来感受传奇组合KEYS N KRATES 的不一样的节拍 #3/16 SHFT. 5 YR
SHFT.在这五年间发生了许多故事, 我们曾将许多天赋音乐人及好音乐呈现给大众。而成立十年的Keys N Krates也终于在今年释出了他们第一张录音室专辑《Cura》。《Cura》是他们筹备了一年多的一张实验性专辑,往下滑查看专辑故事并感受他们不同的节拍。3月16日,我们即将把这个传奇电子组合带来上海与我们一起庆祝五周年生日,购票链接就在下方,快来一起见证这时刻!
Since 2013, SHFT. has changed the landscape of the Chinese bass scene and continues to bring good music to our fans. With that being said, we are ready to throw down on another level with the legends Keys N Krates, who will be bringing a bad ass live performance to you!
After nearly a decade together, Keys N Krates's debut album "Cura" has officially dropped on Dim Mak Records! They spent over a year cookin’ up this masterpeice, managing to pack it full of some of the freshest experimental sounds on the block! Check out below to find out more about their newest bass sensation.
On March 16th, we pulling up to Arkham to celebrate 5 years of craziness with our bois from Toronto, Keys N Krates!
So grab your tickets now and come turn up with us!
Keys N Krates于近期释出了首张正式专辑”Cura”,他们对于乐器和音乐的精湛把控力在这张专辑中展现的淋漓尽致。
Keys N Krates now elevate their craft with "Cura" - their debut album.
Keys N Krates - 《Cura》
点击边框调出视频工具条https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=o0547qk3vrx&width=500&height=375&auto=0“Cura”融汇了Keys N Krates多年电子音乐制作的精华,你可以感受到他们从乐器型电子音乐人向全能制作大师转变的全新突破。”Cura”表现着他们炉火纯青的音乐素养,充满灵魂的电子音乐迸发出令人着迷的精神触感,他们还在这张专辑中加入了摒弃常规的实验性尝试。
Reflecting a sonic evolution many years in the making, "Cura" sees Keys N Krates evolving from revered instrumental beat-makers into musically sophisticated producers and songwriters. "Cura" embodies Keys N Krates’ matured style of now: soulful Electronic music created with an organic touch, allowing for open experimentation and sonic curiosity.
Keys N Krates与格莱美提名歌手Tory Lanez的单曲“Music to My Ears”,并以动态弦乐和混响低音的编曲组合助力这首歌曲上升到全新高度。
On “Music to My Ears,” dynamic strings and reverberant bass provide a joyous backbone to Grammy-nominated vocalist Tory Lanez’ uplifting hook.
Keys N Krates -《Music To My Ears》
点击边框调出视频工具条https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=s0547reqcaf&width=500&height=375&auto=0在单曲“Glitter”中,通过看似不协调的Future R&B的风格,实则体现出一种缓慢燃烧的喧嚣感。Keys N Krates把不着边际的音色与Ambré本人上升的音色完美结合在一起。
On “Glitter,” a slow-burning romp through disco-tinged future R&B, the group slathers the groove-laden cut with satiny synths and distorted strings alongside the vocals of rising sensation Ambré.
“Do What U Do”这首歌是在原采样的基础上进行重塑,展现出了Keys N Krates的音乐特色:boom-bap节拍与和谐的人声紧密结合。
“Do What U Do” revisits the sample based, boom-bap beats and harmonious vocal layers that have become a keystone of the Keys N Krates aesthetic.
除此之外,“Flute Loop”这首Ouici参与feat的曲子,就像疯狂的炸弹一样,用trap的色彩刺激着人们的耳朵。而“My Night”这首强调迷幻效果的歌曲则是由070 Shake进行献声/说唱。
Elsewhere, the hard-hitting instrumental “Flute Loop,” featuring Ouici, is a frenetic bomb exploding with trap-leaning muscle, while “My Night” boasts hallucinogenic production accentuated by 070 Shake’s haunting sung / rap vocal.
“How I Play” - Keys N Krates Interview
看Keys N Krates是怎么玩音乐的
日期:3月16日 周五
DATE: Friday, March 16th
地 址: 上海市黄浦区巨鹿路168号
ADDRESS: No. 168, Julu Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
Early Bird 早鸟票 120 RMB
Presale 预售票 200 RMB
Door 现场票 260RMB (240RMB for SHFT. Wechat Followers; 关注SHFT公众号享受20元折扣)
Extract QR code to purchase your ticket
Poster Design 本次海报设计支持: Loxel
Banner Design 横幅设计: @khomiich