

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





From hill to hill no bird in flight,

From path to path no man in sight.

A lonely fisherman afloat

Is fishing snow in lonely boat.



Will Machine Learning AI Make Human Translators An Endangered Species?


Translating between human languages is something which artificial intelligence – specifically machine learning – has proven to be very competent at.

So much so that the CEO of one of the world’s largest employers of human translators has warned that many of them should be facing up to the stark reality of losing their job to a machine.

One Hour Translation CEO Ofer Shoshan told me that within one to three years, neural machine technology (NMT) translators will carry out more than 50% of the work handled by the $40 billion market.

His words stand in stark contrast to the often-repeated maxim that, in the near future at least, artificial intelligence will primarily augment, rather than replace, human professionals.

Shoshan told me that the quality of machine translation has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years, to the point where half a million human translators and 21,000 agencies could soon find themselves out of work.

He says, "Two years ago, translation technology would produce something that at best would let you get a general understanding of what the text was about – but in most cases, a professional translator would tell you they would rather just translate from scratch because they couldn't understand a lot of the output.

“Today with neural machines, for a growing amount of material and categories, they only need to make a very small number of changes to what a machine outputs, in order to get a human-quality translation.”

Quantifying this, Shoshan tells me that today on average 10% of a machine-translated document needs to be fine-tuned by humans to meet the standards expected by his company's Fortune 500 clients. Just two years ago, that figure was around 80%.

This has been made possible by the switch to neural machine translation – sometimes known as deep learning – adopted by the most advanced machine translation tools. Previously these relied on a method known as statistical translation. Google, Bing, and Amazon now all use NMT in their translation engines.

Training a neural machine to translate between languages requires nothing more than feeding a large quantity of material, in whichever languages you want to translate between, into the neural net algorithms.

To adapt to this rapid transformation, One Hour Translation has developed tools and services designed to distinguish between the different translation services available, and pick the best one for any particular translation task.

This work – comparing the quality of the output of NMT generated translation, gives a clue as to how human translators could see their jobs transforming in coming years. Humans rate the output of each engine and compile the index. In the case of One Hour Translation's index, this is done once per quarter, to reflect the speed at which NMT is evolving, and new players are emerging onto the market.

The level of training and expertise required to rate machine translations, or to translate while “augmented” by a machine, is far lower than for traditional, “from scratch” translation.

“You need someone smart, with good language skills – but they don’t need to be a professional, traditionally-trained translator, because fixing one word here or there is much easier,” says Shoshan.

So, as was the case during the first industrial revolution, are we likely to see gangs of translators rioting in the streets and smashing up the intelligent machines which are threatening their livelihoods?

"I hope not," Shoshan says. "But actually, it is an issue, just like autonomous trucking will be an issue for the four million or so truck drivers employed in the US.

"And importantly, we're not talking about five to ten years; we're talking one to three years.

“It’s obvious that if machines can do what you can do, then you have a problem. A lot of translators and agencies will tell you that there are certain highly specialized translation services which will require a human touch for the foreseeable future – and that may be true.

“But for the bulk – I would estimate 80% - of the material that corporate customers pay to have translated on the market today, it will be machine translatable in the next one to three years.”

Some advice for translators wanting to keep their heads above water could include specializing in languages which are less widely spoken. NMT services rely on huge bodies of literature being available, to train the algorithms – and for languages with a smaller user base, that quantity of material may not be readily available, particularly in specialist, technical or scientific subjects.

Another, as is the case with One Hour Translation, could be to get used to working alongside machines. While they will do the bulk of the work, there will be a need for people able to assess different translation technology and apply the correct tools for specific jobs.

One thing seems certain, however - hiding your head in the sand and pretending that none of this is happening is a recipe for unemployment.

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Will Machine Learning AI Make Human Translators An Endangered Species?


Translating between human languages is something which artificial intelligence – specifically machine learning – has proven to be very competent at.


So much so that the CEO of one of the world's largest employers of human translators has warned that many of them should be facing up to the stark reality of losing their job to a machine.


face up to

表示“接受,正视(困境)”,英文解释为“to accept that a difficult situation exists”举个🌰:

She's going to have to face up to the fact that he's not going to marry her.


One Hour Translation CEO Ofer Shoshan told me that within one to three years, neural machine technology (NMT) translators will carry out more than 50% of the work handled by the $40 billion market.

一小时翻译公司(One Hour Translation)首席执行官奥弗·肖山(Ofer Shoshan)告诉我,在一到三年内,神经机器技术(NMT)翻译将承担400亿美元的市场中50%以上的工作。

*注:本文发布于Aug 24, 2018. 结合语境,看看2年后的今天是这样的吗?


表示“神经的;神经系统的”,英文解释为“involving a nerve or the system of nerves that includes the brain ”举个🌰:

Some people suffered severe neural damage as a result of the disease.


His words stand in stark contrast to the often-repeated maxim that, in the near future at least, artificial intelligence will primarily augment, rather than replace, human professionals.



1)表示“(对比)明显的,鲜明的”,英文解释为“If two things are in stark contrast to one another, they are very different from each other in a way that is very obvious.”如:stark differences 鲜明的区别,举个🌰:

The good weather was in stark contrast to the storms of previous weeks.


2)表示“严酷的;赤裸裸的;真实而无法回避的”,英文解释为“unpleasant; real, and impossible to avoid”。


maxim /ˈmæksɪm/ 表示“格言;箴言;座右铭”,英文解释为“A maxim is a rule for good or sensible behaviour, especially one in the form of a saying.”举个🌰:

I believe in the maxim "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."



表示“提高;增大;加强”,英文解释为“to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it”举个🌰:

He would have to find work to augment his income.


Shoshan told me that the quality of machine translation has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years, to the point where half a million human translators and 21,000 agencies could soon find themselves out of work.


by/in leaps and bounds

表示“非常迅速地”,英文解释为“If someone or something gets better by/in leaps and bounds, he, she, or it improves very quickly.”举个🌰:

Her Spanish has come on (= improved) in leaps and bounds this year.


He says, "Two years ago, translation technology would produce something that at best would let you get a general understanding of what the text was about – but in most cases, a professional translator would tell you they would rather just translate from scratch because they couldn't understand a lot of the output.


from scratch

表示“从零开始”,英文解释为“If you do something from scratch, you do it without making use of anything that has been done before.”举个🌰:

Building a home from scratch can be both exciting and challenging. 


“Today with neural machines, for a growing amount of material and categories, they only need to make a very small number of changes to what a machine outputs, in order to get a human-quality translation.”


Quantifying this, Shoshan tells me that today on average 10% of a machine-translated document needs to be fine-tuned by humans to meet the standards expected by his company's Fortune 500 clients. Just two years ago, that figure was around 80%.



表示“确定…的大小(或数量)”,英文解释为“to measure or judge the size or amount of something”举个🌰:

It's difficult to quantify how many people will be affected by the change. 很难确定将有多少人受到该变化的影响。


表示“对…进行微调”,英文解释为“to make very small changes to something in order to make it work as well as possible”举个🌰:

She spent hours fine-tuning her speech.


This has been made possible by the switch to neural machine translation – sometimes known as deep learning – adopted by the most advanced machine translation tools. Previously these relied on a method known as statistical translation. Google, Bing, and Amazon now all use NMT in their translation engines.


Training a neural machine to translate between languages requires nothing more than feeding a large quantity of material, in whichever languages you want to translate between, into the neural net algorithms.



表示“供给;供应;(尤指规律地或连续地)把…放进(机器或系统)”,英文解释为“to supply something to a person or thing, or put something into a machine or system, especially in a regular or continuous way”举个🌰:

The images are fed over satellite networks to broadcasters throughout the world.


To adapt to this rapid transformation, One Hour Translation has developed tools and services designed to distinguish between the different translation services available, and pick the best one for any particular translation task.


This work – comparing the quality of the output of NMT generated translation, gives a clue as to how human translators could see their jobs transforming in coming years. Humans rate the output of each engine and compile the index. In the case of One Hour Translation's index, this is done once per quarter, to reflect the speed at which NMT is evolving, and new players are emerging onto the market.



表示“汇编;编纂;编辑;编制”,英文解释为“to collect information from different places and arrange it in a book, report, or list”举个🌰:

We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject.


The level of training and expertise required to rate machine translations, or to translate while “augmented” by a machine, is far lower than for traditional, “from scratch” translation.


“You need someone smart, with good language skills – but they don't need to be a professional, traditionally-trained translator, because fixing one word here or there is much easier,” says Shoshan.


So, as was the case during the first industrial revolution, are we likely to see gangs of translators rioting in the streets and smashing up the intelligent machines which are threatening their livelihoods?



可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“暴乱;骚乱;聚众闹事”,英文解释为“a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled public meeting

📍rioter 暴徒;暴民;骚乱者(one of a group of people who meet in a public place and behave in a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled way, often as a protest)


1)表示“打碎;破碎”,英文解释为“If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example, when it is hit or dropped.”举个🌰:

Someone smashed a bottle.


2)表示“猛撞,猛冲,猛击(通常造成破坏或伤害)”,英文解释为“to cause something to move with great force against something hard, usually causing damage or injury”举个🌰:

He tried to smash the door down to get to me.


"I hope not," Shoshan says. "But actually, it is an issue, just like autonomous trucking will be an issue for the four million or so truck drivers employed in the US.


"And importantly, we're not talking about five to ten years; we're talking one to three years.


“It's obvious that if machines can do what you can do, then you have a problem. A lot of translators and agencies will tell you that there are certain highly specialized translation services which will require a human touch for the foreseeable future – and that may be true.

“很明显,如果机器能做你能做的事,那么你就有问题了。很多翻译和机构会告诉你,在可预见的未来,有一些高度专业化的翻译服务将需要人类润色- 这可能是真的。”


熟词僻义,作名词,有“装点,润色”的意思,英文解释为“a small addition or detail that makes something better”举个🌰:

The speech had several comic touches.


The flowers on the table provided the finishing touch.


“But for the bulk – I would estimate 80% - of the material that corporate customers pay to have translated on the market today, it will be machine translatable in the next one to three years.”


Some advice for translators wanting to keep their heads above water could include specializing in languages which are less widely spoken. NMT services rely on huge bodies of literature being available, to train the algorithms – and for languages with a smaller user base, that quantity of material may not be readily available, particularly in specialist, technical or scientific subjects.


keep one's head above water

表示“(尤指财务上)勉强应付过去,惨淡经营”,英文解释为“to just be able to manage, especially when you have financial difficulties”举个🌰:

The business is in trouble, but we are just about keeping our heads above water.


Another, as is the case with One Hour Translation, could be to get used to working alongside machines. While they will do the bulk of the work, there will be a need for people able to assess different translation technology and apply the correct tools for specific jobs.


the bulk of

表示“(某物的)主要部分,大半”,英文解释为“the main or largest part of something”举个🌰

The bulk of consumers are based in towns.


One thing seems certain, however - hiding your head in the sand and pretending that none of this is happening is a recipe for unemployment.


hide (one's) head in the sand

类似的还有bury/have one's head in the sand,表示“逃避现实,不愿意面对现实”,英文解释为“To avoid, or try to avoid, a particular situation by pretending that it does not exist. The phrase refers to the common but mistaken belief that ostriches bury their heads in the sand when frightened, so as to avoid being seen.”举个🌰:

You've got to face facts here - you can't just bury your head in the sand.



除了表示“食谱”,还可以指“方法;秘诀;诀窍”,英文解释为“a method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular result”举个🌰:

What's her recipe for success?


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