

2016-02-29 南京大学人类学所 人类学乾坤

Life, Death, Love, and Hatred in Globalized China:

Anthropological Perspectives


The Seventh Annual International Summer School


China Studies




The Research institute of Social Anthropology and the Center for Modern China Studies, Nanjing University jointly announce the summer program for 2016.  The Seventh International Summer School on China Studies will be held from June 20 to 30,2016 at the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University,China. The theme of this summer program is Life, Death, Love, and Hatred in Globalized China:Anthropological Perspectives. Having addressed and revisited issues such asgender, marriage and kinship, economy, religion, medicine, and ethnicity andnationalism that have long concerned anthropology and that are relevant to the theme of the program, we are hoping this summer program once again will bring students throughout the world together to share ideas and contribute to our understanding of a globalized China. We are hoping that through intensive training during the summer program students will deepen their knowledge about China and strengthen their ability in terms of academic specialties.



Beginning in 2010,the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the Center for Modern China Studies of Nanjing University have successfully organized six International Summer Schools on China Studies (2010-2015). These programs have been co-hostedby such prestigious institutions as: the China Studies Centre of the University of Sydney, the Harvard-Yenching Institute, the National Institute of Chinese Studies of the University of Leeds, the Worldwide Universities Network and the Department of History of Nanjing University. From 2010 and 2015, the summer school has attracted over 120 doctoral and postgraduate students from various prestigious universities, such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, Oxford,Cambridge, Leeds, Sydney, Leiden, Nagoya, Seoul National, Beijing, Tsinghua,Nanjing, Fudan, and National Taiwan University. Building on the previously successful experiences, the Center for Modern China Studies and Research Institute of Social Anthropology, Nanjing University will carry on the tradition of running the summer school for this year.



1.  To revisit traditional issues of China anthropology against the background of globalization;

2.  To provide young China scholars opportunities to further understand China;

3.  To share academic contributions from outstanding researchers;

4.  To gain better capabilities for doing research on and in contemporary China;

5.  To strengthen communication and cooperation among students of China throughout the globe.



•   Integration of indigenous perspectives and international horizons;

•   Pluralism in class composition;

•   Classroom activities complemented by field research.



Center for Modern China Studies, Nanjing University

Research Institute of Social Anthropology


Themes and Instructors

Previously, the summer school has had different themes depending on evolvement of Chinese society and changing intellectual interests. Accordingly, the summer scholar of each year invites five to eight senior scholars from different countries and areas to lecture. In addition,attendees are requested to have field visits. Themes addressed in previous summer schools are as follows: “International Implications ofChinese Experiences” (2010); “Rural China: Problems and Developments” (2010); “Changing Urbanity in China” (2010); “Social Stratification and Citizenship: Mobility,Migration, and the Modern Middle Class” (2011); “Social Sciences Approaches to Chinese Everyday Life since 1978: Family, Education, Religion and Consumption”(2012); and “Non-Government Organization, Market and State” (2013); “Gender and Women in China’s Transitional Society” (2014); and “Work and Mobility in Globalization and Chinese Social Transformation” (2015)

Scholars who have taught in previous summer schools include: Edward Friedman (Political Science,University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), (Political Science, Columbia University, USA), Dorothy J. Solinger (Political Science, School of Social Sciences, University of California, Irvine, USA), Mark Selden (Senior  Associate in the East Asia Program, Cornell University, USA), (Sociology, Harvard University, USA), Deborah Davis (Sociology, Yale University, USA), Richard Madsen (Department of Sociology, University of California, San Diego, USA),  (Anthropology, Boston University, USA),David Goodman (China Studies Center, Department of Government and International Relations, The University of Sydney, AU), (The Institute of Chinese Studies, School of East Asian Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, DE), Peilin Li (Vice Director, Chinese Academy of Social Science, CN),  (Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Science, CN), Zhenglai Deng (the late former director, Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences, CN),Liping Sun (Sociology, Tsinghua University, CN), Ming Wang (Director of NGO Research Center, the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, CN), Lulu Li (Sociology, Renmin University of China, CN), Yi Zhou(Sociology, Fudan University, CN) and Mingxiu Jiang (Public Administration Department, Taiwan National Chengchi University, CN).

Theme of 2016 Summer School:

Life,Death, Love, and Hatred in Globalized China:

Anthropological Perspectives

The following scholars will participate in the summer school this year either as lecturers or trainers: Matthew Gutmann (Anthropology, Brown University),Chuan-kang Shi (Anthropology, University of Florida), Siu-woo Cheung, Jianxiong Ma (Division of Humanity, HKUST), Shao-hua Liu (Institute of Ethnology,Academia Sinica), Jing Jun (Department of Sociology, Tsinghua University),Naran Bilik (Institute of Anthropology, Fudan University), PAN Tianshu(Institute of Anthropology, Fudan University), Thomas Simon (Law,The Johns Hopkins-Nanjing Center),Shao Jing and Fan Ke (Research Institute of Social Anthropology,Nanjing University).



The Summer School will run for two weeks from June 20 to June 30, 2016:

June 20-25: Theme lectures followed by discussion sections led by leading scholars.

June 26-30: Field visits followed by student presentation of research.



The Johns Hopkins University - Nanjing University

Centre for Chinese and American Studies

162 Shanghai Road,Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, Postal Code: 210093, China.



The summer school welcomes attendance of young scholars including junior faculty members, doctoral students, and outstanding postgraduates engaged in China studies from all around the world. The applicant should:

(1) either be employed by an institution of higher education or research for China-relevant social sciences and humanities,with a doctorate and be no more than 45 years of age or be studying in an institution of higher education or research for a Ph.D. or be among the top ranked students in a master degree program in any China-relevant social science or humanities discipline including economics, sociology, politics, history,philosophy, psychology, anthropology, communication and management, and

(2) have a good command of English and Chinese and be able to attend lectures and seminars given in both languages.

50 applicants will be admitted to the 2015 Summer School and 10 of them will be awarded scholarships, which includes free accommodation and field visit expenses.



1. By April 15,2016, the applicant should submit the completed application form via email. We also require reference letters from two professors, who are expected to emailtheir references to csss@nju.edu.cn by April 15, 2016.

2. By April 30, 2016,all applications will be forwarded for academic appraisal to experts appointed by the China Studies Center, University of Sydney and the Center for Modern China Studies, Nanjing University.

3. Admission letters will be delivered via email. The admission letter will be accompanied by information about the summer school program so that the admitted candidate can book tickets for travel.

4. Having received the letters of admission, the applicants should reply and confirm their decisions of acceptance or rejection of the offer via email within 10 days.Otherwise it will be regarded as a waiver, and the seat will be given to anapplicant on the waiting list. Applicants who decide to attend the summer school should confirm their participation in all activities and follow all summer school regulations. 


Further  Information

1.Information announcement

We will announce the information of 2016 International Summer School on China Studies  through  and http://chinastudy.nju.edu.cn. Please pay attention to these two websites for the updated notice.


2. Fees

The fee for the Summer School will be: 3000 RMB per person for participants

from Mainland China, 500 USD per person for participants from other countries and regions (including Taiwan , Hong Kong and Macao). The fee includes

(1) Lecture Cost: 1000 RMB per person;

(2)Accommodation Cost: 1000 RMB per person, lodgingin the Johns Hopkins University - Nanjing University Centre for Chinese and American Studies (twin room of the students’ dormitory);

(3) Expenses for field visits (transportation and accommodation included): 800 RMB per person;

(4)Expenses for printed materials and other materials: 200 RMB perperson.


3. Scholarships

(1) 10 excellent participants will be awarded scholarships 3000 RMB per person by the end of the summer school. (We are sorry to inform those who have been sponsored for any of the five previous summer schools that due to our limited funding, they will not be awarded for a second time. Nevertheless, we encourage these alums to apply.)

(2) The summer school will help foreign students to apply for scholarship provided by China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Han Ban) as a type of subsidy to their travel expenses and other fees.


4. Time of Registration

    June19, 2016 (8:00 AM-11: 00 PM).


5. Place of Registration

 Hotel of Champion Hall

169 Xianlin Road, Xixia District,

Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China



6. Contact Information

Email: csss@nju.edu.cn

Tel. 86-25-89680953  

Fax: 86-25-89680950






















往届暑期班邀请的主讲人,均为海内外中国研究领域成果卓著、享有盛誉的知名学者,例如:美国威斯康星大学政治学系教授弗里德曼(Edward Friedman)、美国哥伦比亚大学政治学系教授白思鼎(Thomas P.Bernstein)、美国加州大学尔湾分校政治学系教授苏黛瑞(Dorothy J.Solinger)、美国康奈尔大学高级研究员塞尔登(Mark Selden)、美国哈佛大学社会学系教授怀默霆(Martin Whyte)、美国耶鲁大学社会学系教授戴慧思(Deborah Davis)、美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校社会学系教授赵文词(Richard Madsen)、美国波士顿大学人类学系教授魏乐博(Robert Weller)、悉尼大学中国研究中心学术主任古德曼(David Goodman)、德国柏林自由大学东亚研究所教授柯兰君(Bettina Gransow)、美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校人类学系教授罗丽莎(Lisa Rofel)、香港理工大学应用社会科学系教授潘毅(Pun Ngai)中国社会科学院副院长李培林教授、中国社科院社会所研究员李春玲、复旦大学人文社会科学高等研究院院长邓正来教授、复旦大学社会学系教授周怡、清华大学社会学系教授孙立平、清华大学非政府组织研究所所长王名教授、中国人民大学社会学系教授李路路、台湾政治大学公共行政学系教授江明修、哈佛-燕京学社社长裴宜理(Elisabeth J.Perry)教授; 南京大学社会学院刘林平教授、北京大学社会学系卢晖临教授、香港浸会大学政治及国际关系学系陈峰教授、台湾“中央研究院”社会学研究所张晋芬教授,等等。


目前,已经接受邀请的本次暑期班讲员有:顾德民(Matthew Gutmann, 布朗大学人类学系)、施传刚(弗罗里达大学人类学系)、景军(清华大学社会学系)、张兆和(香港科技大学人文学部)、马健雄(香港科技大学人文学部)、刘绍华(中研院民族学研究)、纳日碧力戈(复旦大学人类学研究所)、潘天舒(复旦大学人类学研究所)、杨道子(Thomas Simon, 霍普金斯大学-南京大学中美研究中心教授)、邵京(南京大学人类学研究所)、范可(南京大学人类学研究所)。 



第一部分 讲演与讨论


第二部分 田野考察,并由学员作汇报讲演和学术总结






























【来源】 南京大学人类学所

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