海伦古希腊第一美女《荷马史诗》中世界上最美丽的女人众神之王宙斯的女儿出生时,神赋予她模仿任意女人声音的能力长大后,她和特洛伊王子帕里斯私奔引发了长达十年的特洛伊战争 1 HelenChristopher Mariow佚名 译 Was this the face that launch’d a thousand shipsAnd burnt the topless towers of Illium?Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss这就是那张使无数船舶沉没使高耸云端的巨塔焚毁的脸蛋吗美艳绝伦的海伦啊,请给我一个吻,使我永垂不朽 Her lips suck forth my soul: see where it flies!Come, Helen, come, give me my soul againHere will I dwell, for heaven be in these lips,And all is dross that is not Helena.她的嘴唇带走了我的灵魂:看啊 它在那儿飞翔!来吧,海伦,来吧,把我的灵魂还给我吧我将在这里停留,因为天堂就在这些吻中,除了海伦娜 一切都是渣滓 2 To HelenEdgar Allan Poe曹明伦 译 Helen, thy beauty is to me Like those Nicéan barks of yore, That gently, o'er a perfumed sea, The weary, way-worn wanderer bore To his own native shore. 海伦,你的美丽对于我就像昔日尼斯安的小船,在芳菲的大海轻轻颠簸,载着精疲力竭的流浪汉驶向他故乡的岸边。 On desperate seas long wont to roam, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece, And the grandeur that was Rome. 早已习惯漂游在汹涌的海上,你蓝色的秀发、典雅的容颜和仙女般的风姿 已令我尽赏从前希腊的华美壮观和往昔罗马的宏伟辉煌。 Lo! in yon brilliant window-niche How statue-like I see thee stand, The agate lamp within thy hand! Ah, Psyche, from the regions which Are Holy-Land! 瞧!在那明亮的壁龛窗里我看你玉立多像尊雕塑,那镶嵌玛瑙的明灯在手!啊,普叙赫,你来自圣地,那天国净土! 3Helen of TyreHenry Wadsworth Longfellow王晋华 译 What phantom is this that appearsThrough the purple mist of the years, Itself but a mist like these?A woman of cloud and of fire;It is she; it is Helen of Tyre,The town in the midst of the seas.在岁月紫色的雾霭中现出的那一幻象是什么?(或许它自己也只是雾气而已)啊,是内心充满乌云和烈火的女人;是她;是泰尔的海伦,泰尔是一个四面环海的镇子。 O Tyre! in thy crowded streetsThe phantom appears and retreats,And the Israelites that sellThy lilies and lions of brass,Look up as they see her pass,And murmur "Jezebel!"噢泰尔!在你人群熙攘的街市这个幽灵出现了又隐去,叫卖鱼叉的犹太人小贩,看到她经过时便抬起了眼,嘴里默念着“耶西别*”! Then another phantom is seenAt her side, in a gray gabardine,With beard that floats to his waist;It is Simon Magus, the Seer;He speaks, and she pauses to hearThe words he utters in haste.在她的旁边随即出现了另一个幽灵,只见他穿着灰色的长袍,胡须飘到了腰身;这是西蒙·马格斯,一个占卜者;他在急急地说着什么,她站下来在听。 He says: "From this evil fame,From this life of sorrow and shame,I will lift thee and make thee mine;Thou hast been Queen Candace,And Helen of Troy, and shalt beThe Intelligence Divine!"他说:“我将把你从不洁的荣誉,从痛苦耻辱的生活里解救出来,使你得到升华;你以前曾是坎蒂斯皇后,和特洛伊的海伦,你以后还会成为智慧之神神圣女皇!” Oh, sweet as the breath of morn,To the fallen and forlornAre whispered words of praise;For the famished heart believesThe falsehood that tempts and deceives,And the promise that betrays.噢,这些赞扬的悄悄话儿,对于失落和绝望的她来说就好像早晨清新的空气;因为饥渴的心灵不怀疑富于诱惑力的欺骗和虚伪,不怀疑不忠的誓约。 So she follows from land to landThe wizard's beckoning hand,As a leaf is blown by the gust,Till she vanishes into night.O reader, stoop down and write With thy finger in the dust.就这样她追随着这位术士召唤的手儿,好似一片落叶被狂风吹刮,直到她消逝在了夜色当中。噢亲爱的读者,请俯身用你的手指把它写下。 O town in the midst of the seas,With thy rafts of cedar trees,Thy merchandise and thy ships,Thou, too, art become as naught,A phantom, a shadow, a thought,A name upon men's lips.噢你这四面环海的小镇,你的船舶,你的琳琅满目的商品,你的用雪松扎成的木排,你们似乎全都变成了虚无,变成了一个幻象,一个影子,一个念头,一个挂在人们嘴边的名字。 *耶西别(Jezebel):古代以色列国王亚哈的妻子 南京农业大学外国语学院实习生王楠、马文韬 整理