国际知名品牌Burberry最近不惜重金砸了一部广告大片——The Tale of Thomas Burberry。结果,很多人的朋友圈就连续多日被这部微电影刷屏了。
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=m0350zhihml&width=500&height=375&auto=0▲ The Tale of Thomas Burberry
故事围绕Burberry品牌创始人Thomas Burberry的事业与爱情展开,英格兰取景。影片对Thomas当年伦敦工作室的场景,进行了精准的还原。
▲影片中 Burberry品牌创始人Thomas Burberry
(Domhnall Gleeson饰)
▲ 影片中Thomas Burberry的初恋爱人(Sienna Miller饰)
担任此片导演的Asif Kapadia,正是去年获得奥斯卡最佳纪录片的导演。
▲ The Tale of Thomas Burberry导演Asif Kapadia
正如影片所传达的, Burberry曾用一块面料和一件衣服改变过世界。它让人们重新记得品牌背后的故事,当然,同时也在唤起人们思考,究竟什么是时装?它们究竟能给世界带来些什么?
新加坡国立大学商学院策略与政策系的副教授Marleen Dieleman,对Burberry这个百年时装品牌有深入的研究,她为我们揭示了Burberry核心竞争力的内涵。
荷兰莱顿大学 博士
一个品牌的“核心竞争力(Core Competency)”就好像企业的DNA一样,它并不是指某件产品或某项技术,而是一家企业各类技能和资源的综合运用。强而有效的核心竞争力,一定是独特的,且不易被模仿的。
2006年,全球奢侈品行业出现了惊人的增长,但是Burberry却被落在了后面。为了让公司有所改变,Burberry聘请了一位新的CEO——安吉拉·阿伦茨(Angela Ahrendts)。
▲ Burberry 时任CEO安吉拉·阿伦茨(Angela Ahrendts)
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=a03585whyen&width=500&height=375&auto=0▲ 新国大商学院副教授Marleen Dieleman
解读Burberry 品牌故事
1856年,Burberry由托马斯·博柏利(Thomas Burberry)创立。
▲ 《The Tale of Thomas Burberry》剧照
几年后,他们又为首次横跨大西洋的长途飞行提供了服装。第一次世界大战期间,Burberry推出了它最为经典的风衣款式(Trench Coat)。
▲ 《The Tale of Thomas Burberry》剧照
Marleen Dieleman教授访谈视频来自新加坡国立大学商学院Think Business
Marleen Dieleman 教授采访英文视频文字版:
Understanding Core Competencies—the Burberry Story
How focusing on skills and resources restored Burberry’s fortunes
I am Marleen Dieleman, Associate Professor in the department of strategy and Policy at NUS business school. In this video, we are going to look at how focusing on core competencies helps leverage business success. Core competencies are bundles of elements, which help you to compete.
You might think of them as the DNA of an organization. They are not one product or one technology. They are a collection of skills and resources working together. To be really effective, they shouldn’t be too easy to imitate.
Let’s take the example of British luxury goods brand Burberry. Back in 2006, the global luxury goods industry was seen spectacular growth, but Burberry on the other hand, was not. To turn the company around, a new CEO was hired.
Angela Ahrendts, and an America, an unlikely hero to lead the revival of this old British firm. When Ahrendts came on board, she made an assessment of what was wrong with the company.
“We were doing so many different things and were selling a lot of different products, but none of it was exclusive or compelling”. Burberry had lost its way and has nothing to distinguish itself.
Burberry was established in 1856 by Thomas Burberry, a leading innovator in textile manufacturing. His company invented a new method for producing textiles called Gabardine. That were warm, easy to wear and water-resistant.
In 1911, the Burberry firm designed the clothing and tents used in the first successful expedition to the South Pole. A few years later, they created the clothing for the first-ever transatlantic flight. And, during World War 1, Burberry came out with its all-time classic trench coat.
In the decade followed, the trench coat grew to become Burberry’s the iconic product. Movie stars and Royalty warden, and in the 1970s, anyone who was or wanted to be classic had a trench coat.
When Ahrendts took over in 2006, Burberry had expanded into a wide range of luxury clothing and other goods. But, where were the trench coats?
They remained the company’s most famous product but were neglected. At one top-management meeting, Ahrendts noted that even the company’s bosses didn't wear them.
Ahrendts declared that it was time for Burberry to both modernize and go back to its roots. Burberry needed to build upon its history, reinventing the brand around its core competencies of iconic, innovative clothing, especially coats and outerwear.
Targeting younger customers in the emerging market, she merged classic designs with modern style and launched campaigns on digital media to market them. In a 2010 interview with Wall Street Journal, she reviewed one of the influences on her strategy. “If I look to any company as a model, it’s Apple. They’re a brilliant company, working to create a lifestyle, and that’s the way I see us”.
Burberry today continues to put quality and heritage at the heart of its brand. What made the company famous is core competencies of quality and craftsmanship, unique resources, heritage and brand, is back at center stage.
This package of resources and skills is rooted deeply into the company's DNA. These are not easy to imitate but when nurtured and used wisely, they can be priceless.
Competing based on their core competencies helped Burberry to get an advantage and rebuild its financials. It also opened up a range of new markets including the emerging markets and young people.
Building and maintaining core competencies is the key task for any strategist.
By the way, you may be curious to know where Angela Ahrendts is now. On the back of her success at Burberry, in 2014, she was hired by Apple to rebrand their global network of Apple Stores.