

WE 英语世界 2022-11-10


Lula da Silva will return to Brazil’s presidency in stunning comeback卢拉·达席尔瓦惊险回归,将再次担任巴西总统

Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva has been elected the next president of Brazil, in a stunning comeback following a tight run-off① race on October 30. His victory heralds a political about-face for Latin America’s largest country, after four years of Jair Bolsonaro’s administration. The 76-year-old politician’s win concludes a triumphant personal comeback for Lula da Silva, after a series of corruption allegations lead to his imprisonment for 580 days. The sentences were later annulled② by the Supreme Court, clearing his path to run for reelection. “They tried to bury me alive and I’m here,” he said in a jubilant③ speech to supporters and journalists, describing the win as his political “resurrection.” This will be his third term, after previously governing Brazil for two consecutive terms between 2003 and 2010. (CNN)



① run-off: [ˈrʌn ɒf] n. a final race, contest, or election to decide an earlier one that has not resulted in a decision in favor of any one competitor 决胜投票

② annul: [əˈnʌl] vt. to state officially that (something) is not legally recognized 废除,取消

③ jubilant: [ˈdʒuːbɪlənt] adj. feeling or showing great happiness because of a success 喜气洋洋的,欢欣鼓舞的,欢呼雀跃的

Lula embraced his wife Rosangela after his victory.(Credit: Reuters)


A pedestrian suspension bridge collapsed in India
At least 141 people died when a pedestrian suspension bridge collapsed in India’s western state of Gujarat. A local official said most of those who had died were women, children or elderly. The bridge in Morbi had been reopened just a week ago after repairs. There was overcrowding on the bridge at the time as people celebrated the Diwali festival, officials said. The 230m (754ft) bridge on the Machchu river was built during British rule in the 19th Century. The death toll is expected to rise further. A video shot before the collapse showed it packed with people and swaying and many gripping the netting on its sides. Gujarat is the home state of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has announced compensation for the families of victims. He said he was “deeply saddened by the tragedy”. (BBC)印度西部古吉拉特邦的一座行人吊桥倒塌,至少141人死亡。当地一名官员表示,遇难者多数是女性、儿童和老人。这座吊桥位于莫尔比市,经过修缮,于一周前刚刚重开。官方表示,吊桥坍塌时,桥上人流过大,人们在欢庆排灯节。该桥长230米(754英尺),坐落于马楚河上,建于19世纪英国统治时期。预计死亡人数还会进一步增长。吊桥坍塌前拍摄的一段视频显示,桥上人满为患,桥体摇晃,许多人抓着两边的防护网。古吉拉特邦是印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪的母邦。莫迪宣布将赔偿受害者家人。他表示自己“对这场悲剧深感悲痛”。

Rescuers searched for survivors at night..

(Credit: AFP)


At least 153 killed in crowd crush during Halloween festivities in Seoul

South Korea’s president has pledged a full investigation after at least 153 people were crushed to death during Halloween celebrations when crowds surged through a narrow alleyway in a packed nightlife area of Seoul, plunging the nation into mourning. Yoon Suk-yeol designated Seoul’s popular Itaewon district a disaster zone after the deadliest crowd crush in South Korean history, describing it as “a tragedy … that should not have happened”. An estimated 100,000 people had gathered in Itaewon, long a symbol of the capital’s freewheeling nightlife, on October 29 as the end of social distancing, mask mandates and other anti-Covid rules allowed the first Halloween party in three years. President Yoon declared a state of official national mourning during a live address to the nation. “As president, who is responsible for the people’s lives and safety, my heart is heavy and I struggle to cope with my grief,” he said. (The Guardian)万圣节庆祝活动中,在韩国首尔一个拥挤的夜生活区,大量人员涌入一条狭窄的小巷,导致至少153人死于推挤——韩国总统尹锡悦承诺对此展开全面调查,韩国举国哀悼。这起事故是韩国历史上死亡人数最多的人群推挤事件,尹锡悦将首尔著名的梨泰院地区定为灾难区,称这一事故是“一场……不应发生的惨剧”。保持社交安全距离、佩戴口罩等新冠防疫规定解除后,当地三年来首次得以举办万圣节聚会。据估计,10月29日,有10万人在梨泰院聚集。向全国直播演讲时,尹锡悦宣布进入国家哀悼期。他说:“作为总统,我要为国民的生命和安全负责。我的内心十分沉重,悲伤难以自抑。”

① crowd crush: at high densities, a crowd can become so packed that people are crushed together to such an extent they can no longer breathe 人群推挤事件(指人群密度很高,以致人群推挤,不能呼吸)

A street in Seoul’s Itaewon district is pictured packed full of people before a stampede during Halloween festivities.

(Credit: Sky News)


Top biologist Yan Ning to return to China


World famous structural biologist Yan Ning – dubbed China’s “goddess scientist” – who broke many hearts when she moved to a top US university five years ago, has thrilled the nation by announcing she is to return home. Once described as “the youngest and prettiest professor” at Tsinghua University, Yan’s announcement on Tuesday that she would be leaving Princeton University has sparked tremendous excitement among the Chinese public. A foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences, the 45-year-old academic said she will resign from the Ivy League university and move to Shenzhen in the near future to establish a medical academy. Speaking at the Shenzhen Global Innovation Talent Forum on Tuesday, Yan said: “After decades of work, I found myself confident enough to move on to the third stage of my career – to build a platform to support more excellent researchers ... Shenzhen, at this very moment, offered me that chance. We reached an agreement almost immediately.” (South China Morning Post)中国“女神科学家”、世界著名结构生物学家颜宁宣布将回国发展,中国民众兴奋不已——五年前,她前往美国一所顶级高校任职时,许多人为此伤心。颜宁曾被誉为清华大学“最年轻漂亮的教授”。11月1日,她宣布将离开普林斯顿大学,这一消息引起了中国民众的巨大反响。作为美国国家科学院外籍院士,这位45岁的学者称,她将从这所常春藤大学辞职,在不远的将来搬到深圳,创建一所医学科学院。11月1日,颜宁在深圳全球创新人才论坛上说:“我想经过了过去几十年的积累,现在的我终于比较有信心主动地进入到了(职业的)第三个阶段,那就是去打造一方平台,去支持更多优秀的学者……而就在此时,深圳向我伸出了橄榄枝,简直是一拍即合。”

China’s ‘Goddess scientist’ Yan Ning is coming home after a five-year stint in the US, sparking a huge online wave of joy.
(Credit: SCMP composite)


Stampede① at a concert kills 11 in DRC’s capital


Eleven people were killed in a stampede at a packed concert headlined② by African music star Fally Ipupa at the biggest stadium in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s capital, the country’s interior minister has said. Interior Minister Daniel Aselo Okito blamed the organisers for the deaths, saying the Martyrs’ stadium concert in Kinshasa “went beyond 100 percent capacity”. The stadium was packed beyond its capacity of 80,000 and some of the crowd ended up forcing their way into the VIP and reserved sections, reporters of Reuters news agency at the concert said. “Eleven people dead … including two police,” the minister told reporters at the stadium, sending condolences to relatives of the casualties. He said he deplored the “loss of human life” and said the organisers “must be punished”. (Al Jazeera)刚果民主共和国分管内政的副总理表示,非洲歌星法利·伊普帕在首都金沙萨最大的体育场举行演唱会期间,场地人满为患,发生踩踏事件,致11人死亡。副总理阿瑟洛·奥基托·达尼埃尔将死亡事件归罪于组织方,称金沙萨的烈士体育场当时“观众爆满”。路透社报道演唱会的记者称,这座体育场可容纳8万人,当时观众超出了限额,一些人最后闯进了VIP区和预留区。“有11人死亡……其中两人是警察。”达尼埃尔副总理告诉在场的记者,并向遇难者亲属送去慰问。他说,面对“生命的逝去”他深感痛心,并表示组织者“必须受到惩罚”。

① stampede: [stæmˈpiːd] n. a situation in which a group of large animals suddenly start running in the same direction, especially because they are excited or frightened (人群的)蜂拥,踩踏事件;(畜群的)乱窜

② headline: [ˈhedlaɪn] vt. to be the main performer in (a concert or show) 是(演唱会或演出)的主角

Congolese singer Fally Ipupa performs during his concert at the overcrowded Martyrs stadium in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

(Credit: Reuters)

陈紫安 编译兼朗读王暖流 审订 






