





1. What alternative do some propose in place of celebrating Pi Day?

A) Celebrating Pi approximation day on 22 July.

B) Ignoring mathematical constants in celebrations.

C) Using a different date format to accommodate Pi Day.

D) Abolishing mathematical celebrations altogether.

2. What is the central argument of the Tau manifesto according to the article?

A) Pi Day should be moved to a more universally recognizable date.

B) Pi is a superior constant to Tau in every application.

C) Tau is a more natural and less confusing choice for the circle constant than Pi.

D) The celebration of Tau Day should be limited to mathematical communities.


What is Pi Day? The story of why some celebrate March 14 – and others say it’s a ‘powerful conspiracy’

From: The Independent

14 March is celebrated by some as the most exciting day in mathematics – when the date lines up in the numbers of the famous constant, Pi or π. But some people would rather it isn’t celebrated at all.

The day looks like 3.14 for those that write dates in the month then day format, but that is rarely used outside of the Americas.

Many people instead opt to celebrate the potentially more interesting Pi approximation day, which takes place on 22 July or 22/7 – a way of working out an approximate value for Pi for use in rough calculations.

And still others would rather that Pi day was not celebrated at all, and say that the number should not be treated with such reverence. Instead, they say that we should use Tau – a number that serves much the same purpose and can be celebrated on 28 June, or 6/28 in America.

The complaints about the date are relatively obvious. Most places around the world use a different system to the US, where Pi Day was born.

By far the most popular date format is day/month/year, as is used in the UK as well as much of Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. It is not possible to write Pi day using that format, but it is easy to write Pi approximation day.

In China and many other countries in south-east Asia, dates are written year/month/day. It is possible to do Pi day in that format since the day (14) does follow the month (3), but the year comes first and throws that off slightly.

But the complaints about the competitor to Pi Day, Tau Day, are much more aggressive – and campaigners for the change have made a website and a full manifesto, laying out exactly why the world is wrong.

That manifesto, written by Tau fan Michael Hartl, is dedicated to the “true circle constant”, which he says should be referred to by the Greek letter Tau.

The number itself is simply Pi, but doubled – 6.28318, and so on. That makes it easier to use in many applications, campaigners claim.

But those behind the Tau manifesto admit that they are facing a difficult challenge: “a powerful conspiracy, centuries old, determined to propagate pro-Pi propaganda”.

But they hope that they can prove that Pi “is a confusing and unnatural choice for the circle constant”, they say, even if the name of the constant and its day doesn’t actually change.

To settle the argument, some people have taken to celebrating a specific “Tau time” on Pi day – 6.28pm. That is when, for instance, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology sends out its admissions decisions over the internet, which was a change made to welcome Tau into the celebrations.

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What is Pi Day? The story of why some celebrate March 14 – and others say it’s a ‘powerful conspiracy’

From: The Independent

14 March is celebrated by some as the most exciting day in mathematics – when the date lines up in the numbers of the famous constant, Pi or π. But some people would rather it isn’t celebrated at all.



constant /ˈkɒn.stənt/ 作名词,熟词僻义,表示“常数;常量;恒量”,英文解释为“a number or quantity that does not vary”。


📍variable表示“可变情况;变量;可变因素”(a situation, number or quantity that can vary or be varied)。

作形容词,constant 表示“恒久不变的;稳定的”,英文解释为“staying the same, or not getting less or more”举个🌰:We ran at a fairly constant speed. 我们保持了比较平稳的跑动速度。

The day looks like 3.14 for those that write dates in the month then day format, but that is rarely used outside of the Americas.



format /ˈfɔː.mæt/ 作名词,1)表示“格式”,英文解释为“the way in which data is stored or held to be worked on by a computer”;

2)表示“总体安排;计划;设计”,英文解释为“the general arrangement, plan, design, etc. of sth”举个🌰:The format of the new quiz show has proved popular. 新的智力竞赛节目的总体安排结果证明很受欢迎。

作动词,3)表示“(尤指在计算机上)安排…的版式”,英文解释为“to organize or arrange text, especially on a computer, according to a chosen pattern”

Many people instead opt to celebrate the potentially more interesting Pi approximation day, which takes place on 22 July or 22/7 – a way of working out an approximate value for Pi for use in rough calculations.



opt /ɒpt/ 表示“选择,挑选;(尤指)优先选择”,英文解释为“to make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others”举个🌰:Depending on your circumstances you can opt for one method or the other. 根据自己的情况,你可以选择这种或那种方法。


approximation /əˌprɒk.sɪˈmeɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示“近似值”,英文解释为“An approximation is a number, calculation, or position that is close to a correct number, time, or position, but is not exact.”举个🌰:As we know, 3.14159 is only an approximation. 如我们所知,3.14159只是一个近似值。

2)表示“近似物”,英文解释为“An approximation is a fact, object, or description which is similar to something else, but which is not exactly the same.”举个🌰:That is a fair approximation of the way in which the next boss is being chosen. 那是一个挑选下任老板的大体近似方式。

And still others would rather that Pi day was not celebrated at all, and say that the number should not be treated with such reverence. Instead, they say that we should use Tau – a number that serves much the same purpose and can be celebrated on 28 June, or 6/28 in America.



reverence /ˈrev.ər.əns/ 表示“尊敬;崇敬”,英文解释为“a feeling of respect or admiration for someone or something”举个🌰:She has/shows/feels great reverence for her professors. 她对教她的那些教授们很崇敬。

The complaints about the date are relatively obvious. Most places around the world use a different system to the US, where Pi Day was born.


By far the most popular date format is day/month/year, as is used in the UK as well as much of Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. It is not possible to write Pi day using that format, but it is easy to write Pi approximation day.


In China and many other countries in south-east Asia, dates are written year/month/day. It is possible to do Pi day in that format since the day (14) does follow the month (3), but the year comes first and throws that off slightly.


throw sth off

throw sth/someone off 1)表示“摆脱,甩掉”,英文解释为“to escape from something or someone following you”举个🌰:He managed to throw off his pursuers. 他设法摆脱了追捕他的人。

2)表示“发出或排放”,英文解释为“To emit or discharge”举个🌰:The chemical plant throws off toxic waste. 那家化工厂排出有毒废物。

3)表分散注意力或转移”,英文解释为“To distract or divert举个🌰:The magician threw off the audience with a surprise trick. 魔术师用一个令人吃惊的戏法迷惑了观众。

3)表示“快速或不费力地产出”,英文解释为“To produce quickly or without effort”举个🌰:She can throw off an essay in just a couple of hours. 她能在短短几个小时内写出一篇文章。

此处throw that off 可以理解为“使某事偏离预期的状态或轨迹”,“使其偏离正轨”或“使其出现偏差”。

But the complaints about the competitor to Pi Day, Tau Day, are much more aggressive – and campaigners for the change have made a website and a full manifesto, laying out exactly why the world is wrong.



aggressive /əˈɡres.ɪv/ 1)表示“好斗的;挑衅的;侵略的”,英文解释为“angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack”;

2)表示“气势汹汹的;声势浩大的;志在必得的;积极进取的;有冲劲的;雄心勃勃的”英文解释为“acting with force and determination in order to succeed”如:an aggressive advertising campaign 一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动。


campaigner /ˌkæmˈpeɪ.nər/ 表示“运动参加者;运动倡导者;活动家”,英文解释为“a person who takes part in organized activities that are intended to change something in society”如:an animal rights campaigner 动物权利运动的支持者。


manifesto /ˌmæn.ɪˈfes.təʊ/ 表示“(尤指政党的)宣言”,英文解释为“a written statement of the beliefs, aims, and policies of an organization, especially a political party”

That manifesto, written by Tau fan Michael Hartl, is dedicated to the “true circle constant”, which he says should be referred to by the Greek letter Tau.

该宣言由τ日支持者迈克尔·哈特尔 (Michael Hartl) 撰写,旨在纪念“真正的圆常数”,他认为这个常数应当用希腊字母τ表示。

The number itself is simply Pi, but doubled – 6.28318, and so on. That makes it easier to use in many applications, campaigners claim.


But those behind the Tau manifesto admit that they are facing a difficult challenge: “a powerful conspiracy, centuries old, determined to propagate pro-Pi propaganda”.



conspiracy /kənˈspɪr.ə.si/ 表示“合谋;密谋策划;阴谋”,英文解释为“Conspiracy is secret planning by a group of people to do something illegal.”举个🌰:Seven men, all from France, admitted conspiracy to commit arson. 全都来自于法国的七名男子承认了合谋纵火。

📍conspiracy theories 阴谋论。


propagate /ˈprɒpəˌɡeɪt/ 表示“传播,散播;宣传”,英文解释为“to spread opinions, lies, or beliefs among a lot of people”举个🌰:Such lies are propagated in the media. 这样的谎言通过媒体传播开来。


propaganda /ˌprɑː.pəˈɡæn.də/ 表示“宣传;鼓吹”,英文解释为“information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people's opinions”

But they hope that they can prove that Pi “is a confusing and unnatural choice for the circle constant”, they say, even if the name of the constant and its day doesn’t actually change.


To settle the argument, some people have taken to celebrating a specific “Tau time” on Pi day – 6.28pm. That is when, for instance, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology sends out its admissions decisions over the internet, which was a change made to welcome Tau into the celebrations.


- 词汇盘点 -

constant、 format、 opt、 approximation、 reverence、 throw sth off、 aggressive、 campaigner、 manifesto、 conspiracy、 propagate、 propaganda

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In a constant struggle, an aggressive campaigner opts for a new format. His manifesto, an approximation of his reverence for truth, throws off conspiracy theories, refusing to propagate propaganda.
- 推荐阅读 -
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