

2015-08-16 阅录评

Transcenture - to participate a sensory perception ceremony, odyssey with Yue Luping 2015

Medium: Interactive Lighting Installation

keywords: Relational Aesthetics, Post production, 3d printing, Heelight, Century, Future,Stomach, Guhhenheim, Unicode, Sarira, Transcenture

Artist - 岳路平 YUE Luping

Chief-Curator - 易鸿 YI Hong

Curator - 鲁大荒 LU Dahuang

Design - 微米WE-MEDIA

Development - 嘿灯Heelight

3d printing - 参数屋 TJR

Plan A - five cube installed with different transcenture lighting effects continuously, including 5 patterns, 5 senses, 5 behaviors and 5 forms

Plan B - a single lighting installation of 5+ experience interacted with mobile apps

