👊 春节写入加州教科书,夏乐柏为华人再作贡献

2016-09-13 何美湄 Civil Rights Civil Rights

夏樂柏參議員Senator Bob Huff 所提出的SB616亞裔農曆春節立法案於年初在加州參議院由兩黨全數投票通過參議院。但遭到民主黨亞裔小組報復夏樂柏參議員和我們社區一起反抗AB1726亞裔細分法而於6月份在眾議院教育委員會中遭到擱置而告吹。不過Bob為防範對方搗蛋,在立法同時也向教育部提出將亞裔農曆春節寫進教科書中,以便將亞裔文化介紹給主流。日前收到消息,Bob成功的說服了教育部會將亞裔農曆春節寫進教科書中。這是繼Bob通過文化傳承法案將中文課後輔導學校正式在加州教育法中正名能夠合法的作文化傳承及課後輔導之後對我們社區的再一個重要的貢獻。

Asian Lunar New Year Gains New Significance in California


New State Textbooks Encourage Closer Examination of Celebrated Holiday



SACRAMENTO: The California State Board of Education has taken action to approve a change to history textbooks that will include the importance of the Asian Lunar New Year and its significance to the Asian community in California. The change is similar to legislation introduced by Senator Bob Huff (R-San Dimas) that stalled in the Legislature. SB 616 sought to create a new and special day of significance for the celebration of the Asian Lunar New Year in California and encouraged teachers to participate.


沙加緬度報導 : 加州教育部已經批准修改歷史教科書,新的教科書將包括亞裔農曆春節的重要性及其對加州亞裔社區的意義。 這個歷史教科書的修改與夏樂柏參議員之前提出卻被滯留在立法機構的法案互相呼應,SB616法案為亞裔慶祝農曆春節的習俗創造新的里程,並訂為特殊慶祝的日子,同時鼓勵老師們共同支持與參與。


As teachers present lessons in understanding diverse populations that make up our local communities, they will now dedicate a portion of that discussion to the Lunar New Year. Senator Huff sent a letter requesting the Lunar New Year be included in the new curriculum framework. He also testified in support of the proposed changes before the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) with the California Department of Education (CDE) earlier this year, in which he pointed out the importance of the Asian Lunar New Year in his own Senate District.


當老師們在授課讓我們了解社區是由多元種族人群所組成時,農曆新年春節將會是課程的一部分。 今年年初時夏樂柏參議員送了一封信給加州教育質量委員會 (IQC) 及加州教育部 (CDE) 提出要求將農曆新年列入新的課程框架中,並且在聽証會中向這兩個單位表示支持修改教科書,同時指出亞裔農曆春節對其選區居民的重要性。


“I represent the largest group of API residents of any Senate district.  Dedicating a portion of our content standards to the Asian Lunar New Year will go a long way toward building a sense of inclusion and community in the fastest growing segment of our population,” Senator Huff testified earlier this year. “This is the biggest holiday in the Eastern Hemisphere. This celebration focuses on love, family and renewal.  It represents a new year where people can start with a clean slate. Some of our students have a difficult time acclimating into their schools. This new school curriculum will encourage understanding while bringing classmates together in fun activities.”


夏樂柏參議員在年初聽証會中表示 “ 我所代表的參議院選區中是一個擁有最多亞太裔族群的區域,將部分的課程專門保留給介紹亞裔農曆春節,對於我們社區中成長最快速的族群來說,會更進一步建立亞裔社區被社會包容的感覺。” “這個節日對東半球來說是最大的節日。 它頌揚愛、家庭與復興,它代表了新的一年給人新的希望。 有些學生比較難適應學校的生活,而這個新的課程將會鼓勵同學們透過有趣的活動,更加的互相理解與包容。


Senator Huff pointed out in his testimony before the IQC that the Lunar New Year is celebrated in many Asian communities around the world, including the United States and especially California. In our state it is celebrated by an estimated 2.5 million Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese residents as part of their deeply held cultural family traditions.

夏樂柏參議員在教育質量委員會中提出,農曆春節是世界各地包括美國的亞裔社區都在慶祝的節日,特別是加州。  加州約有250萬中國、韓國及越南居民,而慶祝農曆新年春節對這些居民來說,是根深蒂固的傳統文化的一部分。


The history social science framework in grades K-3 will now compare how the Lunar New Year is celebrated in local communities and how it connects people today to traditions from the past.




Senator Huff’s actions were proudly supported by the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA), Asian American Equalization Association, Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Southern California, (JCUAA), The Orange Club, Chinese American Citizens Alliance Greater San Gabriel Valley Lodge, Silicon Valley Chinese Association and Asians for Lunar New Year.


夏樂柏參議員的提案獲得了亞裔各社團的大力支持,包括亞太裔公共事務聯盟 (APAPA)、美國華裔平等權益協會、南加州中國大專聯合校友會 ( JCUAA )、金橙俱樂部、中美民間聯盟大聖蓋博山谷分會、硅谷華人協會及亞裔支持農曆春節協會。


“While a committee in the Legislature played politics with my bill by holding it, I'm pleased the Department of Education was responsive to the significance of Lunar New Year and appropriately adopted it into our textbooks.” said Senator Huff.


夏樂柏參議員表示 “雖然立法委員會使用政治手段將我的提案擱置,但我很高興教育部響應了我所指出亞裔農曆春節的重要性,並將它編列到我們的教科書中。”

Mei Mei Huff


Cell:  909-815-7272

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