

2017-11-16 世纪瑞晨教育


New preschool education. Great pattern


        --2017 Asian Preschool Education Anniversary, we’ll keep moving forward 

习近平总书记在十九大报告中谈到“优先发展教育事业”,“办好学前教育,努力让每个孩子都能享有公平而有质量的教育” ,早期教育作为全民终身教育的开端,是我国教育事业非常关键的一环,决定后续教育的质量。在十九大助推中国早期教育发展的大环境下,2017亚洲幼教年会在苏州博览中心盛大召开!一场幼教人共同的聚会正式拉开序幕。

President Xi Jinping said in the report of 19th CPC meeting “Give priority to the development of education” “Make sure the preschool education” “strive to make every child can enjoy the fair and quality education”. Early education as the beginning of lifelong education is very important in our country, which decides the quality of further education. In this big environment of 19th CPC promoting preschool education development, the 2017 Asian Preschool Education Anniversary was held in Suzhou Expo center! A common party for all the early education people officially started. 


During November 9th-11th, SJRC main teaching supervisor Ms. Zhao Jinou, teacher of the teaching Dept. Ms. Zhong Qiuyu and Ms. Wang Lili from Beijing Soong Ching Ling Kindergarten participate this great conference. The conference invited hundreds of experts and scholars domestic and abroad to share the hot issues in the world from theory to practice, and the 3 day conference benefited us greatly.


Mr. Wang Zuoshu, President of the China Association for non-governmental education, pointed out in the opening ceremony: to do a kindergarten well, we should pay attention to the construction of "three materials and one construction". "Three materials" for talents training, equipment update, and teaching materials perfection, "one construction", is to pay attention to campus culture, study its behavior culture, system culture, spiritual culture, material culture four levels. When it comes to the cultivation of talents, it emphasizes that the work of any individual is the process of full personality participation.


"The group management" and "build the professional growth of teachers of Pyramid" report from the group management emphasis and difficulty, management structure and function, curriculum system design principles, operation and implementation, how to build a platform for the professional growth of teachers and create the management echelon and other aspects of the analysis system and share. 


Education is not only the pursuit of external goals, but also pays more attention to inner quality. Education should develop children's creativity, so that children could form a complete personality. The more extensive possibilities we provide for children, the more intense their passion and motivation will be, and the more experience they will have. Whether it is today's hot STEM Reggio education or education, should cause our research and thinking. No matter the Reggio education of the hot STEM education theory, we should first think. 


Beijing University of law professor delivered his safety report, which let us know how to apply the legal thinking and the rule of law, according to the law garden, obtained the valuable kindergarten crisis PR case sharing.


The conference's rich theme report and wonderful Forum opened the vision of preschool education, which made us deeply understand the development characteristics and future development trend of the whole industry, leading, enlightening and transmitting the strongest voice of China's preschool education industry.


Education is the foundation of our country; early education is the fundamental of lifelong education. Children are the future of the nation. Whether a family of a country is powerful is not anymore can be decided by the teenagers, but from the moment the child is born!


Good children make a powerful nation!

