

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13



1. What does the phrase "spiraling inflation" in the context of the article refer to?

A. An economic condition leading to an increase in wedding costs globally.

B. A situation where the cost of fast food is increasing. C. The increasing cost of McDonald's products in the wedding package.

D. The financial conditions that led to McDonald's venturing into the wedding industry.

2. Which statement best encapsulates the business model of McDonald's in the wedding market according to the passage?

A. McDonald's provides catering services for soon-to-be-married couples in America.

B. McDonald's offers services to hold weddings in its restaurants, exclusively in Jakarta.

C. McDonald's offers various wedding services including catering, with variations across different regions.

D. McDonald's first ventured into providing catering services for weddings in Indonesia.

3. Based on the passage, which of the following is not a component of the "McWedding" package in Hong Kong?

A. Western decorations

B. An Apple Pie display in place of a traditional cake

C. A minimum purchase of 200 products

D. Balloons


Bride on a budget? McDonald’s is offering couples a $200 wedding package that includes 100 servings of chicken nuggets


Getting married isn’t cheap and thanks to spiraling inflation, American couples are spending more than ever on their big day. The problem isn’t unique to the U.S., with wedding costs surging all over the world—and in one market, McDonald’s is stepping in to help.

The fast food giant’s Indonesian arm is offering a new “Wedding Mekdi” package to couples getting hitched in Jakarta, the country’s capital.

For around $230, McDonald’s is offering newlyweds various catering options, including 100 chicken sandwiches and 100 servings of four chicken McNuggets.

For a wedding with 100 attendees, the package works out at just over $2 a head—or around 97% less than the average couple marrying in America paid for catering last year.

Representatives for McDonald’s Indonesia did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

However, Rizki Haryadi, a spokesperson for the company, told news outlet The Sun U.S. that McDonald’s was offering newlyweds plenty of service options for after their ceremony, including food stalls. He clarified, though, that the deal does not include exchanging vows in one of the company’s restaurants.

“The wedding package is not for holding a wedding at a McD store, but only for food,” he said, noting that there was “a minimum purchase of 200 products.”

McWedding packages

For those interested in tying the knot beneath the Golden Arches, McDonald’s has long been offering wedding ceremonies and parties in Hong Kong. The so-called McWedding packages, which reportedly cost around $380, are customizable but can include Chinese or Western decorations, balloons, and an Apple Pie display in lieu of a cake.

McDonald’s isn’t the only big name in the fast food space to have forayed into the wedding industry.

Taco Bell fans can get married at the company’s flagship store in Las Vegas, which includes a ceremony in its “chapel with a twist,” custom wedding merchandise, a Cinnabon cake, and a Taco Bell sauce packet bouquet. Couples can book a $777 Taco Bell wedding just four hours before their ceremony, as long as they abide by Taco Bell’s wedding dress code: “no shirt, no shoes, no marriage.”

In 2020, an Australian couple had a KFC-themed wedding reception after winning a competition held by the company. The prize wedding package included a KFC photo booth, a wedding cake, and buckets of the firm’s trademark fried chicken.

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Bride on a budget? McDonald's is offering couples a $200 wedding package that includes 100 servings of chicken nuggets


Getting married isn't cheap and thanks to spiraling inflation, American couples are spending more than ever on their big day. The problem isn't unique to the U.S., with wedding costs surging all over the world—and in one market, McDonald's is stepping in to help.



bride表示“新娘;即将(或刚)结婚的女子”,英文解释为“a woman who is about to get married or has just got married”

bridegroom /ˈbraɪd.ɡrʊm/ = groom 表示“新郎;即将(或刚)结婚的男子”,英文解释为“a man who is about to get married or has just got married”

📍注:标题中,Bride on a budget?是在询问“是个有预算限制的新娘吗?”这是一种非正式的、口语化的表达方式,用于引入一种节省成本的婚礼策划方案。Budget在这里指的是经济预算,或者说是个人或家庭为某一项目或活动设定的经济限制。On a budget是一个常见的表达,意思是有预算限制或者需要控制花费。


nugget /ˈnʌɡ.ɪt/ 1)表示“有价值的小东西;有用的想法(或事实);至理名言”,英文解释为“something that a person has said or written that is very true or very wise”如:a nugget of information/truth 有价值的消息/事实。

2)表示“(裹上面包屑炸成的)鸡块,鱼块”,英文解释为“a small piece of chicken or fish that has been covered in breadcrumbs and fried”举个🌰:She won't eat anything except chicken nuggets and pizza. 她除了炸鸡块和比萨饼之外什么都不吃。


spiral /ˈspaɪr.əl/ 作动词,1)表示“呈螺旋式上升(或下降);盘旋上升(或下降)”,英文解释为“to move in a spiral”举个🌰:With one wing damaged, the model airplane spiralled downwards. 模型飞机的一个机翼坏了,盘旋着下坠。

2)表示“(费用、价格等)急剧增长,急速上升”,英文解释为“If costs, prices, etc. spiral, they increase faster and faster.”举个🌰:Spiralling costs have squeezed profits. 急剧上升的成本压缩了利润空间。

3)表示“(形势)急剧恶化”,英文解释为“If a situation spirals, it quickly gets worse in a way that becomes more and more difficult to control.”

作名词,表示“逐渐加速上升(或下降)”,英文解释为“a continuous harmful increase or decrease in sth, that gradually gets faster and faster”如:measures to control the inflationary spiral 控制日益恶化的通货膨胀的措施。


表示“通货膨胀”,英文解释为“a general, continuous increase in prices”如:high/low inflation 高/低通货膨胀。


1)作动词,表示“急剧上升;飞涨;剧增”,英文解释为“If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly.”举个🌰:The company's profits have surged. 公司的利润激增。

2)作名词,表示“剧增”,英文解释为“A surge is a sudden large increase in something that has previously been steady, or has only increased or developed slowly.”举个🌰:An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash. 突然出现的电压剧增导致电脑死机。

🎬电影《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)中的台词提到:But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her. 但她体内涌动的能量太大 她撑不住的。

The fast food giant's Indonesian arm is offering a new “Wedding Mekdi” package to couples getting hitched in Jakarta, the country's capital.



giant表示“巨头,大公司”,英文解释为“Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country.”如:Japanese electronics giant, Sony 日本的电子业巨头——索尼公司。


📍mogul /ˈməʊɡəl/表示“(尤指新闻、影视界的)大人物;大亨”,英文解释为“A mogul is an important, rich, and powerful businessman, especially one in the news, film, or television industry.”如:an international media mogul一位国际传媒大亨。

📍magnate /ˈmæɡneɪt, -nɪt/ 表示“大亨,巨头”,英文解释为“a rich and powerful person in industry or business”。

📍tycoon /taɪˈkuːn/ 表示“巨头,大亨(工商界)”,英文解释为“someone who is successful in business or industry and has a lot of money and power”如:property tycoon 房地产大亨。

📍conglomerate /kənˈglɒmərɪt/ 表示“联合大公司;企业集团”,英文解释为“A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.”如:the world's second-largest media conglomerate 世界第二大传媒集团。

📍behemoth /ˈbiːhɪmɒθ/ 表示“巨头(指规模庞大、实力雄厚的公司或机构)”,英文解释为“a very big and powerful company or organization”。

📍titan表示“巨人;巨头”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as a titan of a particular field, you mean that they are very important and powerful or successful in that field.”


熟词僻义,表示“职能部门;分支机构,分部”,英文解释为“An arm of an organization is a part of it that is responsible for a particular activity or place.”举个🌰:The British company is one arm of a large multinational. 这家英国公司是一个庞大的跨国公司的分部。


hitch /hɪtʃ/  作名词,表示“临时故障,小问题”,英文解释为“a temporary difficulty that causes a short delay”举个🌰:Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will be starting half an hour late. 由于出了一点小小的技术故障,音乐会将推后半小时开始。

作动词,hitch a lift/ride 1)表示“免费搭车;搭便车”,英文解释为“to get a free ride in a person's car; to travel around in this way, by standing at the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop”举个🌰:They hitched a ride in a truck. 他们搭乘了一辆路过的货车。

2)表示“(用绳子)系住;(用钩子)挂住”,英文解释为“to fasten something to another thing by tying it with a rope or using a metal hook”举个🌰:The horses were hitched to a shiny, black carriage. 马匹被套在一辆黑亮的大车上。

短语:📍get hitched 表示“结婚”,英文解释为“to get married”举个🌰:Is LR really getting hitched? LR真的要结婚了吗?(假的。

For around $230, McDonald's is offering newlyweds various catering options, including 100 chicken sandwiches and 100 servings of four chicken McNuggets.



newlywed /ˈnjuː.li.wed/ 表示“新婚者”,英文解释为“someone who has recently married”举个🌰:The hotel has a special discount rate for newlyweds. 这家宾馆为新婚夫妇提供特别优惠。


catering /ˈkeɪ.tər.ɪŋ/ 表示“餐饮业;准备或提供食物的工作”,英文解释为“any job making or serving food”举个🌰:I've always wanted to work in catering. 我一直想在餐饮业工作。


option /ˈɒp.ʃən/ 1)表示“选择,选项;选择权”,英文解释为“one thing that can be chosen from a set of possibilities, or the freedom to make a choice”举个🌰:The best option would be to cancel the trip altogether. 最好的选择是彻底取消这次行程。

2)表示“期权;未来购买权”,英文解释为“the right to buy something in the future”如:a share/stock option 股票期权。


serving /ˈsɜː.vɪŋ/ 作名词,表示“(供一人食用的)一份;一客”,英文解释为“an amount of one type of food that is given to one person”举个🌰:The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four servings. 食谱上给出的量足够4个人吃。

作形容词,表示“目前任职的;(尤指)现役的”,英文解释为“employed at the present time in a particular organization, especially the armed forces”如:serving and retired military officers 现役和退役的军官。

For a wedding with 100 attendees, the package works out at just over $2 a head—or around 97% less than the average couple marrying in America paid for catering last year.


work out

1)表示“锻炼身体”,英文解释为“to exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body”举个🌰:He works out in the gym two or three times a week. 他每周在健身房锻炼两三次。

2)表示“发生;发展;进展顺利”,英文解释为“To happen or develop in a particular way; If a situation works out well or works out, it happens or progresses in a satisfactory way.”举个🌰:Let's hope this new job works out well for him. 希望这项新工作会非常适合他。Things just didn't work out as planned. 事情没有像计划的那样进展顺利。

3)表示“结果是;算下来”,英文解释为“to be the result of a calculation”举个🌰:These figures work out differently each time I add them. 我每次把这些数字相加得出的结果都不一样。

Representatives for McDonald's Indonesia did not respond to Fortune's request for comment.


However, Rizki Haryadi, a spokesperson for the company, told news outlet The Sun U.S. that McDonald's was offering newlyweds plenty of service options for after their ceremony, including food stalls. He clarified, though, that the deal does not include exchanging vows in one of the company's restaurants.

不过,该公司发言人里兹基·哈里亚迪(Rizki Haryadi)在接受《太阳报》美国版采访时表示,麦当劳为新婚夫妇在婚礼后提供了大量可选服务,包括食品摊位。他澄清说,这笔买卖并不包括在公司的餐厅里举行誓言交换仪式。


outlet/outlets一词经常出现,media outlet / news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店 a retail outlet 零售店,举个🌰:At the factory outlet you'll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices. 在工厂的直销店里,你会找到比常规价低75%的打折商品。


此外,也可以指“(情绪或精力的)发泄方式,发泄途径,施展的机会”,英文解释为“a way in which emotion or energy can be expressed or made use of”举个🌰:Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents. 她的工作没有给她提供发泄精力及施展才华的机会。


作动词,表示“推迟,暂缓;搁置”,英文解释为“If you stall an event, you delay it or prevent it from making progress.”举个🌰:Discussions have once again stalled. 讨论再次停顿下来。

📍“海克斯科技”是什么梗?文中出现了 stall,作名词,1)表示“(房间内的)小隔间,淋浴室,洗手间”,英文解释为“a small area in a room, surrounded by glass, walls, etc., that contains a shower or toilet”。

2)表示“(农场建筑中圈养单只牲畜的)隔栏,分隔间”,英文解释为“a small closed area within a farm building in which there is space for one animal to be kept”

3)表示“货摊,摊位;售货亭”,英文解释为“a large table or a small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a public place”


表示“澄清;阐明;使更清晰易懂”,英文解释为“to make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation”举个🌰:Could you clarify the first point please? 请你把第一点再阐释一下,好吗?

“The wedding package is not for holding a wedding at a McD store, but only for food,” he said, noting that there was “a minimum purchase of 200 products.”


McWedding packages 麦当劳婚礼套餐

For those interested in tying the knot beneath the Golden Arches, McDonald's has long been offering wedding ceremonies and parties in Hong Kong. The so-called McWedding packages, which reportedly cost around $380, are customizable but can include Chinese or Western decorations, balloons, and an Apple Pie display in lieu of a cake.


tie the knot

knot原意表示绳子的“结”(a join made by tying together two pieces or ends of string, rope, etc.)

因此,tie the knot字面意思就是“打结”,此处引申表示“结婚,喜结连理”,英文解释为“to get married”举个🌰:So when are you two going to tie the knot? 那么你俩什么时候结婚呢?

🎬电影《泰迪熊2》(Ted 2)中的台词提到:Rick and I are actually about to tie the knot. 其实我们快要结婚了。


表示“可定制的”,英文解释为“used to describe something that you can change according to a customer's or user's particular needs”


in lieu (of) 等同于instead of,表示“替代,取代”,举个🌰:They gave some books in lieu of payment for the work I did. 对我做的这些工作,他们给了我一些书作为报酬而不是付钱。

🎬电影《魔法奇缘》(Enchanted)中的台词提到:So in lieu of taking advice from a forest rodent, 与其听从森林里一只啮齿动物的建议 不如...

🎬电影《V字仇杀队》(V for Vendetta)中的台词提到:Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. 因为在警棍可以用来代替谈话的时候,语言会一直保留它的威力。也有翻译成:因为尽管沉默代替了谈话,言语却总是能保持它的力量。

McDonald's isn't the only big name in the fast food space to have forayed into the wedding industry.



foray /ˈfɒr.eɪ/ 可作动词,也可作名词,1)表示“涉足;初次尝试”,英文解释为“If you make a foray into a new or unfamiliar type of activity, you start to become involved in it.”举个🌰:The Italian fashion house, has made a discreet foray into furnishings. 该意大利时装公司已谨慎地涉足室内装饰业。

2)表示“(带有刺激性或冒险性的)短程旅行;(尤指有明确目的的)短暂访问”,英文解释为“You can refer to a short trip that you make as a foray if it seems to involve excitement or risk, for example, because it is to an unfamiliar place or because you are looking for a particular thing.”举个🌰:Most guests make at least one foray into the town. 大多数客人至少去过一次城里。

3)表示“突袭,闪电式侵袭”,英文解释为“If a group of soldiers make a foray into enemy territory, they make a quick attack there, and then return to their own territory.”

🎬电影《福尔摩斯先生》(Mr Holmes)中的台词:My first foray into the world of fiction. 我完成了小说的处女作/首次涉足小说领域。

📺美剧《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)第3季中的台词提到:I led the foray when the enemies were at the gate 敌人攻至城门 是我带人突袭。

Taco Bell fans can get married at the company's flagship store in Las Vegas, which includes a ceremony in its “chapel with a twist,” custom wedding merchandise, a Cinnabon cake, and a Taco Bell sauce packet bouquet. Couples can book a $777 Taco Bell wedding just four hours before their ceremony, as long as they abide by Taco Bell's wedding dress code: “no shirt, no shoes, no marriage.

塔可钟(Taco Bell)的粉丝们可以在该公司位于拉斯维加斯的旗舰店里举行婚礼。该旗舰店提供的婚礼仪式包括在“具有独特风格的小教堂”举行的仪式、定制婚礼商品、Cinnabon肉桂蛋糕和塔可钟酱包花束。只要遵守塔可钟的婚礼着装规定:“衣冠不整者不得参加婚礼。”新人们就可以在婚礼前四个小时预订价值777美元的塔可钟婚礼。

📍注:“no shirt, no shoes, no marriage.”源自一个常见的英文标语“no shirt, no shoes, no service.”原本的标语用在商业环境中,意思是如果顾客没有穿衬衫或者鞋子,将不会得到服务。在这里,Taco Bell把这个标语改成了no shirt, no shoes, no marriage. 意思是如果新人在婚礼上没有穿衬衫或者鞋子,他们将无法举行婚礼。


表示“(某组织机构的)最重要产品,最佳服务项目,主建筑物,王牌”,英文解释为“the most important product, service, building, etc. that an organization owns or produces”。


chapel /ˈtʃæpəl/ 表示“(基督教)小教堂,礼拜堂”,英文解释为“a room that is part of a larger building and is used for Christian worship”。


表示“(故事或情况的)转折,转变,突然变化”,英文解释为“an unexpected change or development in a story or situation”举个🌰:The story has taken another twist. 故事情节再一次变化。

📍注:"Chapel with a twist"的意思是指,这是一个有点与众不同或有特殊之处的礼拜堂。"Twist"在这里是一种转折或变化,给人一种新颖或出乎意料的感觉。这里可以翻译为"独特风格的礼拜堂"。


merchandise /ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪz, -daɪs/ 表示“商品;货品”,英文解释为“goods that are bought or sold; goods that are for sale in a shop/store”如:a wide selection of merchandise 品种丰富的商品。

📍gross merchandise value,GMV,表示“(一段时间内)商品交易总额”。


bouquet /buˈkeɪ/ 表示“花束”,英文解释为“a group of flowers that have been fastened together and attractively arranged so that they can be given as a present or carried on formal occasions”如:a bouquet of flowers 一束花。

🎬日本电影《花束般的恋爱》英文译名就是:We Made a Beautiful Bouquet.

abide by

表示“遵守,遵循(协议、决定或规章)”,英文解释为“If you abide by a law, agreement, or decision, you do what it says you should do.”举个🌰:They have got to abide by the rules. 他们必须要遵守规定。

🎬电影《逃离地球》(Escape from Planet Earth)中的台词提到:You should abide by the following basic etiquette. 与他们互动时须遵守以下基本礼节。

dress code

dress code表示“着装标准;着装规定”,英文解释为“The dress code of a place is the rules about what kind of clothes people are allowed to wear there.”举个🌰:There was a brutally enforced dress code, which required women to be covered from head to toe. 曾有着严格的着装规定,要求女士从头到脚都要裹紧。

code可以表示“法典,法规;行为准则,道德规范”,英文解释为“a set of rules, laws, or principles that tell people how to behave”,如:fire code可以解释为消防规范,消防法规,highway code (英国)交通规则。

In 2020, an Australian couple had a KFC-themed wedding reception after winning a competition held by the company. The prize wedding package included a KFC photo booth, a wedding cake, and buckets of the firm's trademark fried chicken.



1)表示“感受;反应;回应”,英文解释为“the way in which people react to something or someone”举个🌰:Her first book got a wonderful/warm/frosty reception from the critics. 评论家对她的第一本书反应很好/热烈/冷淡。

2)表示“(无线电和电视信号的)接收效果”,英文解释为“the quality of radio and television signals that are broadcast”如:good/bad reception 良好的/差的接收效果,举个🌰:There was very poor reception on my phone. 我的电话接收效果很差。

3)表示“欢迎会;招待会”,英文解释为“a formal party at which important people are welcomed”举个🌰:The president gave a reception for the visiting heads of state. 总统举行招待会款待来访的外国元首。


booth /buːð/ 表示“小亭,小房间”,英文解释为“a small space like a box that a person can go into”,如:phone booth 电话亭,polling booth 投票亭,photo booth 照相亭。也可以表示“临时货摊(或放映棚等),展台”,英文解释为“a small tent or temporary structure at a market, an exhibition or a fairground , where you can buy things, get information or watch sth”。


bucket /ˈbʌk.ɪt/ 表示“(有提梁的)桶”,英文解释为“a container with an open top and a handle, often used for carrying liquids”举个🌰:Armed with a bucket and a mop, I started washing the floor. 提着桶和拖把,我开始拖地板。


1)表示“商标”,英文解释为“a name or symbol on a product that shows it was made by a particular company, and that it cannot be used by other companies without permission”

2)表示“(某人的)标记,特征”,英文解释为“something very noticeable that a person typically has or does”举个🌰:He was wearing one of the brightly coloured ties that are his trademark. 他戴着一条他标志性的亮色领带。

- 词汇盘点 -

bride、 nugget、 spiraling、 inflation、 surge、 giant、 arm、 hitch、 newlywed、 catering、 option、 serving、 work out、 outlet、 stall、 clarify、 tie the knot、 customizable、 lieu、 foray、 flagship、 chapel、 twist、 merchandise、 bouquet、 abide by、 dress code、 reception、 booth、 bucket、 trademark

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In the wake of spiraling inflation, newlywed brides foray into unconventional options. One bride, hitched at a flagship chapel, made a twist by abiding by a dress code that echoed the trademark of a giant fast-food chain. In lieu of a pricey reception at a catering outlet, they offered customizable nugget buckets at a booth, complete with a bouquet, a merchandising stall, and a trademarked drink. The unconventional choice worked out well, creating a memorable event despite economic surge.
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