

LearnAndRecord 2022-12-06


⚠️ 理性吃瓜,学习为重。





1. spring在文中是什么意思?box spring呢?
3. Why it's worth it by the author?


Will $150,000 Buy You the Best Sleep You've Ever Had?

From: Bloomberg

Dec 03 2016

The Hästens Vividus bed does not come with a guarantee to quiet crying babies. It does not vow Peter Pan-like trips to Never Never Land every night. The tooth fairy does not leave $100 bills under its extraordinarily comfortable pillows—although given its nearly $150,000 price tag, that would be a nice perk.  

What it does promise is more in line with the recent wellness science: With a good night's sleep, you live longer, learn faster, function better, stay in better shape, and look younger. For the cost of a high-end Mercedes or a collectible timepiece, you can take a dip in an all-natural fountain of youth every evening.

I went to the company showroom in New York's Chelsea neighborhood to check it out in person. The price intrigued me the same way that pictures of exploded Ferraris do: How can something that looks so ordinary be so valuable? And on first glance, the Vividus looks like a typical bed. There's no wide-screen TV that emerges from underneath the box spring, no built-in refrigerator. It doesn't spin in circles like a jewel on display beneath a decadent mirrored ceiling.

But before I can crawl beneath the covers, Hästens's vice president of global retail, Bob Cooper, walks me through the history. The first Vividus came out in 2006, a version that took 160 hours to create and cost $112,900. In the 10 years since, the company has researched how to regulate body temperature and provide support to create what it calls a "perfect night's sleep" without using any heat-trapping rubber or plastic materials. They ended up doubling the amount of time it takes to build the bed—now 320 hours—and the company uses just four certified craftsmen at Hästens's dedicated atelier in Sweden to make them. Each Vividus is built to order and takes a minimum of 10 weeks before delivery. 

How does this all add up to $149,000?

It starts at the bottom. The wooden frame is made from slow-growing northern Swedish pine. On top of that sits a box spring, called the base, that has pure steel springs and multiple layers of flax for soundproofing. Above that is the mattress, which holds more springs, layers of cotton and wool batting, and horsehair lining, stacked the way you might make a lasagna. The mattress pad, or "topper," has its own layers of cotton, wool, and horsehair. 

Horsehair is critical: The hair is braided by hand, then unwound, to give it even more bounce. Every single curled strand functions like a tiny spring, providing support and pliability. And because each horsehair strand is also a hollow tube (unlike human hair), the material acts as a miniature airway to wick moisture away so there’s no sweat buildup. The cumulative effect of all these layers is that when you lie down on the bed, you feel as if your legs are slightly raised, which, as doctors will tell you, is better for circulation and overall heart health.  

I get in, and I start to see what they mean. Articles such as this one typically describe luxurious mattresses as "sleeping on a cloud," but the Vividus is not that soft. My feet are supported unlike any other mattress I've ever slept on. It gives and holds in unusual, but always comfortable, ways. It takes me awhile to settle in, and Cooper says that the longer I stay in it, the more it will respond to my body, depending on whether I'm a side sleeper or prefer staying on my back. Will it cure my Jimmy leg? I wonder.

The longer I'm here, even the price-tag guilt starts to melt away. The whole thing is constructed in the Swedish style, meaning dovetail joints instead of screws or nails, and the springs are connected to the mattress interior using a step-stitching process, accomplished by hand with a needle about 18 inches long.

Wool batting adds another layer of safety without the need for toxic chemicals: In case of fire, the naturally flame retardant fiber wraps around the cotton, suppressing oxygen. The bed is allergen-free and has a guarantee for 25 years, though Cooper says he has seen some mattresses that are more than 100 years old, often passed down as family heirlooms. Lying here, I'm doing the math, which at that rate works out to a mere 50¢ per hour of sleep. My advice: If you can afford it, buy it. Just don't try it out, as I did, to see what the fuss was all about.

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Will $150,000 Buy You the Best Sleep You've Ever Had?

From: Bloomberg

Dec 03 2016

The Hästens Vividus bed does not come with a guarantee to quiet crying babies. It does not vow Peter Pan-like trips to Never Never Land every night. The tooth fairy does not leave $100 bills under its extraordinarily comfortable pillows—although given its nearly $150,000 price tag, that would be a nice perk.

海丝腾生辉床(Hästens Vividus)并不能保证让哭泣的婴儿安静下来。它做不到让人每天晚上像彼得·潘(Peter Pan)一样来一场梦幻岛(Never Never Land)之旅。牙仙子也不会在它极其舒适的枕头下留下100美元的钞票——尽管考虑到其近15万美元的价格,这将是一项不错的福利。

never-never land

never-never land /ˌnev.əˈnev.ə ˌlænd/ 表示“世外桃源,理想乐土”,英文解释为“an imaginary place where everything is pleasant or perfect in a way that is impossible to achieve in real life”举个🌰:

If he thinks we can get this done by next week, he's living in never-never land.


童话故事中,彼得·潘生活的地方叫never-never land,永无岛、梦幻岛。

tooth fairy

表示“(儿童们相信的能取走他们脱落的乳牙并留下钱的)牙仙子”,英文解释为“The Tooth Fairy is a fantasy figure of early childhood in Western and Western-influenced cultures. The folklore states that when children lose one of their baby teeth, they should place it underneath their pillow or on their bedside table and the Tooth Fairy will visit while they sleep, replacing the lost tooth with a small payment.”

price tag

表示“(挂在商品上的)价格标签;价格”,英文解释为“a piece of paper with a price that is attached to a product, or the amount that something costs”举个🌰:

How much is it? I can't find the price tag.



1)表示“(因工作而享有的)补贴,津贴,额外待遇”,英文解释为“an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job”举个🌰:

A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.


2)表示“好处,有利条件”,英文解释为“an advantage”举个🌰:

Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the perks of living in Hangzhou.


What it does promise is more in line with the recent wellness science: With a good night's sleep, you live longer, learn faster, function better, stay in better shape, and look younger. For the cost of a high-end Mercedes or a collectible timepiece, you can take a dip in an all-natural fountain of youth every evening.



timepiece /ˈtaɪm.piːs/ 表示“钟;表”,英文解释为“a clock or watch”


fountain /ˈfaʊn.tɪn/ 表示“泉水;(尤指具有装饰效果的)喷泉”,英文解释为“a stream of water that is forced up into the air through a small hole, especially for decorative effect, or the structure in a lake or pool from which this flows”

take a dip

take a dip 表示“(在海水里等)洗个澡,泡一泡”,英文解释为“to go for a short swim or splash (in the ocean)”。

dip /dɪp/ 作名词,表示“(通常指暂时的)减少,下降,衰退”,英文解释为“a decrease in the amount or success of sth, usually for only a short period”,如:a sharp dip in profits 利润急剧下降,本身也可以表示“(短时间的)游泳”,英文解释为“a quick swim”如:a dip in the sea/pool 在海水/水池里游一会儿。

I went to the company showroom in New York's Chelsea neighborhood to check it out in person. The price intrigued me the same way that pictures of exploded Ferraris do: How can something that looks so ordinary be so valuable? And on first glance, the Vividus looks like a typical bed. There's no wide-screen TV that emerges from underneath the box spring, no built-in refrigerator. It doesn't spin in circles like a jewel on display beneath a decadent mirrored ceiling.



intrigue /ɪnˈtriːɡ/ 表示“(尤指因奇怪、不寻常或神秘而)使很感兴趣,迷住”,英文解释为“to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious”举个🌰:

Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.


box spring

box spring /ˈbɒks ˌsprɪŋ/ 表示“弹簧床垫”,英文解释为“a spring or set of springs fastened to a frame and covered in cloth, for supporting a bed”

spring 熟词僻义,可以表示“弹簧,发条”,英文解释为“a piece of curved or bent metal that can be pressed into a smaller space but then returns to its usual shape”举个🌰:

The children have jumped on the couch so much that they've ruined the springs.



作动词,表示“(使)(尤指快速)旋转”,英文解释为“to (cause to) turn around and around, especially fast”举个🌰:

The earth spins on its axis.


作名词,表示“旋转;转动”,英文解释为“the movement of something turning round very quickly”举个🌰:

I hit something on the road, which sent the car into a spin.



decadent /ˈdek.ə.dənt/ 表示“(人或组织)腐朽的;颓废的;堕落的;十分享受的;贪图享乐的”,英文解释为“A decadent person or group has low moral standards.”如:a decadent society 腐朽的社会。

But before I can crawl beneath the covers, Hästens's vice president of global retail, Bob Cooper, walks me through the history. The first Vividus came out in 2006, a version that took 160 hours to create and cost $112,900. In the 10 years since, the company has researched how to regulate body temperature and provide support to create what it calls a "perfect night's sleep" without using any heat-trapping rubber or plastic materials. They ended up doubling the amount of time it takes to build the bed—now 320 hours—and the company uses just four certified craftsmen at Hästens's dedicated atelier in Sweden to make them. Each Vividus is built to order and takes a minimum of 10 weeks before delivery.

但在我爬进被窝之前,海丝腾全球零售副总裁鲍勃·库珀(Bob Cooper)带我回顾了历史。第一款生辉床于2006年问世,这个版本花了160个小时才制造出来,耗资11.29万美元。在那之后的10年里,该公司研究了如何调节体温和提供支持,以在不使用任何吸热橡胶或塑料材料的情况下创造所谓的“完美睡眠”。他们最终将制造床的时间增加了一倍,现在需要花费320小时,该公司在瑞典的海丝腾专用工厂仅靠四名认证工匠来制造这些产品。每张生辉床都是按订单制造的,至少需要10周才能交付。


crawl /krɔːl/ 表示“缓慢移动;艰难前行;爬行;匍匐前进”,英文解释为“to move slowly or with difficulty, especially with your body stretched out along the ground or on hands and knees”举个🌰:

The child crawled across the floor.



表示“有合格证书的;获得资格的”,英文解释为“having a document that proves that you have successfully finished a course of training”如:a certified teacher/nurse 有资格证书的教师/护士。

📍certify 作动词,表示“(尤指书面)证明,证实”,英文解释为“to state officially, especially in writing, that sth is true”举个🌰:

He handed her a piece of paper certifying (that) she was in good health.



craftsman /ˈkrɑːfts.mən/ 表示“工匠,匠人;手艺人”,英文解释为“a person who is skilled in a particular craft”举个🌰:

The plates are painted by our finest craftsmen.



atelier /əˈtel.i.eɪ/ 表示“(艺术家的)工作室;画室;雕塑室”,英文解释为“a room or building in which an artist works”

How does this all add up to $149,000?


It starts at the bottom. The wooden frame is made from slow-growing northern Swedish pine. On top of that sits a box spring, called the base, that has pure steel springs and multiple layers of flax for soundproofing. Above that is the mattress, which holds more springs, layers of cotton and wool batting, and horsehair lining, stacked the way you might make a lasagna. The mattress pad, or "topper," has its own layers of cotton, wool, and horsehair.



frame /freɪm/ 表示“(图画、门、窗的)框,框架”,英文解释为“a border that surrounds and supports a picture, door, or window”如:a picture frame 画框,也可以表示“帧;(摄影胶片的)画格;(电视或电影的)画面,镜头”,英文解释为“one of the pictures on a strip of photographic film, or one of the single pictures that together form a television or cinema film”


pine /paɪn/ 表示“松木”,英文解释为“the wood of pine trees, usually pale in colour”如:pine furniture 松木家具。


flax /flæks/ 表示“亚麻;亚麻纤维”,英文解释为“a plant with blue flowers grown for its stems or seeds, or the thread made from this plant”


proof作形容词表示“能抵抗某物;能对抗某物;能防御某”,英文解释为“to be too strong or good to be affected by something bad”,举个🌰:

Their defences are proof against most weapons.


proof还有一个常见的用法就是和名词构成复合词,“-proof”,表示“耐…的,防…的,抗…的;不易受到…影响/破坏的”,如:a bulletproof car 防弹汽车,a waterproof jacket 防水上衣,a childproof container 防儿童开启的容器;同样也可以构成动词,如:给房间隔音 soundproof a room (= so that sound cannot get into or out of it)。


mattress /ˈmæt.rəs/ 表示“床垫,褥垫”,英文解释为“the part of a bed, made of a strong cloth cover filled with firm material, that makes the bed comfortable to lie on”


wool /wʊl/ 1)表示“羊毛;动物毛”,英文解释为“the soft, thick hair that grows on the bodies of sheep and some other animals”举个🌰:

Australia is one of the world's main producers of wool.


2)表示“毛线;毛料”,英文解释为“thick thread or material that is made from this”举个🌰:

Put on your red wool cardigan - it'll be nice and warm.



表示“(被子、床垫中的)软填料”,英文解释为“cotton or woollen wadding used in quilts, mattresses, etc”


lining /ˈlaɪnɪŋ/ 1)表示“衬层;内衬;衬里”,英文解释为“a layer of material used to cover the inside surface of sth”如:a pair of leather gloves with fur linings 一双毛皮衬里的皮手套。

2)表示“(胃等器官内部的)保护层”,英文解释为“The lining of your stomach or other organ is a layer of tissue on the inside of it.”如:a bacterium that attacks the lining of the stomach 一种侵袭胃粘膜的细菌。


stack /stæk/ 1)表示“把…放成整齐的一摞;把…码成堆”,英文解释为“to arrange things in an ordered pile”举个🌰:

Once the last few people had left the hall, the caretaker began stacking (up) the chairs.


2)表示“码放,摆放”,英文解释为“to fill something with objects”举个🌰:

I got a job stacking shelves in a supermarket.



lasagne /ləˈzæn.jə/ 英式,lasagna 美式,表示“意大利千层面(以多层宽面条夹奶酪、肉沫和蔬菜制成)”,英文解释为“thin, wide sheets of pasta, or a dish consisting of layers of this combined with two different sauces”

Horsehair is critical: The hair is braided by hand, then unwound, to give it even more bounce. Every single curled strand functions like a tiny spring, providing support and pliability. And because each horsehair strand is also a hollow tube (unlike human hair), the material acts as a miniature airway to wick moisture away so there’s no sweat buildup. The cumulative effect of all these layers is that when you lie down on the bed, you feel as if your legs are slightly raised, which, as doctors will tell you, is better for circulation and overall heart health.  



braid /breɪd/ 表示“把…编成辫”,英文解释为“to join three or more pieces of hair or string-like material by putting them over each other in a special pattern”举个🌰:

She braided the horse's tail.



unwind /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ 表示“解开,打开,松开(卷绕之物)”,英文解释为“If you unwind something that is wrapped around an object, you unfasten it, and if it unwinds, it becomes unfastened.”


curl /kɜːl/ 表示“(使)卷曲;(使)弯曲”,英文解释为“to make something into the shape of a curl, or to grow or change into this shape”举个🌰:

Does your hair curl naturally, or is it permed?



strand /strænd/ 表示“(线、绳等的)缕,股”,英文解释为“a thin thread of something, often one of a few, twisted around each other to make a string or rope”举个🌰:

She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears.



pliability /ˌplaɪ.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/ 表示“柔韧性;弯曲性;柔韧度;弯曲度”,英文解释为“the ability to bend easily into a new shape without breaking or cracking, or the degree to which a substance can do this”举个🌰:

The plastic dolls have unusual pliability.



miniature /ˈmɪnətʃər,ˈmɪnətʃʊr/ 表示“微型的;小型的;微小的”,英文解释为“used to describe something that is a very small copy of an object”举个🌰:

I bought some miniature furniture for my niece's doll's house.



wick /wɪk/ 表示“吸走(液体)”,英文解释为“to absorb liquid from something and remove it”举个🌰:

These special fabrics wick moisture from athletes' skin to keep them comfortable.



表示“累积的”,英文解释为“If a series of events have a cumulative effect, each event makes the effect greater.”举个🌰:

It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.



表示“(血液的)循环”,英文解释为“the movement of blood around the body”举个🌰:

Exercise helps to improve circulation.


I get in, and I start to see what they mean. Articles such as this one typically describe luxurious mattresses as "sleeping on a cloud," but the Vividus is not that soft. My feet are supported unlike any other mattress I've ever slept on. It gives and holds in unusual, but always comfortable, ways. It takes me awhile to settle in, and Cooper says that the longer I stay in it, the more it will respond to my body, depending on whether I'm a side sleeper or prefer staying on my back. Will it cure my Jimmy leg? I wonder.


Jimmy leg

指的是不宁腿綜合症(restless legs syndrome, RLS),又称睡眠腿动症、不安腿综合征、腿不宁綜合症等,是一种强烈想要让腿部移动的障碍。平常患者腿部有一种令人不快的感觉,这种感觉会随着腿部移动而有所改善,不适感可能是疼痛、刺痛或是虫爬感,双臂偶尔也可能受到影响。 不宁腿綜合症通常在休息时发生,因此可能使患者难以入睡。(Wikipedia)

The longer I'm here, even the price-tag guilt starts to melt away. The whole thing is constructed in the Swedish style, meaning dovetail joints instead of screws or nails, and the springs are connected to the mattress interior using a step-stitching process, accomplished by hand with a needle about 18 inches long.


dovetail joint

dovetail /ˈdʌv.teɪl/ = dovetail joint 表示“鸠尾榫,楔形榫”,英文解释为“a type of joint used to fix two pieces of wood firmly together”


screw /skruː/ 表示“螺丝(钉)”,英文解释为“a thin, pointed piece of metal with a raised edge twisting round along its length and a flat top with a cut in it, used to join things together, especially pieces of wood”


stitching /ˈstɪtʃ.ɪŋ/ 表示“缝纫,刺绣”,英文解释为“the activity of sewing individual threads in something”举个🌰:

She’d been trained to do embroidery and hand stitching.


Wool batting adds another layer of safety without the need for toxic chemicals: In case of fire, the naturally flame retardant fiber wraps around the cotton, suppressing oxygen. The bed is allergen-free and has a guarantee for 25 years, though Cooper says he has seen some mattresses that are more than 100 years old, often passed down as family heirlooms. Lying here, I'm doing the math, which at that rate works out to a mere 50¢ per hour of sleep. My advice: If you can afford it, buy it. Just don't try it out, as I did, to see what the fuss was all about.



retardant /rɪˈtɑː.dənt/ 表示“起阻滞作用的,阻止的;阻滞剂,阻化剂”,英文解释为“(a substance) that makes the progress or growth of something slower”,如:如:fire/flame retardant furniture (= furniture that does not burn easily) 阻燃家具,举个🌰:

Potted plants are commonly treated with (a) growth retardant so that they retain their shape.



表示“压制;阻止;抑制”,英文解释为“to prevent sth from growing, developing or continuing”举个🌰:

The virus suppresses the body's immune system.



allergen /ˈæl.ə.dʒən/ 表示“(引起过敏反应的)变应原;过敏原”,英文解释为“a substance that can cause an allergy (= condition of the body reacting badly to something) but is not harmful to most people”


heirloom /ˈeə.luːm/ 表示“传家宝,祖传之物”,英文解释为“a valuable object that has been given by older members of a family to younger members of the same family over many years”举个🌰:

This ring is a family heirloom.



fuss /fʌs/ 表示“紧张不安;大惊小怪;过分激动”,英文解释为“a show of anger, worry, or excitement that is unnecessary or greater than the situation deserves”举个🌰:

It's all a fuss about nothing.


- 今日盘点 -

never-never land
tooth fairy
price tag
take a dip
box spring
Jimmy leg
dovetail joint









- 推荐阅读 -





- END -






