

littleflute 笛台 2021-10-05

Why do arguments change people’s minds in some cases and backfire in others? Hugo Mercier explains how arguments are more convincing when they rest on a good knowledge of the audience, taking into account what the audience believes, who they trust, and what they value. Lesson by Hugo Mercier, animation by TED-Ed.

为什么争论在某些情况下会改变人们的想法,而在另一些情况下会适得其反呢? 雨果·梅西耶(Hugo Mercier)解释说,当论点建立在对听众有充分了解的基础上时,他们将如何提高说服力,同时考虑到听众的信念,所信任的人以及所重视的东西。

演讲者:Hugo Mercier
演讲题目:How can you change someone's mind?



Three people are at a dinner party. Paul, who’s married, is looking at Linda. Meanwhile, Linda is looking at John, who’s not married. Is someone who’s married looking at someone who’s not married? Take a moment to think about it. 

Researchers presented participants with a news article that showed no weapons of mass destruction had been found. Yet many participants not only continued to believe that WMDs had been found, but they even became more convinced of their original views. 
So why do arguments change people’s minds in some cases and backfire in others? Arguments are more convincing when they rest on a good knowledge of the audience, taking into account what the audience believes, who they trust, and what they value. 

Mathematical and logical arguments like the dinner party brainteaser work because even when people reach different conclusions, they’re starting from the same set of shared beliefs. In 1931, a young, unknown mathematician named Kurt Gödel presented a proof that a logically complete system of mathematics was impossible. 
对于晚宴问题这样的趣味智力题,数理逻辑的观点之所以行得通。在于即便人们得到不同的结论,他们是基于相同的价值观进行思考。1931年,一位年轻而默默无闻的数学家Kurt Gödel证明了,一个逻辑上完备的数学体系是不可能的。

they were presented with data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in this case showing that the answer was 11 of the 12 years. Being provided with these reliable statistics from a trusted official source made people more likely to accept the reality that the earth is warming. 

Finally, for disagreements that can’t be definitively settled with statistics or evidence, making a convincing argument may depend on engaging the audience’s values. For example, researchers have conducted a number of studies where they’ve asked people of different political backgrounds to rank their values. 

Liberals in these studies, on average, rank fairness— here meaning whether everyone is treated in the same way—above loyalty. In later studies, researchers attempted to convince liberals to support military spending with a variety of arguments. 

These can help you make your own arguments and reasoning more convincing and sometimes, you may even end up being the one changing your mind. 

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