

贵州日报 2023-03-04




Going west from Guiyang and driving straight to Anshun Guanling, we can see Balinghe Canyon at the end. What flows at the foot of the canyon is the mighty Baling River with the ancient and majestic Guansuo Mountain and Shaijia Mountain standing on both sides. Above the canyon is the Balinghe Bridge connecting the east and west like a “flying rainbow”.  出了贵阳一路西行,长驱直入安顺关岭,就到了坝陵河峡谷。谷底是浩浩荡荡的坝陵河,两侧雄伟古老的关索岭和晒甲山相对而立。峡谷之上,坝陵河大桥如一道“飞虹”,横贯东西。

The Balinghe Bridge starts from Guanling Flyover in the west and ends at the National Highway 320 in the east. It is an important part of the Shanghai - Kunming Expressway. The total length of the bridge is 2,237 meters and its main span is 1,088 meters while the bridge deck is as high as 370 meters from the water surface. It is the world's first bridge built across a canyon in mountainous area with a thousand-meter span.  坝陵河大桥西起关岭立交,东至320国道,是上海——昆明高速公路重要组成部分。桥梁全长2237米,主跨1088米,桥面距水面高达370米,是世界首座山区跨峡谷千米级跨径桥梁。

There is a sightseeing channel inside the bridge. It is the only bridge which can be used for sightseeing in Guizhou. This is unprecedent in the bridge-tourism integration of Guizhou.坝陵河大桥建有观光通道,是省内唯一一座可上桥观光的大桥,开启了贵州桥旅融合的先河。
In addition to its magnificent appearance on the outside, there is the wisdom of bridge construction that lies on the inside of the Balinghe Bridge. The tunnel anchor on the west side of the bridge is 74.34 meters long. It was the biggest tunnel anchor in the world. The volume of the pouring concrete of the gravity anchor on the east side of the bridge reaches 81,662 cubic meters. It ranked the first in China. The first time to use a helium-filled airship to tow the pilot rope, the first time to use a bridge deck crane to set the steel truss, and the first time to use aerodynamic wings for wind resistance, many advanced techologies were first time applied to the construction of the bridge.  除了恢弘壮观的“外表”,坝陵河大桥更有着集桥梁建设智慧于大成的“内在”。桥西岸的隧道锚碇长为74.34米,是世界第一大隧道锚;东岸重力式锚碇混凝土浇筑方量达81,662立方米隧道式锚碇,位居国内第一。此外,国内首次采用氦气飞艇牵引先导索,首次运用桥面吊机架设钢桁梁,首创气动翼板抗风等一系列技术创新问鼎世界。
The Balinghe Science and Technology Museum of Guizhou Bridges is the only “ base of education and science popularization on national highways”in Guizhou.

With the Huangguoshu Waterfall on the east, the Ancient Suoma Road dating back to the Three Kingdoms period on the west, the mysterious Hongyantianshu on the south, and the Dishuitan Waterfall on the north, the Balinghe Bridge integrates natural landscapes and local culture into a huge tourism complex, attracting attentions of the world.  东接壮美的黄果树大瀑布、西临三国索马古道、南毗神秘的红岩天书、北靠滴水滩瀑布。坝陵河大桥将大自然的奇山秀水、当地人文风情串联成一个庞大的旅游综合体,吸引着世人的目光。
The Balinghe Bridge is a world-class base of extreme sports. The height of its bungee jump platform is 370 meters which broke the Guinness World Record.坝陵河大桥是世界级极限运动基地,其中,蹦极打破了吉尼斯世界纪录的蹦极台高度达到370米。
People are parachuting from the Balinghe Bridge.坝陵河大桥低空跳伞。
Here, you can jump from the 370-meter-high world's highest commercial bungee jump platform and play the game like a warrior. Here, you can explore the legends of bridge construction written on the land of Guizhou at the first bridge-themed science and technology museum in Guizhou. Here, you can sleep in the guesthouse built on the cliff and watch the red bridge blending in with the afterglow over the mountains.

Nearby the Balinghe Bridge, guesthouses in the countryside have sprung up.环抱着坝陵河大桥,一座座乡村民宿如雨后春笋般冒出来。

The grand bridge, the swimming pool at the cliff, the clouds and the waterfall have made the landscape breath-taking.超级大桥、悬崖泳池、云海飞瀑,共同构成了一幅水天一色的风光大片。
Trend and foresight, speed and passion, joy and peace are vividly illustrated in this mega project.  前瞻与潮流、速度与激情、从容与清欢,都在这个超级工程里展现得淋漓尽致。

撰文摄影:贵州日报天眼新闻记者 周璇 刘义鹏 高航 汪国锋 韦雨辛设计:杨绍辉 聂婧文编辑:胡凯瑜 胡蓉 


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