
征稿 | 设计的祛魅与复魅

建筑师 建筑师 The Architect 2024-04-16

满怀人文精神  关注建筑理论

秉承核心价值  赓续自身传统

征 稿 启 事 



魅力花园,John William Waterhouse(c. 1916—1917).  Source: Liverpool Lady Lever Art Gallery.







• 在设计和施工过程中,是什么捕捉、增强或创造了“设计之魅”?

• 教育工作者应如何将求“设计之魅”作为教学目标?

• 复魅能否刺激研究人员发展更多与设计相关的学术研究?

• 祛魅的概念可以用来考察设计诸学科中的历史时刻吗?

• 面对不断变化的世界和技术,设计的核心价值和技术应该如何重新定义,使用祛魅和复魅的概念?

• 语言在追求设计魔力和规范设计过程中扮演什么角色?

• 新技术是否也提供了在设计过程中和/或作为设计结果追求“设计之魅”的工具,如何实现?



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  • 字数6000~9000字为宜,根据内容需要,可适当放宽。

  • 先投先审,编辑部会及时反馈审稿意见。

  • 收稿截止日期:2023年10月31日。


Call for Submission to the Special Issue:


Disenchantment and Re-enchantment of Architecture

Guest Editor: Bo Zhang


The Enchanted Garden, John William Waterhouse(c. 1916—1917).  Source: Liverpool Lady Lever Art Gallery.

Disenchantment (Entzauberung) is first used by sociologist Max Weber to describe the effects of rationalization culture in modern society (1920). Science, economic rationalism, information, etc. have overridden supernaturalism, religious belief, myths, and legends, aiding the world with clarity, efficiency, and equality while stripping the magic out. Weber interprets the opposite of the disenchanted society, by analogy with a landscape design that "the world remains a great enchanted garden". This special issue plans to visit the phenomena that disenchantment takes place in architecture, landscape architecture, and other design disciplines culturally and methodologically.


In the recent century when scientific understanding was more highly valued than belief, disciplinary knowledge and techniques grew by developing and utilizing processes more oriented toward rational goals, as evident in the development of evaluation Indexes, enactment of best practice standards, codification of ecological discoveries, elaboration of pedagogical strategies, and so on. These gave rise to greater accuracy of the information, more efficient design process, and built environments of improved eco-functionality and social equality.   


One cannot ignore that the spirit and quality of enchantment diminish with the improvement’s disenchantment brought about. The notions such as wonder, imagination, enchantment, myth, transcendence, interpretation, resonance, sacredness, and so on -- the mesmerizing notions that are crucial and intrinsic to appreciating and designing a place but have no place in a scientific worldview -- were gradually displaced. Prescriptive processes oriented towards rational goals dominate the practice and classroom communication. Designed projects present increasingly virtuous quality as well as high similarity, in graphics and as built.


Recent scholarly norms in design further encroach on the magic left. Researchers tend to embrace the topics and methods suitable to the ‘completely intelligible’, while distancing those who resist scientificalization. Academic assessment methods favor high outputs of refined research within rigid social and natural science frameworks rather than those exploring myths.


This issue calls on a collective effort in contemplating the disenchantment and in taking actions to re-enchanting design. Rather than reversing the disenchantment trend, all authors may consider that re-enchantment should be built by respecting all rationalization betterments while purposefully embracing magical thinking. To pursue wonder should be legitimized at multiple levels, as design goals and concepts, as research topics and areas, and as academic assessment criteria. Ultimately, enchantment is an inexhaustible source to maintain a permanent disciplinary charm in design.


The authors are encouraged to discuss the following issues and beyond. The article could be theoretical, or historical, empirical, or case studies, etc.


· In the design and construction process, what captures, enhances, or creates enchantments?  

· How should educators promote the pursuit of enchantment as a pedagogical objective?  

· Can re-enchantment be a stimulus for researchers to develop more design-relevant scholarship? 

· Can the concept of disenchant be used to examine the historical moments in design?

· How should the core values and techniques of design to be redefined, using the concept of disenchantment and re-enchantment, confronting the changing world and technologies?

· What role does language play in pursuing the magic in design and standardizing the design process?

· Do the new technologies also provide tools to pursue magic in the design process and/or as a design result, and how?


Open the official website of The Architect(http://thearchitect.cabp.com.cn)→Click on“
作者登录”to enter the submission system.

The appropriate word count is 6000-9000 words.

Deadline for submission: October 31, 2023.





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