
双语驿站|《经济学人》盘点2018年度好书 送给爱读书的你

首都之窗 2020-02-01
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1. A History of America in 100 Maps. By Susan Schulten.



A collection of maps, by turns beautiful and eccentric, which charts the making of America. It shows the role of maps in exploration and conquest and proves that, while some aspects of American political geography are enduring, much in the country’s make-up has, like the banks of the Mississippi, always been in flux.


in flux:在变化的,处于不断变化中

2. Pogrom: Kishinev and the Tilt of History. By Steven Zipperstein.



The pogrom in Kishinev in 1903 became a byword for anti-Semitic violence for Jews everywhere. The event roused Zionists and Jew-haters alike.



1. We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights. By Adam Winkler.



“For most of American history”, the author comments, “the Supreme Court failed to protect the dispossessed and the marginalized, with the justices claiming to be powerless in the face of hostile public sentiment.” Meanwhile “the court has insisted that broad public sentiment favoring business regulation must bend to the demands of the constitution.” A lively survey of a neglected but important feature of American history.


dispossessed[,dɪspə'zɛst] : adj.被逐出的;无依无靠的;失去产业的


2. AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order. By Kai-Fu Lee.



The writer anticipates the coming contest to dominate artificial intelligence. He thinks China will crush Silicon Valley because it has more data and competes more ruthlessly.



3. Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society. By Eric Posner and E. Glen Weyl.



A law professor and an economist argue that the way out of liberalism’s impasse is to expand the role of markets, not to subdue them. Some of their ideas—on property rights, elections, immigration and much besides—are impractical, and others eccentric; but together they point to a possible response to the challenges of populism and protectionism.


impasse [æm'pɑːs; 'æmpɑːs]: n.僵局;死路


1. Barracoon. By Zora Neale Hurston.



Kossula, later called Cudjo Lewis, was one of the last Africans to be kidnapped into slavery in America. Interviewed at his home in Alabama in 1927-28, he vividly recalled his capture and illegal transportation on the eve of America’s civil war.



2. Napoleon: A Life. By Adam Zamoyski.



In this superlative account, Napoleon is a mortal, with great virtues and equally great flaws, at once dazzling and gauche. “From the sublime to the ridiculous”, Napoleon himself said after his disastrous campaign in Russia, “there is but one step.”


gauche [gəʊʃ] adj. :笨拙的;粗鲁的;不善交际的


3. Churchill: Walking with Destiny. By Andrew Roberts.


Acknowledging its subject's flaws and sometimes catastrophic mistakes, it nevertheless makes a compelling case for his greatness, both as a statesman and a writer.



1. The Personality Brokers. By Merve Emre.



The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the best-known personality test, is the focus of an entertaining cultural history of the personality-assessment industry. Its enduring popularity ought not to be surprising: after all, it offers both the “rush of self-discovery” and “the comfort of solidarity” with others of the same type.



2. The Prodigal Tongue. By Lynne Murphy.


The first and perhaps only book on the relative merits of American and British English that is dominated by facts and analysis rather than nationalistic prejudice. For all its scholarship, this is also a funny and rollicking read.


rollicking['rɑlɪkɪŋ] : adj.欢乐的;喧闹的


3. Space Odyssey: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke and the Making of a Masterpiece. By Michael Benson.


An illuminating account of a collaboration that resulted in a landmark film. The author’s scientific background helps him to explain its pathbreaking visual effects. The making of a great work of art has rarely been anatomized so thoroughly.



1. The Long Take. By Robin Robertson.



The wondrous story of a Canadian veteran of the World War II who washes up in New York and then Los Angeles. Walker, the protagonist, is haunted by his experiences in combat and by memories of his youth.


protagonist[prə'tæg(ə)nɪst]: n.主角


2. The Silence of the Girls. By Pat Barker.


The “Iliad” reimagined from the perspective of Briseis, the captured slave-girl who is the cause of the quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon—and in the original is almost silent.



3. Milkman. By Anna Burns.


The winner of this year’s Man Booker prize is set during the Troubles in Northern Ireland in an unnamed city that looks like Belfast. A haunting depiction of the impact of violence on ordinary lives.



1. Beyond Weird. By Philip Ball.



Wearing deep learning lightly, this author explains quantum mechanics simply and thoughtfully, revealing the theory’s true power as a way of knowing what can be said about nature.



2. Rocket Men. By Robert Kurson.


A gripping account of Apollo 8, the first manned space flight around the Moon. The story of the dangerous mission that laid the ground for the Moon landing has not been told in such detail until now.



3. Nine Pints: A Journey Through the Money, Medicine and Mysteries of Blood. By Rose George.

《九品脱》(作者 罗丝·乔治)

This history of blood takes its name from the quantity in a human body. The author visits high-tech facilities, a South African slum and Nepalese villages to convey what is known and what remains mysterious about the liquid.





