

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13



1. What is the main role of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as implied in the article?

A. To enforce laws regarding food safety

B. To determine the safe consumption limits of food products

C. To assess the potential hazards of substances based on published evidence

D. To regulate the food and beverage industry

2. How does JECFA's function differ from that of IARC, based on the information given in the article?

A. JECFA focuses on determining the probability of specific types of harm under certain conditions and levels of exposure, while IARC focuses on assessing potential hazards.

B. JECFA determines the safety of food additives, while IARC regulates their use.

C. JECFA assesses the impact of food additives on human health, while IARC assesses their impact on the environment.

D. JECFA focuses on improving the quality of food additives, while IARC focuses on researching their potential hazards.


Exclusive: WHO's cancer research agency to say aspartame sweetener a possible carcinogen - sources

From: Reuters

One of the world's most common artificial sweeteners is set to be declared a possible carcinogen next month by a leading global health body, according to two sources with knowledge of the process, pitting it against the food industry and regulators.

Aspartame, used in products from Coca-Cola diet sodas to Mars' Extra chewing gum and some Snapple drinks, will be listed in July as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" for the first time by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the World Health Organization's (WHO) cancer research arm, the sources said.

The IARC ruling, finalised earlier this month after a meeting of the group's external experts, is intended to assess whether something is a potential hazard or not, based on all the published evidence.

It does not take into account how much of a product a person can safely consume. This advice for individuals comes from a separate WHO expert committee on food additives, known as JECFA (the Joint WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization's Expert Committee on Food Additives), alongside determinations from national regulators.

However, similar IARC rulings in the past for different substances have raised concerns among consumers about their use, led to lawsuits, and pressured manufacturers to recreate recipes and swap to alternatives. That has led to criticism that the IARC's assessments can be confusing to the public.

JECFA, the WHO committee on additives, is also reviewing aspartame use this year. Its meeting began at the end of June and it is due to announce its findings on the same day that the IARC makes public its decision – on July 14.

Since 1981, JECFA has said aspartame is safe to consume within accepted daily limits. For example, an adult weighing 60 kg (132 pounds) would have to drink between 12 and 36 cans of diet soda – depending on the amount of aspartame in the beverage – every day to be at risk. Its view has been widely shared by national regulators, including in the United States and Europe.

An IARC spokesperson said both the IARC and JECFA committees' findings were confidential until July, but added they were "complementary", with IARC's conclusion representing "the first fundamental step to understand carcinogenicity". The additives committee "conducts risk assessment, which determines the probability of a specific type of harm (e.g., cancer) to occur under certain conditions and levels of exposure."

However, industry and regulators fear that holding both processes at around the same time could be confusing, according to letters from U.S. and Japanese regulators seen by Reuters.

"We kindly ask both bodies to coordinate their efforts in reviewing aspartame to avoid any confusion or concerns among the public," Nozomi Tomita, an official from Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, wrote in a letter dated March 27 to WHO's deputy director general, Zsuzsanna Jakab.

The letter, reviewed by Reuters, also called for the conclusions of both bodies to be released on the same day, as is now happening. The Japanese mission in Geneva, where the WHO is based, did not respond to a request for comment.

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Exclusive: WHO's cancer research agency to say aspartame sweetener a possible carcinogen - sources

From: Reuters

One of the world's most common artificial sweeteners is set to be declared a possible carcinogen next month by a leading global health body, according to two sources with knowledge of the process, pitting it against the food industry and regulators.



表示“人造的,人工的;仿造的”,英文解释为“made by people, often as a copy of something natural”如:clothes made of artificial fibres 人造纤维面料的服装。


表示“甜味剂,甜化剂”,英文解释为“an artificial substance that has a similar taste to sugar, or a small pill made of this”


carcinogen /kɑːˈsɪn.ə.dʒən/ 表示“致癌物质”,英文解释为“a substance that causes cancer”

pit sb/sth against sb/sth

表示“使相斗;使竞争;使较量”,英文解释为“to cause one person, group, or thing to fight against or be in competition with another”也有用pitch sb/sth against sb/sth这个表达,英文解释为“to make someone fight or compete against someone else”,互相较劲/较量/对立/对战,举个🌰:The climbers pitted themselves against the mountain. 攀登者与大山一较高下。It was a bitter war, that pitted neighbour against neighbour. 那是一场可怕的战争,使人和人之间相互为敌。

Aspartame, used in products from Coca-Cola diet sodas to Mars' Extra chewing gum and some Snapple drinks, will be listed in July as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" for the first time by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the World Health Organization's (WHO) cancer research arm, the sources said.


chewing gum

chewing gum /ˈtʃuː.ɪŋ ˌɡʌm/ 表示“口香糖”,英文解释为“a sweet that you keep in your mouth and chew to get its flavour, but do not swallow”举个🌰:Would you like a piece/stick of chewing gum? 你要来片/块口香糖吗?


熟词僻义,表示“职能部门;分支机构,分部”,英文解释为“An arm of an organization is a part of it that is responsible for a particular activity or place.”举个🌰:The British company is one arm of a large multinational. 这家英国公司是一个庞大的跨国公司的分部。

The IARC ruling, finalised earlier this month after a meeting of the group's external experts, is intended to assess whether something is a potential hazard or not, based on all the published evidence.



表示“裁决;裁定;判定;决定”,英文解释为“a decision”举个🌰:The court has made a final ruling on the case that the companies acted illegally. 法庭对此案作出终审判决,判涉案公司违法经营。


英式finalise,美式finalize /ˈfaɪ.nəl.aɪz/ 表示“把(计划、日期等)最后定下”,英文解释为“to make a final and certain decision about a plan, date, etc.”举个🌰:We'll finalize the details later. 细节我们稍后再定。


表示“危险(物),危害(物)”,英文解释为“something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage”如:a fire/safety hazard 火灾/安全隐患,举个🌰:The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians. 那个繁忙的车辆入口处对行人来说很不安全。

It does not take into account how much of a product a person can safely consume. This advice for individuals comes from a separate WHO expert committee on food additives, known as JECFA (the Joint WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization's Expert Committee on Food Additives), alongside determinations from national regulators.



表示“(食品的)添加剂,添加物”,英文解释为“An additive is a substance which is added in small amounts to foods or other things in order to improve them or to make them last longer.”

However, similar IARC rulings in the past for different substances have raised concerns among consumers about their use, led to lawsuits, and pressured manufacturers to recreate recipes and swap to alternatives. That has led to criticism that the IARC's assessments can be confusing to the public.



1)表示“物质;材料”,英文解释为“material with particular physical characteristics”如:an organic/chemical substance 有机/化学物质。

2)表示“重要性;要旨;实质;根据”,英文解释为“importance, seriousness, or relationship to real facts”举个🌰:There is no substance in/to the allegation. 这项指控毫无根据。


除了表示“食谱”,还可以指“方法;秘诀;诀窍”,英文解释为“a method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular result”举个🌰:What's her recipe for success? 她成功的秘诀是什么?


swap 可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“交换”,英文解释为“If you swap something with someone, you give it to them and receive a different thing in exchange.”举个🌰:Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switch weekly. 下周他们将互换位置,以后将每周换一次。


alternative本身可以作名词也可以作形容词,表示“可替代的,供选择的(事物)”英文解释为“An alternative plan or method is one that you can use if you do not want to use another one.”举个🌰:The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an alternative strategy. 反对党到目前为止还没有提出其他的策略。

JECFA, the WHO committee on additives, is also reviewing aspartame use this year. Its meeting began at the end of June and it is due to announce its findings on the same day that the IARC makes public its decision – on July 14.


Since 1981, JECFA has said aspartame is safe to consume within accepted daily limits. For example, an adult weighing 60 kg (132 pounds) would have to drink between 12 and 36 cans of diet soda – depending on the amount of aspartame in the beverage – every day to be at risk. Its view has been widely shared by national regulators, including in the United States and Europe.



表示“饮料”,英文解释为“Beverages are drinks.”如:alcoholic beverages 含酒精的饮料。

An IARC spokesperson said both the IARC and JECFA committees' findings were confidential until July, but added they were "complementary", with IARC's conclusion representing "the first fundamental step to understand carcinogenicity". The additives committee "conducts risk assessment, which determines the probability of a specific type of harm (e.g., cancer) to occur under certain conditions and levels of exposure."



表示“保密的”,英文解释为“Information that is confidential is meant to be kept secret or private.”举个🌰:She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life. 她指责他们泄露了有关她的私生活的保密信息。


complementary /ˌkɒm.plɪˈmen.tər.i/ 表示“补充的;互补的;补足的”,英文解释为“useful or attractive together”如:complementary colours/flavours/skills 互补色/风味/技能。

However, industry and regulators fear that holding both processes at around the same time could be confusing, according to letters from U.S. and Japanese regulators seen by Reuters.


"We kindly ask both bodies to coordinate their efforts in reviewing aspartame to avoid any confusion or concerns among the public," Nozomi Tomita, an official from Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, wrote in a letter dated March 27 to WHO's deputy director general, Zsuzsanna Jakab.

日本厚生劳动省官员富田望(Nozomi Tomita)在3月27日给世卫组织副总干事兹苏珊娜·雅卡布(Zsuzsanna Jakab)的信中写道:“我们衷心请求这两个机构在审查阿斯巴甜的问题上共同协作,以免给公众带来混淆或担忧。”


coordinate /kəʊˈɔː.dɪ.neɪt/ 表示“协调;使相配合”,英文解释为“to make many different things work effectively as a whole”举个🌰:We need someone to coordinate the whole campaign. 我们需要有个人来协调整个活动。

The letter, reviewed by Reuters, also called for the conclusions of both bodies to be released on the same day, as is now happening. The Japanese mission in Geneva, where the WHO is based, did not respond to a request for comment.


- 词汇盘点 -

artificial、 sweetener、 carcinogen、 pit sb/sth against sb/sth、 chewing gum、 arm、 ruling、 finalise、 hazard、 additive、 substance、 recipe、 swap、 alternative、 beverage、 confidential、 complementary、 coordinate

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In a ruling that surprised many, the finalised recipe for an alternative sweetener was deemed a hazardous substance. This confidential information set off a chain of events. A beverage company, coordinating with an artificial sweetener manufacturer, took a risky gamble. They decided to swap the original additive with a carcinogen, hoping to pit their competitor against health concerns. However, a vigilant employee discovered the plot while chewing gum. With swift action, they alerted the authorities who stepped in to coordinate an investigation. The harmful plan was halted, and the company faced severe legal consequences for this complementary act of deception.
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