

2015-02-10 快速訂閱▶▶ Civil Rights

接追求卓越政治行动组织(Coalition for Excellence PAC) 主席何美湄信息,CivlRights微信很荣幸受权发布以下决议(双语版)。该决议今天已经在加州参议院全票通过!在此向夏乐柏和何美湄夫妇及众多为此努力的华人朋友们表示谢意和敬意!

Huff Introduces Lunar New Year Resolution


SCR 10 Recognizes and Celebrates California’s Cultural Diversity

參議院SCR 10決議案承認和慶祝加州多元文化

SACRAMENTO: Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (R-Diamond Bar) presented Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 10 on the Senate Floor today,which celebrates the beginning of the Lunar New Year. February 19,2015 will mark the beginning of the Lunar New Year, which is celebrated in many Asian communities around the world, including the United Sates, and especially California - where it is predominantly celebrated by millions of Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese residents.



“The Lunar New Year is a time of feasting and renewing of family ties,” said Senator Huff during today’s floor presentation.“SCR 10 acknowledges a special time of year for many of our citizens and demonstrates an appreciation for California’s rich cultural diversity.”


SCR 10 states, in part: “California is home to over 5 million Asian and Pacific Islander Americans of Bangladeshi,Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indian, Indonesian, Iu-Mien, Japanese,Korean, Laotian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese and Vietnamese descent.”


“The Lunar New Year is predominantly celebrated by Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese residents of California. This Lunar New Year is the Year of the Ram and is universally celebrated by these communities as a time to renew family ties and to start the New Year with a clean slate.”

“慶祝農曆新年的主要族裔為中國、韓國、越南等加州居民。今年農曆新年是十二生肖中的羊年,這些家庭 52 28407 52 14988 0 0 1951 0 0:00:14 0:00:07 0:00:07 2874遍利用這個特別的節日闔家團聚,迎接嶄新的一年”。

“The celebration of this event in communities throughout California illustrates the state’s rich cultural history and commitment to racial, religious, and cultural diversity,” said Senator Huff.


Senator Huff serves as the Senate Republican Leader and represents the 29th Senate District covering portions of Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino Counties.Follow Senator Huff on Twitter at @bobhuff99.

參議院共和黨領袖夏樂柏代表加州第29選區,包括洛杉磯縣、橙郡以及聖柏納汀諾郡。請加入夏樂柏推特Twitterat @bobhuff99。联络人:何美湄会计师 (909)815-7272



