


近日,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院讲席教授、国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)高级研究员陈志钢,同浙江大学长聘副教授龚斌磊,博士生张书睿、袁菱苒合作撰写了论文:《统筹兼顾:新冠肺炎疫情防控与经济发展(A Balance Act: Minimizing Economic Loss while Controlling Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia)》,并在Journal of Chinese Governance杂志在线发表。

Abstract 摘要

The outbreak of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP) has significantly affected China and beyond. How to effectively control such epidemic has gradually become a global issue. This paper reviews the economic impact of major epidemics such as SARS, H1N1, and Ebola at the micro-, sector-, and macro-level. The challenge of effective epidemic control is to achieve a balance between viral transmission reduction and economic cost. This paper then summarizes three main methods to evaluate the effectiveness of several control policies. We also find that the adequacy and authenticity of information disclosure is of great importance to minimize economic loss, as either public panic due to overestimation or lack of public awareness due to underestimation can cause additional negative economic impacts. Accurate and transparent disclosure of information plays a crucial role associated with fighting against the epidemic. Finally, the paper puts forward a number of policy recommendations to minimize economic loss while controlling the spread of COVID-19.



International Food Policy Research Institute(IFPRI)


