RMB With These Numbers Are All Fake! Pay Attention!
Recently, police cracked down on the culprits who produced and sold counterfeit money in Chongqing. They hunted down and seized 2.02 million RMB in total.
These money are in a high level of imitation, remarkably similar to the real one with only a little bit difference on the outer appearance. It is so difficult for people to find and recognize them.
The mainly series numbers of 100RMB counterfeit money are:
Chinese police remind people that criminals usually use counterfeit money in densely populated places such as shopping markets and convenience stores.
Thus, when you receive 100RMB, you need to be more careful! You’d better use currency detector to make sure whether the money is real or not when it comes to payments from others in the markets.
Once discovering counterfeit, call 110 without hesitating!
Besides from the three mainly series numbers HACOS mentioned above, money with other series numbers are also fake! Please pay attention!
They are:
100RMB No. HD90
100RMB No. HB90
100RMB No. WJ135
100RMB No. WE13586304
100RMB No. BR13556060
100RMB No. CH13793606
100RMB No. CB54494541
100RMB No. begins with “DE”
100RMB No. with “269” in it
50RMB No. begins with “FA”
20RMB No. FA7667 and FC3358
10RMB No. begins with “AB77” or “AB168”
10RMB No. begins with “AB99”
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HACOS,Business Services Solutions Maste