

Du Qiongfang 环球时报GlobalTimes 2019-03-29











(Via CNN)

For decades, padded push-up bras, lace-lined bodysuits and slim, voluptuous Victoria's Secret models have shaped public perceptions of what "sexy" looks like. But a growing number of lingerie brands are responding to discontent from consumers who want to see themselves better represented.


From offering a wider range of cup sizes and "nude" shades, to celebrating diversity in campaigns and on runways, intimate apparel labels are selling more than bras. They're selling inclusivity, too.


How designers are changing the conversation around lingerie (via CNN)

内衣品牌诸如ThirdLove正在迎合越来越多样化的顾客群 (via CNN)

根据锡安市场研究(Zion Market Research)发布的报告,全球内衣市场规模将由2017年的380亿美元增长到2024年的590亿美元。而且,顾客的口味也发生了变化。




Customers are embracing lingerie that encompasses alternative forms of sex appeal, and increasingly buying from brands that prioritize body positivity, comfort and proper fit.


How designers are changing the conversation around lingerie (via CNN)



当ThirdLove 的联合创始人Heidi Zak在2011年推出这个品牌时,她只是想提供比她经常光顾的维多利亚的秘密更合身的内衣。

推出自己品牌的内衣前,Zak还在谷歌工作。有次公司要办聚会,她从维多利亚的秘密买了件内衣搭配当天的衣服,却发现不太合适。由此,她想到了一定还有好几百万的女性有着和她类似的经历。于是,她决心利用数字技术,设计更合身的内衣。有了基本的想法后,她邀请丈夫David Spector作为联合创始人,创建了在线内衣销售品牌ThirdLove。

Heidi Zak和丈夫David Spector (via Forbes)

Using 600 million data points across metrics including breast shape and cup fit, ThirdLove promotes half-cup sizes. Today, the online-only brand offers 78 different sizes -- and is worth an estimated $750 million, according to Forbes.


But offering more sizes can be an expensive endeavor. The inflexibility of factory production makes it difficult to cater to everyone, according to Cora Harrington, author of the book "In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie."

《内衣插图指南:如何选择、穿戴以及喜爱内衣》一书的作者Cora Harrington认为,提供更多尺寸选择意味着更多的投入,而工厂流水线产品又很难满足每个人的不同需求。

"There are so many parts to a bra, sizes and variations to breasts, that it's impossible for any one brand to service every single bra-wearing customer adequately," she said in a phone interview.


According to Harrington, who also founded the Lingerie Addict blog, a single bra can contain at least 20 individual components, including lace, closures and straps. For a luxury garment, this number can swell to 40 or 50, she said.

作为内衣博客Lingerie Addict的博主,Harrington介绍说一件内衣包含了至少20个组成部分,包括蕾丝,搭扣和松紧带等。对于奢侈品牌的内衣,组成配件还可能多达40到50个。

Add the precision sewing and pattern-making required to adjust for different sizes, then piece everything together, and it can create a product that costs more than "what people feel is appropriate to pay for a bra."


Rihanna's Savage X Fenty, for instance, produces lingerie for plus-size body types (up to 3X and 44DDD) in addition to straight sizes, with other labels going up to 46H or higher.

例如,蕾哈娜的内衣品牌Savage X Fenty,除了常规尺寸外,还为加大号的身材提供了3X和44DDD罩杯的内衣,其他一些品牌甚至有46H或更大的。

How designers are changing the conversation around lingerie (via CNN)

蕾哈娜的Savage X Fenty品牌在尺寸上提供更多选择性,提供不同深浅的“裸色”色调,以及起用多样化T台模特 (via Getty Images for Savage X Fenty/CNN)


The growing lingerie market is providing greater choice to another group of customers it has traditionally underserved: transgender shoppers.  


Montreal-based Origami Customs offers gender-affirming lingerie to transgender customers, among others. With trans visibility at an all-time high, the brand has doubled sales over the last four years, according to founder Rae Hill.

总部设在加拿大蒙特利尔的Origami Customs内衣品牌为变性者顾客提供内衣。Origami Customs创始人Rae Hill说,随着变性群体的壮大,这个品牌的销售在过去四年中翻了一番。

The label has recently expanded its line of binders, an undergarment used to flatten the chest, that it models on transmasculine customers. 


(Via Origami Customs and Rae Hill/CNN)

"I take the time to work with each customer one-on-one, and I do feel that this creates a level of safety and intimacy that isn't available in the mainstream market."


"Being sexy is as different as each one of us," Hill added. 


Racial diversity is also a growing force in the lingerie market. Take Rihanna's aforementioned label, which has been praised for producing a variety of "nude" tones for different skin colors. Similarly, ThirdLove's recent line of T-shirt bras offers nine shades of "naked."


How designers are changing the conversation around lingerie (via CNN)


Inclusivity isn't just about selling lingerie to diverse customers -- it's about doing so visibly. This means using models of all shapes, sizes and colors in fashion shows and campaigns.


Take Lonely Lingerie, for instance, which claims to portray women in a realistic way by refusing to use Photoshop -- or even hair and makeup stylists -- in its campaigns. The brand's models include women with 35 different bra sizes and from a variety of backgrounds.

拿Lonely Lingerie举例来说,这个品牌声称在他们的活动中,拒绝使用Photoshop,甚至不用发型师和化妆师,以现实的方式呈现女性形象。这个品牌的模特有35个内衣尺寸,而且她们来自不同的背景。

(Via Lonely Lingerie/CNN)

Founder Helene Morris said that, when she started the label in 2009, "there was no one in the lingerie world who was speaking in a way we related to at all." Her brand's "Lonely Girls" project featured senior models, breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women and disabled women, all photographed in natural light. 

品牌创始人Helene Morris说,当她2009年创立这个品牌时,“内衣界没有一个人以我们这种方式来呈现模特。”她品牌下的“Lonely Girls”系列以年长的模特,哺乳期的母亲、孕期的妇女,以及身有残疾的女性为特色,全都在自然光状态下拍摄。

"We really wanted to give the power ... to the person being shot -- how they want to be shot, how are they most comfortable and involving the woman in that process," Morris said in a phone interview.


How designers are changing the conversation around lingerie (via CNN)


整合:Du Qiongfang


图/题图:CNN, Forbes



