Said The Sky要来中国啦!准备好了吗?这是他第一次来到这个国家,我们为了BUDX FREAK OUT把他拐来了!他会去到杭州、上海、厦门、深圳。和Illenium,3lau都有合作,顶级DJ本人。这次他要带着他的音乐作品来轰炸你们的耳膜!下滑有福利,我会告诉你是面基机会吗?不会:)
Who is ready for Said The Sky !? For his first time ever to China he is headlining our BUDX FREAK OUT Halloweeen Warehouse China tour. Hangzhou, Shanghai, Xiamen, and Shenzhen he is coming for you ! With collabs with Illenium, 3lau, and many more of electronic music top dogs, Said The Sky bring to you a full live electronic set ! Check out the details below on how you can win your meet and greet with Said The Sky !
Said the Sky,生于1993年。在8岁时年幼的他并不喜欢他的钢琴课,但中学时期他又重新开始去学习音乐——这个将在未来对他意义重大的事物。当他进入高中后,第一次接触到了电子舞曲,并且深深沉浸于此。
Said the Sky, was born in 1993 . At the age of eight, he didn't like his piano lessons. But in high school he began to learn music again-something that would mean a lot to him in the future. When he entered high school, he first came into contact with electronic dance music and was deeply immersed in it.
之后,他便开始使用Ableton Live制作音乐、参与伯克利音乐学院的课程。在沉淀了许久后,他终于以“Said the Sky”为艺名开始创作并发布歌曲。Said the Sky的前两张EP:《Find You》和《Faith》以3+3首纯正的Chill-step+Melodic Dubstep演绎了美妙至极的 2-step 风格。
After that, he began to use Ableton Live to make music and participate in the Berkeley Conservatory of Music. After a long period of precipitation, he finally began to write and publish the first two EP: 《Find You》 and 《Faith》of the song. Said the Sky under the stage name "Said the Sky", and the first two EP: 《Find You》 and 《Faith》 performed a wonderful 2-step style with pure Chill-step Melodic Dubstep.
Said the Sky的个人风格非常鲜明,全曲以钢琴作为主要驱动力,加以各种清亮的电子音色和空气感的过渡音效,以及Dubstep风格中或不可缺的扭曲的Growl Bass音色,力量与美感并存的声音,甚至可以被比拟成白色的雷云,狂暴的暖风,甚至是一只温顺的巨兽。
Said the Sky's personal style is very distinctive, the whole music is driven by piano, with a variety of clear electronic timbre and air sense of the transition sound, as well as Dubstep style or indispensable distorted Growl Bass tone, strength and beauty co-exist sound, Even can be compared to white thunderclouds, violent warm wind, or even a gentle monster.
Said The Sky - Listen
进入大众视野后,Said the Sky一直精益求精。虽然不算是高产的制作人,但他陆续参与了包括Owl City,Seven Lions以及The Chainsmokers的作品Remix,也陆续更新着自己的作品,并且在其后又尝试了一些其他的风格。
After entering the public view, Said the Sky has been improving. Although not a prolific producer, he has been involved in updating his own works, including Owl City,Seven Lions and The Chainsmokers's Remix,. And then tried some other styles.
3LAU & Said The Sky - Fire
就在最近,Said the Sky又放出了最新单曲《All I Got》。这一次他大胆尝试了将人声跟随鼓组作为高潮音色的手法,做出了类似 Melodic-Dubstep 融合 Future Bass 的独特声音,且依旧保持他标志性的美感+力量,听后可以说是非常的出色。
Just recently, Said the Sky released the latest single 《All I Got》. This time, he boldly tried to follow the drums as a climax tone, making a unique voice like Melodic-Dubstep fusing Future Bass, and still maintaining his iconic aesthetic power, which could be said to be excellent.
城市:杭州 | 博采传媒摄影棚
CITY :HANGZHOU | Lefu Zhihui Warehouse
日期:10月26日 周五
DATE : Friday, October 26th
ADDRESS : Building 11, No 28 Xiangyuan Road, Gongshu District, Hangzhou
早鸟票 Early Bird 220 RMB
预售票 Presale 260 RMB
现场票 Regular 320 RMB
VIP票 666 RMB
双人/三人套票 400/580 RMB
卡座订购: 13701972878
Table Bookings: 13701972878
Extract QR code to purchase your tickets
购票链接: http://zaomengshe.com/c/2006505
城市:上海 | 壹秀秀场
CITY : SHANGHAI | One Show Warehouse
日期:10月27日 周六
DATE : Saturday, October 27th
ADDRESS : No 569 Shilong Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
早鸟票 Early Bird 220 RMB
预售票 Presale 280 RMB
现场票 Regular 340 RMB
卡座订购: 13701972878
Table Bookings: 13701972878
Extract QR code to purchase your tickets
购票链接: http://zaomengshe.com/c/2005000
城市:厦门 | 联发华美时尚馆
CITY : XIAMEN | Lian Fa Center Winehouse
日期:11月02日 周五
DATE : Friday, November 2nd
ADDRESS : No 132 Huachang Road, Huli District, Xiamen
早鸟票 Early Bird 220 RMB
预售票 Presale 280 RMB
现场票 Regular 340 RMB
卡座订购: 13701972878
Table Bookings: 13701972878
Extract QR code to purchase your tickets
城市:深圳 | Tom Live
日期:11月03日 周六
DATE : Saturday, November 3rd
ADDRESS : Building 1, Huangguan Science Park, Tairanjiu Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
早鸟票 Early Bird 200 RMB
预售票 Presale 240 RMB
现场票 Regular 300 RMB
卡座订购: 13701972878
Table Bookings: 13701972878
Extract QR code to purchase your tickets
购票链接: http://zaomengshe.com/c/2006604
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Share this post on your social media and leave a message in the comments section. The one get most likes will get a Meet & Greet ticket. This time, you can not only enter for free, but also get a chance to meet SAID THE SKY! Are you excited?