

CD君/TED 英语世界 2022-11-06
茱莉亚·肖(Julia Shaw)

Well, I was worried about the consequences for my career, because I loved my work. I was also worried about things that many people see as barriers, like not being believed or taken seriously, like my situation resulting in no change.


▲ Photo/IC

The number one barrier was actually the exact same as the main barrier that victims report, which is the fear of consequences or retaliation. Even witnesses are worried about what might happen to them and their careers. Other reasons that people reported was not wanting to interfere or not wanting to be a snitch, not knowing they could report, or not knowing how. All of these things can be targeted with better education and better systems in workplaces.


What this shows is that the negative consequences of the situation, where someone is harassed or discriminated against, go far beyond the room. People take that story with them and that discontent grows as they tell more and more people, and this has the real effect that is almost certainly threatening your ability as an organization to retain and attract diverse and excellent candidates.


First, showcase your commitment. If your leadership isn't repeatedly saying how important diversity and inclusion is to them, and living by example, no one is going to believe you. An HR-driven campaign is insufficient. Your organization is a direct mirror of its leadership team, and they need to be setting the tone.


Second, train your managers. The main person who's likely to harass someone in your organization is a manager. Now, why? Perhaps because power corrupts, or perhaps because we promote people into managerial roles because they're excellent at their jobs, and we assume that they will pick up the people skills, pick up the management skills along the way. But then they don't. And this provides a fertile ground for harassment and discrimination with unrealistic expectations, with poor time management, with poor conflict management skills.


Third, we know from research on victims that without the ability to report anonymously, the fear of consequences is so overwhelming that most people will never report incidents. We found the same was true for witnesses. When we asked them directly, in our study, whether organizations could do something to improve the fact that they might report, they said, number one that they could do better was allowing for witness anonymity. Second was providing choices about who to report to. Third, encouraging witness reporting.


Fourth, even when you have all of this in place, most people will not speak to HR. Anonymity is one piece of the puzzle. Conducting surveys means that you go out to your employees, you don't wait for them to come to you. And you ask everybody about how they feel about the health of inclusion and diversity efforts within the organization. And be specific. Ask people about specific incidents or specific things they've witnessed.


Finally, and most importantly, research shows that one of the best ways to mitigate the bystander effect is to build a shared social identity. It's not about policing each other, it's not about calling each other out, it's about being a cohesive unit. We are in this together. If you attack one of us, you are attacking all of us.




