


HOW International Curatorial Residency Program


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Dorothea Schöne

多罗特娅·舍内博士(Dr. Dorothea Schöne)是一名艺术史学家、策展人、写作者,目前在位于德国柏林的达勒姆美术馆任艺术总监及总策展人。她在莱比锡大学学习艺术史、政治学、社会学和哲学,并获得富布赖特奖学金,前往加州大学河滨分校进行研究。2015年,她以柏林战后现代主义博士论文获得艺术史博士学位(成绩优异)。 她目前的研究主要集中在以下几个方面:战后现代主义、19世纪末和20世纪初的艺术家团体和网络、作为外交政策和地缘战略工具的展览输出、流亡和移民及其对艺术的影响

2006-2009年期间, 舍内曾于洛杉矶郡艺术博物馆(LACMA)担任策展助理,为2009年的展览“两个德国的艺术:冷战文化”工作,该展览在2010年巡展至纽伦堡和柏林。其后她以自由策展人和艺术史学家的身份工作数年,并担任艺术电视台ikonoTV的节目总监。




Kunsthaus Dahlem

柏林,达勒姆美术馆,© Jürgen Pleuser (2015)

达勒姆美术馆(Kunsthaus Dahlem)坐落于柏林的格吕内瓦尔德区,由柏林参议院文化事务局资助,是展出战后德国现代主义(东德和西德)作品的场馆。这一颇具历史的建筑,在按历史保护标准进行拆除和翻新后于2015年夏季对外开放。

该展馆集中展示雕塑,并辅以绘画、版画和素描,以及摄影。该美术馆尤其侧重1945年至1961年时期(柏林墙建造之时)——投降和占领、缓慢燃烧的东西方冲突、柏林的封锁和其西方盟友的空运,以及两德先后建国的核心历史时刻。从艺术史的角度看,这数十载的特点是意识形态叠加,官方支持和资助的艺术运动:“抽象主义作为世界艺术”(西方)和“社会现实主义”(东方)。 此外,独立于两者的许多非官方流派趋势和艺术立场亦得以发展,这导致了德国战后现代主义的复杂性,而这往往被忽视。


Beuys and Postwar Modernism in Germany


2018年5月26日(周六)14:30 - 16:00




多罗特娅·舍内(Dorothea Schöne)达勒姆美术馆艺术总监、总策展⼈


HOW International 

Curatorial Residency Program

HOW International Curatorial Residency Program welcomes the first curator-in-residence, Dr. Dorothea Schöne who will arrive in Shanghai on May 18, 2018.

Co-sponsored by HOW Art Museum and Onehome Art Hotel (Shanghai), HOW International Curatorial Residency Program launches an open call for curators, scholars and arts writers worldwide who are interested to get deeper insight of Chinese contemporary art scene. The residency program aims to motivate residency exchange opportunities around the world and to forge durable institutional relationships in the long run. Individualized arrangements will be provided for each curator-in-residence. The arrangements include meetings with art professionals, studio visits, gallery and institution visits, and attendance at selected performances and other events. Furthermore, the curators-in-residence are invited to work in close collaboration and coordination with HOW Art Museum team, as well as to produce a website/Wechat article or essay, or to organize a public event such as a lecture.


Dorothea Schöne

Dr. Dorothea Schöne is an art historian, curator, writer, and Artistic Director and Chief Curator of the Kunsthaus Dahlem in Berlin. She studied art history, political science, sociology, and philosophy at the Leipzig University and received a Fulbright grant to conduct research at the University of California, Riverside. In 2015 she obtained a PhD in art history with a dissertation on postwar modernism in Berlin (summa cum laude). Her current research concentrates on postwar modernism, artists groups and networks in the late 19th and early 20th century, exhibition exports as a tool of foreign policy and geo-strategy, exile and migration and its impact on art.

In 2006-2009 Schöne was as curatorial assistant at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), where she worked for the exhibition Art of Two Germanys: Cold War Cultures in 2009, which also traveled to Nuremberg and Berlin in 2010. She subsequently worked as a freelance curator and art historian, and as the program director of the art television station ikonoTV.

Schöne is the recipient of grants and fellowships from the German Academic Exchange Program, the German Historical Institute in Washington D.C., the Ryerson Image Centre in Toronto/CA and the Getty Research Institute. Her publications focus on German postwar art (including the history of the Städelmuseum after 1945), on art criticism and the history of the reception of German postwar art in the United States, and on contemporary art from the Middle East.


Kunsthaus Dahlem

Located at the edge of the Grunewald, Kunsthaus Dahlem is an exhibition venue for postwar German modernism (East and West) supported by funds from the Berlin Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs. The building with eventful history was opened in summer 2015 after dismantling and renovation in accordance with historic preservation standards.

The exhibition venue concentrate on the presentation of sculpture, which is supplemented by painting, prints and drawings, and photography. It focuses in particular on the years from 1945 to 1961 (when the Berlin Wall was built) in which the capitulation and occupation, the smoldering East-West conflict, the blockade of Berlin and its overcoming by the airlift of the Western allies, and the founding of two German states were central historical moments. From an art historical perspective, these decades were characterized by ideologically superimposed, officially supported and funded art movements: “abstraction as world art” (West) and “Socialist Realism” (East). Independently of these two, however, a number of unofficial stylistic directions and artistic positions developed, that led to a complexity of German postwar modernism that is often overlooked.


Curator-in-Residence Program·Talk I

Beuys and Postwar Modernism in Germany

May 26 (Saturday),14:30 - 16:00

HOW Library, HOW Art Museum (3rd Floor)


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