

2015-02-24 信德海事


自由降落式救生艇保养检查 Maintenance and inspection


Recommended maintenance period and items inbellows:

1、每周保养检查 Inspection and maintenanceweekly

1.1 对装置的各部分进行目视检查,保证装置始终处在立即可以进行救生艇自由降放的准备状态,如检查滑道上的导向滚轮(或滑板)有无缺损与移位?不存在影响救生艇顺利下滑的阻碍。固艇链与释放钩的连接是否正常?不会影响释放钩的顺利脱钩

All parts shall be visually checked, theappliance should always be ensured to be ready for freefall launching lifeboat,as check if guide roller on ramp (or slide plate) is damaged or moved, andwouldn’t affect lifeboat to slide smoothly. Fixing boat chain and release hookare connected normally, and wouldn’t affect release hook to open easily.

1.2 检查压艇装置,压紧板位置是否正确?救生艇是否已被压紧?相关零部件有无缺损?

Check fitted unit, fitted plate should be incorrect place, lifeboat should be held down, and correlative components shouldnot be damaged.

2、月度保养检查 Inspection and maintenancemonthly

2.1 对装置的各部分进行目视检查,保证装置始终处于立即可降放艇的准备状态(包括用吊臂进行降放),如检查滑道情况导向滚轮(或滑板)有无缺损与移位?检查吊臂与绞车的状况,相关零部件是否正常与齐全?各润滑点是否需要补充润滑脂?

All parts shall be visually checked, theappliance should always be ensured to be ready for launching (include using jiblaunching), as check if guide roller on ramp (or slide plate) is damaged or moved,check jib and winch. Correlative components should complete and not be damaged, add lubricating ifnecessary.

2.2 检查压艇装置操作是否灵便?压紧器是否紧压艇舷边?(如为底 部压艇方式则检查压艇装置压艇钩是否紧压小艇固定钩)其相关零部 件是否存在损坏与丢失?

Check if fitted unit operation is agility, boatboard is held down by fitted plate well, other correlative components aredamaged or lost.

2.3 检查吊艇索在卷筒上的固定与卷绕,检查钢绳的缺损与腐蚀,检 查钢绳表面的润滑情况,必要时补充润滑脂。

Check boat fall, if it is fixed and windedon drum well; check rope, if it isdamaged or corrupted, check lubricating on rope surface, add if necessary.

2.4 检查滑轮转动的灵活性,绳槽部分的缺损与腐蚀。

Check tackle, if it is agility, and if there isdamaged or corrupted on rope groove of sheave.

2.5 检查与救生艇相连的释放钩装置,检查其竖钩与装置的焊缝与固艇链有无损伤,链环的任何部位出现裂纹、弯曲或扭曲或其磨损值超 过链径的8%或有明显的永久性伸长时,都应更换。

Check release hook unit connected with lifeboat,check its upright hookweld andfixing boat chain, chain link should be renewed if there is any crackbenddistortionthe wear-down more than 8% of Dia. of chain orpermanent elongation.

2.6 检查起升绞车的工作情况,液压绞车部分有无异常的发热、噪声 与漏油?检查箱体内的润滑油的油位与油质,需要时应加以补充。

Check work condition about lifting winch,hydraulic winch shouldn’t have abnormal temperature risenoiseand leakage, check lubricating oil level and oil quality in box, add if necessary.

2.7 检查液压油缸的动作与渗漏。

Check hydraulic cylinder operation and if any oilleak.

2.8 检查电气部分,它们各自的工作情况,有无元件损坏与失效?

Check electric section and their workingconditiondamage condition and lose efficiency.

2.9 检查液压部分,检查各元件的工作,有无渗漏?

Check hydraulic system working and if any oilleak.

3、年度保养检查 Maintenance and inspectionyearly

3.1 检查滑道、吊臂的腐蚀、移位、变形等等缺陷。

Check corrosionmisalignmentsdeformationson ramp and jib.

3.2 修补装置的受损油漆,补油漆时注意勿在油嘴及零部件的活动面 上误涂油漆,勿因多次涂漆将相邻零部件间的活动间隙堵塞。

Repair the paint of the appliance, pay attentionthe grease nipple and rotating surface not be covered by paint, active spacebetween border components not be blocked by paint.

3.3 检查吊艇索的损坏与两端连接情况、排绳情况。吊艇索出现扭结、 散股、单股损伤 10%或磨损后直径减少 7%时,不论其是否到达更换期, 都应立即更换

Check damage connectand rope arrange condition of the boat fall,replace it immediately once find kink, loosed strand, single stranddamaged 10% or worn diameter reduce 7%no matter it is on replace time.

3.4 检查装置上各油嘴与钢绳的润滑,需要时补充润滑脂。

Check and lubricate wire rope and all greasenipple, add if necessary.

3.5 检查滑轮转动的灵活性与是否存在缺损?

Check tackle rotation, possible damages.

3.6 检查吊钩的变形与损伤。

Check lifting hook, if it is damaged ordeformation.

3.7 检查起升绞车的工作,液压绞车部分有无异常的发热、噪声和渗 漏?更换减速箱的润滑油。

Check lifting winch operation. No abnormaltemperature risenoise and leakage on hydraulic winch, replacelubricating oil in reduction box.

3.8 检查释放钩装置,相关零件有无损坏与变形?见本节2.5 条。

Check release hook unit, include damages and deformations about correlativecomponents, see this section 2.5.

3.9 检查液压油缸的动作与密封,需要时更换密封件。

Check hydraulic cylinder operation and seal,replace seal if necessary.

3.10 检查电气部分,清理与检查电控箱与按钮盒,更换被损元件, 清除电动机内外的灰尘,检查它们的零部件是否有缺损与锈蚀?运转 中不应有异常的声音与振动,有疑问时,检查它们的绝缘与接地。

Check electric section, including clean and checkthe control box and remote control push button box, replace damaged parts,clean the dust inside and outside the electric motor and check its parts, if itis damaged or rusted there is no abnormal noise and vibration when motor is inoperation. Check insulation and groundwire if there is any question.

3.11 检查液压系统,包括检查系统压力与系统工作情况。不应有异 常的温升、渗漏、振动、噪声或不正常的压力波动。检查油箱内的液 面高度与油质,每 12-18 个月更换一次。检查与清理滤油器,必要时更换。

Check hydraulic system, including check systempressure and performance during the operation. There is no abnormal temperature rise, leakage, vibration, noise or abnormal pulsation of pressure. Check oil level of the tank andoil quality, Replace hydraulic oil every 12 or 18 months. Check the filter, clean or replace if necessary etc.

3.12 进行一次救生艇(带有操艇人员)自由降落放艇操作试验,将 艇降放入水后,用吊臂将其回收到艇存放处。

Carry out a test for freefall launching lifeboat(with operator ), then recovery boat to its stowed position after launchinginto water.

4、不超过 5 年间隔期的全面检查

Thorough examination at interval not exceeding 5years.

除以上年度保养检查项目外,全面检查还应进行下列项目的检 验:

Beside all of the above-mentioned yearly inspect item, thorough examinationshould perform following item of inspection.

4.1 检查吊艇索的情况,按本节 3.3 条处理,该吊艇索若在 5 年间隔 期内未曾被更换,则应更新。

Check the wire rope, deal it following thissection 3.3, replace it if not replace within 5 years.

4.2 拆检起升绞车,由于其液压绞车结构较复杂和紧凑,内部清洁度 要求也较高,现场检修有困难,若遇损坏,建议将减速箱整体拆下交 原制造厂修理或更换。

Strip and check lifting winch, as the structureof hydraulic winch is complicated and compact, and requires high clean grade, it is difficult to inspect and maintain atworking site, if it was damaged, suggest disassembling off the whole reductionbox to the factory to replace and maintain.

4.3 进行一次 1.1 倍满载艇自由降落试验。

Carry out a testing for freefall launching with1.1 times of fully-loaded lifeboat.

4.4 进行一次 1.1 倍满载艇有控制降放试验[包括轻载艇(乘员不多 4 人)的回收试验]

Carry outa controlled launching test with 1.1 times of fully-loaded lifeboat [thetest include a recovering light-loaded lifeboat test (nomore than 4 passengers)].

备注:周检、月检和例行性检查应当由船上人员在高级船员的指导下, 并按照本手册完成。

Note: Weekly and monthly inspections and routine maintenance should be conductedunder the direct supervision of a senior ship’s officer in accordance with themanual.

所有其它检查、维护与修理应当由制造厂代表或是经制造厂培训 并取得其证书的人完成。

All otherinspections servicing and repair should be conducted by the manufacturer’srepresentative or a person appropriately trained and certified by themanufacturer for the work to bedone.

在进行完设备年检后,如有需要进行试验,请按照上述第六项中 对应条款进行试验,试验合格后方能投入使用。

After the yearly inspection, test for the davitbased on item 6 mentioned above if it needs, it can be used after testedsuccessfully.


