

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-22



What to expect when you're expecting at university

From: The Guardian

14 Jun 2017

So you’ve done the test and it’s come back, not with a grade but two little blue lines: you’re pregnant. Having a baby while a student can leave you in doubt. If you can barely afford food for yourself, how will you feed another person? What about sitting through lectures with morning sickness? And is there such a thing as student parental leave?

NHS doctor and campaigner Rachel Clarke was the first pregnant medical student at her university. She recalls it was both determination and a fleet of willing babysitters in the form of her fellow students that helped get her through. Pregnancy at university doesn’t just have to be a choice between abortion or abandoning your studies. If you decide you want to keep the baby and keep studying, here is some advice on making it work:

Talk to the university sooner rather than later

There’s more support around than you might think. Once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy with a GP, the student welfare office can offer advice and guidance about your next steps. They’ll be able to point you in the right direction, and help you understand how to talk to your tutor about it.

Make sure the tutor knows that, not only are you pregnant, but that you will be having the baby. When Clarke told her tutor, a doctor, that she was pregnant she was unnerved by his blank expression. In fact, he’d been trained not to show any emotion until he knew whether she was happy about it or not. So, if you’re not met with huge congratulations, don’t assume it’s because the staff aren’t pleased for you. Your tutor will be able to help you decide what you want to do about your studies, whether you want to take a leave of absence, put an exam or piece of coursework on hold or take time off for hospital appointments.

Depending on your degree course, the university might also need to carry out a risk assessment, particularly if you’re working with chemicals or doing field work.

Ask for flexibility

Don’t be afraid to ask the university to make an exception for you, and try to find someone who will fight your corner. Katie Adamson found herself pregnant at the end of her second year of a business degree. She knew she wanted to come back but was worried about how she would manage the childcare. She spoke to her tutor about it and they worked out a way to ensure that all her lectures happened in two days. Without him pushing to accommodate her, it might not have been possible for her to finish her degree.

“He helped me more than the university did,” she says. “He checked in every other week to see how I was getting on. When the other tutors could see it was working and that I was maintaining my grades, they all became a lot more supportive too.”

The university has to accommodate you if you need time off for medical appointments while pregnant, so make sure they know that you’re taking them. Prospective fathers are also entitled to time off for antenatal appointments and delivery days.

Sort out your finances

There is financial help out there, says Adamson, but she found it by looking for herself. Most universities probably won’t have a list of everything available. For full-time students in England and Wales, the Student Loans Company offers a Parent’s Learning Allowance and/ or a childcare grant, in addition to the standard student finance.

You can also talk to the National Association of Student Money Advisors (Nasma), who will be able to advise you on government support and the best ways to make your budget work for you. Factoring in childcare is very important; think about how many contact hours you have a week and how you’ll structure it. If you have to use a creche or nursery, you might find that they require a minimum number of days, which can end up being expensive if you only need the childcare for a couple of hours of lectures.

There isn’t any official financial support available for pregnant students; depending on where you’re based, you may need to budget for travel to checkups and hospital appointments.

Tell your peers what you need

Both Adamson and Clarke were the only pregnant students on their course but both said they got the most support from their fellow students.

“My advice for other women is to make the most of the support you have around you,” says Clarke. “It’s tough being pregnant; you don’t have the same energy levels. Sometimes you feel really emotional. Having people around you, who you trust, is really important – whether it’s to lend you notes or bring you a chocolate brownie, it all helps.”

Adamson agrees. When she found she was pregnant she felt overwhelmed but says the mature students on her course really helped her.

“They were really supportive. You don’t often meet mature students as a first year so it gave me a different perspective. Universities have lots of information for students of different sexualities or ethnicities but there’s not much discussion about being a student parent. It can feel isolating. But don’t give up.”

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What to expect when you're expecting at university

From: The Guardian

14 Jun 2017

So you’ve done the test and it’s come back, not with a grade but two little blue lines: you’re pregnant. Having a baby while a student can leave you in doubt. If you can barely afford food for yourself, how will you feed another person? What about sitting through lectures with morning sickness? And is there such a thing as student parental leave?



熟词僻义,表示“怀上;怀孕”,英文解释为“If you say that a woman is expecting a baby, or that she is expecting, you mean that she is pregnant.”举个🌰:
She was expecting another baby.

morning sickness

morning sickness /ˈmɔː.nɪŋ ˌsɪk.nəs/ 表示“(孕妇)恶心,晨吐”,英文解释为“the feeling of wanting to vomit experienced by some women during the first months of pregnancy”

parental leave

parental leave /pəˌren.təl ˈliːv/ 表示“亲子假,育儿假”,英文解释为“time that a parent is allowed to spend away from work to take care of his or her baby”

NHS doctor and campaigner Rachel Clarke was the first pregnant medical student at her university. She recalls it was both determination and a fleet of willing babysitters in the form of her fellow students that helped get her through. Pregnancy at university doesn’t just have to be a choice between abortion or abandoning your studies. If you decide you want to keep the baby and keep studying, here is some advice on making it work:

英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)的医生、活动家雷切尔·克拉克(Rachel Clarke)是她大学里第一个怀孕的医科学生。她回忆说,帮助她度过难关的是决心和一群由她的同学组成甘愿为她当“保姆”的人。大学怀孕不仅仅只有堕胎或放弃学业两个选择。如果你决定留下孩子并继续学习,这里有一些建议:


1)表示“决心;毅力”,英文解释为“the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult”如:a man of fierce/ruthless determination 很有毅力/痛下决心的人。

2)表示“决定,确定”,英文解释为“the process of controlling, influencing, or deciding something”举个🌰:
The determination of policy is not your business - your job is to implement it.


表示“(通常指通过手术进行的)堕胎,人工流产”,英文解释为“If a woman has an abortion, she ends her pregnancy deliberately so that the baby is not born alive.”举个🌰:

He and his girlfriend had been going out together for a year when she had an abortion.


Talk to the university sooner rather than later 尽快与学校沟通

There’s more support around than you might think. Once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy with a GP, the student welfare office can offer advice and guidance about your next steps. They’ll be able to point you in the right direction, and help you understand how to talk to your tutor about it.



general practitioner的缩写,表示“(为特定区域居民提供医疗服务的)全科医生,普通医师”,英文解释为“abbreviation for general practitioner: a doctor who provides general medical treatment for people who live in a particular area”举个🌰:

I went along to the local GP.


Make sure the tutor knows that, not only are you pregnant, but that you will be having the baby. When Clarke told her tutor, a doctor, that she was pregnant she was unnerved by his blank expression. In fact, he’d been trained not to show any emotion until he knew whether she was happy about it or not. So, if you’re not met with huge congratulations, don’t assume it’s because the staff aren’t pleased for you. Your tutor will be able to help you decide what you want to do about your studies, whether you want to take a leave of absence, put an exam or piece of coursework on hold or take time off for hospital appointments.



表示“使紧张;使缺乏信心;使恐惧”,英文解释为“to make someone feel less confident and slightly frightened”举个🌰:
I think it unnerved me to be interviewed by so many people.

on hold

1)表示“被推迟,被故意延迟”,英文解释为“If an activity is on hold, it has been intentionally delayed.”举个🌰:
Everything's on hold again because of the bad weather.
The movie has been put on hold until the financial situation improves.

2)表示“不挂断电话等着”,英文解释为“If you are on hold when using the phone, you are waiting to speak to someone.”举个🌰:
Miss R is on hold.

Depending on your degree course, the university might also need to carry out a risk assessment, particularly if you’re working with chemicals or doing field work.



fieldwork /ˈfiːld.wɜːk/ 表示“实地考察;野外研究”,英文解释为“study that consists of practical activities that are done away from your school, college, or place of work”举个🌰:

They had to go to Beijing to do their fieldwork.


Ask for flexibility 要灵活

Don’t be afraid to ask the university to make an exception for you, and try to find someone who will fight your corner. Katie Adamson found herself pregnant at the end of her second year of a business degree. She knew she wanted to come back but was worried about how she would manage the childcare. She spoke to her tutor about it and they worked out a way to ensure that all her lectures happened in two days. Without him pushing to accommodate her, it might not have been possible for her to finish her degree.

不要害怕要求大学为你破例,试着找一个能为你据理力争的人。凯蒂·亚当森(Katie Adamson)在就读商业学位的第二年结束时发现自己怀孕了。她知道自己想回来,但担心如何处理好照顾孩子的问题。她和导师谈了这件事,他们想出了一个方法来确保她所有的课程都在两天内进行。如果没有导师的帮助,她可能就无法完成她的学位。

make an exception

表示“破例;作为例外”,英文解释为“to not treat someone or something according to the usual rules”举个🌰:

We don't usually accept late applications, but in this case we will make an exception.


fight your corner

表示“奋力抗争,据理力争”,英文解释为“to defend something that you believe in by arguing”举个🌰:

You'll have to be prepared to fight your corner if you want them to extend the project.



accommodate /əˈkɒm.ə.deɪt/ 1)表示“为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等)”,英文解释为“to provide sb with a room or place to sleep, live or sit举个🌰:

The hotel can accommodate up to 123 guests.


2)表示“容纳;为…提供空间”,英文解释为“to provide enough space for sb/sth”举个🌰:

Over 10 minutes of music can be accommodated on one CD.


3)表示“为…提供方便;对…予以照顾性考虑”,英文解释为“to give what is needed to someone”举个🌰:

We always try to accommodate (= help) our clients with financial assistance if necessary.


4)表示“考虑到;顾及”,英文解释为“to consider sth, such as sb's opinion or a fact, and be influenced by it when you are deciding what to do or explaining sth”举个🌰:

Our proposal tries to accommodate the special needs of minority groups.


5)表示“顺应,适应(新情况)”,英文解释为“to change your behaviour so that you can deal with a new situation better”举个🌰:

I needed to accommodate to the new schedule.

“He helped me more than the university did,” she says. “He checked in every other week to see how I was getting on. When the other tutors could see it was working and that I was maintaining my grades, they all became a lot more supportive too.”


The university has to accommodate you if you need time off for medical appointments while pregnant, so make sure they know that you’re taking them. Prospective fathers are also entitled to time off for antenatal appointments and delivery days.



表示“有望的;可能的;预期的;潜在的;即将发生的;行将来临的”,英文解释为“expected to do sth or to become sth;expected to happen soon”如:prospective buyers, employers, parents, etc. 潜在的客户/可能成为雇主的人/即将为人父母者等。


entitled /ɪnˈtaɪ.təld/ 表示“有权做…的;为所欲为的”,英文解释为“feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want without having to work for it or deserve it, just because of who you are”举个🌰:

These kids are spoiled, entitled, self-absorbed, and apathetic.



antenatal /ˌæn.tiˈneɪ.təl/ 表示“产前的;出生前的”,英文解释为“relating to the medical care given to pregnant women before their babies are born”如:antenatal care/classes 产前保健/学习班。

Sort out your finances 理清你的财务状况

There is financial help out there, says Adamson, but she found it by looking for herself. Most universities probably won’t have a list of everything available. For full-time students in England and Wales, the Student Loans Company offers a Parent’s Learning Allowance and/ or a childcare grant, in addition to the standard student finance.



allowance /əˈlaʊ.əns/ 表示“(尤指为特定事项支付的)定期补贴,津贴”,英文解释为“money that you are given regularly, especially to pay for a particular thing”举个🌰:

The perks of the job include a company pension and a generous travel allowance.



作名词,浙大博士生和蜜橘商家的聊天记录火了文中,示“拨款;补助金”,英文解释为“A grant is an amount of money that a government or other institution gives to an individual or to an organization for a particular purpose such as education or home improvements.”举个🌰:
They'd got a special grant to encourage research. 他们已得到了一笔用来支持研究的特别补助金。

作动词,表示“(通常指官方)同意,准予,授予”,英文解释为“to give or allow someone something, usually in an official way”举个🌰:
They granted her an entry visa.

You can also talk to the National Association of Student Money Advisors (Nasma), who will be able to advise you on government support and the best ways to make your budget work for you. Factoring in childcare is very important; think about how many contact hours you have a week and how you’ll structure it. If you have to use a creche or nursery, you might find that they require a minimum number of days, which can end up being expensive if you only need the childcare for a couple of hours of lectures.


factor sth in

表示“把…因素包括进去”,英文解释为“to include something when you are doing a calculation, or when you are trying to understand something”举个🌰:

People are earning more, but when inflation is factored in, they are no better off.


contact hour

表示“面授课时”,英文解释为“In higher education, the term 'contact hours' is used very broadly, to refer to the amount of time that you spend learning in contact with teaching or associated staff, when studying for a particular course.”


表示“使形成体系;系统安排;精心组织”,英文解释为“to arrange or organize sth into a system or pattern”举个🌰:
How well does the teacher structure the lessons?


crèche /kreʃ/ 表示“托儿所;日托中心”,英文解释为“a place where young children are cared for during the day while their parents do something else, especially work, study, or shop”举个🌰:

Does your employer provide a crèche?



nursery /ˈnɜː.sər.i/ 表示“幼儿园,托儿所”,英文解释为“a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work”举个🌰:

Does he go to a nursery or a childminder?


There isn’t any official financial support available for pregnant students; depending on where you’re based, you may need to budget for travel to checkups and hospital appointments.


Tell your peers what you need 告诉你的同龄人你需要什么

Both Adamson and Clarke were the only pregnant students on their course but both said they got the most support from their fellow students.


“My advice for other women is to make the most of the support you have around you,” says Clarke. “It’s tough being pregnant; you don’t have the same energy levels. Sometimes you feel really emotional. Having people around you, who you trust, is really important – whether it’s to lend you notes or bring you a chocolate brownie, it all helps.”


Adamson agrees. When she found she was pregnant she felt overwhelmed but says the mature students on her course really helped her.



overwhelmed /,əʊvə'welmd/ 表示“(强烈地影响而使)不知所措的;被压倒的,被淹没的;受宠若惊的”,举个🌰:
Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.

“They were really supportive. You don’t often meet mature students as a first year so it gave me a different perspective. Universities have lots of information for students of different sexualitiesor ethnicities but there’s not much discussion about being a student parent. It can feel isolating. But don’t give up.”



ethnicity /eθˈnɪs.ə.ti/ 表示“种族特点;种族渊源”,英文解释为“a particular race of people, or the fact of being from a particular race of people”举个🌰:

Ethnicity is not considered when reviewing applications.


- 今日盘点 -


morning sickness

parental leave





on hold


make an exception

fight your corner







factor sth in

contact hour














- 推荐阅读 -





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