

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Influencers in Norway will soon have to disclose when paid posts include edited or manipulated body photos


A new law in Norway makes it illegal for advertisers and social media influencers to share promotional photos online without disclosing whether the images were retouched, The Hill reported Thursday.

The new law passed in Norway's parliamentary body, Stortinget, with a vote of 72-15 on June 2. It's set to go into effect when the King of Norway decides it should, according to the legislative decree. The law is an amendment to the 2009 Marketing and Control Act.

The law concerns advertisers and people who receive "payment or other benefit" in exchange for their posts, according to W Magazine. It will impact "brands, companies, and influencers' sponsored and gifted posts".

The amendment requires disclosures for edits made after the image was taken and before, such as Snapchat and Instagram filters that modify one's appearance. According to Vice, examples of edits that people who are being paid for pictures are required to label include "enlarged lips, narrowed waists, and exaggerated muscles," among other things.

In the initial proposal sent to the Norwegian parliamentary body, the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs (Ministry) cited several studies to support their case, pointing out that "anorexia is the third most common cause of death among young girls," according to the National Institute of Public Health.

Body pressure, or "kroppspress" in Norway, is a major topic of conversation in the country, the Ministry said in its report. 

"Young people are exposed to a massive pressure to look good out [sic] through, among other things, advertising and social media, and the models displayed are often digitally retouched," the Ministry said in the proposal. "This exposes young people to an ideal of beauty that is impossible to achieve."

By prohibiting advertisers and influencers from posting doctored photos without proper documentation with a government-authorized label, the Ministry said it hopes to lessen the negative impacts of body pressure on young people.

"It is especially important to counteract the desire to do more intrusive and (long) lasting changes in [one's] own look," the Ministry said.

Some of Norway's top influencers, such as author Martine Halvorsen, presenter Janka Polliani, and YouTuber Agnete "Agnetesh" Husebye, have already taken positively to the news, according to interviews they gave to the Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang this spring.

"Young people today are growing up to a completely improbable beauty ideal," Husebye, who was awarded "Influencer of the Year" at the 2019 VIXEN awards gala, told Verdens Gang. "I feel that this [new law] can only help them to understand that this is not how you look, it has been edited."

Other countries have previously imposed similar measures. In September, a legislator from the United Kingdom proposed a bill called the Digitally Altered Body Images Bill, which would require disclosures on social media posts denoting the use of a filter or alteration. In February, the United Kingdom's Advertising Standards Authority banned social media influencers from using unrealistic beauty filters in advertisements, according to Glamour.

France announced a new law in 2017 that made it so any "commercial image that has been digitally altered to make a model look thinner will have a cigarette-packet style warning on it," according to The BBC.

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Influencers in Norway will soon have to disclose when paid posts include edited or manipulated body photos


A new law in Norway makes it illegal for advertisers and social media influencers to share promotional photos online without disclosing whether the images were retouched, The Hill reported Thursday.

据《国会山报》(The Hill)周四报道,挪威的一项新法律规定,广告商和社交媒体上的网红在不披露照片是否经过修整的情况下在网上分享宣传照片是非法的。


字面上的意思就是影响者,有影响力的人,柯林斯词典中的解释分为两种,一个就是字面上的意思:any person or thing that exerts an influence;另一种解释为:a person who uses social media to promote lifestyle choices, commercial products, etc to his or her followers. 利用社交媒体向自己的粉丝推广或推荐产品和服务的人,就是类似于现在网络中的“(带货)网红”,或者说关键意见领袖,Key Opinion Leader,KOL.


表示“公开,公布;透露,揭露”,英文解释为“to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden”举个🌰:

The company has disclosed profits of over £200 million.



表示“润色;修整(图画或照片)”,英文解释为“If someone retouches something such as a picture or a photograph, they improve it, for example by painting over parts of it.”,举个🌰:

He said the photographs had been retouched.


📍《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)的相关报道中,标题就用了这个词:retouched.

The new law passed in Norway's parliamentary body, Stortinget, with a vote of 72-15 on June 2. It's set to go into effect when the King of Norway decides it should, according to the legislative decree. The law is an amendment to the 2009 Marketing and Control Act.



表示“议会的”,英文解释为“of or relating to a parliament”如:a parliamentary candidate 议会候选人。


表示“法令;政令;裁定;判决”,英文解释为“A decree is an official order or decision, especially one made by the ruler of a country.”


表示“修正案”,英文解释为“An amendment is a section that is added to a law or rule in order to change it.”

The law concerns advertisers and people who receive "payment or other benefit" in exchange for their posts, according to W Magazine. It will impact "brands, companies, and influencers' sponsored and gifted posts".

据《W Magazine》报道,该法律涉及广告商和因发表文章而获得“报酬或其他利益”的人。它将影响“品牌、公司和网红的恰饭帖子”。

The amendment requires disclosures for edits made after the image was taken and before, such as Snapchat and Instagram filters that modify one's appearance. According to Vice, examples of edits that people who are being paid for pictures are required to label include "enlarged lips, narrowed waists, and exaggerated muscles," among other things.



1)表示“筛选(过滤)程序”,英文解释为“a program that stops certain types of electronic information, email, etc. being sent to a computer.”

2)表示“滤器;过滤器”,英文解释为“a device containing paper, sand, chemicals, etc. that a liquid or gas is passed through in order to remove any materials that are not wanted”

3)此前在尴尬!视频会议忘关摄像头......文中介绍有公司主管在线会议时,误开滤镜特效,会议全程整个人变成土豆头🥔,就提到:she could not figure out how to remove the filter. 主管一直搞不清要怎么关掉滤镜。此处的filter指的就是滤镜。


表示“夸张;夸大;对…言过其实”,英文解释为“to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is”举个🌰:

Don't exaggerate - it wasn't that expensive.


In the initial proposal sent to the Norwegian parliamentary body, the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs (Ministry) cited several studies to support their case, pointing out that "anorexia is the third most common cause of death among young girls," according to the National Institute of Public Health.

在送交挪威议会的初步提案中,儿童和家庭事务部(Ministry of Children and Family Affairs)引用了几项研究来支持他们的观点,指出根据国家公共卫生研究所的数据,“厌食症是年轻女孩的第三大死因。”


anorexia /ˌænɒˈrɛksɪə/ 表示“(由于害怕变胖而引起的)厌食(症);食欲缺乏”,英文解释为“a serious mental illness in which a person does not eat, or eats too little, often resulting in dangerous weight loss”。

Body pressure, or "kroppspress" in Norway, is a major topic of conversation in the country, the Ministry said in its report.


"Young people are exposed to a massive pressure to look good out [sic] through, among other things, advertising and social media, and the models displayed are often digitally retouched," the Ministry said in the proposal. "This exposes young people to an ideal of beauty that is impossible to achieve."



置于括号内,表示前面引用的文字原文有错误,相当于在括号内加上“原文如此”的说明,英文解释为“a word written in brackets after a word that you have copied to show that you know it has been spelled or used wrongly”举个🌰:

The notice outside the office said "Closed on Wedensday" (sic).

电影院外的布告上写着 Closed on Wedensday(原文如此)。

By prohibiting advertisers and influencers from posting doctored photos without proper documentation with a government-authorized label, the Ministry said it hopes to lessen the negative impacts of body pressure on young people.



熟词僻义,doctor作动词,可以表示“篡改,涂改”,英文解释为“to change a document in order to deceive people”举个🌰:

He was found to have provided the court with doctored evidence.


📍提到doctor想到有意思的绕口令:When a doctor doctors another doctor, does he doctor the doctored doctor the way the doctored doctor wants to be doctored?

"It is especially important to counteract the desire to do more intrusive and (long) lasting changes in [one's] own look," the Ministry said.



表示“抵消;对抗;减少”,英文解释为“to reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect”举个🌰:

Drinking a lot of water counteracts the dehydrating effects of hot weather.


📺美剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)中的台词提到:Although, we'll prescribe an anti-emetic and try to counteract that. 不过我们会开些止吐剂 帮助缓解症状。


表示“侵入的;闯入的;侵扰的;烦扰的”,英文解释为“too noticeable, direct, etc. in a way that is disturbing or annoying”举个🌰:

The constant presence of the media was very intrusive.


Some of Norway's top influencers, such as author Martine Halvorsen, presenter Janka Polliani, and YouTuber Agnete "Agnetesh" Husebye, have already taken positively to the news, according to interviews they gave to the Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang this spring.

据今年春天挪威报纸Verdens Gang的采访,挪威的一些顶级网红,如作家玛蒂娜·哈尔沃森(Martine Halvorsen)、主持人扬卡·波利亚尼(Janka Polliani)和YouTube博主Agnete Husebye,已经对这一消息持积极态度。

"Young people today are growing up to a completely improbable beauty ideal," Husebye, who was awarded "Influencer of the Year" at the 2019 VIXEN awards gala, told Verdens Gang. "I feel that this [new law] can only help them to understand that this is not how you look, it has been edited."

在2019年VIXEN颁奖晚会上被授予“年度影响力人物”称号的Husebye告诉Verdens Gang,“今天的年轻人在一个完全不可能实现的美丽理想中长大的。我觉得这项[新法律]只能帮助他们了解,这不是你的样子,而是被编辑过的。”


表示“不大可能发生的;未必确实的”,英文解释为“not likely to happen or be true ”举个🌰:

It's highly improbable that he will agree.



gala表示“节日盛会;演出”,英文解释为“A gala is a special public celebration, entertainment, performance, or festival.”如:a gala evening at the Metropolitan Opera House 大都会歌剧院的庆祝晚会,Spring Festival Gala即“春节联欢晚会”。

Other countries have previously imposed similar measures. In September, a legislator from the United Kingdom proposed a bill called the Digitally Altered Body Images Bill, which would require disclosures on social media posts denoting the use of a filter or alteration. In February, the United Kingdom's Advertising Standards Authority banned social media influencers from using unrealistic beauty filters in advertisements, according to Glamour.



表示“推行;强制实行”,英文解释为“to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received”举个🌰:

Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析拜登贸易政策的文章中提到:The other matter is what Mr Biden will do with the tariffs imposed by Mr Trump. 另一件事是拜登将如何处理特朗普实施的关税。


表示“表示,代表”,英文解释为“to represent something”举个🌰:

The colour red is used to denote passion or danger.


France announced a new law in 2017 that made it so any "commercial image that has been digitally altered to make a model look thinner will have a cigarette-packet style warning on it," according to The BBC.









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