
[E383]Lift up your voice|经济学人

2016-03-23 LearnAndRecord

本文音频及原文摘自杂志The Economist《经济学人》2016年第12期,International版块。

Small islands

The Commonwealth offers tiny islands a rare platform for airing their worries

Mar 19th 2016

and Nauru[1], lonely miniature outposts in the western Pacific, are just two of the minnows[2] that enjoy making a splash[3] when they swim with the big fish of the Commonwealth[4]. Once the Ellice bit of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands[5], Tuvalu is a string of coral atolls[6], pictured above, at no point higher than 5 metres above the sea, lying more than 5,000km (3,150 miles) north-east of Australia. Its population is just over 10,000. Nauru, a rock of phosphate[7] poking out of[8] the sea in roughly the same expanse of ocean, is less populous by a rugby team or two[9].




瑙鲁共和国,The Republic of Nauru,位于南太平洋中西部的密克罗尼西亚群岛中,有“天堂岛”之称,面积只有24㎞²,是世界上最小的岛国。

[2]minnow 极小的鱼;微不足道的人(或物)

[注]与下文的the big fish相对应

[3]make a splash

(to become suddenly very successful or very well known)


Jodie Foster made quite a splash in the film 'Taxi Driver'.


[4]Commonwealth 联邦;共和国;国民整体

[5]the Gilbert and Ellice Islands 吉尔伯特和埃利斯群岛



[7]phosphate rock 磷酸盐岩


[8]poke out (to stick out of something; to extend out of something.)

The bean sprouts were beginning to poke out of the soil of the garden.

I knew there were little birds in the birdhouse, because a little head poked out now and then.

[9]大意应该是说Nauru人口更少,TUVALU的人口just over 10000,Nauru人数可能少个一支或两支橄榄球球队人数,我查了一下橄榄球好像有7人制、10人制、15人制。百度百科显示,瑙鲁2014年人口10887。



miniature ['mɪnɪtʃə]

 something which is a very   of an 

微型的;小型的;微小的I  some miniature  for my niece's ' .我为我侄女的玩具屋买了一些微型家具模型。

outpost ['aʊt,post]

a ,  a   of  or a , which  going the  or   of a  or  that is  away

前哨基地;驻外办事处;(组织的)边远分部a // outpost边远地区的警察哨所/军事前哨基地/殖民地时期的边远居民点

a   of something that is 

濒临绝迹的事物Free  has been  as the last outpost of .自由爵士乐被称作现代主义最后的表现。


Both are acutely vulnerable to global financial shocks, natural disasters and climate change[1]. Selling its internet domain (.tv)[2] is Tuvalu’s biggest earner, along with postage stamps and remittances from abroad[3]. Nauru depends almost entirely on selling its phosphate[4], the price of which fell by three-quarters in the year following the financial crash of 2008, and on aid from Australia[5]. Both statelets sell licences to fishing companies[6].








[5]接上句的(depend) on,经济依赖于售卖硅酸盐,以及来自澳大利亚的援助。



Though such tiddlers are members of an array of international and regional bodies[1], it is at meetings of Commonwealth heads of government[2] every two years that many enjoy using a platform where they are listened to. No fewer than[3] 31 of the Commonwealth’s 53 members are “small states”, defined as having a population under 1.5m or—to include such countries such as Namibia, Papua New Guinea and Jamaica[4]—as having “the characteristics of small states”. Of those 31, 25 are islands, a tally that does not include Britain’s 14 “overseas territories” such as St Helena and Ascension Island in the Atlantic and the Pitcairn Islands[5] (population around 50).



[1]tiddler 小鱼;小孩儿,与上文的minnow,statelet一样都是来指代这两个小国家。


[2]Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 英联邦政府首脑会议;大英国协政府领袖会议


[4]Namibia纳米比亚,Papua New Guinea巴布亚新几内亚,Jamaica牙买加

[5]St Helena圣赫勒拿岛 Ascension Island阿森松岛 the Pitcairn Islands皮特凯恩群岛


In the past decade or so climate change, a special worry for small islands, has moved up the Commonwealth agenda[1]. (Vanuatu, until 1980 the British-French condominium of the New Hebrides[2], was due to hold the next Commonwealth shindig, but bowed out after last year’s tropical cyclone[4].) At the Malta meeting in November[5] proposals on climate change were agreed upon with the eager backing of islanders. Presented the following month to the grand UN climate-change conference in Paris, they added bite to the eventual declaration: an example of how the Commonwealth can project small-island power.




[2]condominium 共同统治;财产共有权;独立产权的公寓

the New Hebrides 新赫布里底群岛(瓦努阿图原名)


[3]bow out 退出,辞职

[4]tropical cyclone热带气旋



shindig ['ʃɪndɪg]

a   or ,  a ,  , , .

喧闹的事件(或情形);(尤指)狂欢会,盛大庆祝会Are you going to that shindig at the Town Hall ?你去参加今晚在市政厅举行的狂欢会吗?




  • 1916年,英国英国正式宣布吉尔伯特和埃利斯群岛为直属殖民地,称为“英属吉伯特和埃利斯群岛殖民地”,归英国驻西太平洋高级专员管理。

  • 1942-1943年吉尔伯特群岛被日本占领。吉伯特和埃利斯群岛的行政机关一度临时迁至富纳富提。埃利斯群岛成立地方政府。

  • 1971年,埃利斯群岛提出要求,希望与吉尔伯特群岛分离。

  • 1974年5月建立了议会取代原来的立法委员会,议会选举产生一名主席部长。在8、9月间举行的公民公决中,90%以上投票赞成埃利斯群岛与吉尔伯特分离,单独成为一个国家。

  • 1975年10月,埃利斯群岛上同吉伯特分离,成为单独的英国属地并改用旧名图瓦卢;吉伯特和埃利斯群岛的副总督就任图瓦卢的英国专员。

  • 1976年1月图瓦卢完全同吉尔伯特群岛分离。


  • 1906年10月法、英签署了共管公约,该地沦为英、法共管殖民地。

  • 1963年出现了第一个政党──乡村党,要求收回土地和实现独立。由于民族运动的迅速发展,英、法同意该地区于1978年1月实行内部自治。

  • 1980年7月30日独立,定国名为瓦努阿图共和国。





其中生词解释来源于Cambridge Dictionaries








