

LearnAndRecord 2023-07-10




1. According to the passage, the difficulty in handling baby sleep lies in not knowing ___.

A. when they switch to slumber

B. how long they sleep well

C. how they fall asleep

D. when they sleep

2. In explaining the circadian process, the author has used ___ more than other means.

A. simile B. comparison

C. metaphor D. exaggeration

3. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about baby sleep?

A. Parents need to be well informed about baby sleep.

B. Babies' sleep cycle tends to be similar to that of adults.

C. A happy link between "baby"and "sleep" is impossible.

D. Babies sleep a lot more during daytime than nighttime.

4. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage?

A. Secrets of parenting babies

B. Baby sleep patterns

C. Does baby sleep matter?

D. What are the must-knows of sleep?


Babies' sleep patterns can be challenging – here's why you shouldn't despair

From: The Guardian

1 Mar 2018

Pairing the words “baby” and “sleep” can evoke strong emotions. Those who have had limited contact with little ones might interpret this word-combination as implying deep and prolonged slumber. For others, this union of words may elicit memories of prolonged periods of chaotic sleep (or what can feel like no sleep at all).

Coping with the way babies sleep can be difficult. It’s not that babies don’t sleep. In fact, they sleep more than at any other stage of life. It’s more an issue of when they sleep. Newborns start by sleeping and waking around the clock. This is not always easy for parents. There is even research suggesting that in adults waking repeatedly at night can feel as bad as getting hardly any sleep in terms of attentional skills, fatigue levels and symptoms of depression.

As to why infants wake at night, this is best explained by thinking about the two things that govern our sleep: the homeostatic and circadian processes. The crux of the homeostatic process is the straightforward idea that the longer we have been awake the greater our sleep drive (and the more sleepy we feel). It may take an adult an entire day to build up enough sleep drive to fall asleep at bedtime, but an infant may only need an hour or two of wakefulness before being able to drift off to sleep.

The second process is circadian, which works like a clock. Adults typically feel more awake during the morning hours and sleepy at night, regardless of when we last slept. In very young babies this process is not yet developed. This means that sleep is more likely to occur at different points across the 24-hour day.

Practically speaking, the immaturity of these two processes mean that that newborn babies are actually expected to wake at night: they are doing exactly what they are supposed to do! They start life with small stomachs which need to be filled regularly so you child can gain strength and stay hydrated, so it’s a good thing that they are waking regularly to feed. As hard as disturbed sleep can be for caregivers, a waking baby is a good thing.

But how long might this continue? The parenting mantra “this too shall pass” is true when it comes to dealing with certain aspects of a baby’s sleep. Night wakings typically become less frequent as an infant ages, and sleep changes in other ways throughout a person’s life. For example, sleep length reduces and there are changes in sleep architecture (or composition of Rapid Eye Movement, REM, and Non-Rapid Eye Movement, NREM, sleep). A premature baby’s sleep cycle might take just 45 minutes, whereas an adult’s can be double that at 90 minutes. Other changes also occur; for example, whereas babies’ sleep cycles start with REM-like sleep, adults start with NREM sleep.

For some parents, knowing that sleep changes throughout life is enough to help them cope with an infant’s night awakenings. In fact, sleep education alone can help some parents to deal with infant sleep. Other parents want more detailed information, such as about babies’ sleep schedules, bedtime routines, sleep problems, sleep safety, sleep environment, naps, sleep training, and special circumstances. We provide all this information, and more, on our website, where physicians, psychologists, and researchers from the Pediatric Sleep Council have also answered hundreds of questions about sleep via video and text. In addition, on Baby Sleep Day, we will be available to answer your individual questions via our Facebook page.

Remember: sleep matters. Experts agree that sleep is essential for health, growth and general development. It is important not just for babies, but for parents too. If we can improve sleep within a family, and create a happy association between the words “baby” and “sleep”, then the Pediatric Sleep Council and Baby Sleep Day have achieved their goal.

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Babies' sleep patterns can be challenging – here's why you shouldn't despair

From: The Guardian

Pairing the words “baby” and “sleep” can evoke strong emotions. Those who have had limited contact with little ones might interpret this word-combination as implying deep and prolonged slumber. For others, this union of words may elicit memories of prolonged periods of chaotic sleep (or what can feel like no sleep at all).



表示“唤起(记忆);引起(想法、情感、反应)”,英文解释为“To evoke a particular memory, idea, emotion, or response means to cause it to occur.”举个🌰:The music evoked memories of her youth. 这乐曲勾起了她对青年时代的回忆。


1)表示“诠释;说明”,英文解释为“to explain the meaning of sth”举个🌰:The students were asked to interpret the poem. 学生们被要求诠释那首诗的意义。

2)表示“把…理解为;领会”,英文解释为“to decide that sth has a particular meaning and to understand it in this way ”举个🌰:The data can be interpreted in many different ways. 这份资料可以从多方面解读。

3)表示“演绎(按自己的感觉演奏音乐或表现角色)”,英文解释为“to perform a piece of music, a role in a play, etc. in a way that shows your feelings about its meaning”举个🌰:He interpreted the role with a lot of humour. 他把这个角色演得十分幽默。

4)表示“翻译,口译”(to change what someone is saying into another language)。


表示“延续很久的,长期的”,英文解释为“continuing for a long time”举个🌰:Prolonged use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects. 据了解,长期服用此药会产生对人体有害的副作用。


slumber /ˈslʌm.bər/ 相当于sleep,可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“睡觉,睡眠”举个🌰:I fell into a gentle slumber. 我甜甜地睡去。


elicit /iˈlɪs.ɪt/ 表示“引出,探出,诱出(尤指信息或反应)”,英文解释为“to get or produce something, especially information or a reaction”举个🌰:Have you managed to elicit a response from them yet? 你设法探到他们的反应了吗?

📍此前Jasper对着每个镜头道歉文中出现的表达:These children tell their parents those things that will elicit praise and hide the parts of their lives that won't. 这些孩子会告诉父母那些可以赢得赞扬的事情,隐瞒自己生活中不会受到赞赏的事情。


表示“混乱的;毫无秩序的”,英文解释为“in a state of chaos”举个🌰:The house is a bit chaotic at the moment - we've got all these extra people staying and we're still decorating. 房子里现在有点混乱——我们有客人在这里而且还在进行装修。

Coping with the way babies sleep can be difficult. It’s not that babies don’t sleep. In fact, they sleep more than at any other stage of life. It’s more an issue of when they sleep. Newborns start by sleeping and waking around the clock. This is not always easy for parents. There is even research suggesting that in adults waking repeatedly at night can feel as bad as getting hardly any sleep in terms of attentional skills, fatigue levels and symptoms of depression.


around the clock

around-the-clock = round-the-clock 表示“全天的,全天候的;不分昼夜的”,英文解释为“happening or done all day and all night”举个🌰:He's very sick and needs round-the-clock care. 他的病很重,需要全天候护理。


fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ 表示“疲劳;劳累”,英文解释为“a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise”,如:physical and mental fatigue 身体和精神的疲劳。

As to why infants wake at night, this is best explained by thinking about the two things that govern our sleep: the homeostatic and circadian processes. The crux of the homeostatic process is the straightforward idea that the longer we have been awake the greater our sleep drive (and the more sleepy we feel). It may take an adult an entire day to build up enough sleep drive to fall asleep at bedtime, but an infant may only need an hour or two of wakefulness before being able to drift off to sleep.



表示“婴儿”,英文解释为“a baby or a very young child”。

📍上面提到的newborn指新生(儿),不过一般作形容词,如:a newborn infant 新生儿。


govern /ˈɡʌv.ən/ 1)表示“统治;管理;治理”,英文解释为“to control and direct the public business of a country, city, group of people, etc.”

2)表示“支配;控制;影响”,英文解释为“to have a controlling influence on something”举个🌰:Prices of goods are governed by the cost of the raw materials, as well as by the cost of production and distribution. 商品的价格不但取决于生产和运销成本,而且取决于原材料的价格。


homeostatic 形容词性,homeostasis /ˌhəʊ.mi.əʊˈsteɪ.sɪs/ 名词,表示“体内动态平衡(机体、活细胞、组织等,在其外部环境变化的情况下,保持内部不变或平衡状态的能力或趋向)”,英文解释为“the ability or tendency of a living organism, cell, or group to keep the conditions inside it the same despite any changes in the conditions around it, or this state of internal balance”举个🌰:Warm-blooded animals are able to achieve temperature homeostasis. 热血动物能够实现体温平衡。


circadian /sɜːˈkeɪ.di.ən/ 表示“(动植物的)昼夜的,约一日的,约24小时的(节律,周期)”,英文解释为“used to describe the processes in animals and plants that happen naturally during a 24-hour period”举个🌰:Our circadian clock makes it difficult to sleep during the day. 昼夜生理时钟让我们很难在白天睡觉。


the crux /ˈkrʌks/ 表示“关键;核心;症结”,英文解释为“the most important or serious part of a matter, problem, or argument”举个🌰:Now we come to  the crux of the matter. 现在我们来谈问题的症结。

drift off

表示“渐渐入睡”,英文解释为“to gradually start to sleep”举个🌰:I couldn't help drifting off in the middle of that lecture - it was so boring! 我在听讲座的过程中不知不觉地睡着了——这个讲座太乏味了!

The second process is circadian, which works like a clock. Adults typically feel more awake during the morning hours and sleepy at night, regardless of when we last slept. In very young babies this process is not yet developed. This means that sleep is more likely to occur at different points across the 24-hour day.


Practically speaking, the immaturity of these two processes mean that that newborn babies are actually expected to wake at night: they are doing exactly what they are supposed to do! They start life with small stomachs which need to be filled regularly so you child can gain strength and stay hydrated, so it’s a good thing that they are waking regularly to feed. As hard as disturbed sleep can be for caregivers, a waking baby is a good thing.



immaturity /ˌɪməˈtjʊərɪtɪ/ 1)表示“幼稚;不成熟”,英文解释为“Immaturity is a lack of the qualities and behaviour that you would expect from a sensible adult.”举个🌰:I am disgusted by the immaturity and stupidity presented in this column. 我对这个专栏的幼稚和愚蠢感到厌恶。

2)表示“发育未全,未成熟”,英文解释为“the state of being not yet completely grown or developed”如:physical immaturity 体格上的不成熟。


📍hydrated /haɪˈdreɪ.tɪd/ 表示“摄入足够水分(或其他液体)的”,英文解释为“having absorbed enough water or other liquid”举个🌰:Be sure to stay hydrated during the race by drinking plenty of fluids. 在比赛中一定要多喝水,保持水分。

📍dehydrated /ˌdiː.haɪˈdreɪ.tɪd/ 表示“脱水的,极度干渴的”,英文解释为“not having the normal amount of water in your body so that you feel ill or weak”

But how long might this continue? The parenting mantra “this too shall pass” is true when it comes to dealing with certain aspects of a baby’s sleep. Night wakings typically become less frequent as an infant ages, and sleep changes in other ways throughout a person’s life. For example, sleep length reduces and there are changes in sleep architecture (or composition of Rapid Eye Movement, REM, and Non-Rapid Eye Movement, NREM, sleep). A premature baby’s sleep cycle might take just 45 minutes, whereas an adult’s can be double that at 90 minutes. Other changes also occur; for example, whereas babies’ sleep cycles start with REM-like sleep, adults start with NREM sleep.



mantra /ˈmæntrə/ 1)表示“准则”,英文解释为“You can use mantra to refer to a statement or a principle that people repeat very often because they think it is true, especially when you think that it not true or is only part of the truth.”,举个🌰:Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services. 倾听顾客的要求是当今公用事业新型管理准则中的一部分。

2)表示“老话,口头禅,口号”,英文解释为“a word or phrase representing a rule or principle which someone often uses, but which other people often find annoying or boring”

3)还可以解释为“(佛教和印度教中的)祷语”,英文解释为“A mantra is a word or phrase repeated by Buddhists and Hindus when they meditate, or to help them feel calm.”


composition /ˌkɒm.pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ 表示“成分;构成;结构”,英文解释为“the parts, substances, etc. that something is made of”如:the composition of the atmosphere 大气的构成。


表示“过早的;不成熟的;仓促的”,英文解释为“happening or done too soon, especially before the natural or suitable time”如:premature birth/death 早产/夭折。

For some parents, knowing that sleep changes throughout life is enough to help them cope with an infant’s night awakenings. In fact, sleep education alone can help some parents to deal with infant sleep. Other parents want more detailed information, such as about babies’ sleep schedules, bedtime routines, sleep problems, sleep safety, sleep environment, naps, sleep training, and special circumstances. We provide all this information, and more, on our website, where physicians, psychologists, and researchers from the Pediatric Sleep Council have also answered hundreds of questions about sleep via video and text. In addition, on Baby Sleep Day, we will be available to answer your individual questions via our Facebook page.



英式 paediatric /ˌpiː.diˈæt.rɪk/美式 pediatric 表示“儿科学的,小儿科的”,英文解释为“relating to the medical care of children”如:paediatric medicine 儿科学。

Remember: sleep matters. Experts agree that sleep is essential for health, growth and general development. It is important not just for babies, but for parents too. If we can improve sleep within a family, and create a happy association between the words “baby” and “sleep”, then the Pediatric Sleep Council and Baby Sleep Day have achieved their goal.


- 今日要点 -

  • Challenges

    • Irregular sleep schedules

    • Parents' stress and fatigue

  • Reasons for Night Waking

    • Sleep drive

    • Underdeveloped circadian rhythm

    • Need for feeding

  • Developmental Changes

    • Decrease in night wakings over time

    • Evolution of sleep patterns

  • Coping Strategies

    • Education and understanding

    • Seeking information and support

- 词汇盘点 -

evoke、 interpret、 prolonged、 slumber、 elicit、 chaotic、 around the clock、 fatigue、 infant、 govern、 homeostatic、 circadian、 crux、 drift off、 immaturity、 hydrated、 mantra、 composition、 premature、 pediatric

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Amidst a chaotic infant care unit, pediatric nurses worked around the clock. One premature infant's prolonged slumber evoked concern. The nurses tried to elicit a response but noticed his circadian rhythm was off. They interpreted this as an immaturity in his homeostatic mechanisms governing sleep. To keep the infant hydrated and calm, a nurse whispered a mantra whose composition was said to aid sleep. Fatigue soon enveloped the infant as he peacefully drifted off.
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