SGA 沪申画廊 上海|「反光体」艺术家简介
In light of heightened concerns relating to the virus,
our exhibition is temporarily postponed
until further notice.
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(左) 节奏no.1 Rhythm no.1
布面油画 Oil on canvas,204 x 140 cm, 2022
(右) 艺术家肖像 Artist
梁曼琪(生于1986年,广东珠海)2009年毕业于中国美术学院公共艺术学院美术教育系,2012年毕业于中国美术学院中德艺术研究生院(CDK) 绘画系,获美术硕士学位。目前工作、生活于上海。
梁曼琪作品曾于多家重要美术馆机构展出,包括北京尤伦斯当代艺术空间(UCCA); 上海chi K11美术馆; 上海当代艺术馆(MOCA); 韩国济州岛阿拉里奥美术馆; 上海西岸艺术与设计博览会; 深港城市\建筑双城双年展等。艺术家也曾多次受邀国外一线品牌和明星艺术跨界合作项目,其中包括“Lady Dior 我之所见”艺术巡回展; DS AUTOMOBILES巴黎汽车品牌艺术合作; “好奇无界”迪士尼米奇全球巡回艺术展; 周笔畅“月相”艺术展等。
Liang Manqi (b. 1986, Zhuhai Guangdong) graduated from the department of Art Education from the School of Public Art at the China Academy of Art in 2009 and received her Master’s Degree from the department of Painting at Chinesisch-Deutshe Kunstakademie (CDK) in China Academy of Art, in 2012. She currently lives and works in Shanghai.
Liang Manqi’s work has been exhibited in major art museums, including Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) in Beijing; chi K11 Museum of Art in Shanghai; Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Shanghai; Arario Gallery in Jeju, Korea; Westbund Art and Design Fair in Shanghai; Shenzhen-Hong Kong Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture; and more. She was invited to numerous art project collaboration with leading brands and celebrities, including “Lady Dior As Seen By” exhibition; DS AUTOMOBILES Paris vehicle marque x Art collab; “Mickey: The True Original & Ever Curious” Exhibition World Tour; Zhou Penchang’s “Lunar Phases” art exhibition, and more.
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(左) 真空 Vacuum no.7
综合材料 Mixed media, 130 x 130 cm, 2022
(右) 艺术家肖像 Artist
倪志琪(生于1957年,上海)曾在比利时安特卫普皇家美术学院研究生院留学深造,并获得比利时卡雷尔·维斯拉特(Karel Veslat)艺术展一等奖。现工作生活于上海。倪志琪的作品曾多次展出于亚洲及欧洲,并被广泛收藏。
Ni Zhiqi (b.1957, Shanghai) studied MFA at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Belgium and won the first prize at the Karel Veslat Art Exhibition. He currently lives and works in Shanghai. Ni’s works have been widely collected and featured in exhibitions across Asia and Europe.
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(左) 鸡头米花紫精灵 Prickly waterlilies and lavender nymphs
布面油画 Oil on canvas, 200 x 165 cm, 2018-2021
(右) 艺术家肖像 Artist
Xuan Chenhao (b.1989, Shanghai) graduated from the East China Normal University College of Fine Arts. He currently lives and works in Shanghai.
‘My paintings draw inspiration from the binary relationship between animals and plants living in the rainforest. Like an inward-blooming syconus that lures the wasp with its fleshy seeded stalks into its bud to breed, I attempt to convey this lively vigor that has propelled our genealogy and thoughts to evolve over the centuries through my art. The intention is less about creating; instead, it is an exertion to be freed after portraying these entities, the process rejects meaning, and the work fuels itself with menace and unsettledness. My memory weaves these animals, plants and symptoms of life together. The march toward creation is brutal. All organisms are naturally diverse in their mode of expression, with difference and sameness that vary in scale.’
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(左) 740181307102DI
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas, 180 x 180 cm, 2021
(右) 艺术家肖像 Artist
郑文昕(生于1975年,上海)1997年厦门大学艺术教育学院 美术系 油画专业本科毕业,2001年英国肯特艺术与设计学院硕士毕业。1997至1999年任教于厦门大学。现生活于杭州并工作于中国美术学院。
她曾参与2001-2003英国肯特艺术设计学院艺术家工作室及2019年PILOTENKUCHEN International,莱比锡的艺术家工作室驻地项目。
Zheng Wenxin (b. 1975, Shanghai) received BA from the department of art at Xiamen University in 1997, and MA at Kent Institute of Art & Design, UK, in 2001. She taught at Xiamen University from 1997 to 1999. She currently lives in Hangzhou and teaches at China Academy of Art.
The artist participated in artist residencies at Kent Institute of Art & Design, UK, from 2001-2003; and the PILOTENKUCHEN International Lepzig, Germany, in 2019.
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(左) 石头 18-4 Stone 18-4
布面油画 Oil on canvas, 180 x 240 cm, 2018
(右) 艺术家肖像 Artist
石至莹(生于1979年,上海)2005上海大学美术学院油画系硕士毕业 。一级美术师,现工作于上海油画雕塑院。
公共收藏: 上海当代艺术博物馆, 中华艺术宫, 上海当代艺术馆, 上海复星艺术基金会, Cc基金会, 余德耀美术馆, 刘海粟美术馆, 美国橘郡美术馆, 悉尼新南威尔士艺术博物馆, 悉尼白兔美术馆, Pizzuti Collection 等。
Shi Zhiying (b.1979, Shanghai) received her MFA in Oil Painting from The Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in 2005. She is a first-class national artist and currently works at Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute.
Her works are held in the public collections of: Power Station of Art, Shanghai; China Art Museum; Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai; Shanghai Fosun Foundation; CC Foundation; Yuz Museum Shanghai; Liu Haisu Art Museum; Orange County Mu-seum of Art, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney; Pizzuti Collection, etc.
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(左) 浮玉No.1—来自“千里江山图”的写生 Floating Jade No.1
- Drawn from “A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains”
Digitalized virtual technology, collection giclée
(Canson paper + aluminium plate)
150 × 205 cm, 2013-2017
(右) 艺术家肖像 Artist
Shao Wenhuan (b.1971, Hotan Xinjiang) studied in the department of Mixed Media and Painting at the China Academy of Art in 2002 and continued his studies at the École National des Beaux-Arts de Dijon, France. The artist primarily focuses on the study and experimental nature of photography as a medium. Shao currently lives in Hangzhou and is associate professor in the photography department at the China Academy of Art.
His works are exhibited widely in China and abroad, including: China Academy of Art Museum, Hangzhou; Folkwang Museum, Germany; the First Biennial of Contemporary Art in Milan, Italy; Beijing Photography Biennial, Beijing; the Lucerne Art Museum, Lucerne, Switzerland, among others. His works are part of many private and public collections around the world, including the Uli Sigg collection.
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(左) 不自然生长2021-01 Unnatural Growth 2021-01
中性水笔, 油彩、树脂胶、板面纸本拼贴
Gel pen, oil paint, resin, paper collage on board
200 x 120 cm, 2021
(右)艺术家肖像 Artist
Li Wenguang (b.1985, Shanghai) currently lives and works in Shanghai. The self-taught artist has gone through several stages of diversifying his visual language since he started his artistic journey in 2004. 8 years ago, Li developed a representative geometric pattern, one that he continues to evolve to this date.
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(左) 无题Untitled, 人造织物、填充物、不锈钢
Synthetic fabric,filler,stainless steel
200 x 70 x 70 cm, 2020
(右)艺术家肖像 Artist
创作主要以雕塑为主,作品来源于个⼈⾏为或感知的狭缝中产⽣的记忆、情感等感性的世界,以直觉来捕捉和归纳抽象的形态。主要关注当下⼈类与⼤⾃然所创造与演变的事物与事件的发展⽣态,通过重新想象定义历史、⽣态乃⾄⽇常,以及每天的网络、现实⽣活等经验积累,在细⼩的体验中捕捉出有意向的场景、形态、材料 、并收集、叠加、再处理,进⾏再语境化创作,给雕塑提供⼀种新的⽣成逻辑以及再⽣态的可能性,并在消解雕塑时间性的同时,在空间中寻找成⽴的瞬间,创造⼀种新的有效观看途径。
Yang Xi (b.1988, Shanghai) graduated with MA from Goldsmiths, University of London. She currently lives and works in Shanghai. Yang has previously participated in Nottingham Art Festival, UK; London Art Festival, and more.
Yang Xi primarily focuses on sculpture; and is adept in capturing and summarizing abstract forms based on intuition. Her work is inspired by memories and emotions from personal behaviours or the slits of perception. Yang pays close attention to the developing ecology of objects and events created and evolved by human beings and nature. By re-imagining and re-defining history and ecology, as well as experiences accumulated in daily network and real life, she captures the potential scenes, forms, and materials from actual experiences, then collects, overlays, and reprocesses them into her re-contextualized sculptures. The artist eliminates the timeliness in sculptural language and imbues the medium with new generation logic and possibilities of re-ecology. Together, her work marks a search for a rational co-existence with space and a new effective mode of viewing.
图片提供/Image credit: 参展艺术家,空白空间
All participating artists and WHITE SPACE
SGA 上海|预告 Coming soon
SGA 成都|正在展出