
重磅推出:《知道你的权力,当遭遇美国执法人员时》连载 - 2 受到阻拦和逮捕

2016-03-01 Civil Rights


第二章 受到阻拦和逮捕

Q: What if law enforcement officers stop me on the street? 

A: You do not have to answer any questions. You can say, “I do not want to talk to you” and walk away calmly. Or, if you do not feel comfortable doing that,  you can ask if you are  free  to go. If the answer is yes, you can consider just walking away. Do not run from the officer. If the officer says  you are  not under arrest, but you are  not free  to go, then  you are  being detained. Being detained is not the same as being arrested, though an arrest could follow. The police can pat down the outside of your clothing  only if they have “reasonable suspicion” (i.e., an objective  reason to suspect) that  you might be armed and dan- gerous. If they search any more  than  this, say clearly,  “I do not consent to a search.” If they keep searching anyway, do not physically  resist them. You do not need  to answer any questions if you are  detained or arrested, except  that  the police may ask for your name once you have been  detained, and you can be arrested in some states for refusing to provide it. (Non-citizens should see  Section  IV for more  information on this topic.)


答:你不必回答任何问题。你可以说,“我不想和你讲话”然后平静地走开。或者,如果你感觉不便那样做,你可以问是否你可以走开。 如果答复是肯定的,你可以考虑只是走开。不要逃避执法人员。如果执法人员说你不是被逮捕,但你不能走开,那么你是受到拘留。 被拘留和被逮捕是不同的,尽管逮捕可能随之而来。只有在警察有合理的怀疑理由(也就是有客观理由去怀疑)你也许持有枪械而且是危险的,他们才可能会在你的衣服外面轻拍搜身,如果他们不只是要轻拍搜身,那么你可以明确的说,”我不同意被搜查。”然而如果他们继续搜查的话,不要进行肢体抵抗。如果你已被拘留或逮捕,你不必回答任何问题,但如果你已被拘留,警察也许会问道你的姓名,这种情况除外。在某些州,你有可能因拒绝提供姓名而被逮捕。(更多有关非公民身份人士信息,请参考第四章)

Q: What if law enforcement officers stop me in my car? 

A: Keep your hands where the police can see  them. You must show your drivers license, registration and proof of insurance if you are  asked for these documents. Officers can also  ask you to step outside of the car,  and they may separate passen- gers and drivers from each  other to question them  and compare their  answers, but no one has  to answer any ques- tions.  The police cannot search your car unless you give them your consent, which you do not have to give, or unless they have “probable cause” to believe  (i.e., knowledge of facts  suffi- cient to support a reasonable belief) that  criminal activity is likely taking  place,  that  you have been  involved in a crime, or that  you have evidence of a crime  in your car. If you do not want your car searched, clearly  state that  you do not consent. The officer cannot use  your refusal to give consent as a basis for doing a search.



Q: What should I do if law enforcement officers arrest me? 

A: The officer must advise  you of your constitutional rights to remain silent,  to an attorney, and to have an attorney appoint- ed if you cannot afford one. You should exercise all these rights, even if the officers don’t tell you about  them. Do not tell the police anything  except  your name. Anything else  you say can and will be used  against you. Ask to see  a lawyer immediately. Within a reason- able  amount of time after  your arrest or booking you have the right to a phone  call. Law enforcement officers may not listen  to a call you make to your lawyer, but they can listen  to calls  you make  to other people. You must be taken before a judge as soon  as possible—generally within 48 hours of your arrest at the latest. (See Section  IV for information about arrests for noncriminal immigration violations.)



Q: Do I have to answer questions if I have been arrested?

A: No. If you are  arrested, you do not have to answer any questions or volunteer any information. Ask for a lawyer right away. Repeat this request to every officer who tries to talk to or question you. You should always talk to a lawyer before you decide  to answer any questions.



Q: What if I am treated  badly by law enforcement officers?

A: Write down the officer’s badge  number, name or other identifying information. You have a right to ask the officer for this information. Try to find witnesses and their  names and phone  numbers. If you are  injured, seek medical attention and take  pictures of the injuries as soon  as you can. Call a lawyer or contact your local ACLU office. You should also

make  a complaint to the law enforcement office responsible for the






重磅推出:《知道你的权力,当遭遇美国执法人员时》连载 - 1

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