UESTC Warmly Welcomes Young Professionals-campus seminar at The University of Manchester
Maybe you are a promising Chinese scholar thinking about going back to the motherland, maybe you are a foreign researcher interested in working with some of the best fellow scientists in China. If you would like to know more about our recruitment program, please feel free to participate our campus seminar at The University of Manchester. We’ll be introducing our recruiting system and all the benefits, as well as communicate with you face to face.
期待您的光临. Looking forward to meeting you!
一、学校简介:Brief Introduction of UESTC
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC for short) is one of the first 211 Project and 985 Project universities, and also, the only electronic information–oriented university. It is the first university in China with all the sub-disciplines of the two disciplines—electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering—being national key disciplines.
In the latest National Discipline Evaluations, five disciplines from UESTC were in the top ten, in which Electronic Science and Technology ranks No.1 and Information and Communication Engineering ranks No.2, Optical Engineering and Instrument Science and Technology ranks No.7 and Bio-medical Engineering ranks No. 10 (equal to Peking University). In the 2015 USNEWS Best Global Universities Rankings, UESTC’ s Engineering ranks No.81 and Computer Science ranks No.67. Engineering is listed in the top 1‰ of Essential Science Indicators (ESI), and Material Science, Physics and Computer Science in the top 1%.
UESTC has four national key laboratories, one national engineering center, forty-one provincial or ministry research institutes, two innovation groups supported by the National Natural Science Foundation Committee (NSFC), six innovation groups supported by the Ministry of Education, and one national defense science and technology innovation group. Recently, UESTC together with the Sichuan Provincial Hospital established the School of Medicine, and founded the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, to strongly promote the development of fundamental research such as in Physics and Mathematics. The university has developed into a key multidisciplinary research-oriented university with electronic science and technology being its nucleus and characterized by the harmonious integration of science, engineering, management and liberal arts.
电子科技大学高度重视人才工作,引进和培养了一批在国际学术界享受盛誉的杰出学者。学校现有高层次人才172人,包括中国科学院、中国工程院院士7人,IEEE Fellow 21人,“千人计划”入选者102人(含“青年千人计划”入选者49人),“长江学者”34人;其中,“千人计划”与“青年千人计划”入选人数在信息领域全国排名第一。
UESTC attaches great importance to talents work, and has introduced and trained quite a number of excellent scholars internationally renowned in their research areas. Currently UESTC has up to 172 first-class talents, including 7 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 21 IEEE Fellows, 102 selected professors of the Thousand Talents Plan (49 among which are selected ones of the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals), and 34 Yangtze River Scholars. The number of professors of the Thousand Talents Plan and the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals that UESTC has ranks No.1 nationwide in information field.
Embracing its motto of “to seek facts and truth, to be noble and ambitious”, UESTC is in the pursuit of excellence and talents, and endeavors to become the breeding base for advanced technologies and great minds. UESTC warmly welcomes all talents home and abroad to join in its grand course to a more glorious future. Candidates for the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals are welcome to log in http://scholarsforum.uestc.edu.cn/and apply online.
二、招聘条件 和相关待遇:Qualifications & Benefit
1. 青年千人Selected ones of the Recruitment Program for Young Professional
Outstanding young scholars under the age of 40, shall possess a PHD degree granted by prestigious universities at home and abroad, have at least three years’ work experience abroad (those who possessed a PHD degree from abroad with exceptional academic achievements may be exempt from the work experience requirement), and hold formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises.
From National Government: RMB 1-3 million start-up research funding and RMB 500,000 subsidy;
From Sichuan Government: housing subsidy of RMB 500,000 after approval;
3.学校配套 From the university
提供有竞争力的薪酬、安家费及购房补贴;Competitive salary, settling-in allowance and housing subsidy provided
提供科研经费100-300万元;RMB 1-3 million research funding
根据入选者实际工作需要,提供办公、实验场地;Working and research platform in accordance with the awardees’ actual needs
聘任到教授岗位,并授予博士生导师资格;The awardees will be appointed as a professor and PhD supervisor
若进入青年千人计划会评未最终入选,可纳入电子科技大学“百人计划”支持,聘任为特聘研究员(正高级职称);For those who did not succeed in the final interview of the Program, they will be supported by "100 Talents Plan of UESTC" and hired as Specially Appointed Researcher (Senior professional title)
2. 电子科技大学“校百人”计划
“One-hundred Talents” Plan of UESTC
Applicants are supposed to be under the age of 35, with doctorate degrees from renowned universities in China or abroad, outperforming their peers, and showing infinite potential to lead in their science research fields.
Living and Working Provisions
1. 提供年薪20万+;Annual Salary: over 200,000 RMB yuan
2. 提供科研启动经费:工科30-50万元 ,其他学科10-30万元 ;
Initiation Research Funds: 300,000 - 500,000 RMB yuan for engineering disciplines, and 100,000 -300,000 RMB yuan for other disciplines
提供安家费15万元 ;
Settling-in Allowance: 150,000 RMB yuan
Housing Subsidy: 250,000 -350,000 RMB yuan
Applicants are supposed to be under the age of 40, with doctorate degrees from renowned universities in China or abroad, or with tenures in well-known universities overseas, and excelling in relevant academia.
Living and Working Provisions
i. Initiation Research Funds: 200,000 - 400,000 RMB yuan for engineering disciplines, and 80,000 - 200,000 RMB yuan for other disciplines.
ii. Settling-in Allowance: 100,000 RMB yuan.
iii. Housing Subsidy: 150,000 to 250,000 RMB yuan in the first term of employment.
4.副教授 Associate Professors
Applicants are supposed to be under the age of 35, with doctorate degrees from renowned universities in China or abroad, excelling in relevant fields, and exhibiting great potential.
Living and Working Provisions
i. Initiation Research Funds: 150,000 - 200,000 RMB yuan for engineering disciplines, 100,000 - 150,000 RMB yuan for science disciplines, and 50,000 - 80,000 RMB yuan for arts disciplines.
ii. Settling-in Allowance: 60,000 RMB yuan
iii. Housing Subsidy: 80,000 to 100,000 RMB yuan in the first term of employment.
5.骨干教师Excellent Teachers
年龄一般不超过35岁,具有国内外知名高校博士学位,具有发展潜力。Applicants are supposed to be under the age of 35, doctorate degrees from renowned universities in China or abroad, and exhibiting great potential.
i. Initiation Research Funds: 100,000 to 150,000 RMB yuan for engineering disciplines, 50,000 to 100,000 RMB yuan for science disciplines, and 30,000 to 50,000 RMB yuan for arts disciplines.
ii. Settling-in Allowance: 20,000 RMB yuan.
iii. Transitional Housing: one apartment within 2 years
四、需求领域 Recruiting areas of academics
学院/研究院 School/Dept. | 重点需求领域 Disciplines |
School of Communication and Information Engineering | 通信网络理论与技术、通信网络理论与技术、无线与移动通信技术、信息网络及复杂多维信息处理技术、通信集成电路、射频集成电路与系统、信号与信息处理技术、多媒体通信与图像处理技术、光纤通信网络及技术、光纤传感与通信器件及应用、光纤-光波导器件及应用 |
School of Electronic Engineering | 信号与信息处理、电磁场与微波技术、电路与系统 |
School of Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics | 大规模集成电路与系统、新型功率半导体器件与集成电路和系统、SOC/SIP系统芯片技术、集成电路测试、封装、可靠性与验证技术、射频微波、超高速器件与电路、半导体材料及器件技术、电子薄膜与集成器件技术、磁性材料与器件、电子陶瓷与器件、高分子材料 |
School of Physical Electronics | 物理电子学、等离子体物理、无线电物理、光学 |
School of Optoelectronic Information | 红外与传感技术、光通信与集成光学、信息显示科学与技术、激光与光电工程 |
School of Computer Science & Engineering | 计算机系统结构、计算机软件与理论、计算机应用技术、信息安全 |
School of Automation Engineering | 宽带时域测试技术及仪器、电子系统综合测试诊断与预测、微波测量与遥感机理、传感器精密测量与微流体器件、新能源系统控制技术、模式识别与机器视觉、多智能体与复杂系统 |
School of Mechatronics Engineering | 机械电子工程、机械设计及理论、机械制造及其自动化、电力电子与电力传动、电力系统及其自动化、电机与电器、精密仪器及机械 |
School of Energy Science and Engineering | 电力系统及其自动化、电机与电器、电力电子与电力传动、电工理论与新技术、材料物理与化学、材料学、材料加工工程、检测技术与自动化装置、控制理论与控制工程 |
School of Resources and the Environment | 遥感建模与反演、遥感图像处理、生态环境遥感、国土资源遥感、自然灾害遥感、农业遥感、全球变化遥感、油气和水资源遥感、应用地球物理、地球信息科学、数学地质、信号处理、计算机图形学、应用数学、三维地理信息系统、高性能GIS/云GIS、地理信息系统服务与应用、时空大数据挖掘、时空数据建模与分析及应用、环境科学与工程 |
School of Astronautics & Aeronautic | 导航制导与控制、飞行器设计、航空宇航制造工程、电路与系统、电磁场与微波技术、通信与信息系统、信号与信息处理、测试技量及仪器、光学工程、人机与环境工程、检测技术与自动化装置、计算机应用技术、系统工程、模式识别与智能系统、机械设计及理论 |
School of Life Science and Technology | 磁共振成像物理与技术、医学仪器、神经工程、脑功能成像、计算神经科学、视觉机制、认知神经科学、生物信息学与系统生物学、神经生物学 |
医学院 School of Medicine | 人体解剖学、病理生理学、病理解剖学、生理学 |
Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences | 材料科学与工程、物理学、生命科学、化学、计算机科学、信息工程等 |
School of Mathematical Sciences | 计算数学、概率论与数理统计、应用数学、统计学、运筹学与控制论、基础数学、计算机科学 |
School of Management and Economics | 信息管理与电子商务、组织与战略、会计学 |
School of Political Science and Public Administration | 城市管理(城市规划,土地资源管理、房地产等相关方向)、信息管理与信息系统、公共管理(社会保障、教育经济与管理、土地资源管理等相关专业) |
School of Foreign Languages | 英语语言文学(英美文学、西方文论、比较文学、翻译与跨文化研究等)、外国语言学及应用语言学(理论语言学、认知语言学、神经语言学、教育技术学等)、中国语言文学(国学研究、中国古代文学、汉语言文字学、中国古典文献研究等)、法语语言文学、日语语言文学 |
School of Marxism Education | 马克思主义基本原理、马克思主义发展史、马克思主义中国化、国外马克思主义研究、思想政治教育、科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动、中共党史、历史学、中国史、世界史、马克思主义哲学、科学技术哲学、政治经济学 |