静水深流 (3)|浮生一梦 余情千载——沈复《浮生六记》
我于十年前偶得《浮生六记》,薄薄一册,一见便爱不释手。见惯了不少古书中波澜壮阔、世道浇漓的故事,读此书忽如眼前一座流水小桥,别样雅致,潺潺低语细诉生平。作者沈复用《闺房记乐》《闲情记趣》《坎坷记愁》《浪游记快》等六篇小记,用随笔形式记录自己半生所历,侧重回忆了他与妻子芸儿相知相惜, 琴瑟和鸣,却不得不在家道变故后困顿流离、永失所爱的经历。道是“多情自古空留恨,好梦由来最易醒。”
沈复文风清丽宛转,志趣高雅,颇具艺术美感;他的心理刻画尤为传神,更兼得笔墨情深,字字句句真情实感,读来确实感人。还有人说《浮生六记》之所以赢得推崇并世代相传,全因书中有一位绝世无双的好妻子芸儿。对于芸儿,作为该书最知名的粉丝林语堂先生是这样评价的:“ 芸,我想,是中国文学上一个最可爱的女人。”诚非过誉,可见不凡。
I was engaged in my childhood to one Miss Yu, of Cinsha, who died in her eighth year, and eventually I married a girl of the Chen clan. Her name was Yun and her literary name Suchen. She was my cousin, being the daughter of my maternal uncle, hsinyu. Even in her childhood, she was a very clever girl, for while she was learning to speak, she was taught Po chuyi’s poem, The Pipa Player, and could at once repeat it. Her father died when she was four years old, and in the family there were only her mother (of the Chin clan) and her younger brother kehchang and herself, being then practically destitute. When Yung grew up and had learnt needlework, she was providing for the family of three, and contrived always to pay kehchang’s tuition fees punctually. One day, she picked up a copy of the poem The PiPa player from a wastebasket, and from that, with the help of her memory of the lines, she learnt to read word by word. Between her needlework, she gradually learnt to write poetry. One of the poems contained the two lines:
"Touched by autumn, one' s figure grows slender,
Soaked in frost, the chrysanthemum blooms full."
When I was thirteen years old, I went with my mother to her maiden home and there we met. As we were two young innocent children, she allowed me to read her poems. I was quite struck by her talent, but feared that she was too clever to be happy. Still I could not help thinking of her all the time, and once I told my mother, "If you were to choose a girl for me, I won' t marry any one except Cousin Su." My mother also liked her being so gentle, and gave her her gold ring as a token for the betrothal.
This was on July 16 in the year of 1775. In the winter of this year one of my girl cousins was going to get married and I again accompanied my mother to her maiden home. Yun was of the same age as myself, but ten months older, and as we had been accustomed to calling each other "elder sister" and younger brother" from childhood, I continued to call her "Sister Su".
At this time the guests in the house all wore bright dresses, but Yun alone was clad in a dress of quiet color, and had on a new pair of shoes. I noticed that the embroidery on her shoes was very fine, and learned that it was her own work, so that I began to realize that she was gifted at other things, too, besides reading and writing.
Of a slender figure, she had drooping shoulders, and a rather long neck, slim but not to the pont of being skinny. Her eyebrows were arched and in her eyes there was a look of quick intelligence and soft refinement. The only defect was that her two front teeth were slightly inclined forward, which was not a mrak of good omen. There was an air of tenderness about her which completely fascinated me.
That night, when I came back from outside the city, whither I had accompanied my girl cousin the bride, it was already midnight, and I felt very hungry and asked for something to eat. A maid-servant gave me some dried dates, which were too sweet for me. Yun secretly pulled me by the sleeve into her room, and I saw that she had hidden away a bowl of warm congee and some dishes to go with it. I was beginning to take up the chopsticks and eat it with great gusto when Yun' s boy cousin Yuheng called out, "Sister Su, come quick!" Yun quickly shut the door and said, "I am very tired and going to bed." Yuheng forced the door open and, seeing the situation, he said with a malicious smile at Yun, "So, that' s it! A while ago I asked for congee and you said there was no more, but you really meant to keep it for your future husband." Yun was greatly embarrassed and everybody laughed at her, including the servants. On my part I rushed away home with an old servant in a state of excitement. Since the affair of the congee happened, she always avoided me when I went to her home, and I knew that she was only trying to avoid being made a subject of ridicule.
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