
POP-UP BEIJING pops down… 临别赠言……

2017-11-28 POPUP

“Every ending has a new beginning.”


Dearest friends


It is with immense sadness that I announce that POP-UP BEIJING will close the doors of its Sanlitun venue on the night of Sunday 10 December 2017 - almost exactly three years to-the-day since we first decided to open.

在此,我怀着最深切的悲伤告知各位:在和你们度过这充满着喜悦和感动的三年之后,POP-UP BEIJING将在2017年十二月10日星期日之后正式关闭位于南三里屯的店铺。

Around two weeks ago, my business partner Vito Zhang, announced that he no longer wishes to work in our industry, and that he wishes to close POP-UP BEIJING.

就在大约两周之前,我的商务合作伙伴Vito Zhang宣布了他的个人决定:鉴于种种原因,他本人不愿再在此领域和行业内发展前行,并希望关闭POP-UP BEIJING。

Vito and I have worked hard together, ‘fought the good fight,’ laughed until we cried, and worked our butts off for around five years since the opening of our interior architecture studio POP-UP CREATIVE. It’s now been three years since we also created our retail venue and bar POP-UP BEIJING. However, I accept that he has lost his passion for our business, and I respect his decision to close.

我和Vito两人一起经历了五年多的风风雨雨 - 前两年,我们一起开办了室内设计事务所POP-UP CREATIVE,之后的三年和大家一起分享了我们心心念念的精品店和酒吧POP-UP BEIJING。这些时光里,我们为梦想倾尽全力、奋勇向前,像亲兄弟一样并肩奋战、挥洒热血。往事如昔,斜阳晚照 - 时至今日,我本人怀着惋惜接受Vito决定关店离开的事实,同时,也尊重他个人对生活的选择。

While I am proud that we have built our business to it’s current success - I also know that, without Vito at my side, and without Vito's support and equal passion, POP-UP BEIJING as we know it is not sustainable in its current form.

过去几年里取得的成就让我感到十分的自豪和骄傲 - 但是没有了Vito的支持,没有那份并肩奋斗的激情,如你所见 - 在目前的状态之下,POP-UP BEIJING将难以生存下去。


北京 - 我那坚韧又强硬的情人啊

I quote a dear friend in saying that “Beijing is a tough mistress.” All of us have seen a rapidly changing city contort and twist before our eyes. Since I first arrived here in 2006, Beijing has been ever-challenging, and ever-changing, yet I continue to love this city I call home. She may be tough, but she’s worth it! 

“北京是我强硬却坚韧的心头好。”这句话其实来源于我的好朋友。这座千年古城在我们的眼前一直闪耀着她变幻多姿的光芒。自从2006年刚刚来到北京,我便认定了这座城市 - 她是我那强势却值得一搏的情人,给了我第二个能够称作家的地方。

Philosophically, speaking, our attempt to create a haven amongst the chaos of our city has been worthwhile - but our ongoing attitude of ‘Community Over Competition’ isn’t necessarily shared by others in our industry. I hope - for Beijing’s sake - that this will change over time.

从个人理念上来讲,我们一直想要在这个熙熙攘攘的大都市中创造一个休憩心灵的避风港 - 然而,北京的行业内竞争是如此的激烈 - ‘社区大于竞争’的思路在这里还没能够生根发芽。我是如此地希望,在未来的几年里,可以看到业内大气候的转变。

More practically speaking, on top of all the usual hurdles businesses face, in the past year alone, our factory collaboration, and our warehousing have all been forced to move out of Beijing province; and competitiveness in the industry has become ever-more aggressive. We are certainly not alone in facing these challenges, and have continuously evolved our business model to adapt to an ever-changing Beijing. Yet, despite all these challenges, we have continued to build a strong brand with a deeply loyal following, and a glorious family of friends - YOU! Whatever lies before us - I have absolute confidence that these friendships, and the mutual love and respect on which they are based, will continue well into the future.

除了所有公司每天都会面临的艰难状况之外,就自身来说,在过去短短的三年之内,我们的家具工厂和仓库都被迫转移到北京之外;业内的竞争也是愈演愈烈。我们和千千万万的同行一起面临这些困境的同时,随着市场的转变,我们也在努力跟随她的脚步。然而,在这一切的压力之下,POP-UP BEIJING仍然展现了强大的生命力,因为有你 - 这些忠实、可爱的拥护者们,在一起,我们才共同建立了一个幸福、团结的大家庭!无论前路漫步何方,我始终坚信,这些年来与大家分享的爱和友谊会继续照亮我们每一个人的未来,地久天长、生生不息。

While our five-year business plan for building POP-UP BEIJING may have been cut in half unexpectedly, I feel privileged to leave with all these great friendships, and with my head held high for everything we have accomplished.

虽然POP-UP BEIJING的五年大计半途落空,但每当我想到你们,心里是满满的都是骄傲和光荣。回想起这过去五年中大大小小的感动和成就,我知道,是因为有你和我们在一起。

It is said that ‘change’ is the only constant in life - so, let us accept this next change with optimism and confidence in a new future.

俗话说得好,改变是人生中唯一不变的真理 - 就此,请让我们带着最真诚的信念和最积极的态度迎接这次意义重大的改变吧。



It’s not all sad news - so, let’s focus on the good stuff! What have we accomplished?


We’ve raised vastly in excess of 100,000 RMB for charities that we believe in and support - amongst them, The China Red Ribbon Foundation, WildAid China, The Beijing LGBT Centre, Maovember, China AIDS Walk, The Beijng Gender Health Insititute, and KORYO Kids. The list goes on and on.


We’ve built a bar and event space that equals anything in Beijing in service and quality, and that continues to grow in both popularity and patronage.


We’ve presented well in excess of 100 classic vintage films for FREE to Beijingers, through our weekly Classic Movie Tuesday.


We’ve nurtured a wonderful and gifted community of creatives, through our weekly Sunday Sip & Scribble programme.


We’ve fed and inspired so many with our more recent Sunday Supper Club, in collaboration with the brilliant and talented Sue Zhou of Sue Zhou Does Food - also our principal caterer for all the private client events we host, and our great friend.

通过周日晚餐俱乐部,我们结识了一群热爱美食和生活的好朋友。每一次宴享,POP-UP BEIJING的指定主厨周苏娥都会为大家带来充满惊喜的特别定制 - 食客们吃到的每一口、每一道、每一餐,都融会了她的聪慧、辛勤、创意、爱心和激情。

We’ve supported so many LGBT+ causes, through fundraising, as well as through our weekly Throwback Thursday night, dedicated to creating a ‘safe space’ for LGBT+ communities and all their friends and supporters. We proudly wave the rainbow flag, at ALL times, to ensure that people of all orientations are ALWAYS welcome.

我们一直高举着自由、鲜艳的彩虹旗,支持着北京当地的LGBT+社区。除了一系列的慈善募捐之外,每个周四夜晚都是同志之夜 - 这里我们致力为大家创造一个安心、舒适的社区环境,让所有人都能够感受到来自朋友、家人的温暖和关爱。

We’ve brought live performance art to the heart of Sanlitun, particularly through our work with the wonderful ‘Two Men’ short film, music and dance performances in 2017. We also recently presented the world-renowned New Zealand String Quartet to Beijing audiences. Even more, our work with the amazing local Jing Sing chamber choir since we opened has brought so much magic and joy to so many people, while also raising much-needed funds for the charities we support together.

我们把那些最为精彩的演出带到你的身边 - 三里屯的中心。这其中包括2017《两个人》电影系列的首映式、音乐集和舞蹈集;新西兰弦乐四重奏乐团演奏会;以及当地清唱乐团’京SING’的一系列慈善音乐会。自从开业以来,我们和’京SING’一起为大家呈现了许许多多的惊喜和感动,许多瞬间在我脑海之中仍然清晰如昨、难以磨灭。

We’ve brought art from North Korea to Beijing, through our collaboration with Koryo Studio - working with art to break down barriers of communications and perception regarding the most secretive nation in the world. 


We’ve worked closely and proudly with the New Zealand Embassy Beijing, to host the monthly ‘Kiwi Drinks Beijing’ event, complete with flags raised, and a growing list of kiwi wines and beers.

新西兰大使馆作为POP-UP BEIJING最亲密的合作伙伴之一,每个月的新西兰之夜都把身在异乡的新西兰人欢聚一堂:葡萄酒、啤酒、曲奇…… 我们尽一切可能为大家带来家乡的熟悉味道。

We’ve worked directly with local brewers such as ‘Nine Inch Brewing’ and ‘Arrow Factory,’ to bring their bottled beers for the first time to Beijingers. And we’ve watched with pride as they’ve grown and developed.


We’ve worked closely with - and nurtured - artists such as Kim Xu and Liuba Draws, in their glorious work. May they continue to go on to GREAT things!

和许许多多像Kim Xu和Liuba Draws的青年艺术家一起,POP-UP BEIJING也见证和助力了他们的升华 - 我们由衷地希望:在未来,他们能够创造更多惊为天人的艺术画作。

We’ve supported many independent brands such as Pinyin Press, HOKI, The Green Room, and MiaMai bags in giving them their first retail platform in Beijing.

作为一家精品店,我们也支持了许多中国品牌在北京城的生根发芽:Pinyin Press、HOKI、绿屋精油和MiaMai手袋,POP-UP BEIJING十分荣幸能够和这些优秀的品牌一起合作。

To top it all off, we’ve won ‘Best Shop Beijing’ with both City Weekend and That’s Beijing for each of the three years that we’ve been in operation, all thanks to YOU, and your support and love.

在《城市周报》和《城市漫步》两家杂志的年度评选中,POP-UP BEIJING连续三年拔得头筹,屡获’最佳精品店’殊荣 - 这一切,都是因为有你们的支持和深爱。



Beyond all this - we have built an amazing team, of whom I am immensely proud. Firstly, our glorious staff - a team we have nurtured and developed to the point today where each of them CARES about each other, about our business, about our products and events, and most of all - about our wonderful customers.

在这一切的成就和辉煌之下,是我们的团队给了POP-UP BEIJING最稳固的基石。对此,我个人感到十分自豪。首先,感谢我的员工 - 在这三年的旅途之中,大家尊重理解、辛勤工作、相互扶持。这其中收获的不仅仅是工作上的成就,还有我们彼此间的深刻友谊,更有千千万万顾客对我们的认可和赞许。

Like any company, we have been through the usual staff changes and challenges, but in my proud eyes, our current team is second-to-none in quality.

和其他许多公司一样,我们都经历过人来人往。但在我眼中,POP-UP BEIJING的团队一直是首屈一指、无可比拟的。

In particular, I wish to thank Evita Wong, who has evolved into her role of Store Manager far beyond my original expectations. Despite recent changes and events, she has remained my rock and fellow comrade, as we soldier on to honour our existing programme of events and commitments. She is, truly, a glorious and talented woman, utterly professional, and also a great and loyal friend. Together, we will honour all of our client and event commitments to our closing day - and we will do so with joy and fun and love of our wonderful clients.

在此,我要特别感谢Evita王昱萱,作为我们的店铺经理,她当值期间的表现远远超出了我最初的预想。摒弃近期的变故,她一直坚定地和公司站在第一线,奋斗向前。我由衷地相信,作为一个才华横溢、坚定优秀的女强人,一个专业忠诚、心地善良的好朋友,她在这里无可取代。在这最后的一段时光里,我们愿意带领团队 - 和你,亲爱的顾客一起享受这余晖的明媚与温暖,为POP-UP BEIJING画上一个圆满的句号。

I also wish to thank and praise our core team of Mabel, YuMeng, Queena, Bradley, J.C. and Katherine - all of them wonderfully authentic individuals, who contribute SO much to our business, through their personalities, love and dedication. Each of them brings a smile of joy to my face, every single day.

同时,我愿把最真挚的感谢和赞美献给我们的核心团队成员:Mabel王丽华、YuMeng王雨檬、Queena林乔、Bradley吴嘉豪、J.C.张桓和Katherine周珺,这里的每一个人都是如此的热诚和优秀 - 用他们的个性、奉献、友谊和爱心丰富着POP-UP BEIJING的灵魂。看到他们的每一天,我的眼中都能漾起最温馨的笑意。

Although he left months ago, for personal reasons, our previous Store Manager Mr Chris was also an absolute trooper in building our business, and contributing everything he could, as we continued to grow. We’ve missed him, and here I wish to honour and acknowledge all he gave to POP-UP BEIING, and wish him all the best for his own future, as we also find our own futures.

因个人原因离职的前店长Christopher Ross为我们店铺的建设和发展贡献了不可磨灭的力量。在职期间,他工作勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨。在他离职后的每一天,都有我们的心深切地挂念着。在此,我把最美好的祝福送给他,希望他在未来的道路上走得幸福快乐、光明长远。

So - if you’re looking for wonderful people with fire-in-their-hearts, and the true 'POP-UP BEIJING SPIRIT,' now is the time to poach our staff! Get them while they’re hot - they all come with my personal seal of approval - but please wait until we close!

就此 - 如果你希望能够和这些优秀的人才一起工作,分享他们的激情和’POP-UP BEIJING’精神,现在正是好机会!带着我个人最美好的信任和祝愿 - 他们每个人都是行业之中的闪闪明星,但请允许他们陪伴POP-UP BEIJING走完这最后一程,谢谢!


合作伙伴 供应商

Any business - like any family - is more than just a few people at the core. As the saying goes 'it takes a village to raise a child.’ I have mentioned some of our partners above, but I also wish to extend the deepest gratitude to all the other suppliers and business partners who have worked so closely with us. They are too numerous to even start to mention here - but my thanks is deep, true, and heartfelt. You know who you are.

就像一个大家庭一样 - 任何公司都不仅仅只有那几个核心成员。有句老话说得好:“教养好孩子需要一个村的力量。” 上面我已经提到了许多一直支持拥护着我们的合作伙伴,但事实上还有许许多多和我们并肩走过这几年的好朋友、供应商们。在这里我为大家献上最深切、真诚、发自内心的谢意。有你在身边,我们才能成就如此的辉煌 - 你知道,是有你的力量才助我们走到这一刻。



Like so many mysteries of life, the future remains unknown. I’m forever an optimist, so I am never afraid of what will come next. I, for one, remain deeply committed to POP-UP BEIJING, but I also must accept the time has come to move forwards.

未来是一个未知的远景,生活中随时充满着迷幻和惊喜。我自己一直是个乐观主义,就此无论现状如何 - 抓住现在、憧憬明天是我从始至终的信仰。我对POP-UP BEIJING的热爱和忠诚从一而终,对此我问心无愧。但同时,现实摆在眼前,我们也需要继往开来,走上一段新的征程。

The least I can say is 'watch this space,' as only time will tell if POP-UP BEIJING reforms and resurfaces in a fresh form. Our name itself says it all: POP-UP BEIJING! We could POP-UP anywhere, any way, and in any form - regardless, be warned that I, myself, at least, will POP-UP in some way, somewhere, soon enough! I look forward to seeing your smiling faces, when I do!

只有时间可以证明一切 - 就像我们的名字所象征的那样,你永远都不知道POP-UP BEIJING会在未来的哪一刻、哪一方、用什么样的形式重现她的魅力 - 无论如何,在这里向各位许下承诺:我自己会很快重回到亲爱的朋友们中间,和大家一起享受生活里每一天的欢笑、喜悦和感动。



Everything aside, I personally thank YOU, from the depths of my heart, for standing alongside us, for supporting us, for supporting our vast charitable programme, and most of all for being part of the POP-UP BEIJING family! You ARE POP-UP BEIJING! Without you - our customers and friends - we are nothing.

除却一切,最让我心存感激、热泪盈眶的人是你们。这风风雨雨的几年里 - 我们一起度过的千千万万个点滴时光、做过的大大小小的慈善福利、分享的分分秒秒的喜悦时光…… 是你们深深地驻进我心底、陪伴着我,让这一切成为可能。每一个让我铭记终生的你,都是POP-UP BEIJING永远的家人,是你们定义了POP-UP BEIJING! 没有你 - 最亲爱的顾客和好朋友们 - 我们将无处驻足。

I also wish my business partner, my brother, and my fellow soldier, Vito Zhang, all the very best for his future, as he moves forward with his new ventures, and rediscovers his MOJO for life.

在这里,我将最美好的祝福送给我的合作伙伴、好兄弟和好战友,Vito Zhang:希望他拥有一个最美好的未来,在新的征程和旅途中收获最精彩的人生。

So, I sign off with some sadness - but more importantly, with love, affection, sincerity and the deepest of friendship,

曲终人散,热泪盈眶。我的内心充满着离别的不舍和悲凉 - 愿我们都将会走向一个更光明的未来 - 因为此处的终点,充盈着我的尽是来自你们那博大的爱、辽远的深情、磐石的忠贞和一生的友谊,

Glenn Schuitman 苏格林

Co-founder and Creative Director

合伙人 以及 创意总监




We have still have two weeks to make the most of our time ahead, so GET ON BOARD AND ENJOY!!!! Including private client events, we have well over 15 events on our schedule before closing - and we’re more committed than EVER, to deliver them with fun, panache and class. Join us, have fun with us, and enjoy some awesome events and deals before we shut the doors!

POP-UP BEIJING在未来的两周内仍会正常开店迎客,来和我们一起享受离别前的好时光!大大小小,我们仍有超过15场的活动等待着你的光临 - 在这里,我们将带着一如既往的热情诠释你心中那个灿烂依旧的POP-UP BEIJING。加入我们,和我们一起享受欢愉,迎接她最精彩美丽的落幕!



Watch this space - as OBVIOUSLY, we’re gunna have some awesome sales and mind-blowing deals before we close - we have a lot of stock to clear - JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! There will be bargains galore - you know you want them!

看好了 - 这里我们将为大家带来有史以来最实惠、最劲爆的大优惠 - 清仓促销!正处在圣诞新年的节庆时光 - 还不心动吗?那些你垂涎许久的好物件们都在这里等你带它回家!




7.30pm, FREE ENTRY: CLASSIC MOVIE TUESDAY: ‘The Best Years of Our Lives’ (1946) - winner of SEVEN Oscars - a brilliant film about the effects of World War II on small-town America.

晚七点半,免费入场:经典周二电影夜:《黄金时代》(1946) - 七项奥斯卡大奖赢家 - 故事讲述了二战对几个美国小镇家庭的影响。


8pm - 2am, FREE ENTRY! THROWBACK THURSDAY - With the letter ‘R’: our weekly LGBT and friends night of fun and crazy music, where you get to vote for the music we play all night! HAPPY HOUR ALL NIGHT!

晚八点至次日凌晨两点,免费入场! 复古星期四 - LGBT主题音乐之夜:当晚一位名字首字母为’R’的音乐家将主宰当晚的主旋律 - 参与我们的投票,来和我们一起玩!欢乐时光整晚!


8pm - 2am, FREE ENTRY: WORLD AIDS DAY - A night of celebration and recognition of World AIDS Day, and especially for all who walked in ‘China AIDS Walk 2017’ to raise funds for eliminating HIV/AIDS in China - a community night not to be missed.

晚八点至次日凌晨两点,免费入场! 世界艾滋病日 - 来POP-UP BEIJING和’爱滋徒步2017团队’一起庆祝又一年的募捐成就,大家一起为消除艾滋、关爱人类健康举杯同庆!


3-5pm: SUNDAY SIP & SCRIBBLE - Themed ‘The Five Elements,’ with our adorable guide Ms Tamara. (95 RMB / person, including one premium house wine!)

下午三点至五点:周日浅尝轻描 - 主题为’五行相生’,来POP-UP BEIJING和导师Tamara一起挥发你的无尽艺术遐想!(95元每人,包含一杯精选葡萄酒!)

5-8pm: CHRISTMAS GIFT-WRAPPING WORKSHOP - With the famous Liuba of ‘Liuba Draws!’ Just drop by anytime between 5-8pm, and create your own wrapping paper, with paper and a wonderful array of gorgeous colourful stamps, all created by Liuba - in preparation for Christmas! For only 25 RMB/sheet, create your own fabulous, personalised Christmas gift-wrapping paper! 5 RMB for every sheet will be donated to the China Red Ribbon Foundation!

下午五点至晚八点:圣诞礼物包装手工坊 - 想为你精心挑选的圣诞礼物打造一份别致的包装吗?来加入我们吧 - Liuba将带着她亲手制作的趣味印章和彩印泥和大家一起制作属于你的独特圣诞风情包装纸!25元每张 - 每一份都会有5元人民币捐献给中华红丝带基金,帮助云川边境的艾滋村家庭!

5.30-7.30pm: SUNDAY SUPPER CLUB - With the incredible Sue Zhou: Our weekly three-course gastronomic extravaganza social club. 298 RMB / person for three courses, and a glass of premium house wine. BOOK NOW BEFORE WE SELL OUT!

下午五点半至七点半:周日晚餐俱乐部 - 主厨周苏娥邀请你来POP-UP BEIJING共享欢宴!三道菜外加一杯精选葡萄酒,仅需298元人民币,快来预定吧!

8pm, FREE ENTRY: JING SING CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Our last annual Christmas concert with the incredible Jing Sing, with donations welcome and encouraged for the China Red Ribbon Foundation. DON’T MISS THIS!!!!

晚八点,免费入场:京SING圣诞音乐会:来POP-UP BEIJING和京SING一起欢唱圣诞,作为本年度的最后一场音乐会,我们热切地期待着您的光临 - 同时欢迎为中华红丝带基金集资募捐!


7.30pm, FREE ENTRY: CLASSIC MOVIE TUESDAY: ‘A Christmas Carol’ (1951) - One of the most famous and celebrated of all Christmas movies, to get us in the mood for the Christmas season! 

晚七点半,免费入场:周二经典电影夜:《圣诞颂歌》(1951) - 作为电影史上最著名的经典圣诞电影,让我们借着片中欢笑渐入这凛冬白雪的节庆佳境吧!


7.30pm, FREE ENTRY: BEYOND NORTH KOREA: TRAVEL STORIES - A night of stories, adventures and films from the wide-reaching travels of the Koryo team, beyond North Korea, to Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Mongolia!

晚七点半,免费入场:朝鲜之外:旅途故事 - 让POP-UP BEIJING和高丽工作室一起为你带来那些旅途中的故事:从朝鲜、到塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、再到蒙古,一整晚的奇闻轶事等着和你分享!


8pm - 2am, FREE ENTRY: THROWBACK THURSDAY - With the letter ‘S’: our weekly LGBT and friends night of fun and crazy music, where you get to vote for the music we play all night! HAPPY HOUR ALL NIGHT!

晚八点至次日凌晨两点,免费入场! 复古星期四 - LGBT主题音乐之夜:当晚一位名字首字母为’S’的音乐家将主宰当晚的主旋律 - 参与我们的投票,来和我们一起玩!欢乐时光整晚!


6pm - 12am, FREE ENTRY: KIWI DRINKS - Kiwis and non-kiwis alike, join our final monthly Kiwi Drinks for 2017, with Happy Hour ALL NIGHT! Be a kiwi, meet kiwis, drink kiwi bevies! ALL WELCOME!

下午六点至午夜,免费入场:新西兰之夜 - POP-UP BEIJING将和新西兰大使馆一起为大家呈现2017年最后一个新西兰之夜:同乡好友们共同举杯,一起享受这个圣诞前夕的大聚会。无论你是不是来自新西兰,我们都欢迎你的加入!


12pm - 6pm, FREE ENTRY: THE BEIJING FLEA MARKET - Join us for the Christmas Edition of Beijing’s most popular flea market, complete with mulled wine and dozens of curated vendors, food, gifts, and fun galore!

中午十二点到下午六点,免费入场:北京跳蚤市场 - POP-UP BEIJING和好邻居PREFACE序美发沙龙一起,再次为大家推出惊喜不断的北京跳蚤市场 - 圣诞篇:本地制造的美食、饮料、手工艺品、老物件、艺术品和设计品 – 还不准备好来集市满载而归、一饱口福吗?

SUNDAY 10 DECEMBER 十二月10 星期日

12PM - SUPER LATE: DRINK WITH US! FREE ENTRY, HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY - come and join us for a final drink, laugh and a fond farewell to POP-UP BEIJING, where so many happy memories and friendships were formed!

中午十二点至深夜:来和我们举杯告别这充满欢欣希望、笑语泪水的三年时光!欢乐时光整日 - 在这即将离别的夜晚,来和POP-UP BEIJING大家庭一起喝一杯、挥手说再见,我们准备了好多好多的故事和回忆 - 想依偎在你的身边,倾诉我们对你那恋恋不舍的爱……



If you have questions or wish to contact us, we welcome your emails, as always, on hello@popupbeijing.com, or phone us 6502 5725 for any bookings or enquiries.

如果你有任何问题或者想法,欢迎发送邮件至hello@popupbeijing.com,或者在我们的营业时间拨打电话 6502 5725 来联系我们。

