15, but could be renewed.

"The Government does not make these decisions lightly," Hunt said in the statement. "However, it is critical the integrity of the Australian public health and quarantine systems is protected and the number of Covid-19 cases in quarantine facilities is reduced to a manageable level."

In the past seven days, there have been 139 cases of overseas acquired Covid-19 cases confirmed in Australia.

The new restrictions came after two Australian cricket players traveled to Melbourne via Doha to get around a ban on direct passenger flights between India and Australia put in place by the government last week.

Local media said it was the first time any Australians have been criminalized for trying to return to their home country. No similar measures were put in place at the height of the Covid-19 epidemics in the UK and the US.

The ban on arrivals from India has faced strong opposition from Australia's Indian community, human rights advocates and even members of the government itself.

Government senator Matt Canavan said in a tweet Monday that it was more important to fix Australia's quarantine system than to "leave our fellow Australians stranded."

"We should be helping Aussies in India return, not jailing them," he said. Around 9,000 Australians in India are registered with the government as wanting to return to Australia.

Conservative newspaper columnist Andrew Bolt said the ban "stinks of racism" in an article published Monday, adding the decision was "driven by fear, ignorance and incompetence."

"I can't believe we would impose such a travel ban on white Australians fleeing from, say, England," he said.

In a statement Saturday, the Australian Human Rights Commission said the travel ban and criminal sanctions raised "serious human rights concerns," and called for the Senate to review the new measures immediately.

"The need for such restrictions must be publicly justified. The Government must show that these measures are not discriminatory and the only suitable way of dealing with the threat to public health," the statement said.

Speaking on local radio on Monday, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the decision had been taken "in the best health interests of Australia."

He said the powers would be "used responsibly" to enforce the block on arrivals from India, to ease pressure on the hotel quarantine system.

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Australian government accused of racism over threats to imprison travelers from India for five years


The Australian government has been accused of racism after threatening five-year prison sentences for citizens who breach a temporary ban on travel between India and Australia.



表示“破坏,违犯;违反,不履行”,英文解释为“to break a law, promise, agreement, or relationship”举个🌰:

They breached the agreement they had made with their employer.


From Monday, May 3, people who have been to India in the past 14 days will be banned from entering Australia due to the concerns over India's growing coronavirus epidemic, which saw almost 400,000 cases in a single day on Sunday.


In a statement Saturday, Health Minister Greg Hunt said anyone who ignored the new restrictions would face five years' imprisonment, a fine of $66,600 or both. The ban expires on May 15, but could be renewed.

卫生部长格雷格·亨特(Greg Hunt)在周六的一份声明中说,任何无视新禁令的人都将面临5年监禁、66,600美元的罚款或两者兼而有之。该禁令将于5月15日到期,但可以延期。


imprisonment表示“囚禁;服刑;刑期”,英文解释为“the state of being in prison, or the time someone spends there”,举个🌰:

They were sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment.



表示“到期;失效”,英文解释为“When something such as a contract, deadline, or visa expires, it comes to an end or is no longer valid.”举个🌰:

He had lived illegally in the United States for five years after his visitor's visa expired.


📺动画片《超级大坏蛋》(Megamind)中的台词提到:Well, I think your warranty is about to expire. 估计你的微波炉保质期快到了。

"The Government does not make these decisions lightly," Hunt said in the statement. "However, it is critical the integrity of the Australian public health and quarantine systems is protected and the number of Covid-19 cases in quarantine facilities is reduced to a manageable level."



表示“不慎重地;草率地;轻率地”,英文解释为“without being seriously considered”举个🌰:

This is not a problem we should take lightly.


In the past seven days, there have been 139 cases of overseas acquired Covid-19 cases confirmed in Australia.


The new restrictions came after two Australian cricket players traveled to Melbourne via Doha to get around a ban on direct passenger flights between India and Australia put in place by the government last week.



表示“板球(运动)”,英文解释为“a sport in which two teams of eleven players try to score runs (= points) by hitting a small, hard ball with a bat, and running between two sets of small wooden posts”。

get around

表示“避开(规章或法律)”,英文解释为“If you get around a rule or law, you find a way of doing something that the rule or law is intended to prevent, without actually breaking it.”举个🌰:

Although tobacco ads are prohibited, companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows.


Local media said it was the first time any Australians have been criminalized for trying to return to their home country. No similar measures were put in place at the height of the Covid-19 epidemics in the UK and the US.



表示“定…为非法”,英文解释为“to make something illegal”举个🌰:

The law has criminalized prostitution but not got rid of it.



表示“顶点;高潮;巅峰;(…的)极致(或极端)”,英文解释为“When an activity, situation, or organization is at its height, it is at its most successful, powerful, or intense.”如:the height of fashion 最新潮,时尚的极致,举个🌰:

August is the height of the tourist season.


She was at the height of her career when he first met her.


The ban on arrivals from India has faced strong opposition from Australia's Indian community, human rights advocates and even members of the government itself.


Government senator Matt Canavan said in a tweet Monday that it was more important to fix Australia's quarantine system than to "leave our fellow Australians stranded."

政府参议员马特·卡纳文(Matt Canavan)周一在一条推特上说,完善澳大利亚的隔离制度比“让我们的澳大利亚同胞陷入困境”更重要。


表示“(因缺乏交通工具、金钱等)滞留的,被困住的”,英文解释为“unable to leave somewhere because of a problem such as not having any transport or money举个🌰:

He left me stranded in town with no car and no money for a bus.


"We should be helping Aussies in India return, not jailing them," he said. Around 9,000 Australians in India are registered with the government as wanting to return to Australia.


Conservative newspaper columnist Andrew Bolt said the ban "stinks of racism" in an article published Monday, adding the decision was "driven by fear, ignorance and incompetence."

保守派报纸专栏作家安德鲁·博尔特(Andrew Bolt)在周一发表的一篇文章中说,这项禁令“散发着种族主义的臭味”,并补充说这项决定是“由恐惧、无知和无能推动的”。


作动词,表示“散发异味,发出难闻的气味”,英文解释为“to smell very unpleasant”举个🌰:

The morning after the party, the whole house stank of beer and cigarettes.


"I can't believe we would impose such a travel ban on white Australians fleeing from, say, England," he said.


In a statement Saturday, the Australian Human Rights Commission said the travel ban and criminal sanctions raised "serious human rights concerns," and called for the Senate to review the new measures immediately.



1)常见含义表示“制裁”,英文解释为“an official order, such as the stopping of trade, that is taken against a country in order to make it obey international law”。

2)可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“批准;认可”,英文解释为“If someone in authority sanctions an action or practice, they officially approve of it and allow it to be done.”举个🌰:

He may now be ready to sanction the use of force.


"The need for such restrictions must be publicly justified. The Government must show that these measures are not discriminatory and the only suitable way of dealing with the threat to public health," the statement said.



表示“证明…有理”,英文解释为“To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary.”举个🌰:

No argument can justify a war.


Speaking on local radio on Monday, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the decision had been taken "in the best health interests of Australia."

澳大利亚总理斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)周一在当地电台发言时说,这一决定是“为了澳大利亚的最佳健康利益”而作出的。

He said the powers would be "used responsibly" to enforce the block on arrivals from India, to ease pressure on the hotel quarantine system.









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