人类真的不像以前那么暴力了么? | PNAS 论文推荐
作者 Michael Price (原《科学》杂志专栏作者和写作培训师)
翻译 阿金
审校 卓思琪 谭坤
其中包括最近一直在推广上述流行观点的人,来自哈佛大学的心理学家 Steven Pinker,他将这项新发现称作“统计的把戏”。在2011年出版的《人性中的善良天使》( The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined )一书中,他写道,强大的中央政府这样的管理机构的出现,贸易网络和全球通讯的普及增加了相互间的依赖性,从而减少暴力致死的发生。他引用的数据表明,如今在战争中死亡的人数占一个社会总人口数的比重越来越少;相比之下,狩猎-采集、游牧民族和农耕部落等历史上人类社会的其它组织方式,死亡人数比率则要高得多。
但是,美国印第安纳州圣母大学的人类学家 Rahul Oka 领导的研究团队想了解,是否可以用数学方法来解释如今暴力死亡的比例减少的原因。他们推断,人类军队数量并未按比例随人口总数增长。该论文的共同作者 Mark Golitko 举例说道:在一个100人的小团体内,有25名士兵是非常合理的安排;但是如果人口总数达到一亿的话,供养并协调2500万士兵的军队在逻辑上是不可能的,更不要谈这支军队的效率了。
研究人员将这种不一致性称为尺度效应(Scaling effect)。
在分析上百场类似的战役数据后,Oka 和他的团队发现:人口数量越大,参与战斗和在战斗中死亡的人数比重反而越小。研究人员在 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 期刊上公布了这一结论(文末论文信息1)。同时,研究结果还表明,随着人口规模的继续扩大,无论政府管理、共享商业模式和技术程度的高低,暴力因素导致的人均伤亡数都会降低。
Golitko 总结道,因为 Pinker 他们不是简单探寻总人口与战争的规模化,而是将非暴力趋势归因于政府管理和商业贸易,因此他们忽视了小型社会团体内的暴力倾向。在这篇论文发表的一个月前,已有另一篇类似的论文(文末论文信息2),同样抨击了 Pinker 关于现代社会暴力减少的观点。
但是,Pinker 并不认同这项规模化的研究。他认为,这种将数字带入等式的研究 46 31977 46 14988 0 0 2953 0 0:00:10 0:00:05 0:00:05 2954 46 31977 46 14988 0 0 2514 0 0:00:12 0:00:05 0:00:07 2996 46 31977 46 14988 0 0 2151 0 0:00:14 0:00:06 0:00:08 3087 46 31977 46 14988 0 0 1880 0 0:00:17 0:00:07 0:00:10 3087 46 31977 46 14988 0 0 1671 0 0:00:19 0:00:08 0:00:11 3226 46 31977 46 14988 0 0 1496 0 0:00:21 0:00:10 0:00:11 0 46 31977 46 14988 0 0 1360 0 0:00:23 0:00:11 0:00:12 0 46 31977 46 14988 0 0 1246 0 0:00:25 0:00:12 0:00:13 0 46 31977 46 14988 0 0 1151 0 0:00:27 0:00:13 0:00:14 0 46 31977 46 14988 0 0 1068 0 0:00:29 0:00:14 0:00:15 0方式,把研究所暴力类型缩小到了一个狭隘的范围——战争死亡,这使他们无法同时检视更广泛类型的暴力,比如那些战斗和军事袭击带来的平民屠杀。“在一个更大的社会中,不是所有的男性都是士兵,也不是所有人都容易受到袭击或卷入战斗中,所以你们远离暴力,更加安全。”他向《科学》(Science)杂志陈述自己的观点。“那项数字研究发现无法去解释更广泛的暴力类型,他们根本什么都解释不了。”
但是这样的批评没有看到重点,Oka 反驳道,研究人员从来不试图去探索暴力产生的动机。相反,他们的目的是通过人口规模,能够将历史上的暴力和现代暴力放在同一背景中。“一些人看了我们的研究,可能会认为人类这个物种历来都是暴力的。但是,另外一面是,我们从来也是和平的。”Oka 总结道。
标题 Population is the main driver of war group size and conflictcasualties
作者 Rahul C. Okaa, Marc Kissel, et al.
发表时间 2017.11.06
原文链接 http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/12/07/1713972114.abstract
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1713972114
摘要 Recent views on violence emphasize the decline in proportions of wargroups and casualties to populations over time and conclude that pastsmall-scale societies were more violent than contemporary states. In thispaper, we argue that these trends are better explained through scalingrelationships between population and war group size and between war group sizeand conflict casualties. We test these relationships and develop measures ofconflict investment and lethality that are applicable to societies across spaceand time. When scaling is accounted for, we find no difference in conflictinvestment or lethality between small-scale and state societies. Given the lackof population data for past societies, we caution against using archaeologicalcases of episodic conflicts to measure past violence.
标题 Annual War Deaths in Small-Scale versus State Societies Scale with Population Size Rather than Violence
作者 Dean Falk and Charles Hildebolt
期刊 Current Anthropology
发表日期 2017.10.13
链接 http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/694568
Doi doi.org/10.1086/694568
摘要 In The Better Angels of OurNature: Why Violence Has Declined, psychologist Steven Pinker cites meanratios of war (battle) deaths suffered annually per 100,000 individuals asevidence for concluding that people who live in states are less violent thanthose who live or lived in “hunting, gathering, and horticultural societies inwhich our species spent most of its evolutionary history.” Because such ratiosare blind to actual population sizes, it remains to be seen whether theapparent decrease in contemporary violence is an artifact of scaling factors.Here scaling of war deaths is quantified relative to actual population sizesfor 11 chimpanzee communities, 24 human nonstates, and 19 and 22 countries thatfought in World War I and World War II, respectively. Mean annual battle deathsexpressed as percentages of population sizes scale inversely with populationsizes in chimpanzees and humans, indicating increased vulnerability rather thanincreased violence in smaller populations. However, the absolute number of meanannual war deaths increases exponentially (superlinearly) and nearly identicallywith population sizes across human groups but not chimpanzees. These findingssuggest that people evolved to be more violent than chimpanzees and that humansfrom nonstates are neither more nor less violent than those from states.
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