

2017-12-09 财经




















1 /国家衰退和地区分裂的威胁一直在增加



o  2001年以来,从伊拉克到叙利亚,国家衰退对当地安全形成极大损害,也变成圣战恐怖主义的温床;

o  伊朗和沙特的宿仇变为也门逊尼派和什叶派穆斯林之间的战火,也转化成黎巴嫩的政治冲突;

o  朝鲜也变成核扩散的主要地区,严重影响到日本和韩国等邻国的安全。近期美国可能采取的军事打击可能会加剧全球冲突局势。




o   社会分化情况严重,例如改革医保系统;

o   特朗普宣布放松银行监管,金融不稳定性增加;

o   美国宣布退出巴黎气候协定,又指责伊朗核协议,导致地区稳定和气候安全受到挑战。

o   如果税改方案顺利通过,可能会导致美国债务增加10亿美元,影响经济发展;


o   英国退欧削弱了欧洲的统一性和团结;

o   当地分裂主义也在欧洲蔓延,尤其是西班牙加泰罗尼亚闹立问题;






o   美国退出TPP(跨太平洋伙伴协议)后,其他类似TTIP(跨大西洋贸易与投资伙伴)之类贸易协定谈判也面临阻碍;

o   欧洲东部匈牙利和波兰等国反自由主义浪潮涌起。


o   2018年后,由于创新部门缺乏持续性投资,全球经济会进入新一轮低迷期;

o   在某些欧洲国家,公共部门负债水平很高,会限制公共领域刺激经济增长的机会。




o   在美国,比特币价格自今年初已经涨了10倍:明年芝加哥交易所将允许比特币期货上市,关于比特币的投机还会进一步增加;

o   中国科技巨头股价飞涨也是一例,例如阿里巴巴和腾讯;


o   在美国,汽车贷款和房贷仍有巨大风险,过10年里增加近200%的助学贷款也存在风险;

o   在中国,企业借贷水平已经接近中国GDP总量的165%,正如本周国际货币基金组织所指,将来很可能对金融稳定形成真正的威胁。







II /现在管理风险就是搭建强大的地区治理架构


1 /因为地区安全对管控本地危机至关重要




o   比如在中东,民族主义和地区分裂主义都在影响稳定:

§  上周二在科威特举办的年度峰会上,卡塔尔和沙特关系紧张,阿拉伯国家联盟和海湾合作委员会也出现分化;

§  经济方面,中东受到多元化程度低和石油竞争影响,尤其是2015年对伊朗制裁解除之后;

§  不过我相信只有通过合作才能解决多元化和地区安全问题,才能为实现共同治理铺平道路。下面我要分享一个可能实现中东稳定的重要倡议:就像二战后法国与德国通过签署钢铁煤炭合作协定实现联合一样,中东两大国家——伊朗和沙特也可以签署石油方面的长期合作协议,在勘探和售卖石油方面协同合作建立伙伴关系。两国相互承诺就能构建地区治理的核心规划。

o   非洲的风险也有些不可控的迹象。去年非洲发展疲弱又危机不断,结果是撒哈拉萨赫勒地区恐怖主义蔓延,政局也不稳定。现在非洲很有必要加强合作:

§  政治方面,非洲联盟通过共同议会联合了55个国家。这种体制对处理非洲大陆日渐增加的挑战很关键,例如利比亚的移民危机,摩洛哥跟西撒哈拉之间的紧张局势,腐败也影响了国家治理;

§  经济方面,承担公共义务对稳定贫穷地区至关重要:我们要加强刺激地区架构,例如1975年成立的西非国家经济共同体,主要为了推动超过15个国家在货币和贸易政策方面加强合作。未来10年,随着非洲不断发展,加强货币一体化和公共管理水平重要性都会提升。





o   过去60年里一步步促进政治、经济和金融融合:

§  1957年六个国家创立了共同市场和关税联盟,逐步扩大到28国;

§  1979年成立共同议会,由欧洲人民直接选举;

§  1992年决定采取单一货币制度,由欧洲央行管理。

o   如今在法国推动下,欧洲进入了经济和金融整合新阶段。新任总统马克龙刚当选,就推出了加强欧洲治理的宏大计划:

§  首先,新近成立的欧洲货币基金组织获得欧盟委员会官方支持;

§  其次,指定欧洲财政部长发表统一言论;

§  第三,为欧元区制定统一的预算,巩固货币政策,推动地区融合。







o   在中亚和东非,偏远地区基础设施建设可大大维护稳定;

o   经济刺激对欧洲和中国等大型经济体长期复苏也是绝好的机会;


o   2015年成立的亚投行吸引了各大洲50多个国家参与;

o   我们还发现随着欧洲与中国在气候和外交等领域加强合作,新丝绸之路可带领世界走向多边发展。


III /全球化的未来取决于打造全球规则的能力


1 /政治和经济向来是国际合作的主要领域




o   制裁朝鲜并未制止亚洲核扩散问题;

o   联合国解决巴勒斯坦领土问题时经常束手无策;

o   国际恐怖主义崛起,凸显出联合国无法找出各方妥协之道;

o   还有一点也很重要,难民问题至今没有得到确定的回应,上周美国决定退出联合国移民和难民公约后,情况变得更加复杂。


o  首先要提高效率:

§  面对战争罪行或反人类罪行时要限制反对权;

§  要打造属于联合国的独立军事力量,不能单靠各国捐兵;

o   第二,需要赋予更多合法性和代表性:

§  美国退出经济、外交和文化等协定后,各国需要进一步分担责任,促进多边主义;

§  该考虑吸纳新的联合国安理会常任理事国,因为非洲和拉美目前一个席位都没有。





o   G20框架内多边谈判机制加强;

o   《巴塞尔协议III》框架下监管更为严格;

o   但该领域还有很多事项需要加强。下一场全球崩溃可能就是因为对金融监管过分指责,以及缺乏货币领域的合作。


2 /全球治理不应局限于经济和政治,应该扩展到特定问题上




o   资源枯竭的风险已经在一些国家边境造成压力,也可能导致严重的地区冲突;

o   当然了,《巴黎气候协定》成功签署意味着有长期合作机会;

o   但人们都知道情况绝不简单,尤其在美国退出之后:

§  气候治理需要的不仅是协议;

§  需要新的合作工具,尤其要注重资助可持续发展,例如下周即将在巴黎举办的绿色金融峰会,届时联合国秘书长,各大城市市长,英国、西班牙或孟加拉国多位元首也会出席。


o   就在上周一,我刚参加了在乌镇举办的全球互联网大会,亲眼目睹中国和全球业界承诺将网络打造为更安全也更注重合作的空间;

o   我坚信人们要争取打造多边治理架构,主要为了两个目的:

§  首先,随着落后地区加强数字基础设施建设,可以更好地促进贸易、知识和发展;

§  另一方面,设计网络共同监管结构,处理网络安全、数字世界的中立和隐私等问题是巨大的挑战:所以一直呼吁在联合国框架下制定互联网多边协议;


o   首先,有必要通过制定全球规则,扩展联合国国际海事组织的权限,大力解决海洋污染问题:目前为止,国际海事组织已经联合172个国家和超过75家非营利组织,进展良好;

o   其次,海洋安全要由享有国际和发行的专门维和组织负责维护,解决地区问题方面就有例子,欧盟“亚特兰特行动”就清扫了索马里海盗;

o   第三,我们要设立跨境投资的金融工具,促进沿海地区发展和就业:欧洲在这方面就有不少先例,对海洋和渔业开放欧盟基金。请注意,海洋可能成为今后发展的重要推动力。
















Ladies and gentlemen,




It’s always a great pleasure to be here, in Sanya, at the crossroads of cultural openness and economic modernity. This place managed to become over time a major symbol of Chinese Riviera, high lighting the rapid change of Chinese growth towards more quality and sustainability. 

Let me also express my gratitude to the organizers of this meeting gathering officials and renowned academics. Never before has been so necessary to combine various fields of expertise, from economy to politics, to better grasp and more effectively tackle the dangers of today. Of course, economy is slightly recovering. Of course, trade and investment are better than last year.


But long term stability is more than uncertain.


First,political governance has been facing huge challenges, failing to build a lasting consensus on peace:


This week, the international community’s unity on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,based on UN resolutions of the last fifty years, has been shaken by US decisionto move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem;

-  Lastweek as well, we witnessed a new peak in regional and global tensions with the launch of a ballistic missile from North Korea;

Second,economic governance is also calling for more efficiency to address the major current risks:


- Financial stability is still showing signs of weakness in terms of regulation and cooperation;

- Global growth has also been facing new types of threat that are poorly managed by regional and international institutions.


I / The truth is that we have entered a new era of risk


1/ Danger of failing states and regional fragmentation has been increasingly rising

-  Today, the risk of war is located in two key areas concentrating tensions:

·  The Middle East has long been a major pole of instability. But it is now even subject to intense escalation:

o  Since 2001, the expansion of failing States from Iraq to Syria has been damaging local security and strengthening the threat of jihadist terrorism;

o  The historic conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia is turning into proxy wars between Sunnis and Shia communities in Yemen, but also into political  clashes in Lebanon;

· North Korea has also become the major place of nuclear proliferation  affecting security in neighbour countries like Japan and South Korea. In the near future, preemptive US military strikes could escalate into aglobal conflict. 

But political destabilization is also concerning Western countries:

· It is the case in the USA where uncertainty has increased since the election of the new President:

o  Social divisions have been heightened, for example by the project to reform  the healthcare system;

o  Financial stability has been put at risk by Trump’s announcement to ease banking rules;

o  Regional and climatic safety are also being challenged by the withdrawal  from the Paris Climate Agreement and US criticism of the nuclear deal signed with Iran.

o  Even the tax reform, if a political success, should impact US economy  through increasing the debt by at least 1 trillion dollars;

· Destabilization is also tangible in Europe where regional fragmentation and political instability have become a serious concern:

o  The Brexit has weakened European consistency and solidarity;

o  Local separatism has also spread in continental Europe, especially in Spain with the Catalonian crisis;


2/ Second, the risk of a global economic crisis has not vanished  overnight

- Major areas of the world’s growth are confronted with economic weaknesses:

· Trust in global stability has been threatened by the rise of anti-globalization  trends:

o  We see that in American protectionism after the USA removal from the TPP  and current difficulties in negotiating other trade agreements like the TTIP;

o  We also see that in Europe with growing anti-liberalism in Eastern countries  like Hungary and Poland.

· Low investment and high public debt are reducing space for long-term  growth:

o  After 2018, global economy should experience a new slowdown due to the lack of lasting investment in innovative sectors;

o  In some European countries, the high level of public debt is also limiting the  opportunity of public stimulus on growth.

- But the global economy is also challenged by the risk of bubbles and the  burden of private debts:

· Some values are dramatically increasing in new technology with a  perspective of dangerous overvaluation:

o  That’s the case in the US with the bitcoin price that has been multiplied by  10 since the beginning of the year: in the coming years, the launch of bitcoin  futures on the Chicago exchange should increase speculation on  cryptocurrencies;

o  That’s also the case for Chinese Tech companies with the rapid rise in stock  prices, especially for leaders like Alibaba and Tencent;

·  The fact private debt has surged over the last decade is also a huge concern  for stability, reminding us of the levels of private debts in 2007, just  before the financial crisis:

o  In the US, car and housing loans remain a big threat as well as student  credit that rose by around 200% in only ten years;

o  In China, corporate borrowings are reaching around 165% of Chinese GDP, which is now a real danger to financial stability as pointed outthis week by the  IMF.

- Globalization has created a complex network of interdependencies between  countries as well as between politics and business. That’s why we need to learn to manage complexity. This means more regional cooperation  throughout the world:

· Because major risks now lie in isolated countries, incapable of assuming  responsibility:Venezuela, Syria, North Korea;

· Because division of labour creates markets at the size of continents, with  over a billion producers and consumers: East Asia, Europe, Africa;

· Because strong nations need to create a climate of trust with their  neighbours as geography creates common destinies.


II / Today, managing risk is all about building strong regional governance

1/ Because regional security has become key to manage local crisis


-  No nation can contain risk alone in a world of openness:

· Priority is to focus on areas facing serious difficulties:

o  In the Middle-East, for example, the rise of nationalism and regional divides  is threatening stability:

§ The Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council have been divided by  growing tensions between Qatar and Saudi Arabia as shown on last Tuesday  during the annual Summit in Kuwait;

§ Economically,the region is impacted by low diversification and oil  competition, especially from Iran after the lift of sanctions in 2015;

§ But I am convinced that only cooperation can save diversity and security of the region to pave the way for common governance. Let me share with you an  idea that could give birth to a landmark initiative stabilizing the Middle-East: as did France and Germany after the Second World War through putting  steel and coal in common, there could be lasting agreements in oil between  the two major powers of the region, Iran and Saudi Arabia, creating synergy  and partnerships in exploring and selling oil. Such a mutual commitment would  be a core project to set up regional governance;

o  Africa has also become a territory of uncontrolled risk. Over the last years, weak development and local crises have contributed to spread terrorism in  Sahel and damaging political stability. Today, it is necessary to provide Africa  with stronger cooperation:

§ It’s true in politics inside the African Union that gathers 55 countries around  acommon Parliament. Such an institution has become ever more crucial to deal with increasing challenges concerning the whole continent like migration  crisisin Libya, tensions between Morocco and Western Sahara as well as  corruption weakening national governance;

§ It’s also true in economy where collective commitment is decisive to stabilize poor areas: we need to foster sub-regional structures like the Economic  Community of West African States created in 1975 to coordinate currency and trading policies between more than 15 countries. In the coming decades, the  rise of African growth will give growing importance to monetary integration and  common governance. 

-  We must also pursue current regional policies towards strong integration:

· Asia has shown the path of regional cooperation as a cornerstone of  effectiveness and independence:after the 1997 crisis, the CHIANG MAI  initiative signed has been a key moment in achieving a financial architecture of  security at regional level;

· We also witnessed in Europe the construction of a strong regional  governance:

o  Successive steps of political, economic and financial integration happened  in the last sixty years:

§ In1957 with the creation of a common market and a customs union between  6 countries gradually extended to 28;

§ In 1979 with a common Parliament directly elected by European people;

§ In1992 with the decision to adopt a unique currency managed by the  European Central Bank.

o Today, under the stimulus of France, Europe is entering a new phase of  economic and financial integration. Since his election,President MACRON has outlined an ambitious project to strengthen European governance:

§ First,with the opening of a European Monetary Fund recently gaining the  official support of the European Commission;

§ Second,with the appointment of a European Finance Minister to speak with  a common voice;

§ Third,with the creation of a significant budget enabling the Eurozone to consolidate its monetary policy and promote regional integration.


2/But we also need to invent new projects of regional integration: the “Belt and Road Initiative” is a unique chance forlocal and global  stability


- The New Silk Road is a showcase project buildinga new type of regional  integration:

· First,it promotes political and cultural understanding through integrating 64  countries from at least three continents: Asia, Europe and Africa

· Second,it stimulates growth and development through boosting massive  investment with an objective of around 900 billion dollars:

o  The expansion of infrastructures in remote regions will be a major driver of  stability in Central Asia as well as Eastern Africa;

o  Economic stimulation will also be a great opportunity to support long-term  recovery in major economies like Europe and China;

· Third,it offers a new model of prosperity based on inclusiveness, sustainability and balance:

o  We have seen that in 2015 with the launching of the AIIB gathering more  than 50 countries from all the continents;

o  We have also seen that with the rise of EU-China cooperation in climatic  and diplomatic areas. The New Silk Road can be the bridge towards a  multilateral world.


III / The future of globalization relies on the capacity to create global  rules


1/ Politics and economy have long been the main areas of  international cooperation

- In 1945, the creation of the UN mainly aimed atensuring the conditions of  peace. But we must acknowledge that we partly failed in preventing the risk of  war:

· Everywhereyou look, international challenges are weakening UN efficiency:

o Sanctions against North Korea have not avoided nuclear proliferation in  Asia;

o UN resolutions on Palestinian territories have regularly proven to be  powerless;

o The rise of international terrorism has also highlighted the UN incapacity to  find a compromise on a common definition;

o Last but not least, no concrete reply has been given to the refugee crisis, made more complicated last week with US decision to pull out from the UN  migrant and refugee Pact.

·       That’s why we face the necessity to drive reforms in the UN:

o  First, we need more effectiveness:

§ It requires a limitation of the veto right in case of war crime or crime  against the humanity;

§ It also requires the creation of an independent military capacity under its own command rather than national troops contributions;

o  Second, we need more legitimacy and representativeness:

§ The US removal from economic, diplomatic and cultural agreements create  a collective duty to promote ever more multilateralism;

§ The time has come to consider new Permanent Members since neither  Africa nor Latin America have a seat in the Security Council.


- From its side, economic governance has gone through major changes to  more fairness and efficiency:

·First,multilateral institutions have been subject togradual rebalancing from  Western to Eastern powers. In this regard, the growing weight of China has  been the sign of a real transformation from the entry in the WTO, in 2001, to  the integration of the renminbi in the currency basket of the IMF and the  creation of the AIIB in 2015;

· Likewise,there have been step forward in international coordination of  economic and financial policies since the crisis of 2007:

o  Multilateral discussion has been reinforced within the G20;

o  Regulation has been improved with the set of Basel III negotiations;

o  But a lot remains to be done in this field. The next global collapse could be  generated by growing criticism of financial regulation and the lack of monetary  coordination.


2/ More than economy and politics, global governance must be  broadened to specific issues

- Today, we need to combine political involvement and technical capacity in  treating the crises of the time.I see at least three fields of global risk that  should lead to a stronger and clearer governance:

· First,priority must be given to handling climate change and nature protection:

o  The risk of resource depletion has created pressures at the borders and  become a serious cause of local conflict;

o  Of course, the successful negotiations of the Paris Climate Agreement have  opened a lasting way of cooperation;

o  But we all know that the situation is far from being simple, especially after  the US withdrawal:

§ Climatic governance requires more than agreements;

§ We need new tools of cooperation, in particular in financing sustainable  growth,as will be shown by the Green Finance Summit hosted next week in  Paris with personalities like the UN Secretary, mayors of big cities and many chiefs of States from UK, Spain or Bangladesh.

· Second,internet has also become a crucial area in need of global  governance:

o On last Monday, I attended the World Internet Conference in WUZHEN  where I witnessed Chinese and global commitment to make the cyberspace a  safer and more cooperative environment;

o My conviction is that we need to push for multilateral structures of  governance with two main objectives:

§ On the one hand, dealing with the best ways of improving access to trade, knowledge and development thanks to digital infrastructures in left behind  regions;

§ On the other hand, designing a common regulation of the cyberspace is a  huge challenge for treating issues of cybersecurity, neutrality and privacy in  the digital world: That’s why have been advocating for the creation of a multilateral Treaty on the Internet negotiated in the frame of the UN;

·Third,the sea exploration and maritime regulation will also bea major issue of the future. Today, we need an integrated approach to the sea challenges:

o  First, it is necessary to better fight against sea pollution through global rules  extending the mandate of the International Maritime Organization: so far, this  UN institution has made great progress by gathering 172 countries and more  than 75 NGO’s;

o  Second, security on sea must be enhanced with a dedicated peace-building  force with international legitimacy as is the case at regional level with the EU  operation ATALANTE tackling piracy off Somalia;

o  Third, we also need to set up financialinstrument of cross-border investment  to boost growth and employment on coastlines: Europe has taken some good initiative in this way with the opening of the EU Fund of maritime and fisheries  politics. Let’s be aware that sea could be the main engine of growth of  tomorrow.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


The global community is at a turning point.


On the one side, we see tensions endangering stability and challenging globalization some consider as a factor of inequalities.


On the other side, there is a path for a better futurein regional integration and global governance.


But let’s avoid the mistakes we made in the past. Let’s have in mind that trust  is decisive to ensure the success of governance. Trust means mutual  benefit,commitment and certainty. 


That’s what we have to focus on by working on a new model of globalization protecting and sharing the global common goods.




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