

李艾鑫 环球时报GlobalTimes 2019-08-14


Discover China

Discover the World


尤瓦尔·赫拉利。  于天骄 摄



"It takes a lot of wise people to cooperate to make peace, but sometimes it is enough to have just one fool in order to make war."

"if humans start making unwise decisions, then wars can return and even in worse form than ever before, especially a nuclear war."





GT: US President Donald Trump recently said he intended to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty. In your latest book, you said "some world leaders tend to talk loud but are very careful about actually launching wars". Do you think Trump is becoming an exception? 


Harari: I don't know about Trump in person. I am not specialist on the US. But so far, the world is still in the most peaceful era that we have ever seen. More people die today from eating too much than from human violence, which is an amazing achievement. But we need to remember that the current era of peace is not the result of some divine miracle. It is the result of humans making wise decisions, especially about greater international cooperation. 

If humans start making unwise decisions and if international cooperation deteriorates, war can return and even in a worse form than ever before, especially nuclear war.


By now, many people around the world forget about the danger of nuclear war. In the 1950s and 1960s, everybody was very much afraid that nuclear war is inevitable. But the Cold War ended peacefully and nobody used nuclear weapons since 1945. So people almost take it for granted and forget about it. But the danger is still there. If we are not careful, the result of greater international tensions might be a worst Cold War or even the eruption of the WWIII. 


When it comes to war, there is a built-in imbalance between wisdom and stupidity. It takes a lot of wise people to cooperate to make peace. But sometimes it is enough to have just one fool in order to make war. I am not referring to any leader in particular. The unfortunate imbalance in nature of the world makes it more difficult to have cooperation than war.


GT: Do we have enough wise politicians now?


Harari: I think political wisdom now is in short supply, especially because politicians lack a meaningful and positive vision for the future. 


When you look at the world today, you see that in many countries, politicians are no longer able to create meaningful visions for the future. Where will we be in 30 or 40 years? Instead, the only thing they offer people is nostalgic fantasies about the past. 

They imagine some golden era in the past and promise people that we'll go back there. This is just a fantasy. Both because the past wasn't great at all - I am a historian, I can tell you, it wasn't a lot of fun to live in the past - and because in any case we cannot go back there.


New technologies are completely changing the world, especially artificial intelligence (AI) and biotechnology. We need to build a new vision for the future, which takes into account the new technologies and the new danger of climate change. 


Unfortunately too many politicians around the world either don't understand the new challenges or they don't know what to do about it. So they retreat to these nostalgic fantasies. This is a great danger. Unless we are able to formulate a global positive vision for the future, we will not be able to deal with the problems of nuclear war, climate change and technological destruction.


GT: In China, many people are concerned about the trade war between China and the US. Where do you think it is headed? 


Harari: At present the trend is greater isolationism and less cooperation, first in trade and then in other fields. 

What I find even more peculiar is not the trade war between the US and China, which you can say it's natural because they are rivals in many ways, but the current US government attacking its own allies. It's undermining the traditional alliances that the US had with Canada, Mexico, Western Europe, Japan and South Korea. 


I really don't understand why the US government is doing it. But the result is the entire structure of cooperation, that was built over the decades, in the last generations, is being destabilized and undermined. Even if the US government changes its policies now, people are unlikely to trust it again, the way they did before. Let's say in 2020, Trump loses the election, the new US president does a U-turn and tries to strengthen ties with Canada, Germany and China. This time, people will not be able to trust the US like before. Because they will say, how can we know what the next president will do? If we have to wait every four years to know what will happen, we cannot build anything long-term. 


The basic trust between countries is being undermined, not just between the US and China, but also between the US and Canada, the US and Germany. This is very problematic and I guess one of the ways forward is to forge international cooperation and trust which is less focused on the US. All the other countries don't wait for the US to lead them and create global consensus, but to build a global consensus that can function no matter who is the president of the US.


GT: Quite a few foreign media, politicians and observers tend to ignore China's development over the past decades while focusing on their ideological divergences with Beijing. What's your take on the issue?


Harari: I think it's changing now. Everybody is realizing the immense development of China, that is becoming both economically and politically equal of the US. And the future of humankind in the 21st century depends to a large extent on the type of relations between these two superpowers. If they get into an arms race or a new kind of Cold War, especially in fields like AI, it will be the worst thing for the world. If there is an AI arms race, it means nobody will be able to regulate AI. Nobody would like to stop dangerous developments because they would fear the other side winning. This is the greatest danger that we are now facing. 


I hope that the US and China are able to overcome ideological differences, their tensions and so forth. At least to some extent, they should be able to cooperate in fields that are crucial for the survival of humankind. 

At present, tensions between the US and China have increased and there is less and less cooperation. I don't know how this can be reversed. Last month, I was in the US and now I am in China. What I try to do is to tell people, look, I am not an expert on US or China, there are legit concerns on both sides. But you need to, to some extent, look beyond all these controversies. When it comes to the really big issues, climate change or AI, unless we find a way to cooperate, it will be very bad for all of mankind.




GT: An old Chinese saying goes: "Those long divided shall be united; those long united shall be divided: such is the way of the universe." It describes the cycle of intense warfare at regular intervals. As a historian, what is your view about this cycle?


Harari: It's not completely accurate. If you look at the long-term development of history, you see that unity, in the long run, is stronger than division. Yes you see the empires rise and fall. You see cooperation and war again. But over the long run, you see greater and greater cooperation. 


10,000 years ago, mankind was divided into many small tribes, which had very little connection or cooperation. Now the entire world is part of a single civilization with very strong economic ties, a lot of agreements about political or cultural issues. Of course, there are disagreements, but the greatest disagreement we have is usually with our family members. We fight with our own family much more than with complete strangers. In the international arena, it is also like that. 


GT: Decades ago, people were discussing the advantages of globalization. But now a growing number of divergences among countries across the globe are seen and anti-globalization forces are rising. What caused such a dramatic change?


Harari: There are too many reasons. 

Like every major historical development, globalization is not all good. It has its down side. Some people lose their livelihood. Once people move from a dream about globalization to the reality, they realize it's not as good as we thought. There are problems, so opposition is growing. 

In the 20th century, the leaders of globalization are mostly the Western powers, first and foremost the US, and previously Britain. They gained a lot from globalization, free trade and so forth. But now they look around and realize, "yes, maybe we gained, but actually other countries like China gained far more, we don't want it so much." Now the previous leader of globalization is becoming the leader of the forces opposing globalization. 


But I think in the long run, everybody including the Americans should realize that good global connections serve the interests of everybody. If globalization falls apart, everybody will suffer, including Americans, not just because of economic hardships, but also because the three major problems of the 21st century, our global problems-nuclear war, climate change and technological destruction. If we don't have global cooperation, we cannot solve any of these problems. You cannot deal with climate change on the level of a single nation, and also cannot regulate AI and biotechnology just in one country. 


GT: But the future outlook of effective cooperation seems to be a bit pessimistic because more and more politicians are advocating "their own country first." What do you think?


Harari: I think you are right. This is really happening and is very dangerous. 

When I say we need global cooperation to solve global problems, it doesn't guarantee that people will actually do it. You have a lot of examples from history that people behave in destructive ways, in ways that don't really serve their best interests. So I hope we will be able to overcome this current trend of growing nationalism and isolationism. 

This is a part of what I try to do with my books - to change the conversation. 


When you have all these nationalist politicians that try to convince people to support them by talking about things like immigration, terrorism, one country losing jobs to another country… I try to change the conversation and tell them, yes, immigration and terrorism are all important problems, but they are not our most important problems. The most important problems are nuclear war, climate change and technological destruction. The only way to do something effective about theses three problems is global cooperation. So if you vote for some nationalist politicians, who undermine global cooperation, maybe this is effective against immigration and terrorism. But this guarantees that we will not be able to solve climate change and technological destruction.







"金庸的文化效应, 是哈利波特和星球大战的总和!"

