

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,“七一勋章”(July 1 medal)颁授仪式在人民大会堂隆重举行。今年是首次颁授,共产生了29位“七一勋章”获得者。




Xi stresses loyalty as Chinese Communist Party prepares for 100th anniversary


Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday urged Chinese Communist Party members to remain loyal and continue to serve the people as he awarded a new medal of honour to 29 members as part of the ruling party’s 100th anniversary celebrations this week.

The medal award ceremony took place in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People with much fanfare and was broadcast live on national television, as the party prepares to mark its 100th birthday on Thursday.

The “July 1 medal”, was announced in 2017 and given out for the first time on Tuesday.

He urged all members to “firmly keep the loyalty and love for the party and the people close to one’s heart, turn that into action, dedicate everything, even your precious life, to the party and the people”.

Honoured for “outstanding contributions” to the party, the medal recipients included soldiers, community workers and professionals in the arts and science.

The Chinese Communist Party had 91.9 million members in 2019, or 6.6% of China’s population.

As part of the anniversary-week celebrations, the party also staged a gala performance on Monday night in the National Stadium, or “Bird’s Nest” as it is commonly called.

Party leaders and foreign diplomats watched the extravaganza of song, dance and theatre which credited the party with guiding China’s rise into a great power over the past century.

The show culminated with the audience singing the song “Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China,” and five minutes of fireworks.

Many Chinese cheered the celebration by posting online well-wishes for the country and party on social media.

China's leader Xi hands out medals amid party celebrations

Associated Press

Amid celebrations over the centenary of the ruling Communist Party, Chinese President Xi Jinping has awarded loyal party members with medals and called for adherence to Marxism.

Xi’s speech at a ceremony Tuesday follows a lavish celebration at Beijing’s Olympic stadium on Monday night emphasizing China’s rise to economic and political prominence following reforms enacted more than 40 years ago.

“All party comrades should take their faith in Marxism and the socialism with Chinese characteristics as their life’s purposes,” Xi said in his address to medal winners. Celebrations conclude with a commemoration Thursday at Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.

China’s Communist Party now boasts almost 92 million members, just over 6% of the country’s population of 1.4 billion. The vast majority of government officials and leaders of state industry are party members, providing what the leadership hails as a source of social cohesion in contrast to partisan divides in the U.S. and elsewhere.

“On the new march to a fully established modern socialist nation, keep moving toward the goals of the second century,” Xi said.

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Xi stresses loyalty as Chinese Communist Party prepares for 100th anniversary


Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday urged Chinese Communist Party members to remain loyal and continue to serve the people as he awarded a new medal of honour to 29 members as part of the ruling party's 100th anniversary celebrations this week.


The medal award ceremony took place in Beijing's Great Hall of the People with much fanfare and was broadcast live on national television, as the party prepares to mark its 100th birthday on Thursday.

勋章颁授仪式在北京人民大会堂(Great Hall of the People)隆重举行,并在国家电视台现场直播,正值中国共产党将在周四庆祝成立100周年。


1)表示“号角花彩,号角齐鸣(欢迎仪式等上奏的响亮短曲)”,英文解释为“a short loud piece of music that is played to celebrate sb/sth important arriving”

2)表示“大张旗鼓的宣传”,英文解释为“If something happens with a fanfare, it happens or is announced with a lot of publicity. If something happens without a fanfare, it happens without a lot of fuss or publicity.”举个🌰:

The product was launched amid much fanfare worldwide.



broadcast表示“播送(电视或无线电节目);广播”,英文解释为“to send out a programme on television or radio”,举个🌰:

The tennis championship is broadcast live to several different countries.


📍注:broadcast的过去式:broadcasted (美式) / broadcast 都可以。


此处 live 读作/laɪv/,可以作形容词,也可以作副词,表示“直播的;现场播出的”,英文解释为“broadcast as it happens; performing or being performed in front of an audience”举个🌰:

I've got two tickets to see them (perform) live.



表示“纪念;庆贺”,英文解释为“to celebrate or officially remember an event that you consider to be important”,如:a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the war 纪念战争结束50周年的庆典。

The “July 1 medal”, was announced in 2017 and given out for the first time on Tuesday.


From: CGTN

He urged all members to “firmly keep the loyalty and love for the party and the people close to one's heart, turn that into action, dedicate everything, even your precious life, to the party and the people”.



表示“奉献,献出(全部精力、时间等)”,英文解释为“to give all of your energy, time, etc.”举个🌰:

He has dedicated his life to scientific research.


Honoured for “outstanding contributions” to the party, the medal recipients included soldiers, community workers and professionals in the arts and science.



表示“接受者;领受者;承受者”,英文解释为“a person who receives something”举个🌰:

He was a recipient of the Civilian Service Award.


The Chinese Communist Party had 91.9 million members in 2019, or 6.6% of China's population.


As part of the anniversary-week celebrations, the party also staged a gala performance on Monday night in the National Stadium, or “Bird's Nest” as it is commonly called.



1)表示“上演;举办;举行”,英文解释为“to organize and present a play or an event for people to see”,如:to stage a ceremony/an event/an exhibition 举行仪式/活动/展览,举个🌰:

The local theatre group is staging a production of ‘Hamlet’.


2)表示“组织;筹划”,英文解释为“to organize and take part in action that needs careful planning, especially as a public protest”,如:to stage a ceremony/an event/an exhibition 举行仪式/活动/展览。

3)表示“使发生;使出现”,英文解释为“to make sth happen”举个🌰:

After five years in retirement, he  staged a comeback to international tennis. 退役五年之后,他又复出国际网坛。


gala表示“节日盛会;演出”,英文解释为“A gala is a special public celebration, entertainment, performance, or festival.”如:a gala evening at the Metropolitan Opera House 大都会歌剧院的庆祝晚会,Spring Festival Gala即“春节联欢晚会”。

Party leaders and foreign diplomats watched the extravaganza of song, dance and theatre which credited the party with guiding China's rise into a great power over the past century.



extravaganza /ɪkˌstrævəˈɡænzə/ 表示“盛大展示; 盛大表演”,英文解释为“An extravaganza is a very elaborate and expensive show or performance.”如:a magnificent fireworks extravaganza 一场壮观的焰火表演,a musical/dance extravaganza 场面宏大华丽的歌曲汇演/舞蹈盛宴。


credit A with B 或者 credit B to A,表示“认为是…的功劳;把…归于”,英文解释为“to believe or say that sb is responsible for doing sth, especially sth good”举个🌰:

The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot.


The show culminated with the audience singing the song “Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China,” and five minutes of fireworks.



表示“以…告终;达到…的顶点”,英文解释为“If an event or series of events culminates in something, it ends with it, having developed until it reaches this point.举个🌰:

My arguments with the boss got worse and worse, and finally culminated in my resignation.


Many Chinese cheered the celebration by posting online well-wishes for the country and party on social media.


China's leader Xi hands out medals amid party celebrations

Associated Press

Amid celebrations over the centenary of the ruling Communist Party, Chinese President Xi Jinping has awarded loyal party members with medals and called for adherence to Marxism.



centenary /sɛnˈtiːnərɪ/ 表示“一百周年(纪念)”,英文解释为“the day or year exactly 100 years after a particular event”如:a concert to mark the centenary of the composer's birth 纪念这位作曲家百年华诞的音乐会。


adherence /ədˈhɪərəns/ 表示“坚持;遵守;遵循”,英文解释为“the fact of behaving according to a particular rule, etc., or of following a particular set of beliefs, or a fixed way of doing sth”。

Xi's speech at a ceremony Tuesday follows a lavish celebration at Beijing's Olympic stadium on Monday night emphasizing China's rise to economic and political prominence following reforms enacted more than 40 years ago.



表示“大量的;使人印象深刻的;昂贵的;慷慨的,大方的”,英文解释为“large, impressive, or expensive”,如:a royal palace on a lavish scale 庞大的皇宫,a lavish lifestyle 奢侈的生活方式,举个🌰:

The food was lavish.



表示“重要;突出;卓越;出名”,英文解释为“the state of being important, well known or noticeable”如:a young actor who has recently risen to prominence 最近崭露头角的一名年轻演员。


1)表示“通过,实施,制定(法律)”,英文解释为“When a government or authority enacts a proposal, they make it into a law.”举个🌰:

The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.


2)表示“表演”,英文解释为“If people enact a story or play, they perform it by acting.”举个🌰:

She often enacted the stories told to her by her father.


3)表示“发生(尤指过去已发生的事件或情况)”,英文解释为“If a particular event or situation is enacted, it happens; used especially to talk about something that has happened before.”举个🌰:

It was a scene enacted month after month for eight years.


“All party comrades should take their faith in Marxism and the socialism with Chinese characteristics as their life's purposes,” Xi said in his address to medal winners. Celebrations conclude with a commemoration Thursday at Beijing's Tiananmen Square.


China's Communist Party now boasts almost 92 million members, just over 6% of the country's population of 1.4 billion. The vast majority of government officials and leaders of state industry are party members, providing what the leadership hails as a source of social cohesion in contrast to partisan divides in the U.S. and elsewhere.



表示“拥有(值得自豪的东西)”,英文解释为“to have or own something to be proud of举个🌰:

Hangzhou boasts beautiful lakes, great restaurants, and friendly locals.



表示“把…称赞为,把…誉为”,英文解释为“to describe sb/sth as being very good or special, especially in newspapers, etc.”举个🌰:

The conference was hailed as a great success.



cohesion /koʊˈhiːʒn/表示“凝聚(力);团结”,英文解释为“the situation when the members of a group or society are united”如:social/national cohesion 社会/国家凝聚力。

“On the new march to a fully established modern socialist nation, keep moving toward the goals of the second century,” Xi said."









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