

LearnAndRecord 2023-01-13



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World Cup final: Lionel Messi leads Argentina to glory - is he now football's greatest?


Lionel Messi strode alone into a single spotlight amid the darkness at Lusail Stadium to finally take possession of the one prize that has remained painfully out of reach throughout his silver-lined career.

The 35-year-old Argentina maestro rubbed his hands together in glorious anticipation of his crowning glory, donning the traditional Arab robe known as a bisht, before finally lifting the World Cup to the sky amid an explosion of flashlights and pyrotechnics.

Messi had achieved his dream. The gap in his glittering collection had been filled - the set complete after arguably the most spectacular World Cup final in history, a game for the ages that tore at the emotions and played havoc with the pulse rates before Argentina's icon reached his summit.

He can now add the World Cup to seven Ballons d'Or, four Champions Leagues, one Copa America, 10 La Liga titles with Barcelona and a Ligue 1 crown in France with Paris St-Germain.

This was the one. This was the trophy that Messi's millions of advocates will now use as 'Exhibit A' in their argument that he is the greatest to have played the game. This is a trophy, almost 15 inches of solid gold, that will now have many saying Messi is the greatest - and those with a counter-argument will have an added degree of difficulty presenting their case.

Comparisons are expanded over generations, which adds a different frame to all the arguments, but no-one can now deny Messi belongs in the same pantheon as Pele and another whose image was across many Argentina banners at Lusail Stadium on Sunday.

Inevitably, Diego Maradona, his legendary predecessor in Argentina's number 10 shirt, had a forceful case for the best. The point of difference was always his World Cup triumph in Mexico 36 years ago - a triumph Messi did not have. It has now been removed.

How do you even begin to tell the tale of how Messi reached his pinnacle? How do you recount events that eventually led to Argentina's World Cup win and the climax of a tournament that will have the name Lionel Messi attached to it forever?

Messi should have known, given his history of World Cup heartache and disappointment stretching back to 2006 and including a losing final to Germany at Rio's Maracana in 2014, that this was an honour which would not be won easily.

The fact that this spectacular night at Lusail Stadium contained so much suffering before Argentina and Messi hit the heights of their third World Cup win may make it even sweeter.

And it was all done in the face of brilliance from the 23-year-old who will, if he is not there already, join Messi in any debate about the sport's true elite in years to come: France's Kylian Mbappe.

France appeared to be rolling out the red carpet for Messi's coronation as they barely threatened for 80 minutes. Lusail was Messi's playground as he scored Argentina's opener from the penalty spot, making him the first player in World Cup history to score in the group stage, round of 16, quarter-final, semi-final and final in a single tournament.

Messi then helped to create Angel di Maria's second, the game taking a routine course with celebrations started among Argentina fans until the much-anticipated battle with Mbappe was joined in stunning fashion.

Mbappe pulled one back from the spot with 10 minutes left, then fired in a brilliant volley seconds later. Messi's smile that stretched across the giant screens in each corner of the stadium was one of "not again" disbelief.

Argentina coach Lionel Scaloni pulled off a masterstroke of selection with the inclusion of 34-year-old Di Maria, who ran Jules Kounde ragged, but then appeared to give way to fatal conservatism by taking him off with his side on top after 64 minutes for the workmanlike Marcos Acuna.

Messi, of course, pulled Argentina round with his second in extra time but France, revived from the earlier mediocrity, were level again through Mbappe's penalty.

In an atmosphere of near hysteria, Argentina keeper Emiliano Martinez saved with his foot from Randal Kolo Muani with the World Cup at his mercy in the closing seconds, although there was still time for Lautaro Martinez to head wide of an unguarded goal at the other end.

To say extra time was highly charged would be an understatement, with some fans even tearing their gaze away from the action, such was the unbearable tension.

Magnificently stressful, it went to penalties which Argentina won 4-2, a painful way to settle a game that will now be talked about whenever the World Cup is discussed.

When Gonzalo Montiel scored the decisive kick, Messi slumped to his knees in tears in the centre circle, arms raised to the heavens before he was buried under an avalanche of light blue and white striped shirts.

He then claimed a microphone to address Argentina's supporters amid scenes of celebratory mayhem.

Messi picked up the Golden Ball for player of the tournament, the first player to win it twice since it was introduced in 1982, after also winning the honour in 2014.

He has now been involved in 21 goals for Argentina at World Cups - 13 goals and eight assists, the most by any player for any nation. The goals in this World Cup final give him 793 in his career. He was also the first player to score in every round in the same men's World Cup tournament.

There was one statistic that mattered above all others on this night: Messi was a World Cup winner - at last.

He sat astride the figure-of-eight stage on which he had received the World Cup with his team, basking in the fact he can at last fill that one space in his trophy cabinet. It was a stage later filled with friends and family of the Argentina squad, their country now back on top of the football world for the first time since 1986.

Argentina's supporters stayed in their seats for well over an hour, going through the songbook that has been the soundtrack to their World Cup campaign, paying homage to the man they counted on. The man who had delivered.

The seismic shock of that opening loss to Saudi Arabia seemed an age away. It was Messi who got Argentina's World Cup into gear with a brilliant goal against Mexico and he was unstoppable as he carried it through to the finish.

Messi had the golden trophy in his hands. It was mission accomplished - a mission stretching back more than 16 years to when he came on as a scoring substitute in a 6-0 win over Serbia and Montenegro in Germany.

The final chapter of Messi's World Cup story was a thriller from first to last against France, with the plot taking so many twists. It delivered the perfect ending on a never to be forgotten night in Qatar.

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World Cup final: Lionel Messi leads Argentina to glory - is he now football's greatest?



Lionel Messi strode alone into a single spotlight amid the darkness at Lusail Stadium to finally take possession of the one prize that has remained painfully out of reach throughout his silver-lined career.

卢塞尔体育场的灯光暗下来之后,利昂内尔·梅西(Lionel Messi,美斯)独自走进一道聚光灯光芒下,他终于要接过在他光芒四射的生涯中唯一未染指过的奖杯。


1)作动词,表示“大步快走,阔步行进”,英文解释为“to walk somewhere quickly with long steps”举个🌰:

He strode across/into/out of the room. 他大步走过/进/出房间。

2)作名词,表示“大步;阔步”,英文解释为“A stride is a long step which you take when you are walking or running.”举个🌰:

She attributes her record-breaking speed to the length of her stride. 她认为她的速度之所以能打破纪录是因为步幅大。

3)表示“进展,进步”,英文解释为“an important positive development”举个🌰:

The group has made strides to expand internationally. 这个集团在拓展国际市场方面取得了很大进展。

📍在庆祝中国共产党成立一百周年大会上的讲话中提到:(我们)正在意气风发向着全面建成社会主义现代化强国的第二个百年奋斗目标迈进 we are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects.

take possession of sth

get/take possession of sth 表示“占有,拥有”,英文解释为“to start to use and control a building or piece of land that you may or may not own”举个🌰:

We've already bought the house but we won't take possession of it until May. 我们已买下这所房子,但直到5月份才能搬进去。

The 35-year-old Argentina maestro rubbed his hands together in glorious anticipation of his crowning glory, donning the traditional Arab robe known as a bisht, before finally lifting the World Cup to the sky amid an explosion of flashlights and pyrotechnics.

35岁的阿根廷球王搓了一下手,准备迎接这个封王的时刻,他披上那件叫“毕西 (bisht)”的阿拉伯传统服饰,然后接过大力神杯,将它高举向天空,漫天的闪灯和烟火在他周围亮了起来。


maestro /ˈmaɪ.strəʊ/ 常作呼语,表尊敬,指“大师;音乐大师;杰出的演奏家(或指挥家)”,英文解释为“(often used as a way of addressing sb, showing respect) a great performer, especially a musician; a man who is very skilled at playing or conducting (= directing the performance of) music”


表示“擦;摩擦;搓;揉搓”,英文解释为“to press or be pressed against something with a circular or up-and-down repeated movement”举个🌰:

She yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily. 她打着哈欠睡意朦胧地揉着眼睛。


1)表示“为…加冕”,英文解释为“to put a crown on the head of a new king or queen as a sign of royal power”举个🌰:

Queen Elizabeth was crowned in 1952. 伊丽莎白女王于1952年加冕。

2)表示“(尤指通过增添成就、成功等)使圆满,使完美”,英文解释为“to make sth complete or perfect, especially by adding an achievement, a success, etc.”举个🌰:

The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics. 荣获诺贝尔奖使其物理学研究的辉煌事业达到了顶点。

📍crowning /ˈkraʊ.nɪŋ/ 表示“(事件,成就)最伟大的,最重要的”,英文解释为“A crowning event or achievement is the best or most important one.”如:the crowning achievement of her long career 她漫长职业生涯的最高成就。


表示“穿戴上”,英文解释为“to put on a piece of clothing”举个🌰:

He donned his finest coat and hat. 他穿上了他最帅的外套,戴上了他最好的帽子。

📺美剧《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)中的台词提到:My father has donned the ancient crown of salt and rock 我父亲已戴上海盐与磐石的古老王冠。


表示“长袍,罩袍;(尤指特别正式场合穿的)袍服,礼袍”,英文解释为“a long, loose piece of clothing worn especially on very formal occasions”


pyrotechnics /ˌpaɪ.rəˈtek.nɪks/ 表示“焰火,烟花表演”,英文解释为“a public show of fireworks”

Messi had achieved his dream. The gap in his glittering collection had been filled - the set complete after arguably the most spectacular World Cup final in history, a game for the ages that tore at the emotions and played havoc with the pulse rates before Argentina's icon reached his summit.



1)表示“辉煌的;成功的”,英文解释为“very impressive and successful”举个🌰:

He has a glittering career ahead of him. 他前程似锦。

2)表示“盛大的;华丽的;众星云集的”,英文解释为“very impressive and involving rich and successful people,如:a glittering array of stars 众星云集的盛大场面;

3)表示“灿烂夺目的;闪闪发光的”,英文解释为“shining brightly with many small flashes of light”,如:glittering jewels 璀璨的宝石。


spectacular /spekˈtæk.jə.lər/ 1)表示“壮观的;精彩的;令人印象深刻的”,英文解释为“very impressive”,如:a mountainous area with spectacular scenery 景色壮丽的山区,a spectacular success 辉煌的成就;

2)表示“非常大的,巨大的;惊人的,突如其来的”,英文解释为“very sudden, unexpected, or extreme”举个🌰:

The news caused a spectacular fall in the stock market. 这一消息引起了股市的暴跌。


havoc /ˈhævək/ 作名词,表示“破坏,毁坏;混乱”,英文解释为“confusion and lack of order, especially causing damage or trouble”举个🌰:

The delay played (= caused) havoc with their travel arrangements. 误点打乱了他们的旅行安排。


1)表示“象征物;偶像”,英文解释为“If you describe something or someone as an icon, you mean that they are important as a symbol of a particular thing.”如:a fashion icon 时尚偶像。

2)表示“图标;图符”,英文解释为“a small symbol on a computer screen that represents a program or a file”

He can now add the World Cup to seven Ballons d'Or, four Champions Leagues, one Copa America, 10 La Liga titles with Barcelona and a Ligue 1 crown in France with Paris St-Germain.

他现在可以在自己的七个年度最佳球员金球奖(Ballons d'Or)、四个欧洲联赛冠军杯冠军、一个美洲杯冠军、代表巴塞罗那的10个西甲冠军和代表巴黎圣日耳曼(Paris St-Germain)的一个法甲冠军之上,再加上一个世界杯冠军。

This was the one. This was the trophy that Messi's millions of advocates will now use as 'Exhibit A' in their argument that he is the greatest to have played the game. This is a trophy, almost 15 inches of solid gold, that will now have many saying Messi is the greatest - and those with a counter-argument will have an added degree of difficulty presenting their case.



trophy /ˈtrəʊfɪ/ 表示“奖,(流动)奖杯”,英文解释为“a prize, such as a gold or silver cup, that is given to the winner of a competition or race, and often returned after a year to be given to the winner of the competition in the following year”举个🌰:

He's an excellent rider, but he's never won a major trophy. 他是个出色的骑手,但从未赢得过任何一项重要比赛的冠军。


1)表示“拥护者;支持者;提倡者;主张人”,英文解释为“An advocate of a particular action or plan is someone who recommends it publicly.”如:an advocate for hospital workers 医院工作人员的支持者。

2)表示“为 (某团体) 谋利益者”,英文解释为“An advocate for a particular group is a person who works for the interests of that group.”如:advocates for the homeless 为无家可归者谋利益的人。

3)表示“辩护律师”,英文解释为“An advocate is a lawyer who speaks in favour of someone or defends them in a court of law.”

Exhibit A

exhibit /ɪɡˈzɪb.ɪt/ 表示“(法庭上出示的)证据,物证”,英文解释为“a thing used as evidence (= proof that something is true) in a trial”举个🌰:

Is exhibit C the weapon that you say was used? 物证C是不是你说的所使用的武器?

📍Exhibit A一般指当庭首先出示或最重要的证据,也指重要的人证或物证。The foremost example, often with a negative connotation.


counter-argument /ˈkaʊn.tər.ɑː.ɡjə.mənt/ 表示“反论证;反见解;反建议”,英文解释为“an argument against another argument, idea, or suggestion”

Comparisons are expanded over generations, which adds a different frame to all the arguments, but no-one can now deny Messi belongs in the same pantheon as Pele and another whose image was across many Argentina banners at Lusail Stadium on Sunday.



pantheon /ˈpæn.θi.ən/ 表示“(某一领域的)名流,名人,要人”,英文解释为“a small group of people who are the most famous, important, and admired in their particular area of activity”

Inevitably, Diego Maradona, his legendary predecessor in Argentina's number 10 shirt, had a forceful case for the best. The point of difference was always his World Cup triumph in Mexico 36 years ago - a triumph Messi did not have. It has now been removed.

那是迭戈·马拉多纳(Diego Maradona,马勒当拿),梅西与他的比较从来是不可避免的。他是和梅西同样身穿阿根廷10号球衣的前辈,而且他有身为最佳球员的充分理由——他在36年前的墨西哥夺得的世界杯冠军是梅西此前所没有的。现在,这个差距不存在了。


legendary /ˈlɛdʒəndərɪ/ 表示“非常著名的;享有盛名的;传奇的;传说的”,英文解释为“very famous and talked about a lot by people, especially in a way that shows admiration;mentioned in stories from ancient times”,如:a legendary figure 大名鼎鼎/名扬四海的人物。


predecessor表示“前任,前辈;原有事物,前身”,英文解释为“someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before another thing in time or in a series”。

📍successor表示“继任者,接替者;继承人;接替的事物”,英文解释为“someone or something that comes after another person or thing”举个🌰:

This range of computers is very fast, but their successors will be even faster. 这个系列的电脑速度很快,但它的换代产品速度会更快。


1)作动词,表示“成功;获胜”,英文解释为“If someone or something triumphs, they gain complete success, control, or victory, often after a long or difficult struggle.”举个🌰:

All her life, she had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed. 她在一生中遭遇了种种艰巨任务与挑战,但成功了。

2)作名词,表示“胜利;成就”,英文解释为“A triumph is a great success or achievement, often one that has been gained with a lot of skill or effort.”举个🌰:

The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach. 那些冠军称号证明了教练的个人成就。

3)作名词,不可数,表示“(成功或胜利的)喜悦;心满意足,狂喜”,英文解释为“Triumph is a feeling of great satisfaction and pride resulting from a success or victory.”举个🌰:

Her sense of triumph was short-lived. 她喜悦的感觉是短暂的。

How do you even begin to tell the tale of how Messi reached his pinnacle? How do you recount events that eventually led to Argentina's World Cup win and the climax of a tournament that will have the name Lionel Messi attached to it forever?



pinnacle /ˈpɪn.ə.kəl/ 表示“极点;顶点,顶峰”,英文解释为“the most successful or admired part of a system or achievement”举个🌰:

By the age of 30 she had reached the pinnacle of her career. 她在30岁时事业达到顶峰。


climax /ˈklaɪ.mæks/ 表示“高潮;最精彩的部分;顶点”,英文解释为“the most important or exciting point in a story or situation, especially when this happens near the end”举个🌰:

The climax of the air show was a daring flying display. 航空展的高潮是惊险刺激的飞行表演。

Messi should have known, given his history of World Cup heartache and disappointment stretching back to 2006 and including a losing final to Germany at Rio's Maracana in 2014, that this was an honour which would not be won easily.



stretch /stretʃ/ 作名词,表示“(连续的)一段时间”,英文解释为“a continuous period of time”举个🌰:
The elderly generally need far less rest than the young, and tend to sleep in several short stretches.

作动词,1)表示“到…的限度;超过…的限度;竭尽”,英文解释为“to go as far as or past the usual limit of something”举个🌰:
Many families' budgets are already stretched to breaking point. 许多家庭的预算已经撑到了极限。

2)表示“伸出;伸长;拉伸”,英文解释为“to cause something to reach, often as far as possible, in a particular direction”举个🌰:

She stretched out her hand and helped him from his chair. 她伸手将他从椅子上扶起来。

3)表示“展开,铺开;延伸”,英文解释为“to spread over a large area or distance”举个🌰:

A huge cloud of dense smoke stretched across the horizon. 一大团浓烟在地平线上蔓延开来。

4)表示“延续”,英文解释为“to spread over a long period of time”举个🌰:

The dispute stretches back over many years. 这场争论可追溯到许多年以前。

The fact that this spectacular night at Lusail Stadium contained so much suffering before Argentina and Messi hit the heights of their third World Cup win may make it even sweeter.


And it was all done in the face of brilliance from the 23-year-old who will, if he is not there already, join Messi in any debate about the sport's true elite in years to come: France's Kylian Mbappe.

而这一次是在一个出色的23岁球星、法国人基利安·姆巴佩(Kylian Mbappe,麦巴比)面前赢得的。就算姆巴佩现在不是,未来也肯定会被拿来和梅西相提并论,争辩谁更出色。


elite /iˈliːt/ 作形容词,表示“(社会)上层集团的;掌权人物的;精英的;出类拔萃的,精锐的”,英文解释为“belonging to the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society”;

作名词,表示“(社会)上层集团;掌权人物;出类拔萃的人,精英”,英文解释为“the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society”如:the country's educated elite 这个国家受过良好教育的精英。

France appeared to be rolling out the red carpet for Messi's coronation as they barely threatened for 80 minutes. Lusail was Messi's playground as he scored Argentina's opener from the penalty spot, making him the first player in World Cup history to score in the group stage, round of 16, quarter-final, semi-final and final in a single tournament.



coronation /ˌkɒr.əˈneɪ.ʃən/ 表示“加冕典礼”,英文解释为“a ceremony at which a person is made king or queen”


1)表示“惩罚;处罚;刑罚”,英文解释为“a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract”举个🌰:

The penalty for travelling without a ticket is ¥100. 无票乘车的罚款为100元。

2)特指“点球;罚点球得分”,英文解释为“a chance to score a goal or point without any defending players, except the goalkeeper, trying to stop it; the goal or point that is given if it is successful. This chance is given because the other team has broken the rules.”

Messi then helped to create Angel di Maria's second, the game taking a routine course with celebrations started among Argentina fans until the much-anticipated battle with Mbappe was joined in stunning fashion.

然后梅西制造了机会让队友安赫尔·迪马利亚(Angel di Maria)打入第二球。比赛似乎没有悬念,阿根廷球迷已经开始庆祝,直到姆巴佩以一种近乎惊骇的方式将这场万众期待的世纪对决拉回了原点。


1)表示“极有魅力的;绝妙的;给人以深刻印象的”,英文解释为“extremely attractive or impressive举个🌰:
She looks absolutely stunning!

2)表示“令人惊奇万分的;令人震惊的”,英文解释为“extremely surprising or shocking”,如:a stunning defeat 惨败。

🎬 电影《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me 2)中的台词提到:And the stunning revelation that FBI agent Dylan Rhodes ... 还有惊天大揭露联调局特工迪伦·罗兹…

📺 美剧《黑袍纠察队》(The Boys)第一季中的台词提到:Stunning! Absolutely stunning. 惊艳全场,太惊艳了!

Mbappe pulled one back from the spot with 10 minutes left, then fired in a brilliant volley seconds later. Messi's smile that stretched across the giant screens in each corner of the stadium was one of "not again" disbelief.



volley /ˈvɒl.i/ 表示“凌空击球;截击球;凌空踢球”,英文解释为“(in sports) a kick or hit in which a player returns a moving ball before it touches the ground”举个🌰:

That was a beautiful backhand volley. 那是一记漂亮的反手截击球。

Argentina coach Lionel Scaloni pulled off a masterstroke of selection with the inclusion of 34-year-old Di Maria, who ran Jules Kounde ragged, but then appeared to give way to fatal conservatism by taking him off with his side on top after 64 minutes for the workmanlike Marcos Acuna.

阿根廷队主教练利昂内尔·斯卡洛尼(Lionel Scaloni,史卡朗尼)选用34岁的迪马利亚首发出场是一记高招,后者令法国队右后卫孔德(Jules Kounde,观迪)疲于奔命,但是之后斯卡洛尼将在64分钟时用工兵型球员马科斯·阿库尼亚(Marcos Acuna,阿古拿)替换下他,却变成了将自己置于险境的保守调动。


masterstroke /ˈmɑː.stə.strəʊk/ 表示“绝招,高招;妙举”,英文解释为“an action that is very clever and produces success”举个🌰:

His decision to change the team's formation for the final game was a masterstroke. 在决赛时改变阵形,他的这一决定真是神来之笔。

run sb ragged

表示“(通常通过给某人沉重或艰巨的工作)使(某人)筋疲力尽,压得(某人)透不过气来”,英文解释为“If you run someone ragged, you make them very tired, usually by giving them too much work or work that is too demanding.”举个🌰:

The kids have run me ragged this week - I'm glad they're going back to school tomorrow. 这一星期孩子们可把我累坏了——他们明天就要回学校上学了,我真开心。


workmanlike /ˈwɜːk.mən.laɪk/ 表示“技艺平平的;水平一般的”,英文解释为“showing an acceptable level of skill but no great ability or style”

Messi, of course, pulled Argentina round with his second in extra time but France, revived from the earlier mediocrity, were level again through Mbappe's penalty.



revive /rɪˈvaɪv/ 表示“(使)苏醒,复活;(使)复兴;(使)重新流行”,英文解释为“to become, or to make sb/sth become, conscious or healthy and strong again”举个🌰:

The flowers soon revived in water. 这些花见了水很快就活过来了。


mediocrity /ˌmiːdɪˈɒkrɪtɪ/ 表示“平庸”,英文解释为“the quality of being not very good”。


熟词僻义,作形容词,表示“得分相同”,英文解释为“having the same score as sb”举个🌰:

France took an early lead but Wales soon drew level (= scored the same number of points) . 法国队开始领先,但很快就被威尔士队把比分扳平。

In an atmosphere of near hysteria, Argentina keeper Emiliano Martinez saved with his foot from Randal Kolo Muani with the World Cup at his mercy in the closing seconds, although there was still time for Lautaro Martinez to head wide of an unguarded goal at the other end.

在近乎歇斯底里的激烈氛围中,阿根廷队门将埃米利亚诺·马丁内斯(Emiliano Martinez,伊美利安奴·马天尼斯)在最后读秒阶段挡住了科洛·穆亚尼(Randal Kolo Muani,高路·姆亚尼)的攻门,而之后阿根廷队还有劳塔罗·马丁内斯(Lautaro Martinez,罗达路·马天尼斯)的头球攻门偏出。


hysteria /hɪˈstɪərɪə/ 表示“歇斯底里;情绪狂暴不可抑止;大肆鼓吹;狂热夸张;大惊小怪”,英文解释为“a state of extreme excitement, fear or anger in which a person, or a group of people, loses control of their emotions and starts to cry, laugh, etc. ”,如:mass hysteria 人群的狂热情绪,举个🌰:

There was mass hysteria when the band came on stage. 乐队登台时观众一片疯狂。


keeper = goalkeeper,表示“守门员”,英文解释为“a goalkeeper ”

To say extra time was highly charged would be an understatement, with some fans even tearing their gaze away from the action, such was the unbearable tension.


tear sb/sth way

表示“使(某人)依依不舍地离开;把(某人)拽走”,英文解释为“to make someone stop doing something enjoyable, usually because they have to go somewhere or do something else”举个🌰:

I'll bring him, if I can tear him away from the TV. 我会带他来,如果我能把他从电视机前拉走的话。


作名词,表示“凝视;注视;盯着”,英文解释为“a long look, usually of a particular kind”如:a steady gaze 目不转睛地凝视。

Magnificently stressful, it went to penalties which Argentina won 4-2, a painful way to settle a game that will now be talked about whenever the World Cup is discussed.


When Gonzalo Montiel scored the decisive kick, Messi slumped to his knees in tears in the centre circle, arms raised to the heavens before he was buried under an avalanche of light blue and white striped shirts.

当冈萨洛·蒙蒂尔(Gonzalo Montiel,蒙迪亚)最后射入决定胜负的点球时,梅西跪在中圈的地上,流着泪双手举向天空,然后一堆身穿蓝白间条球衣的队友 冲过来将他淹没。


作动词,slump /slʌmp/ 表示“沉重地坐下(或倒下)”,英文解释为“to sit or fall heavily and suddenly”举个🌰:

She slumped into the chair, exhausted. 她颓然跌坐在椅子上,筋疲力尽。

作名词,1)表示“(价格、价值、销售额等的)猛跌,暴跌”,英文解释为“a fall in the price, value, sales, etc. of something”举个🌰:

There's been a slump in the demand for new cars. 新车的需求量猛跌。

2)表示“萧条(期),衰落”,英文解释为“a period when an industry or the economy is in a bad state and there is a lot of unemployment”如:an economic slump 经济萧条。


avalanche /ˈævəˌlɑːntʃ/ 1)表示“雪崩,山崩”,英文解释为“a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks that falls down the side of a mountain”

2)表示“大量;突然到来的一大批”,英文解释为“too many things that arrive or happen at the same time”举个🌰:

We were swamped by an avalanche of letters/phone calls/complaints. 大批的来信/电话/投诉让我们疲于应付。

We received an avalanche of letters in reply to our advertisement. 我们在登出广告后收到了雪片般飞来的大批答复信件。


表示“有条纹的”,英文解释为“marked with a pattern of stripes”,如:a striped shirt 条纹衬衫。

He then claimed a microphone to address Argentina's supporters amid scenes of celebratory mayhem.



mayhem /ˈmeɪ.hem/ 表示“混乱状态,慌乱”,英文解释为“a situation in which there is little or no order or control”

Messi picked up the Golden Ball for player of the tournament, the first player to win it twice since it was introduced in 1982, after also winning the honour in 2014.


He has now been involved in 21 goals for Argentina at World Cups - 13 goals and eight assists, the most by any player for any nation. The goals in this World Cup final give him 793 in his career. He was also the first player to score in every round in the same men's World Cup tournament.


There was one statistic that mattered above all others on this night: Messi was a World Cup winner - at last.


He sat astride the figure-of-eight stage on which he had received the World Cup with his team, basking in the fact he can at last fill that one space in his trophy cabinet. It was a stage later filled with friends and family of the Argentina squad, their country now back on top of the football world for the first time since 1986.



astride /əˈstraɪd/ 作介词,表示“跨(或骑)在…上”,英文解释为“with a leg on each side of something”举个🌰:

She sat proudly astride her new motorbike. 她骄傲地骑在新买的摩托车上。

作副词,表示“两腿分开着;跨骑着;跨坐着”,英文解释为“with legs wide apart”举个🌰:

He stood there, legs astride. 他两腿叉开着站在那儿。

bask in sth

表示“沉浸在…中”,英文解释为“to take pleasure from something that makes you feel good”举个🌰:

He basked in his moment of glory, holding the trophy up to the crowd. 他向观众高高举起奖杯,沉浸在荣耀之中。

Argentina's supporters stayed in their seats for well over an hour, going through the songbook that has been the soundtrack to their World Cup campaign, paying homage to the man they counted on. The man who had delivered.



homage /ˈhɒm.ɪdʒ/ 表示“崇敬,敬意”,英文解释为“deep respect and often praise shown for a person or god”举个🌰:

On this occasion we pay homage to him for his achievements. 在此我们谨就他取得的成就向他表示敬意。

The seismic shock of that opening loss to Saudi Arabia seemed an age away. It was Messi who got Argentina's World Cup into gear with a brilliant goal against Mexico and he was unstoppable as he carried it through to the finish.



seismic /ˈsaɪzmɪk/ 1)表示“地震的;地震引起的”,英文解释为“Seismic means caused by or relating to an earthquake.”举个🌰:

Earthquakes produce two types of seismic waves. 地震产生两种类型的地震波。

2)表示“突然的;造成严重破坏的”,英文解释为“A seismic shift or change is a very sudden or dramatic change.”举个🌰:

I have never seen such a seismic shift in public opinion in such a short period of time. 我从来没有见过公众舆论在这么短的时间内发生如此突然的转变。

🎬电影《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)中的台词提到:We are showing seismic activity to the east near Livermore. 东边靠近利弗莫尔处发现地震活动。

Messi had the golden trophy in his hands. It was mission accomplished - a mission stretching back more than 16 years to when he came on as a scoring substitute in a 6-0 win over Serbia and Montenegro in Germany.



1)作名词,表示“代替者;代替物;代用品;(体育比赛中的)替补队员”,英文解释为“a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use or have”,如:a meat substitute 肉食替代品。

2)作动词,表示“用…代替,代之以”,英文解释为“to use something or someone instead of another thing or person举个🌰:

You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe. 这道菜中你可以用食用油代替黄油。

The final chapter of Messi's World Cup story was a thriller from first to last against France, with the plot taking so many twists. It delivered the perfect ending on a never to be forgotten night in Qatar.



thriller /ˈθrɪlə/ 表示“(尤指关于罪案或间谍的)惊险小说(或戏剧、电影)”,英文解释为“a book, play or film/movie with an exciting story, especially one about crime or spying”。


表示“(故事或情况的)转折,转变,突然变化”,英文解释为“an unexpected change or development in a story or situation”,举个🌰:

The story has taken another twist. 故事情节再一次变化。

- 今日盘点 -

stride、take possession of sth、maestro、rub、crown、don、robe、pyrotechnics、glittering、spectacular、havoc、icon、trophy、advocate、Exhibit A、counter-argument、pantheon、legendary、predecessor、triumph、pinnacle、climax、stretch、elite、coronation、penalty、stunning、volley、masterstroke、run sb ragged、workmanlike、revive、mediocrity、level、hysteria、keeper、tear sb/sth way、gaze、slump、avalanche、striped、mayhem、astride、bask in sth、homage、seismic、substitute、thriller、twist









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