
重磅推出:《知道你的权力,当遭遇美国执法人员时》连载 - 3 搜查和授权令

2016-03-05 SVCA Civil Rights


第三章 搜查和授权令

Q: Can law enforcement officers search my home or office? 

A: Law enforcement officers can search your home  only if they have a warrant or your consent. In your absence, the police can search your home  based on the consent of your roommate or a guest if the police reasonably believe  that  person has  the authority to consent. Law enforcement officers can search your office only if they have a warrant or the consent of the employ- er. If your employer consents to a search of your office, law enforcement officers can search your workspace whether you consent or not.



Q: What are warrants  and what should I make sure they say?

A: A warrant is a piece  of paper signed by a judge giving law enforcement officers permission to enter a home  or other building to do a search or make  an arrest. A search warrant allows  law enforcement officers to enter the place  described in the warrant to look for and take  items identified  in the warrant. An arrest warrant allows  law enforcement officers to take  you into custody. An arrest warrant alone  does  not give law enforcement officers the right to search your home  (but they can look in places where you might  be hiding and they can take evidence that  is in plain sight), and a search warrant alone does  not give them  the right to arrest you (but they can arrest you if they find enough evidence to justify an arrest). A warrant must contain  the judge’s name, your name and address, the date,  place  to be searched, a description of any items being searched for, and the name of the agency  that  is conducting the search or arrest. An arrest warrant that  does  not have your name on it may still be validly used  for your arrest if it describes you with enough detail  to identify you, and a search warrant that  does  not have your name on it may still be valid if it gives the correct address and description of the place  the officers will be searching. However, the fact that  a piece  of paper says  “warrant” on it does  not always mean that  it is an arrest or search warrant. A warrant of deportation/removal,for example, is a kind of administrative warrant and does  not grant the same authority to enter a home  or other building to do a search or make  an arrest.




Q: What should I do if officers come to my house?

A: If law enforcement officers knock on your door, instead of opening the door, ask through the door if they have a warrant. If the answer is no, do not let them  into your home  and do not answer any questions or say anything  other than  “I do not want to talk to you.” If the officers say that  they do have a warrant, ask the officers to slip it under the door (or show it to you through a peephole, a window in your door, or a door that is open only enough to see  the warrant). If you feel you must open the door, then  step outside, close  the door behind  you and ask to see  the warrant. Make sure the search warrant contains everything noted  above, and tell the officers if they are  at the wrong address or if you see  some other mistake in the warrant. (And remember that  an immigration “war- rant of removal/deportation” does  not give the officer the authority to enter your home.)   If you tell the officers that  the warrant is not com- plete  or not accurate, you should say you do not consent to the search, but you should not interfere if the officers decide  to do the search even after  you have told them  they are  mistaken. Call your lawyer as soon  as possible. Ask if you are  allowed  to watch  the search; if you are  allowed to, you should. Take notes, including  names, badge  numbers, which agency  each  officer is from, where they searched and what they took. If others are  present, have them  act as witnesses to watch  carefully what is happening.



Q: Do I have to answer questions if law enforcement officers have a search  or arrest warrant?

A: No. Neither a search nor arrest warrant means you have to answer questions.



Q: What if law enforcement officers do not have a search  warrant? 

A: You do not have to let law enforcement officers search your home,

and you do not have to answer their  questions. Law enforcement officers cannot get a warrant based on your refusal, nor can they punish  you for refusing to give consent.



Q: What if law enforcement officers tell me they will come back with a search  warrant if I do not let them in?

A: You can still tell them  that  you do not consent to the search and that they need  to get a warrant. The officers may or may not succeed in get- ting a warrant if they follow through and ask the court  for one, but once you give your consent, they do not need  to try to get the court’s permission to do the search.



Q: What if law enforcement officers do not have a search warrant, but they insist on searching my home even after I object?

A: You should not interfere with the search in any way because you could get arrested. But you should say clearly  that  you have not given your consent and that  the search is against your wishes. If someone is there with you, ask him or her  to witness that  you are  not giving permission for the search. Call your lawyer as soon  as possible. Take note of the names and badge numbers of the searching officers. 





重磅推出:《知道你的权力,当遭遇美国执法人员时》连载 - 1 盘问

重磅推出:《知道你的权力,当遭遇美国执法人员时》连载 - 2 受到阻拦和逮捕

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