HOW新展丨“HOW NOW · 生活应用” 明日开幕
HOW NOW · 生活应用
2019年1月19日 - 2019年4月19日
Please scroll down for English version
昊美术馆(上海)将于2019年1月19日至2019年4月19日,在美术馆三楼6、7号展厅,举办展览“HOW NOW · 生活应用”。
陈抱阳,[ECOW]-唐怀瑟之镜(WH) ,影像、彩色有声,10分钟,2017,图片:致谢艺术家及杨画廊
Chen Baoyang, Looking Glass of Don Wythe, Video, color, sound, 10min, 2017, Courtesy of the artist and Gallery Yang
Cheng Xinhao, I'll Sprinkle Salt All Over Your Land, Video, color, sound, 6 min 40 sec, 2017, Courtesy of the artist
高洁,Art4A.I. 1.0,互联网手机游戏,尺寸可变,2018,图片:致谢艺术家
Gao Jie, Art4A.I. 1., An online interactive mobile game, Dimensions variable, 2018, Courtesy of the artist
Guo Xi, The Last Tale: God and Net Friend, Installation, 2014, Courtesy of the artist
李然,客旅生活,高清有声单通道录像,黑白&彩色,33分钟,2017,图片: 致谢香格纳画廊
Li Ran, Life of the Pilgrim, HD single-channel film, sound, b/w and color, 33min, 2017, Courtesy ShanghART Gallery
Liu Xinyi, Block Trading Empire :African Kangaroo, Acrylic boards, acrylic standoffs, 118 × 240 × 4 cm, 2016, Courtesy of the artist and WHITE SPACE BEIJING
HOW NOW 是昊美术馆推出的中国青年艺术家系列展览,于2019年1月重新启动。
Venue:HOW Art Museum (Shanghai), 3d floor
Artist:Chen Baoyang, Cheng Xinhao, Gao Jie, Guo Xi, Li Ran, Liu Yujia, Liu Xinyi, Wang Tuo, Zhang Yue, Zheng Yuan
How Art Museum is pleased to announce HOW NOW:The Life App, the forthcoming exhibition at How Art Museum that will be on view from January 19, 2019 through April 19, 2019.
This is an exhibition about new forms of art production, addressing the re-acceptance of art under ever-changing conditions.
Liu Yujia, The Pale View of Hills, Single channel 4K video, HD playback, color, sound, 38min 37sec, 2018, Courtesy of the artist
Wang Tuo, Captive Tuning, Single channel 4K video, color, sound, 17min 05sec, 2016, Courtesy of the artist and WHITE SPACE BEIJING
We believe that artists have more power and roles other than providing visual spectacles for photography and videography. Many artists dive deep into the areas that are ignored by the public, in order to explore the spiritual space of human beings as a whole. They do not just work for the completion of finished and closed "artwork" in object forms. As records of their work, they keep texts, sketches, photographs, videos, ready-mades, lines of code, etc. These materials represent plans, researches, analysis, inferences, and predictions, as well as spiritual and affective events. What the viewers can perceive and receive are the artists’ efforts, which stretch into a broader space and longer time. From the perspective of the production of art, this counts as a new form of art creation that not only provides sensual experience and attitudes, but also new methodologies and principles. Artists as product developers, they apply artistic traits and concepts to their work and life. The audience as users, because of the extensibility and forward-looking nature of the artworks, they are enabled to take the artists' works as life applications.
Zhang Yue, The Longest Day, Data documentation, pen on paper, 12 x 17cm x 21(page), 2017, Courtesy of the artist
Zheng Yuan, A Brief History of China Northwest Airlines, Single-Channel HD video, color, sound, 28 min 12 sec, 2018, Courtesy of MadeIn Gallery
The exhibition brings together recent works by 10 artists, with topics ranging from the construction of virtual worlds to the discussion of beliefs, and the reflection on the boundaries of power. As the reenactment and fabrication of situations, these works always expect careful listening and deep immersion on the viewer’s side. Employing artworks as entries, the artists are leading perpetual departures, moving beyond the boundaries of everyday experience, to reach the redefined space and time. The subjects or "characters" created by various visual techniques show their desire to merge with the viewers, to jointly experience the evidence of the existence and the material and spiritual transformation. It is in this sense that the art medium is applied in every individual’s life. With the opening of “application”, the soul and the body will see their resurgence.
HOW NOW is an exhibition series reopened in January 2019 launched by HOW Art Museum featuring young Chinese artists.
喧哗 HETEROGLOSSIA(1F,1/2/3/4展厅)
HOW NOW · 生活应用(3F,6/7展厅)
日间通票(全天):¥100【优惠票 ¥50(仅限全日制本科及以下学生或65岁以上老人,需携相关证件于现场购票)】
夜间通票(晚间7点后):¥80【优惠票 ¥50,规则同上】
3.仅参观6/7展厅(美术馆3F)“HOW NOW·生活应用”门票