MINILOGUE live & JACQUES live at TEKNEST独一无二的现场
Live作为一种电子音乐人现场表演形式在世界范围内风潮日趋强势。艺术家通常会使用到一连串的硬件设备或电脑笔记本,进行现场表演。它区别于DJ们使用唱机、CD机或各类软件来播放被提前录制好的音乐。电子音乐的Live Set还可以加入各类原声乐器或人声现场。
The definition of DJ’ing is mixing tracks one after another seamlessly to create a long set of music with the intent to entertain an audience. There are different ways of building these musical sets: DJ sets and live sets. What does a DJ basically do ? Play tracks from a CD, vinyl or mp3 with smooth transitions and mix them. The term ” DJ Set ” refers to mixing pre-recorded tracks on CD players or computer software without any other external sources. We can say that with a live set the DJ produces his own music by means of effects, drum pads, software like Ableton which enables you to throw in loops and synchronize all with a fixed tempo.
Live因为具有很强的表演性和即兴成分,拥有超强的现场魅力。而这次9月15、17、18日dART为大家带来的TEKNEST创艺电音节就为我们带来多位国内外知名的Live电子音乐人,SHADE live (SCI+TEC)之前已经介绍过,现在先揭晓两位会进行Live表演的重量级人物,Ableton代表性人物Marcus Henriksson aka Minilogue,和从吉他到自行车轮子都用作乐器的Jacques。
At TEKNEST on Sep 15, 17, 18, we’re bringing well-established live acts to create a fascinating mix of musical elements, drums, effects, loops from original songs, vocals and much more! We already introduced SHADE live (SCI+TEC), now let’s meet the other two, Ableton’s brand embassador MARCUS HENRIKSSON aka MINILOGUE and Jacques who use guitar, bicycles and anything you can imagine as his instruments.
Marcus Henriksson曾经是Front 242和Kraftwerk的追崇者,在Techno爆发的90年代他被那重复节拍彻底击中了。当Marcus和Sebastian在一场party上遇见的时候,两个人就像一套终于对上号了的锁头和钥匙。Minilogue的音乐穿越了原来的界限,作品的风格宽阔无疆,让许多年来电子音乐爱好者一直崇拜。他们的音乐融合了九十年代早期Techno的简单典雅,Minimal风格的低调和逻辑,还有新风潮流向的甜美与魅力。
Marcus Henriksson used to be a fan of Front 242 and Kraftwerk, he was ravished by the repetitive beats of techno when the music exploded in the nineties. When Marcus and Sebastian met at a party, the two fitted together like a lock and its matching key. With Minilogue they leave the boundaries of that genre - and actually of any genre and lovers of electronic music have been esteeming them for many years. Their tracks incorporate the elegance and simplicity of classical early Nineties' techno, the economy and lightness of the minimal sound and the sweetness and charm of the recent developments.
2006年,“The Leopard”的发行在他们的音乐旅途上竖起了里程碑,诸多音乐人的混音创造了无限熟悉而陌生的声音。2008年发行的专辑“Animals”,其中风格低调的名曲影响力流传至今。”Hitchicker’s Choice” MV至今在YouTube浏览量已经累计超过6百万。
“The Leopard” was their most euphoric moment of 2006 and the remixes gave people an irresistible blend of the familiar and the strange. From their album "Animals" (2008), the dance tracks remain powerful and humble. The MV of “Hitchicker’s Choice” got almost 6 million views.
Minilogue - Hitchhiker's Choice
Minilogue have always been interested in the visual aspect of their art, it is as natural for them to create a visual image as well as an audible one. For many years they have thought of animals as the front for Minilogue. These animals do not actually exist as pets. They are mystic, imaginary creatures, merged together from different species. The music stretches out towards the horizon in a gesture of unmitigated desire: a desire for wideness, a desire for sound, a desire for the elementary beauty of techno
"Jacques is Jacques. Lost between reflective meditation and spontaneity premeditated, Jacques composes electronic music for the normal and the bizarre."
After being expelled from the “G-spot” - the artistic squat he had opened with friends in an old railway station of the train to Paris - Jacques moved into the old battery factories in St-Ouen, the perpetually balanced desire of imperfect harmony. Jacques is in permanent duet with the beauty hidden in the noise of everyday things.
One part theatrical and two parts good listening, Jacques’ live sets compose electronic music to make normal and strange people dance together. He finds beauty hidden in the sound of everyday objects and brings them to stage for a recorded performance. A bicycle wheel, electric fan, or even a watering hose turn into beats that get you dancing. Coupled with the keyboard and guitar, Jacques’ sets are just as fun to watch as they are to listen.
JACQUES (Live) - looping à l'Amour
横跨中秋数天的dART年度盛宴TEKNEST户外音乐节,9月17日Marcus Henriksson aka Minilogue和9月18日JACQUES将分别献上Live演出,整理一下大家的思绪,跟随着他们充满创意的现场表达和“器具表演”来一次超乎想象的声音旅行。就在鸟巢,“噪反都市”即将上演,来到现场的人,相信你的眼睛:那个抓住了你荷尔蒙分泌的音符就是那个看起来像是上个世纪50年代的自行车轮子旋转摩擦发出来的。
Come check out Marcus Henriksson (Minilogue) and find out why all about live sets on September 17. Then, on September 18, finish your mid autumn festival with Jacques performance art electro set!
What two words make up the name "Minilogue"?
A. Minimal(极简)& Dialogue(对话)B. Miniature(微型) & Monologue(独白)
C. Minuscule(微观) & Analogue(模拟)
Jacques托运设备箱每个尺寸是942 x 575 x 185mm,他一共带来几个设备箱?
The size of Jacques’ flightcase is 942 x 575 x 185mm, how many flightcases do you think he is bringing to China?
A. 1, enough for a 7 seat MPV一个,商务车装得下B. 2, a van is fine两个,面包车装得下
C. 3, we're gonna need a small coaster 三个,厢式货车装得下
老板说了:猜中有奖。手快有手慢无,看谁先把这两道问题答对奖品就是谁的喽!9.12日前发来答案,TEKNEST 3天套票+9.16日dART派对也许就属于你!
Send us your answers for a chance to win a TEKNEST 3 days + dART Birthday Party package!
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