

英语世界 英语世界 2022-06-09

Forget spring. 

Fall is the season for poetry. 






Autumnal Tints



Europeans coming to America are surprised by the brilliancy of our autumnal foliage. There is no account of such a phenomenon in English poetry, because the trees acquire but few bright colors there. The most that Thompson says on this subject in his “Autumn” is contained in the line—
“But see the fading many-colored woods, Shade deepening over shade, the country roundImbrown; a crowded umbrage, dusk and dun, Of every hue, from wan-declining green To sooty dark.”—
旅美的欧洲人往往会对美国秋叶之绚丽惊讶不已。英国诗歌里对秋景鲜有如此叙述,盖因英国的树木少有如此鲜丽的色彩。关于这个话题, 汤普森《秋》诗里顶多也就下面几行描写:
层林尽染色欲褪, 树荫更向树荫浓。 极目暮色苍茫处, 翠叠色杂玄影重。 借问景色何处是, 地处边陲荫布隆。
......文/亨利·戴维·梭罗 译介/宁一中

My Antonia (Excerpt) 



On the afternoon of that same Sunday I took my first long ride on my pony, under Otto’s direction. After that Dude and I went twice a week to the postoffice, six miles east of us, and I saved the men a good deal of time by riding on errands to our neighbours. When we had to borrow anything, or to send about word that there would be preaching at the sod schoolhouse, I was always the messenger. Formerly Fuchs attended to such things after working hours.

就在那个周日下午,由奥托带路,我第一次骑着我的矮马远行。此后,我和我的马儿杜德每周往东边六英里外的邮局走两回,为邻居跑腿,给大家伙儿省了不少时间。谁要借点儿什么,抑或通知大家草皮顶学校要布道了,我是当之无愧的使者。以往是福克斯......文/薇拉·凯瑟 译介/赵喜梅

 The Old Manse in Autumn 



If ever my readers should decide to give up civilized life, cities, houses, and whatever moral or material enormities, in addition to these, the perverted ingenuity of our race has contrived, —let it be in the early autumn. Then, Nature will love him better than at any other season, and will take him to her bosom with a more motherly tenderness. 

假如我的读者们决定逃离文明生活,离开城市和住所,放弃任何精神或物质上的罪行,也舍弃我们人类种种过头的聪明,那么,初秋便是最好的时候了。那时候,大自然会比任何时候都更爱他,会以更慈爱的温柔将他拥入怀中......文 / 纳撒尼尔·霍桑 译介 / 兰秀娟

 Of Autumn 



Autumn in our zone is unique among the seasons. It is at once the happiest and the saddest time of the year—the “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”, and the season of “the melancholy days”. It is a dual season, and yet a unity.

四季中,秋在我们这儿是独一无二的。它是一年中最快乐也最悲伤的时候—— 是“雾气洋溢、果实圆熟的秋”,也是“忧伤日子”的秋。这个季节具有双重性,但是一个统一体......文/格兰特·肖尔曼 译介/张菊

 The Poetry of Autumn 



"The poetry of earth is never dead,” wrote John Keats, and yet that quintessential poet of autumn, his own life fading as the colors of his glory blazed and flew, was exquisitely alive to the season’s dying.

“大地之诗永不停息。”约翰·济慈曾写道。然而,这位秋天的典范诗人,虽然自己的生命正随他绚烂的光华同逝,但对这个季节的消逝却保持着细腻鲜活的敏锐......文/安妮·芬奇 译/罗怀宇



| 识途 |


| 聚焦文学中的秋天 |

Autumnal Tints 秋色………宁一中 译 

My Antonia (Excerpt) 《我的安东尼娅》(节选)………赵喜梅 译介

The Old Manse in Autumn 古宅之秋………兰秀娟 译介

Of Autumn 论秋………张菊 译介 

The Poetry of Autumn 秋天的诗歌………罗怀宇

Autumn Fires 秋火………张广奎 译介

| 中国故事 |

Forget Trade War, China Wants to Win the Computing Arms Race 贸易战靠边,中国要在计算领域领先………赵根宗 译

| 环球万象 |

Why You Should Think Twice Before Getting in a Pool 进泳池前为何要三思………王妍 译 肖维青 审订

Getting Toxic Chemicals out of Black Women's Hair Salons 将有毒化学物清出黑人女性发廊………黄美芸 译 陈秀 审订

| 经济视野 |

Marketing Is About Being Memorable, Not Shouting the Loudest 营销不在声高,难忘才是王道………王静 译 肖文 审订

| 科技天地 |


Rapid Rise in Diabetes Linked to Spread of Urbanisation 城市化发展与糖尿病激增………蒋璐璐 译

| 网络时代 |

How Your Smart Fridge Might Be Mining Bitcoin for Criminals 新型网络犯罪:通过智能冰箱盗取比特币………陈伟济 译

| 艺坛 |

Is There Still a Place for Sitcoms in Today’s World? 情景剧如今还有市场吗?………唐毅 译 

Belvedere《观景楼》………爱艺 译

| 人物 |

Suspicions on Dr. Tsien Hsue-shen 钱学森博士无端遭疑………左连凯 译

| 体育 |


The Global Elite Is Taking over Sport 全球精英正接管体坛………曾逸 译 

| 史海钩沉 |

The Last Nazi to Surrender in WW2 二战最后投降的纳粹………何丹萍 译


| 心境 |

Greed and Fear Hamper Cooperation 贪婪与恐惧会妨碍合作………孙美萍 译


| 词林漫步 |





| 谭译录 |

Julie (Excerpt VI) 《朱莉》(节选六)………吴文安 译析

文艺与道德 Art and Morality………蔡力坚 译



| 学苑 |

Winter Is Here: “Game of Thrones”………崔铭航 注 王暖流 审订


| 心怡集 |

从余光中的译论译品谈文学翻译的创作空间(八)  金圣华

| 应试点津 |

雅思作文审题(三):原因分析类  唐老雅

| 翻译比赛 |

翻译擂台(第 36 期) 林巍 点评 


| 英伦学堂 |

Freshers’ week………Ellen Darling & Jon Porter


文拓视野 译悦心灵




