

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13

刚刚,俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)向全国发表电视讲话,提到俄私营军事集团“瓦格纳”(Wagner Group)发生“叛乱”一事,他表示这是从内部颠覆俄罗斯的企图,系“叛国行为”。



1. What characterizes the recruitment practices of the Wagner Group?

A. The group targets only former members of Russia's elite regiments and special forces.

B. The group has primarily recruited individuals from Russia's prison population.

C. The group openly recruits from Russian cities and presents itself as a patriotic organization.

D. The group recruits exclusively from among Ukraine's pro-Russian separatist forces.

2. Why is Yevgeny Prigozhin, the current head of the Wagner Group, nicknamed "Putin's chef"?

A. He used to be a chef in the Kremlin.

B. He caters to Putin's political interests.

C. He is a close personal friend of Putin.

D. He owns a chain of restaurants favored by Putin.


Putin: Wagner Group Action is ‘Treason,’ Promises ‘Harsh’ Punishment

From: VOA

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Wagner Group mercenaries Saturday that armed mutiny is treason and anyone who takes up arms against Russia would be punished.

Putin promised, in an emergency televised address, to take decisive action to stabilize Rostov-on-Don, a southern Russian city where Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin said his forces had taken control of all military installations.

"It is a blow to Russia, to our people. And our actions to defend the Fatherland against such a threat will be harsh. All those who deliberately stepped on the path of betrayal, who prepared an armed insurrection, who took the path of blackmail and terrorist methods, will suffer inevitable punishment, will answer both to the law and to our people," Putin said, calling the Wagner group’s action a “stab in the back.”

Earlier Saturday, Russia said an anti-terrorist operation regime is up and running in Moscow, after Prigozhin vowed to overthrow Russia’s military leadership.

Russia is appealing to the mercenaries of the Wagner Group to abandon the organization and its leader.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement, posted on Telegram that was directed to the mercenary fighters, that they had been deceived and drawn into a “criminal adventure” orchestrated by Prigozhin.

Prigozhin said early Saturday his forces had seized control of the Russian army’s headquarters in Rostov and that his forces were in control of the city’s military sites.

"We are inside the (army) headquarters, it is 7:30 a.m. (0430 GMT). Military sites in Rostov, including an aerodrome, are under control," Prigozhin said in a video on Telegram.

Prigozhin and his fighters had crossed from Ukraine into Russia and entered Rostov, facing no resistance by border guards. Prigozhin said his men were ready to go "all the way" against the Russian military and would destroy anyone who stood in their way.

"Everyone who will try to put up resistance ... we will consider it a threat and destroy it immediately, including any checkpoints that will be in our way and any aircraft that we see over our heads. I am asking everyone to remain calm and not succumb to provocations, stay in their homes. It is advisable not to go outside along the route of our movement," he continued.

"After we finish what we started, we will return to the front to defend our Motherland," Prigozhin said. "There are 25,000 of us, and we are going to figure out why this country is in such a mess. Twenty-five thousand are expected as a tactical reserve, and the strategic reserve is the whole army and the whole country. Everyone who wants to join. We must end this disgrace," he said.

What is the Wagner Group?

From: BBC

The Wagner Group (officially called PMC Wagner) was first identified in 2014, when it was backing pro-Russian separatist forces in eastern Ukraine.

At that time it was a secretive organisation, operating mostly in Africa and the Middle East, and is thought to have had only about 5,000 fighters - mostly veterans of Russia's elite regiments and special forces.

Since then, it has grown considerably.

"Wagner almost certainly now commands 50,000 fighters in Ukraine and has become a key component of the Ukraine campaign," the UK Ministry of Defence said in January.

Wagner started recruiting in large numbers in 2022 because Russia had trouble finding people for its regular army.

About 80% of Wagner's troops in Ukraine have been drawn from prisons, the US National Security Council said at the start of this year.

Although mercenary forces are illegal in Russia, the Wagner Group registered as a company in 2022 and opened a new headquarters in St Petersburg.

"It is openly recruiting in Russian cities, on billboards, and is being named in Russian media as a patriotic organisation," says Dr Samuel Ramani, of the Royal United Services Institute think tank.

The Wagner Group was heavily involved in Russia's capture of the city of Bakhmut, in eastern Ukraine.

At first, the defence ministry did not mention that the Wagner Group was involved in the fighting. However, it later praised its mercenaries for playing a a "courageous and selfless" role.

The current head is Yevgeny Prigozhin, a rich businessman nicknamed "Putin's chef" because he provided catering for the Kremlin.

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Putin: Wagner Group Action is ‘Treason,’ Promises ‘Harsh’ Punishment

From: VOA

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Wagner Group mercenaries Saturday that armed mutiny is treason and anyone who takes up arms against Russia would be punished.



mercenary /ˈmɜː.sən.ri/ 表示“雇佣兵”,英文解释为“a soldier who fights for any country or group that pays them”


mutiny /ˈmjuː.tɪ.ni/ 表示“(尤指士兵或船员的)反叛,哗变”,英文解释为“an occasion when a group of people, especially soldiers or sailors, refuses to obey orders and/or attempts to take control from people in authority”


treason /ˈtriː.zən/ 表示“叛国(罪)”,英文解释为“(the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government”

Putin promised, in an emergency televised address, to take decisive action to stabilize Rostov-on-Don, a southern Russian city where Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin said his forces had taken control of all military installations.

普京在紧急电视讲话中承诺,将采取果断行动,稳定俄罗斯南部城市顿河畔罗斯托夫。瓦格纳首领叶夫根尼·普里戈津(Yevgeny Prigozhin)表示,他的部队已经控制了那里的所有军事设施。


1)熟词僻义,表示“装置艺术(除物体外还运用声音、动作或空间来创作临时艺术品的现代雕塑形式)”,英文解释为“a form of modern sculpture where the artist uses sound, movement, or space as well as objects in order to make an often temporary work of art”。

韩国男厕所掀起“贴眼睛”活动一文中就提到,装置艺术家,装置艺术的介绍:Installation art is an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that often are site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a space. Generally, the term is applied to interior spaces, whereas exterior interventions are often called public art, land art or intervention art; however, the boundaries between these terms overlap.

2)installation /ˌɪn.stəˈleɪ.ʃən/ 表示“(尤指用于军事目的的)设施”,英文解释为“a place where there are buildings and equipment that have a particular, especially military, purpose”如:a nuclear installation 核设施。

"It is a blow to Russia, to our people. And our actions to defend the Fatherland against such a threat will be harsh. All those who deliberately stepped on the path of betrayal, who prepared an armed insurrection, who took the path of blackmail and terrorist methods, will suffer inevitable punishment, will answer both to the law and to our people," Putin said, calling the Wagner group’s action a “stab in the back.”



blow /bləʊ/ 作名词,表示“打击;不幸”,英文解释为“an unexpected event that has a damaging effect on someone or something”举个🌰:Losing his job was a severe blow to his confidence. 失去工作对他的自信心是个沉重的打击。

作动词,原意就是「吹」,此处列举几个可能不太熟悉的含义:1)表示“挥霍,浪费”,英文解释为“to spend a large amount of money, especially on things that are not really necessary”举个🌰:When I got paid I blew it all on a night out. 我领到工资后出去一个晚上就全花光了。

2)表示“浪费(机会)”,英文解释为“to waste an opportunity”举个🌰:She blew her chances by arriving late for the interview. 她面试时迟到,结果错过了机会。

3)表示“泄露;暴露”,英文解释为“to make known sth that was secret”举个🌰:One mistake could blow your cover (= make your real name, job, intentions, etc. known). 一不小心就会让你暴露身份。

stab sb in the back

stab sb in the back 表示“在(某人)背后捅刀子(指伤害信任自己的人)”,英文解释为“to do something harmful to someone who trusted you”举个🌰:He had been lied to and stabbed in the back by people that he thought were his friends. 他曾经被一些他视为朋友的人欺骗过,在背后被捅过刀子。

Earlier Saturday, Russia said an anti-terrorist operation regime is up and running in Moscow, after Prigozhin vowed to overthrow Russia’s military leadership.



regime /reɪˈʒiːm/ 1)表示“政府;政权;政体”,英文解释为“a particular government or a system or method of government”举个🌰:The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown. 腐败的旧极权政府被推翻。

2)表示“组织方法;管理体制;体系”,英文解释为“a particular way of operating or organizing a business, etc.”举个🌰:The regime in this office is hard work and more hard work. 该事务所的管理方式是让人努力再努力。


overthrow /ˌəʊ.vəˈθrəʊ/ 表示“(用武力)推翻,打倒;打败”,英文解释为“to defeat or remove someone from power, using force”

Russia is appealing to the mercenaries of the Wagner Group to abandon the organization and its leader.


Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement, posted on Telegram that was directed to the mercenary fighters, that they had been deceived and drawn into a “criminal adventure” orchestrated by Prigozhin.



表示“欺骗,蒙骗;隐瞒”,英文解释为“to persuade someone that something false is the truth, or to keep the truth hidden from someone for your own advantage”举个🌰:The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new ones. 该公司用旧计算机冒充新机器欺骗顾客。


orchestrate /ˈɔːkɪˌstreɪt/ 表示“精心安排;策划;密谋”,英文解释为“to organize a complicated plan or event very carefully or secretly”举个🌰:heir victory was largely a result of their brilliantly orchestrated campaign. 他们的胜利主要归功于他们的活动策划得非常成功。

Prigozhin said early Saturday his forces had seized control of the Russian army’s headquarters in Rostov and that his forces were in control of the city’s military sites.

瓦格纳(Wagner)私人武装集团的拥有者叶夫根尼·普里戈津(Yevgeny Prigozhin)周六早些时候表示,他的部队已经控制了俄罗斯南部顿河畔罗斯托夫的俄罗斯军队总部,并控制了该市的军事基地。

"We are inside the (army) headquarters, it is 7:30 a.m. (0430 GMT). Military sites in Rostov, including an aerodrome, are under control," Prigozhin said in a video on Telegram.

“现在是早上7点30分(格林威治标准时间0430),我们在(陆军)总部内。罗斯托夫的军事基地,包括一个机场,都处于控制之下,” 普里戈津在社交媒体平台“电报”(Telegram)上的一段视频中说道。


aerodrome /ˈeə.rə.drəʊm/ 表示“飞机场”,英文解释为“old-fashioned for airfield ”

Prigozhin and his fighters had crossed from Ukraine into Russia and entered Rostov, facing no resistance by border guards. Prigozhin said his men were ready to go "all the way" against the Russian military and would destroy anyone who stood in their way.


"Everyone who will try to put up resistance ... we will consider it a threat and destroy it immediately, including any checkpoints that will be in our way and any aircraft that we see over our heads. I am asking everyone to remain calm and not succumb to provocations, stay in their homes. It is advisable not to go outside along the route of our movement," he continued.



succumb /səˈkʌm/ 1)表示“屈从,屈服;放弃抵抗;承认失败”,英文解释为“to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat”举个🌰:I'm afraid I succumbed to temptation and had a piece of cake. 我还是没顶住诱惑,吃了一块蛋糕。

2)表示“病死;生病;受病痛折磨”,英文解释为“to die or suffer badly from an illness”举个🌰:Thousands of cows have succumbed to the disease in the past few months. 过去几个月里,几千头奶牛都得了这种病。


provocation 就是由动词provoke“激起,引起”变化而来,表示“激怒;挑衅;挑衅性事件”,英文解释为“If you describe a person's action as provocation or a provocation, you mean that it is a reason for someone else to react angrily, violently, or emotionally.”

"After we finish what we started, we will return to the front to defend our Motherland," Prigozhin said. "There are 25,000 of us, and we are going to figure out why this country is in such a mess. Twenty-five thousand are expected as a tactical reserve, and the strategic reserve is the whole army and the whole country. Everyone who wants to join. We must end this disgrace," he said.



表示“耻辱,丢脸;不光彩的行为”,英文解释为“embarrassment and the loss of other people's respect, or behaviour that causes this”举个🌰:They were sent home in disgrace. 他们被灰溜溜地送回了家里。

What is the Wagner Group?


From: BBC

The Wagner Group (officially called PMC Wagner) was first identified in 2014, when it was backing pro-Russian separatist forces in eastern Ukraine.



表示“分裂主义者,分离主义者”,英文解释为“someone who is a member of a particular race, religion, or other group within a country and who believes that this group should be independent and have their own government or in some way live apart from other people”

At that time it was a secretive organisation, operating mostly in Africa and the Middle East, and is thought to have had only about 5,000 fighters - mostly veterans of Russia's elite regiments and special forces.



veteran /ˈvetərən/ 1)表示“老手,(在某方面)经验丰富的人”,英文解释为“someone who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity”,如:veteran leader/veteran journalist/actor/goalkeeper etc 资深领袖/资深记者/资深演员/经验丰富的守门员等。

2)表示“老兵,退伍军人”,英文解释为“someone who has been in the armed forces during a war”如:a Vietnam veteran 越战老兵。


elite /iˈliːt/ 作形容词,表示“(社会)上层集团的;掌权人物的;精英的;出类拔萃的,精锐的”,英文解释为“belonging to the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society”;

作名词,表示“(社会)上层集团;掌权人物;出类拔萃的人,精英”,英文解释为“the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society”如:the country's educated elite 这个国家受过良好教育的精英。


regiment /ˈredʒ.ɪ.mənt/ 表示“(军队的)团;大批,大群(事物或人)”,英文解释为“a large group of soldiers, or (more generally) any large number of things or people”举个🌰:Regiments are usually commanded by a colonel and are sometimes made up of soldiers from a particular city or part of the country. 团通常由上校指挥,有时其士兵都来自某个城市或国家的某个特定地区。

Since then, it has grown considerably.


"Wagner almost certainly now commands 50,000 fighters in Ukraine and has become a key component of the Ukraine campaign," the UK Ministry of Defence said in January.



1)表示“命令,指示”,英文解释为“to give someone an order”举个🌰:He commanded that the troops (should) cross the water. 他命令部队渡河。

2)表示“指挥;统帅;管辖”,英文解释为“to control someone or something and tell him, her, or it what to do”

3)熟词僻义,表示“应得,值得”,英文解释为“to deserve and get something good, such as attention, respect, or a lot of money”举个🌰:She was one of those teachers who just commanded respect. 她是那些值得尊敬的老师中的一位。She commands one of the highest fees per film in Hollywood. 她是好莱坞片酬最高的演员之一。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述当今汽车产业的文章中提到:The only firm that commands their confidence is Tesla, an electric-car specialist, whose shares are up by 64% this year. 唯一能赢得投资者信心的公司是专做电动汽车的特斯拉,它的股票今年上涨了64%。

Wagner started recruiting in large numbers in 2022 because Russia had trouble finding people for its regular army.



表示“招聘,吸收;(尤指军队)征募新兵”,英文解释为“to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army”举个🌰:Even young boys are now being recruited into the army. 就连很年轻的男孩子都被征召入伍了。

About 80% of Wagner's troops in Ukraine have been drawn from prisons, the US National Security Council said at the start of this year.


Although mercenary forces are illegal in Russia, the Wagner Group registered as a company in 2022 and opened a new headquarters in St Petersburg.


"It is openly recruiting in Russian cities, on billboards, and is being named in Russian media as a patriotic organisation," says Dr Samuel Ramani, of the Royal United Services Institute think tank.

英国皇家国防安全联合研究所的拉马尼(Samuel Ramani)博士说:“它在俄罗斯的城市公开招募人员,在广告牌上打广告,并在俄罗斯媒体上被称为爱国组织。”


表示“(尤指路旁的)大型广告牌”,英文解释为“a very large board on which advertisements are shown, especially at the side of a road”。


表示“爱国的;有爱国心的”,英文解释为“showing love for your country and being proud of it”如:patriotic fervour/pride 爱国热情/自豪感。

think tank

表示“智囊团;智库”,英文解释为“a group of experts brought together, usually by a government, to develop ideas on a particular subject and to make suggestions for action”

The Wagner Group was heavily involved in Russia's capture of the city of Bakhmut, in eastern Ukraine.


At first, the defence ministry did not mention that the Wagner Group was involved in the fighting. However, it later praised its mercenaries for playing a a "courageous and selfless" role.


The current head is Yevgeny Prigozhin, a rich businessman nicknamed "Putin's chef" because he provided catering for the Kremlin.

该组织现任领袖普里戈津(Yevgeny Prigozhin)本身是富商,为克里姆林宫提供餐饮服务,有“普京大厨”之称。


可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“给…起绰号”,英文解释为“to give a nickname to sb/sth”举个🌰:LR was nicknamed ‘Lu Rou’. LR外号叫“卤肉”。



catering /ˈkeɪ.tər.ɪŋ/ 表示“餐饮业;准备或提供食物的工作”,英文解释为“any job making or serving food ”举个🌰:I've always wanted to work in catering. 我一直想在餐饮业工作。

- 词汇盘点 -

mercenary、 mutiny、 treason、 installation、 blow、 stab sb in the back、 regime、 overthrow、 deceive、 orchestrate、 aerodrome、 succumb、 provocation、 disgrace、 separatist、 veteran、 elite、 regiment、 command、 recruit、 billboard、 patriotic、 think tank、 nickname、 catering

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Nicknamed 'The Mercenary,' a veteran deceived his elite regiment and recruited separatists in a treasonous plot to overthrow the regime. As a disgrace to his once patriotic command, he orchestrated a mutiny from an aerodrome installation. Yet, this plan blew up, succumbing to a billboard's provocation from a loyal think tank. His treacherous act was akin to stabbing his comrades in the back, ultimately leading to his downfall.
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