I won't give my assent to her plan because it is not well prepared.
▷assent [ə'sent]
【释义】Assent means agreement. If you nod your head in assent, you agree to something or you assent to it.
to or of an , or 同意;赞成Once the have given assent to the we can. 一旦董事们同意这项提议,我们就可以开始了。She her assent to the . 她点头表示同意该建议。UK Before an Act of Parliament can , it to Royal Assent (= an ) from the .议会通过的法案需要国王或女王的御准才能成为法律。
▷dissent [dɪ'sent]
【释义】To dissent is to publicly disagree with an official opinion or decision. Dissent is also a noun referring to public disagreement.
to with other about something不同意,持有异议Anyone to dissent from the should now .不同意此项动议的人请举手。