
2017 最重要化石发现大盘点

2018-01-31 科研圈

《卫报》重访失落的世界(The Lost Worlds Revisited )团队聚集了古生物、化石、博物馆方面的专家,2017年底他们盘点了这一年最重要的化石发现。


撰文 Susannah Lydon, Hanneke Meijer 等

翻译 阿金

审校 小鸥 谭坤


图片来源:WILLIAM GRAF/Erikksonet al 2017/Lukas Panzarin/Andrea Cau/Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology




Susannah Lydon

2017年一些最小的化石发现却最富争议。去年三月,Matthew Dodd 和他的同事展示了在加拿大魁北克省岩石中发现的由氧化铁组成的微小管状和长丝状物质,形成于距今37.7亿至42.8亿年之间。他们认为这些是曾经生活在热液喷口附近的细菌残骸,将最早的生物活动证据提早至37.7亿年以前,甚至可以确定地再往前推5亿年。同年九月,古生物学家田代孝之(Takayuki Tashiro)和他的同事分析了一些来自加拿大拉布拉多省北部岩石中距今39.5亿年的石墨颗粒。通过检测同位素比,他们得出结论是这些碳是由生物制造的,但并不是所有研究人员都认可这个解释。



最终,在十二月中旬公布的一项研究中,BillSchopf 和他的同事使用西澳大利亚距今34.6亿年的顶角燧石(Apex Chert)中的微体化石,通过测定其碳同位素组成,确认了之前具有争议性的生物学起源,甚至还识别出具体代表着哪些微生物种群。其中有两种是原始的光合细菌,一种是产生甲烷的古菌,另外还有两种是消耗甲烷的菌。这项惊人的研究表明,早在35亿年前,进行甲烷循环的微生物群落就已经建立了。



Hanneke Meijer

2017 年是古生物学大年,要从各方面来了解所有化石大发现实属不易。然而,其中最杰出的当属最近出土的兽脚亚目恐龙化石。研究人员使用3D扫描技术进行非侵入性研究后,展示出了其精妙的类鸟特征。



但是,还是没人预料到埃氏哈兹卡盗龙(Halszkaraptor escuilliei)的出现。这是一种来自蒙古的新的非鸟类兽脚亚目恐龙,它们脖颈修长,占了全身一半的长度,也是中生代兽脚亚目恐龙中最长的。这很容易让人联想到某些鸟类,尤其是天鹅。哈兹卡盗龙成为驰龙科恐龙的一个新分支——埃氏哈兹卡盗龙属(Halszkaraptorinae),它不同寻常的形态说明其半水生的生活方式。我们能够在企鹅和其他水生鸟类身上看到类似的扁平状翼骨,它的牙齿数目很多,表明这可能是一种食肉类恐龙。另外,哈兹卡盗龙似乎是首个能够在陆地和水中活动的非鸟恐龙。负责该研究的作者在论文的最后一段陈述道,哈兹卡盗龙向我们证明恐龙的种类繁多,还有更多的等着我们去发现。

图片来源:Lukas Panzarin and Andrea Cau

马氏北方盾龙(Borealopelta markmitchelli

Dave Hone

这种身披铠甲的恐龙新种是著名的甲龙的近亲,对它的第一次报道要追溯到2013年在加拿大艾伯塔省(Alberta)北部附近的一次偶然发现。一位发掘机操作人员在山坡上发现了一个小点。由此,这种曾在陆地上生活,死后先是漂洋过海,完好无损地沉入海底埋藏起来的稀有生物,在历经数百万年之后终再见天日。包裹在化石周围的岩石无比坚硬,而其中的骨骸又脆弱不堪,博物馆标本制作人员 Mark Mitchell 花了数年时间小心处理。这个新品种恐龙的最终命名加入了他本人的名字,以表彰其杰出的工作。

图片来源:Royal Tyrrell Palaeont 博物馆




Elsa Panciroli


图片来源:Sengupta, Ezcurra& Bandyopadhyay/Sengupta, Ezcurra & Bandyopadhyay/Wikimedia Commons

2017年发现的印度犄龙(Shringasaurus indicus)就证明了三叠纪生命形式的独特属性。在2.4亿年前,这种新发现的初龙类动物伸展着四条腿,蹒跚在如今的印度大陆上。它的脑袋上顶着两个朝前的犄角,后面连着修长的脖子和身体。身体前部的肩膀有力地隆起,后背线条弯曲起伏,拖着一条长长的尾巴,看上去像是犀牛和科莫多龙的“爱情结晶”。这头身形笨重、肉滚滚的古怪食草类恐龙全身可长达3.5米,类似于现代世界的大型牛科动物。据证,印度犄龙的犄角跟牛角的功能一样,是性选择(sexual selection)的结果。通过已经发现的一些不同年龄和性别的犄龙部分化石遗骸,研究人员已经能够了解很多有关这种动物是如何成长的:它们的犄角是性别二态的表现,只有雄性才会拥有。




Hanneke Meijer


这种新的巨型多毛纲蠕虫学名为 Websteroprion armstrongi(第一部分以已故重金属摇滚贝斯手 Alex Webster 命名),其形态是根据这些颚化石描绘出的。尽管这类蠕虫又长又软,它们的化石却保持得相当完好。它们自古生代(5.41-2.51亿年前)就存在,其灭绝形式表现出多元化的身体结构。1994年,安大略地质调查局的 DerekK Armstrong 在安大略省的一处偏远地区进行地质调查时,收集到了这些化石样本,它们如今被收藏在安大略皇家博物馆内。

图片来源: Erikkson et al 2017

这种新的多毛纲蠕虫只有颚部(jaw, 它们身上唯一坚硬的部分)被留存下来,其长度超过1厘米。诚然,这听上去没什么了不起,但是在蠕虫世界里, Websteroprion 的颚算得上是个庞然大物,因为大多多毛纲蠕虫为颚化石大多长0.1到2毫米。研究人员从长度推断,这种蠕虫身体长度有1到2米,类似于当今的“巨型岩虫”,通俗地被称作“博比特虫”。其残余的颚部表明这是一条成年蠕虫,因为一些多毛纲蠕虫在成年后也会继续生长,W. armstrongi 可能还会长得更长些。在所有蠕虫化石记录中它拥有最大的颚部,表明“巨型化”作为生态上的一种重要特征于4亿年前在蠕虫身上已经出现。此外,它们也表现出作为现存博物馆藏品的重要性,因为这些化石可能还藏着未被发现的价值。


南极史前化石 Antarcticeras nordenskjoeldi

Mark Carnall


我的年度发现给了始新世头足纲(就是囊括了章鱼、乌贼、鹦鹉螺和菊石的那个类群)的一个新物种,它来自南极,学名为 Antarcticeras nordenskjoeldi。化石看上去平平无奇,而且论文里也没有配上漂亮的复原艺术渲染图,但是来自瑞典和阿根廷的研究人员(Doguzhaeva et al. 2017)对其细致的阐述值得注意。根据该物种壳结构的细节和虹吸管(一根通过壳室可交换气体和液体的软管)的位置,A.nordenskjoeldi 被定义为一种新的物种,属于新的科、新的目,而且还是头足纲的新亚纲——蛸亚纲的唯一物种。

图片来源;Doguzhaeva et al.,2017/PLOS ONE

目前头足纲有四个主要相当确定的类群,而这个潜力巨大的新发现为其增添了一个新的种群,同时,论文作者表示,A.nordenskjoeldi 化石展示出软体头足纲目生物的第三种演化内壳的方式,这种方式与墨鱼和旋壳乌贼的并行演化。幸运的是,这篇论文可免费阅读,所以你可以亲自去看一下。但是,借用网络流行语来说,有实锤才能搞大事。这仍然算一种大胆的推测,有时候科学需要这样的魄力,而且时间将会证明蛸亚纲是否会被学界接受或拒绝。到目前为止,这些发现尚未在研究头足纲的古生物学界激起太多的水花。假如这项研究是针对哺乳动物或恐龙的,这篇论文就可以赢得巨大关注(正如今年我们也看到的蜥臀目和鸟臀目方面的“低水平”研究),但在低调的头足纲研究中,这个种群的研究状况也是相对不那么得明朗,因此这项研究会有日渐淹没消失的风险,而无法带动进行头足纲的演化进程的重新评估。





【论文题目】An ExceptionallyPreserved Three-Dimensional Armored Dinosaur Reveals Insights into Colorationand Cretaceous Predator-Prey Dynamics

【论文作者】Caleb M.Brown,Donald M. Henderson, et al.




【论文编号】DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2017.06.071

【论文摘要】Predator-preydynamics are an important evolutionary driver of escalating predation mode andefficiency, and commensurate responses of prey. Among these strategies, camouflage is important forvisual concealment, with countershading the most universally observed. Extantterrestrial herbivores free of significant predation pressure, due to largesize or isolation, do not exhibit countershading. Modern predator-prey dynamicsmay not be directly applicable to those of the Mesozoic due to the dominance ofvery large, visually oriented theropod dinosaurs. Despite thyreophorandinosaurs’ possessingextensive dermal armor, some of the most extreme examples of anti-predatorstructures, little direct evidence of predation on these and other dinosaurmegaherbivores has been documented. Here we describe a new, exquisitelythree-dimensionally preserved nodosaurid ankylosaur, Borealopelta markmitchelligen. et sp. nov., from the Early Cretaceous of Alberta, which preservesintegumentary structures as organic layers, including continuous fields ofepidermal scales and intact horn sheaths capping the body armor. We identifymelanin in the organic residues through mass spectroscopic analyses and observelighter pigmentation of the large parascapular spines, consistent with display,and a pattern of countershading across the body. With an estimated body massexceeding 1,300 kg, B. markmitchelli was much larger than modern terrestrialmammals that either are countershaded or experience significant predationpressure as adults. Presence of countershading suggests predation pressurestrong enough to select for concealment in this megaherbivore despitepossession of massive dorsal and lateral armor, illustrating a significantdichotomy between Mesozoic predator-prey dynamics and those of modernterrestrial systems.



【论文题目】Synchrotronscanning reveals amphibious ecomorphology in a new clade of bird-like dinosaurs

【论文作者】Andrea Cau,Vincent Beyrand,et al.





【论文摘要】Maniraptoraincludes birds and their closest relatives among theropod dinosaurs. During theCretaceous period, several maniraptoran lineages diverged from the ancestralcoelurosaurian bauplan and evolved novel ecomorphologies, including activeflight, gigantism, cursoriality and herbivory. Propagation X-ray phase-contrastsynchrotron microtomography of a well-preserved maniraptoran from Mongolia,still partially embedded in the rock matrix, revealed a mosaic of features,most of them absent among non-avian maniraptorans but shared by reptilian andavian groups with aquatic or semiaquatic ecologies. This new theropod, Halszkaraptor escuilliei gen. et sp.nov., is related to other enigmatic Late Cretaceous maniraptorans from Mongoliain a novel clade at the root of Dromaeosauridae. This lineage adds anamphibious ecomorphology to those evolved by maniraptorans: it acquired apredatory mode that relied mainly on neck hyperelongation for food procurement,it coupled the obligatory bipedalism of theropods with forelimb proportionsthat may support a swimming function, and it developed postural adaptationsconvergent with short-tailed birds.




【论文题目】An Eoceneorthocone from Antarctica shows convergent evolution of internally shelledcephalopods

【论文作者】Larisa A.Doguzhaeva,Stefan Bengtson,et al.


【发表期刊】PLOS One



【论文摘要】The SubclassColeoidea (Class Cephalopoda) accommodates the diverse present-day internallyshelled cephalopod mollusks (Spirula, Sepia and octopuses, squids,Vampyroteuthis) and also extinct internally shelled cephalopods. Recent Spirula represents a uniquecoleoid retaining shell structures, a narrow marginal siphuncle and globularprotoconch that signify the ancestry of the subclass Coleoidea from thePaleozoic subclass Bactritoidea. This hypothesis has been recently supported bynewly recorded diverse bactritoid-like coleoids from the Carboniferous of theUSA, but prior to this study no fossil cephalopod indicative of anendochochleate branch with an origin independent from subclass Bactritoidea hasbeen reported. Two orthoconic conchs were recovered from the Early Eocene ofSeymour Island at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica. They haveloosely mineralized organic-rich chitin-compatible microlaminated shell wallsand broadly expanded central siphuncles. The morphological, ultrustructural andchemical data were determined and characterized through comparisons with extantand extinct taxa using Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy DispersiveSpectrometry (SEM/EDS). Our study presents the first evidence for anevolutionary lineage of internally shelled cephalopods with independent originfrom Bactritoidea/Coleoidea, indicating convergent evolution with the subclassColeoidea. A new subclass Paracoleoidea Doguzhaeva n. subcl. is established foraccommodation of orthoconic cephalopods with the internal shell associated witha broadly expanded central siphuncle. Antarcticerida Doguzhaeva n. ord.,Antarcticeratidae Doguzhaeva n. fam., Antarcticeras nordenskjoeldi Doguzhaevan. gen., n. sp. are described within the subclass Paracoleoidea. The analysisof organic-rich shell preservation of A. nordenskjoeldi by use of SEM/EDStechniques revealed fossilization of hyposeptal cameral soft tissues. Thissuggests that a depositional environment favoring soft-tissue preservation wasthe factor enabling conservation of the weakly mineralized shell of A.nordenskjoeldi.



【论文题目】Earth’s oldest ‘Bobbit worm’– gigantismin a Devonian eunicidan polychaete

【论文作者】Mats E.Eriksson, Luke A. Parry & David M. Rudkin





【论文摘要】Whilst thefossil record of polychaete worms extends to the early Cambrian, much data onthis group derive from microfossils known as scolecodonts. These are sclerotized jaw elements,which generally range from 0.1–2mm in size, and which, in contrast to the soft-bodyanatomy, have good preservation potential and a continuous fossil record. Herewe describe a new eunicidan polychaete, Websteroprion armstrongi gen. et sp.nov., based primarily on monospecific bedding plane assemblages from theLower-Middle Devonian Kwataboahegan Formation of Ontario, Canada. The specimensare preserved mainly as three-dimensional moulds in the calcareous host rock,with only parts of the original sclerotized jaw walls occasionally present.This new taxon has a unique morphology and is characterized by an unexpectedcombination of features seen in several different Palaeozoic polychaetefamilies. Websteroprion armstrongi was a raptorial feeder and possessed thelargest jaws recorded in polychaetes from the fossil record, with maxillaereaching over one centimetre in length. Total body length of the species isestimated to have reached over one metre, which is comparable to that of extant‘gianteunicid’ speciescolloquially referred to as ‘Bobbit worms’. This demonstrates that polychaete gigantism wasalready a phenomenon in the Palaeozoic, some 400 million years ago.



【论文题目】A new hornedand long-necked herbivorous stem-archosaur from the Middle Triassic of India

【论文作者】SaradeeSengupta,Martín D. Ezcurra & Saswati Bandyopadhyay





【论文摘要】The earlyevolution of archosauromorphs (bird- and crocodile-line archosaurs andstem-archosaurs) represents an important case of adaptive radiation thatoccurred in the aftermath of the Permo-Triassic mass extinction. Here we enrichthe early archosauromorph record with the description of a moderately large (3–4m in totallength), herbivorous new allokotosaurian, Shringasaurus indicus, from the earlyMiddle Triassic of India. The most striking feature of Shringasaurus indicus isthe presence of a pair of large supraorbital horns that resemble those of someceratopsid dinosaurs. The presence of horns in the new species is dimorphicand, as occurs in horned extant bovid mammals, these structures were probablysexually selected and used as weapons in intraspecific combats. The relativelylarge size and unusual anatomy of Shringasaurus indicus broadens themorphological diversity of Early–Middle Triassic tetrapods and complements theunderstanding of the evolutionary mechanisms involved in the earlyarchosauromorph diversification.


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