
拜登又口误了 叫错韩国现任总统名字

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在访问韩国平泽三星园区发表讲话时,又口误了,把韩国现任总统尹锡悦(Yoon Seok-youl)错喊成前总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)。


Biden bungles South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s name


President Biden’s first trip to Asia got off to a rocky start Friday when he called South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol by his predecessor’s name at a Samsung microchip facility.

Biden quickly corrected himself after addressing Yoon as “Moon,” an apparent reference to former Korean President Moon Jae-in, whose five-year term ended earlier this month.

“Thank you all very much and President Moon — Yoon, thank you for everything you’ve done so far,” Biden said at the end of his remarks.

Yoon, standing next to Biden, did not visibly react to the gaffe, which seemed to be an ad-libbed conclusion to a speech that Biden read from a teleprompter. The American president had twice called Yoon by his correct name earlier in the speech.

In an ironic twist, the slip-up came almost exactly one year after Biden mistakenly referred to Moon as South Korea’s “prime minister” rather than “president” during a White House Medal of Honor ceremony honoring Korean War veteran Ralph Puckett Jr.

“The people of the Republic of Korea haven’t forgotten, as evidenced by the fact that the Prime Minister of Korea is here for this ceremony,” Biden said on May 21 of last year, referring to Moon.

The president turns 80 in November and Republicans routinely accuse him of being in mental decline, but he’s also had a decades-long propensity for gaffes and has attributed some of his speaking stumbles to a stutter that he overcame in childhood.

Biden struggled on multiple occasions with names this week.

On Monday, he referred to Buffalo mass shooting hero Aaron Salter Jr. — the grocery store guard and ex-cop who died trying to stop the massacre — by the surname “Slater.”

Biden struggled Tuesday to say “AANHPI” during remarks on Asian-American history month. The acronym recently replaced “AAPI” as the most politically correct way of referring to people of Asian and Pacific Islander descent by also incorporating the letters “NH” for Native Hawaiians.

The official White House transcript quoted Biden as saying, “AAN- — NH — PI — aye, aye, aye, aye, aye.”

On Thursday, Biden used two different pronunciations of Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson’s last name during Rose Garden remarks about Sweden and Finland’s applications to join NATO.

Last month, Biden said at an event with teachers in the White House East Room that he marks up drafts of his speeches to ensure he delivers them properly and compared his childhood stutter to British King George VI’s speaking impediment, detailed in the 2010 film “The King’s Speech.”

“The guy who wrote ‘The King’s Speech’ found the original speech and made a copy of it and sent it to me — no, I mean, from the movie. And he does his speeches exactly like I did,” Biden said, adding, “If you took a look at my speech, you’ll see that there’s all these slash marks in the speech.” 

President Donald Trump campaigned against Biden in 2020 by nicknaming him “Sleepy Joe”. That perception has carried into present-day domestic and even international politics. A Saudi TV station last month aired a comedy skit of a bumbling Biden mixing up names and falling asleep.

But Biden is hardly alone in flubbing names. Former President George W. Bush, 75, this week accidentally condemned the “wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq” — which he launched in 2003 — when he meant to say Ukraine. And Trump, also 75, this month mixed up the name of the Ohio Republican Senate candidate he endorsed, referring to his pick JD Vance as “JP, right? JD Mandel.”

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Biden bungles South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s name


President Biden's first trip to Asia got off to a rocky start Friday when he called South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol by his predecessor’s name at a Samsung microchip facility.

拜登总统的首次亚洲之行在周五有了一个坎坷的开端,他在一家三星芯片厂用前总统的名字称呼韩国现总统尹锡悦(Yoon Suk-yeol)。


原意表示“岩石的;多岩石的”(made of rock; full of rocks),也有“不稳定的;不牢靠的;动摇不定的;难以维持的”的意思,英文解释为“uncertain and difficult and not likely to last long”举个🌰:

Their relationship got off to a rocky start.


📍rocky road 表示“障碍重重的道路;重重困难”,英文解释为“If you are on a rocky road, you are experiencing a difficult period and have a lot of problems.”举个🌰:

Analysts predict a rocky road ahead for the economy.


📍常说get off to a good start,“有好的开端;开门红;顺利开始”,英文解释为“to begin an activity successfully”举个🌰:

I didn't get off to a very good start this morning - I'd been at work five minutes and my computer stopped working!



predecessor表示“前任,前辈;原有事物,前身”,英文解释为“someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before another thing in time or in a series”。

📍successor表示“继任者,接替者;继承人;接替的事物”,英文解释为“someone or something that comes after another person or thing”举个🌰:

This range of computers is very fast, but their successors will be even faster.



facility除了表示“设备,设施”,也可以指“(尤指包含多个建筑物,有特定用途的)场所”,英文解释为“a place, especially including buildings, where a particular activity happens”如:a new sports facility 新的运动场所。

Biden quickly corrected himself after addressing Yoon as “Moon,” an apparent reference to former Korean President Moon Jae-in, whose five-year term ended earlier this month.


“Thank you all very much and President MoonYoon, thank you for everything you’ve done so far,” Biden said at the end of his remarks.


Yoon, standing next to Biden, did not visibly react to the gaffe, which seemed to be an ad-libbed conclusion to a speech that Biden read from a teleprompter. The American president had twice called Yoon by his correct name earlier in the speech.



gaffe /ɡæf/ 表示“(在社交场合或大庭广众下的)出丑,失礼,失言;(粗心的)错误”,英文解释为“an embarrassing mistake made in a social situation or in public”举个🌰:

He made an embarrassing gaffe at the convention last weekend.


🎬电影《前女友们的幽灵》(Ghosts of Girlfriends Past)中的台词提到:I'd turn your gaffe into a funny. 我会把你的丑态当作笑料的。


📍faux pas /ˌfəʊ ˈpɑː/ 源于法语,复数也是faux pas,表示“失言;失礼”(words or behaviour that are a social mistake or not polite)举个🌰:

I made some remark about his wife's family, and then realized I'd made a serious faux pas.



ad lib /ˌædˈlɪb/ 表示“即兴演讲,即席讲话”,英文解释为“to speak in public without having planned what to say”举个🌰:

She ad-libbed her way through the entire speech.



表示“(在电视广播时向节目主持人提示文稿内容的)自动提示器,电子提词器”,英文解释为“an electronic device that makes it possible for people speaking on a television programme to read text while looking directly at the television camera”

📍Autocue是个品牌,也可以表示“(在电视广播时向节目主持人提示文稿内容的)自动提示器,电子提词器”,英文解释为“a brand name for an electronic device used by people speaking on a television programme that shows the words they have to say while they look directly at the television camera”。

In an ironic twist, the slip-up came almost exactly one year after Biden mistakenly referred to Moon as South Korea’s “prime minister” rather than “president” during a White House Medal of Honor ceremony honoring Korean War veteran Ralph Puckett Jr.

具有讽刺意味的是,差不多正是一年前拜登也出现了这样的口误,他在白宫纪念朝鲜战争老兵小拉夫·帕基特(Ralph Puckett Jr.)的荣誉勋章颁发仪式上将文在寅误称为韩国的“总理”而非“总统”。


表示“具有讽刺意味的;出乎意料的;令人啼笑皆非的”,英文解释为“interesting, strange, or funny because of being very different from what you would usually expect”举个🌰:

It is ironic that although many items are now cheaper to make, fewer people can afford to buy them.



表示“(故事或情况的)转折,转变,突然变化”,英文解释为“an unexpected change or development in a story or situation”,举个🌰:

The story has taken another twist.



slip-up名词,表示“失误,疏忽”,英文解释为“a mistake or something that goes wrong”;

slip up动词短啊与,表示“犯错误,疏忽”,英文解释为“to make a mistake”举个🌰:

These figures don't make sense - have we slipped up somewhere?



veteran /ˈvetərən/ 1)表示“老手,(在某方面)经验丰富的人”,英文解释为“someone who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity”,如:veteran leader/veteran journalist/actor/goalkeeper etc 资深领袖/资深记者/资深演员/经验丰富的守门员等。

2)表示“老兵,退伍军人”,英文解释为“someone who has been in the armed forces during a war”如:a Vietnam veteran 越战老兵。

The people of the Republic of Korea haven’t forgotten, as evidenced by the fact that the Prime Minister of Korea is here for this ceremony,Biden said on May 21 of last year, referring to Moon.


The president turns 80 in November and Republicans routinely accuse him of being in mental decline, but he’s also had a decades-long propensity for gaffes and has attributed some of his speaking stumbles to a stutter that he overcame in childhood.



表示“日常地,常规地”,英文解释为“used for describing what often or usually happens”举个🌰:

Health and safety rules are routinely flouted/ignored.



表示“(尤指不良的)倾向,嗜好,癖好”,英文解释为“the fact that someone is likely to behave in a particular way, especially a bad way”举个🌰:

She's inherited from her father a propensity to talk too much.



表示“口吃;结巴”,英文解释为“a speech problem in which a person finds it difficult to say the first sound of a word and repeats it several times”举个🌰:

He had a terrible stutter.


Biden struggled on multiple occasions with names this week.


On Monday, he referred to Buffalo mass shooting hero Aaron Salter Jr. — the grocery store guard and ex-cop who died trying to stop the massacre — by the surname “Slater.”

周一,他用“斯莱特”(Slater)这个姓氏来称呼水牛城(Buffalo)大规模枪击案的英雄小亚伦·萨尔特(Aaron Salter Jr.)--这位杂货店保安、前警察为阻止杀戮而牺牲。


Junior的缩写,用于男子名后以区别于家族中同名的长辈,英文解释为“Jr is a written abbreviation for Junior. It is used after a man's name to distinguish him from an older member of his family, usually his father, with the same name.”拜登中文全名叫:小约瑟夫·罗宾内特·拜登(Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.),其昵称为乔·拜登(Joe Biden)。


1)massacre /'mæsəkɚ/ 作动词也可以作名词,表示“屠杀;杀戮”,英文解释为“the killing of a large number of people especially in a cruel way”;

2)作名词,还可以表示“(在比赛或竞争中的)惨败”,英文解释为:a very bad defeat in a game or competition,举个🌰:

United lost in a 5-0 massacre.



📍表示“大屠杀”的名词 carnage“(尤指战争中的)大屠杀,残杀”,英文解释为“when a lot of people are killed and injured, especially in a war”,如:a scene of terrible carnage 可怕的大屠杀场面。

Biden struggled Tuesday to say “AANHPI” during remarks on Asian-American history month. The acronym recently replaced “AAPI” as the most politically correct way of referring to people of Asian and Pacific Islander descent by also incorporating the letters “NH” for Native Hawaiians.



Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander的缩写。


表示“首字母缩拼词,首字母组合词,首字母缩略词”,英文解释为“an abbreviation consisting of the first letters of each word in the name of something, pronounced as a word”举个🌰:

LR is an acronym for "LearnAndRecord".



表示“血缘关系,家族关系;祖先;出身,血统”,英文解释为“the state or fact of being related to a particular person or group of people who lived in the past”,如:of Asian descent 亚裔,举个🌰:

She's a woman of mixed/French descent.


📍descent作动词还有“下降,下落;下沉”的意思,英文解释为“a movement down”,举个🌰:

The plane began (to make) its final descent into the airport.


📍还可以表示“不期而至,突然到达”,英文解释为“an occasion when a group of people arrive somewhere, usually suddenly or unexpectedly”,举个🌰:

We weren't prepared for the descent of thousands of journalists on the town.



1)表示“包含”,英文解释为“If one thing incorporates another thing, it includes the other thing.”举个🌰:

The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements


2)表示“使并入”,英文解释为“If someone or something is incorporated into a large group, system, or area, they become a part of it.”

🎬电影《草叶》(Leaves of Grass)中的台词提到:We've been wanting to incorporate more philosophy into the curriculum. 我们一直很想在课程中增加更多的哲学课程。

The official White House transcript quoted Biden as saying, “AAN- — NH — PI — aye, aye, aye, aye, aye.”

白宫官方文稿中用“AAN- - NH - PI - aye, aye, aye, aye, aye。”来指代拜登说的话。


1)表示“文字记录;抄本,文字本”,英文解释为“an exact written copy of something”。

2)表示“(大学的)学生成绩单”,英文解释为“an official college document that shows a list of a student’s classes and the results they received”。


表示“引用,引述,援引”,英文解释为“to repeat the words that someone else has said or written”举个🌰:

He's always quoting from the Bible.


On Thursday, Biden used two different pronunciations of Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson’s last name during Rose Garden remarks about Sweden and Finland’s applications to join NATO.

周四,拜登在玫瑰园(Rose Garden)就瑞典和芬兰申请加入北约发表讲话时,对瑞典首相玛格达莱娜·安德松(Magdalena Andersson)的姓氏使用了两种不同的发音。

Last month, Biden said at an event with teachers in the White House East Room that he marks up drafts of his speeches to ensure he delivers them properly and compared his childhood stutter to British King George VI’s speaking impediment, detailed in the 2010 film “The King’s Speech.”

上个月,拜登在白宫东厅与教师举行的一次活动中说,他在演讲稿上做了标记,以确保他的演讲正确无误,并将他小时候的口吃与英国国王乔治六世的说话障碍相提并论,2010年的电影《国王的演讲》(The King’s Speech)中详细讲述了其故事。


表示“妨碍,阻碍;阻止”,英文解释为“something that makes progress, movement, or achieving something difficult or impossible”举个🌰:In a number of developing countries, war has been an additional impediment to progress. 在一些发展中国家,战争成了发展的另一阻碍。

📍speech impediment表示“言语障碍,说话障碍”,英文解释为“a difficulty in speaking clearly, such as a lisp or stammer”

“The guy who wrote ‘The King’s Speech’ found the original speech and made a copy of it and sent it to me — no, I mean, from the movie. And he does his speeches exactly like I did,” Biden said, adding, “If you took a look at my speech, you’ll see that there’s all these slash marks in the speech.” 



表示“斜线号,斜杠”,英文解释为“the symbol / used in writing to separate letters, numbers, or words”举个🌰:

You often write a slash between alternatives, for example, "and/or".


President Donald Trump campaigned against Biden in 2020 by nicknaming him “Sleepy Joe”. That perception has carried into present-day domestic and even international politics. A Saudi TV station last month aired a comedy skit of a bumbling Biden mixing up names and falling asleep.

唐纳德·特朗普总统(President Donald Trump)在2020年针对拜登的竞选活动中,给他起了个绰号叫“嗜睡乔”(Sleepy Joe)。这种看法已经延续到如今的国内甚至国际政治中。一家沙特电视台上个月播出了一个喜剧短剧,内容是一个笨拙的拜登把名字弄混并睡着了。


1)表示“认识,观念,看法”,英文解释为“a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem”举个🌰:

These photographs will affect people's perceptions of war.


2)表示“知觉;感知”,英文解释为“the way you notice things, especially with the senses”如:visual perception 视觉;

🎬电影《失落的大陆》(Land of the Lost)中的台词提到:he has terrible depth perception 他的深度感知力很差。


air表示“播放”,英文解释为“If a broadcasting company airs a television or radio programme, they show it on television or broadcast it on the radio.”举个🌰:

Tonight CGTN will air a documentary called "LearnAndRecord". 



📍broadcast表示“播送(电视或无线电节目);广播”,英文解释为“to send out a programme on television or radio”,举个🌰:

The tennis championship is broadcast live to several different countries.


📍注:broadcast的过去式:broadcasted (美式) / broadcast 都可以。


表示“滑稽短剧;幽默讽刺小品”,英文解释为“A skit is a short performance in which the actors make fun of people, events, and types of literature by imitating them.”,如:clever skits on popular songs 巧妙地讽刺流行歌曲的滑稽短剧。


表示“糊涂的;笨手笨脚的”,英文解释为“confused and showing no skill”举个🌰:

I've never seen such bumbling incompetence!


mix sb/sth up

表示“混淆;把…弄混”,英文解释为“to fail to recognize two people or things correctly by thinking that one person or thing is the other person or thing”举个🌰:

People often mix us up because we look so similar.


But Biden is hardly alone in flubbing names. Former President George W. Bush, 75, this week accidentally condemned the “wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq” — which he launched in 2003 — when he meant to say Ukraine. And Trump, also 75, this month mixed up the name of the Ohio Republican Senate candidate he endorsed, referring to his pick JD Vance as “JP, right? JD Mandel.”

但拜登并不是唯一一个弄错名字的人。75岁的前总统乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)本周意外地谴责了他在2003年发动的“完全没有道理的对伊拉克的野蛮入侵”,而他想说的其实是乌克兰。同样是75岁的特朗普本月混淆了他所支持的俄亥俄州共和党参议员候选人的名字,把JD Vance称为“JP,对吗?JD Mandel”。


flub /flʌb/ 表示“犯(错误);搞坏,搞糟”,英文解释为“to make a mistake or do something badly”举个🌰:

Several of the actors flubbed their lines.



📍mess up表示“把…搞糟; 把…弄乱”(If you mess something up or if you mess up, you cause something to fail or be spoiled)举个🌰:

He had messed up one career.



表示“(通常指出于道义而)谴责,指责”,英文解释为“to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons”举个🌰:

The terrorist action has been condemned as an act of barbarism and cowardice.


🎬电影《英伦对决》(The Foreigner)中的台词提到:And I condemn these acts of violence, but I can't help you. 对这些暴力行为我表示谴责,但我帮不了你。


表示“错误的;不值得的;不必要的;不正当的;未被证明其正确的”,英文解释为“wrong and/or not deserved”举个🌰:

The defendant had supreme and, as it turned out, unjustified confidence in his own judgment.


📍2021年政府工作报告中提到:1)要严控非税收入不合理增长Unjustified growth in non-tax government revenue will be strictly checked;

2)进一步清理用电不合理加价,Further steps will be taken to cut unjustified surcharges on electricity use;


endorse 动词,1)表示“(公开)赞同,支持,认可”,英文解释为“to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action”举个🌰:

I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks.


2)表示“(在广告中)宣传,代言(某一产品)”,英文解释为“to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it”;

3)表示“(在支票背面)签名,背书”,英文解释为“to write your name on the back of a cheque so that it can be paid into a bank account”;

🎬电影《侏罗纪公园》(Jurassic Park)中的台词提到:After careful consideration, I've decided not to endorse your park. 仔细考虑以后 我决定不为你的公园背书









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