

Global Times 环球时报GlobalTimes 2019-03-29


在昨天的外交部记者例会上, 各国记者问了耿爽许多问题,涉及到方方面面,信息量real大!




Q: We saw a recent US media report saying that the US government has been secretly pressurizing its allies over the past year to join efforts and stop Huawei from participating in the global 5G networks construction. What is your comment?


A: I have seen relevant reports as well. First of all, I want to remind you that State Council Wang Yi two days ago made clear China's stern position on the issue of several countries cracking down on Chinese enterprises. He said that it is unfair and unethical for these countries to mobilize state power to blacken the names of and crack down on specific companies. Of course, one country has the right to protect the information security of its own, but that gives it no reason to impede or even strangle the lawful and legitimate operations of an enterprise, just based on some non-existent excuses and by the pretext of security. All countries should stay alerted to and resist such unreasonable actions of bullying.



The media report you mentioned, if my memory serves me right, was made by the New York Times. I would like to make two excerpts from the report. The first is that the US views, "combined with a lack of hard evidence implicating Huawei in any espionage, have prompted some countries to question whether America's campaign is really about national security or if it is aimed at preventing China from gaining a competitive edge". The second is that "so far, the fear swirling around Huawei is almost entirely theoretical. Current and former American officials whisper that classified reports implicate the company in possible Chinese espionage but have produced none publicly". These were the original words used by the New York Times.


Facts speak louder than words, and facts are laid bare for all to see. We urge the US to stop its unjustifiable bashing on Chinese enterprises, including Huawei. It should offer a fair and sound environment for the two-way investment and normal cooperation between Chinese and US enterprises and contribute to promoting mutual trust and cooperation between the two sides.








